blob: 82b924bdc7286f9cf16eb35d0b13bbfac8e27db1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import os
import logging
import random
import string
import tempfile
from collections import OrderedDict
from base64 import b32decode, b32encode
from time import time
import errno
import warnings
import bson
from allura.lib.exceptions import InvalidRecoveryCode, MultifactorRateLimitError
from tg import config
from tg import app_globals as g
from paste.deploy.converters import asint
with warnings.catch_warnings(): # ignore py2 CryptographyDeprecationWarning
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.twofactor import InvalidToken
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.twofactor.totp import TOTP
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes import SHA1
import qrcode
from ming.odm import session
from allura.model.multifactor import RecoveryCode
from allura.lib.utils import umask
import six
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def check_rate_limit(num_allowed, time_allowed, attempts):
:param int num_allowed:
:param int time_allowed:
:param list[int] attempts:
:return: tuple: ok (bool), attempts still in window (list[int])
attempts_in_limit = []
now = int(time())
for prev_attempt in attempts:
if now - prev_attempt <= time_allowed:
ok = len(attempts_in_limit) <= num_allowed
return ok, attempts_in_limit
class TotpService:
An interface for handling multifactor auth TOTP secret keys. Common functionality
is provided in this base class, and specific subclasses implement different storage options.
A provider must implement :meth:`get_secret_key` and :meth:`set_secret_key` and :meth:`enforce_rate_limit`
To use a new provider, expose an entry point in
mytotp =
Then in your .ini file, set ``auth.multifactor.totp.service=mytotp``
def get(cls):
:rtype: TotpService
method = config.get('auth.multifactor.totp.service', 'mongodb')
return g.entry_points['multifactor_totp'][method]()
def Totp(self, key):
# simple constructor helper
if not key:
key = os.urandom(20) # == 160 bytes which is recommended
totp = TOTP(key,
asint(config.get('auth.multifactor.totp.length', 6)),
asint(config.get('auth.multifactor.totp.time', 30)),
totp.key = key # for convenience, else you have to use `totp._hotp._key`
return totp
def verify(self, totp, code, user):
code = code.replace(' ', '') # Google authenticator puts a space in their codes
code = six.ensure_binary(code) # can't be text
# TODO prohibit re-use of a successful code, although it seems unlikely with a 30s window
# see paragraph 5
# try the 1 previous time-window and current
# per paragraph 1
windows = asint(config.get('', 2))
for time_window in range(windows):
return totp.verify(code, time() - time_window*30)
except InvalidToken:
last_window = (time_window == windows - 1)
if last_window:
def get_totp(self, user):
:param user: a :class:`User <allura.model.auth.User>`
key = self.get_secret_key(user)
return self.Totp(key)
def get_qr_code(self, totp, user, **qrcode_params):
qrcode_params.setdefault('box_size', 5)
uri = totp.get_provisioning_uri(user.username, config['site_name'])
qr = qrcode.make(uri, **qrcode_params)
return qr
def get_secret_key(self, user):
:param user: a :class:`User <allura.model.auth.User>`
:return: key
raise NotImplementedError('get_secret_key')
def set_secret_key(self, user, key):
:param user: a :class:`User <allura.model.auth.User>`
:param bytes|None key: may be `None` to clear out a key
raise NotImplementedError('set_secret_key')
def enforce_rate_limit(self, user):
:param user: a :class:`User <allura.model.auth.User>`
:raises: MultifactorRateLimitError
raise NotImplementedError('enforce_rate_limit')
class MongodbMultifactorCommon:
def enforce_rate_limit(self, user):
prev_attempts = user.get_tool_data('allura', 'multifactor_attempts') or []
num_allowed = asint(config.get('auth.multifactor.rate_limit.num', 3))
time_allowed = asint(config.get('auth.multifactor.rate_limit.time', 30))
ok, attempts_in_limit = check_rate_limit(num_allowed, time_allowed, prev_attempts)
user.set_tool_data('allura', multifactor_attempts=attempts_in_limit)
if not ok:
raise MultifactorRateLimitError
class MongodbTotpService(MongodbMultifactorCommon, TotpService):
Store in TOTP keys in mongodb.
def get_secret_key(self, user):
from allura import model as M
if user.is_anonymous():
return None
record = M.TotpKey.query.get(user_id=user._id)
if record and record.key:
return bytes(record.key)
def set_secret_key(self, user, key):
from allura import model as M
if key is not None:
key = bson.binary.Binary(key)
M.TotpKey.query.update({'user_id': user._id},
{'user_id': user._id, 'key': key},
class GoogleAuthenticatorFile:
Parse & write server-side .google_authenticator files for PAM.
