blob: 46703b1426e14f86a3d64e43cbb6643113532b13 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from unittest import TestCase, skipIf
from os import path
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import time
import PIL
from mock import Mock, patch
from tg import tmpl_context as c
from import module_not_available
from webob import Request
from webob.exc import HTTPUnauthorized
from ming.orm import ThreadLocalORMSession
from markupsafe import Markup
import pytest
from allura import model as M
from allura.lib import exceptions as exc
from allura.lib import helpers as h
from import inject_user
from import has_access
from import Credentials
from allura.tests import decorators as td
from alluratest.pytest_helpers import with_nose_compatibility
from alluratest.controller import setup_basic_test
import six
def setup_module():
"""Method called by nose before running each test"""
class TestMakeSafePathPortion(TestCase):
def setup_method(self, method):
self.f = h.make_safe_path_portion
def test_no_ascii_chars(self):
s = self.f('Задачи', relaxed=False)
self.assertEqual(s, '')
def test_some_ascii_chars(self):
s = self.f('aßbƒ', relaxed=False)
self.assertEqual(s, 'ab')
def test_strict_mount_point_names(self):
s = self.f('1this+is.illegal', relaxed=False)
self.assertEqual(s, 'this-is-illegal')
s = self.f('this-1-is-legal', relaxed=False)
self.assertEqual(s, 'this-1-is-legal')
s = self.f('THIS-IS-Illegal', relaxed=False)
self.assertEqual(s, 'this-is-illegal')
def test_relaxed_mount_point_names(self):
s = self.f('')
self.assertEqual(s, '')
s = self.f('not*_legal')
self.assertEqual(s, 'not-legal')
s = self.f('THIS-IS-Illegal')
self.assertEqual(s, 'THIS-IS-Illegal')
def test_escape_json():
inputdata = {"foo": "bar</script><img src=foobar onerror=alert(1)>"}
outputsample = '{"foo": "bar\\u003c/script\\u003e\\u003cimg src=foobar onerror=alert(1)\\u003e"}'
outputdata = h.escape_json(inputdata)
assert outputdata == outputsample
def test_strip_bad_unicode():
inputdata = 'Hello\x08World\t\n\rfoo bar\x1E'
outputsample = 'HelloWorld\t\n\rfoo bar'
outputdata = h.strip_bad_unicode(inputdata)
assert outputdata == outputsample
def test_really_unicode():
here_dir = path.dirname(__file__)
s = h.really_unicode(b'asdf')
assert s.startswith('asdf'), repr(s)
s = h.really_unicode(b'\xef\xbb\xbf<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>')
assert s.startswith('\ufeff'), repr(s)
s = h.really_unicode(
open(path.join(here_dir, 'data/unicode_test.txt')).read())
assert isinstance(s, str)
# try non-ascii string in legacy 8bit encoding
# ensure invalid encodings are handled gracefully
s = h._attempt_encodings(b'foo', ['LKDJFLDK'])
assert isinstance(s, str)
# unicode stays the same
assert h.really_unicode('¬∂•°‹') == '¬∂•°‹'
# other types are handled too
assert h.really_unicode(1234) == '1234'
assert h.really_unicode(datetime(2020, 1, 1)) == '2020-01-01 00:00:00'
assert h.really_unicode(None) == ''
# markup stays markup
s = h.really_unicode(Markup('<b>test</b>'))
assert isinstance(s, str)
assert isinstance(s, Markup)
assert s == '<b>test</b>'
def test_find_project():
proj, rest = h.find_project('/p/test/foo')
assert proj.shortname == 'test'
assert == 'Projects'
proj, rest = h.find_project('/p/testable/foo')
assert proj is None
def test_make_roles():
h.set_context('test', 'wiki', neighborhood='Projects')
pr = M.ProjectRole.anonymous()
assert next(h.make_roles([pr._id])) == pr
def test_make_app_admin_only():
h.set_context('test', 'wiki', neighborhood='Projects')
anon = M.User.anonymous()
dev = M.User.query.get(username='test-user')
admin = M.User.query.get(username='test-admin')
c.project.add_user(dev, ['Developer'])
assert has_access(, 'read', user=anon)()
assert has_access(, 'read', user=dev)()
assert has_access(, 'read', user=admin)()
assert not has_access(, 'create', user=anon)()
assert has_access(, 'create', user=dev)()
assert has_access(, 'create', user=admin)()
assert not has_access(, 'read', user=anon)()
assert not has_access(, 'read', user=dev)()
assert has_access(, 'read', user=admin)()
assert not has_access(, 'create', user=anon)()
assert not has_access(, 'create', user=dev)()
assert has_access(, 'create', user=admin)()
assert not
assert not
def test_context_setters():
h.set_context('test', 'wiki', neighborhood='Projects')
assert c.project is not None
assert is not None
cfg_id =
h.set_context('test', app_config_id=cfg_id, neighborhood='Projects')
assert c.project is not None
assert is not None
h.set_context('test', app_config_id=str(cfg_id), neighborhood='Projects')
assert c.project is not None
assert is not None
c.project = = None
with h.push_context('test', 'wiki', neighborhood='Projects'):
assert c.project is not None
assert is not None
assert c.project == and is None
with h.push_context('test', app_config_id=cfg_id, neighborhood='Projects'):
assert c.project is not None
assert is not None
assert c.project == and is None
with h.push_context('test', app_config_id=str(cfg_id), neighborhood='Projects'):
assert c.project is not None
assert is not None
assert c.project == and is None
del c.project
with h.push_context('test', app_config_id=str(cfg_id), neighborhood='Projects'):