def __init__(self):
self.key = None
self.options = OrderedDict()
self.recovery_codes = []
def load(cls, contents):
gaf = GoogleAuthenticatorFile()
lines = contents.split('\n')
b32key = lines[0]
padding = '=' * (-len(b32key) % 8)
gaf.key = b32decode(b32key + padding)
for line in lines[1:]:
if line.startswith('" '):
opt_value = line[2:]
if ' ' in opt_value:
opt, value = opt_value.split(' ', 1)
opt = opt_value
value = None
gaf.options[opt] = value
elif line:
return gaf
def dump(self):
lines = []
lines.append(six.ensure_text(b32encode(self.key)).replace('=', ''))
for opt, value in self.options.items():
parts = ['"', opt]
if value is not None:
lines.append(' '.join(parts))
lines += self.recovery_codes
return '\n'.join(lines)
class GoogleAuthenticatorPamFilesystemMixin:
def basedir(self):
return config['auth.multifactor.totp.filesystem.basedir']
def config_file(self, user):
username = user.username
if '/' in username:
raise ValueError('Insecure username contains "/": %s' % username)
return os.path.join(self.basedir, username, '.google_authenticator')
def read_file(self, user, autocreate=False):
if autocreate:
userdir = os.path.dirname(self.config_file(user))
if not os.path.exists(userdir):
os.makedirs(userdir, 0o700)
with open(self.config_file(user)) as f:
return GoogleAuthenticatorFile.load(
except OSError as e:
if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: # file doesn't exist
if autocreate:
gaf = GoogleAuthenticatorFile()
gaf.options['RATE_LIMIT'] = '{} {}'.format(
asint(config.get('auth.multifactor.rate_limit.num', 3)),
asint(config.get('auth.multifactor.rate_limit.time', 30)))
gaf.options['DISALLOW_REUSE'] = None
gaf.options['TOTP_AUTH'] = None
return gaf
return None
def write_file(self, user, gaf):
conf_file = self.config_file(user)
# using a tmp file and rename is atomic, and how PAM module does it
# see `write_file_contents` in libpam/src/pam_google_authenticator.c
# 377 umask gives 400 permissions, which matches how the PAM module does it (600 would be fine too)
with umask(0o377), tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w',
delete=False) as f:
os.rename(, conf_file)
def enforce_rate_limit(self, user, existing_gaf=None):
if existing_gaf:
gaf = existing_gaf
gaf = self.read_file(user)
if not gaf:
rate_limits = gaf.options['RATE_LIMIT'].split(' ')
num_allowed = int(rate_limits.pop(0))
time_allowed = int(rate_limits.pop(0))
prev_attempts = list(map(int, rate_limits))
ok, attempts_in_limit = check_rate_limit(num_allowed, time_allowed, prev_attempts)
gaf.options['RATE_LIMIT'] = ' '.join(map(str, [num_allowed, time_allowed] + attempts_in_limit))
if not existing_gaf:
self.write_file(user, gaf)
if not ok:
raise MultifactorRateLimitError
class GoogleAuthenticatorPamFilesystemTotpService(GoogleAuthenticatorPamFilesystemMixin, TotpService):
Store in home directories, compatible with the TOTP PAM module for Google Authenticator
def get_secret_key(self, user):
gaf = self.read_file(user)
if gaf:
return gaf.key
return None
def set_secret_key(self, user, key):
if key is None:
# this also deletes the recovery keys, since they're stored in the same file
gaf = self.read_file(user, autocreate=True)
gaf.key = key
self.write_file(user, gaf)
class RecoveryCodeService:
An interface for handling multifactor recovery codes. Common functionality
is provided in this base class, and specific subclasses implement different storage options.
A provider must implement :meth:`get_codes`, :meth:`replace_codes`, and :meth:`verify_and_remove_code`.
To use a new provider, expose an entry point in
myrecovery =
Then in your .ini file, set ``auth.multifactor.recovery_code.service=myrecovery``
def get(cls):
:rtype: RecoveryCodeService
method = config.get('auth.multifactor.recovery_code.service', 'mongodb')
return g.entry_points['multifactor_recovery_code'][method]()
def generate_one_code(self):
# for compatibility with Google PAM file, we only do digits
length = asint(config.get('auth.multifactor.recovery_code.length', 8))
return ''.join([random.choice(string.digits) for i in range(length)])
def regenerate_codes(self, user):
Regenerate and replace existing codes
:param user: a :class:`User <allura.model.auth.User>`
:return: codes, ``list[str]``
count = asint(config.get('auth.multifactor.recovery_code.count', 10))
codes = [
self.generate_one_code() for i in range(count)
self.replace_codes(user, codes)
return codes
def delete_all(self, user):
return self.replace_codes(user, [])
def get_codes(self, user):
:param user: a :class:`User <allura.model.auth.User>`
:return: list[str]
raise NotImplementedError('get_codes')
def replace_codes(self, user, codes):
:param user: a :class:`User <allura.model.auth.User>`
raise NotImplementedError('replace_codes')
def verify_and_remove_code(self, user, code):
Verify and remove recovery codes. Also check for rate limiting.
:param user: a :class:`User <allura.model.auth.User>`
:param code: str
:raises: InvalidRecoveryCode
:raises: MultifactorRateLimitError
raise NotImplementedError('verify_and_remove_code')
class MongodbRecoveryCodeService(MongodbMultifactorCommon, RecoveryCodeService):
def get_codes(self, user):
return [rc.code for rc in
RecoveryCode.query.find({'user_id': user._id}).sort('_id')]
def replace_codes(self, user, codes):
RecoveryCode.query.remove({'user_id': user._id})
for code in codes:
rc = RecoveryCode(user_id=user._id, code=code)
def verify_and_remove_code(self, user, code):
rc = RecoveryCode.query.get(user_id=user._id, code=code)
if rc:
return True
raise InvalidRecoveryCode
class GoogleAuthenticatorPamFilesystemRecoveryCodeService(GoogleAuthenticatorPamFilesystemMixin, RecoveryCodeService):
def get_codes(self, user):
gaf = self.read_file(user)
if gaf:
return gaf.recovery_codes
return []
def replace_codes(self, user, codes):
gaf = self.read_file(user)
if gaf:
gaf.recovery_codes = codes
self.write_file(user, gaf)
elif codes:
raise OSError('No .google-authenticator file exists, cannot add recovery codes.')
def verify_and_remove_code(self, user, code):
gaf = self.read_file(user)
if gaf:
self.enforce_rate_limit(user, gaf)
if code in gaf.recovery_codes:
return True
# write both rate limit & recovery code changes
self.write_file(user, gaf)
raise InvalidRecoveryCode