assert c.project is not None
assert is not None
assert not hasattr(c, 'project')
assert not hasattr(c, 'app')
def test_encode_keys():
kw = h.encode_keys({'foo': 5})
assert isinstance(list(kw.keys())[0], str)
def test_ago():
assert h.ago(datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=2)) == '2 days ago'
assert h.ago(datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=2)) == 'in 2 days'
assert h.ago_ts(time.time() - 60 * 60 * 2) == '2 hours ago'
d_str = (datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=3)).isoformat()
assert h.ago_string(d_str) == '3 hours ago'
assert h.ago_string('bad format') == 'unknown'
assert h.ago_string(None) == 'unknown'
monthish = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=32)
assert 'ago' not in h.ago(monthish)
assert h.ago(monthish, show_date_after=90) == '1 month ago'
assert h.ago(monthish, show_date_after=None) == '1 month ago'
monthish = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=32)
assert 'in ' not in h.ago(monthish)
assert h.ago(monthish, show_date_after=90) == 'in 1 month'
assert h.ago(monthish, show_date_after=None) == 'in 1 month'
def test_urlquote_unicode():
# No exceptions please
assert '%D0%90' == h.urlquote('\u0410')
assert '%D0%90' == h.urlquoteplus('\u0410')
assert '%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B2%D1%96%D1%82.txt' == h.urlquote('привіт.txt')
def test_sharded_path():
assert h.sharded_path('foobar') == 'f/fo'
def test_paging_sanitizer():
test_data = {
# input (limit, page, total, zero-based): output (limit, page)
(0, 0, 0): (1, 0),
('1', '1', 1): (1, 0),
(5, '10', 25): (5, 4),
('5', 10, 25, False): (5, 5),
(5, '-1', 25): (5, 0),
('5', -1, 25, False): (5, 1),
(5, '3', 25): (5, 3),
('5', 3, 25, False): (5, 3),
(9999999, 0, 0): (500, 0),
(10, None, 0): (10, 0),
(10, 0): (10, 0),
('junk', 'more junk'): (25, 0),
for input, output in test_data.items():
assert (h.paging_sanitizer(*input)) == output
def test_render_any_markup_empty():
assert h.render_any_markup('foo', '') == '<p><em>Empty File</em></p>'
def test_render_any_markup_plain():
assert (
'readme.txt', '<b>blah</b>\n<script>alert(1)</script>\nfoo') ==
def test_render_any_markup_formatting():
assert (str(h.render_any_markup('', '### foo\n'
' <script>alert(1)</script> bar')) ==
'<div class="markdown_content"><h3 id="foo">foo</h3>\n'
'<div class="codehilite"><pre><span></span><code><span class="nt">'
'&lt;script&gt;</span>alert(1)<span class="nt">'
'&lt;/script&gt;</span> bar\n</code></pre></div>\n</div>')
def test_render_any_markdown_encoding():
# send encoded content in, make sure it converts it to actual unicode object which Markdown lib needs
assert (h.render_any_markup('', 'Müller'.encode()) ==
'<div class="markdown_content"><p>Müller</p></div>')
class AuditLogMock(Mock):
logs = list()
def log(cls, message):
@patch('allura.model.AuditLog', new=AuditLogMock)
def test_log_if_changed():
artifact = Mock()
artifact.value = 'test'
# change
h.log_if_changed(artifact, 'value', 'changed', 'updated value')
assert artifact.value == 'changed'
assert len(AuditLogMock.logs) == 1
assert AuditLogMock.logs[0] == 'updated value'
# don't change
h.log_if_changed(artifact, 'value', 'changed', 'updated value')
assert artifact.value == 'changed'
assert len(AuditLogMock.logs) == 1
assert AuditLogMock.logs[0] == 'updated value'
def test_get_tool_packages():
assert h.get_tool_packages('tickets') == ['forgetracker']
assert h.get_tool_packages('Tickets') == ['forgetracker']
assert h.get_tool_packages('wrong_tool') == []
def test_get_first():
assert h.get_first({}, 'title') == None
assert h.get_first({'title': None}, 'title') == None
assert h.get_first({'title': 'Value'}, 'title') == 'Value'
assert h.get_first({'title': ['Value']}, 'title') == 'Value'
assert h.get_first({'title': []}, 'title') == None
assert h.get_first({'title': ['Value']}, 'title') == 'Value'
def test_inject_user(context):
user = Mock(username='user01')
assert inject_user(None, user) == None
assert inject_user('', user) == ''
assert inject_user('query', user) == 'query'
result = inject_user('reported_by_s:$USER OR assigned_to_s:$USER', user)
assert result == 'reported_by_s:"user01" OR assigned_to_s:"user01"'
context.user = Mock(username='admin1')
result = inject_user('reported_by_s:$USER OR assigned_to_s:$USER')
assert result == 'reported_by_s:"admin1" OR assigned_to_s:"admin1"'
context.user = Mock(username='*anonymous')
result = inject_user('reported_by_s:$USER OR assigned_to_s:$USER')
assert (
result == 'reported_by_s:"*anonymous" OR assigned_to_s:"*anonymous"')
def test_datetimeformat():
from datetime import date
assert h.datetimeformat(date(2013, 1, 1)) == '2013-01-01 00:00:00'
def test_nl2br_jinja_filter():
assert (h.nl2br_jinja_filter('foo<script>alert(1)</script>\nbar\nbaz') ==
def test_split_select_field_options():
assert (h.split_select_field_options('"test message" test2') ==
['test message', 'test2'])
assert (h.split_select_field_options('"test message test2') ==
['test', 'message', 'test2'])
assert (h.split_select_field_options('abc ƒå∂ ººº') ==
['abc', 'ƒå∂', 'ººº'])
def test_notifications_disabled():
project = Mock(notifications_disabled=False)
with h.notifications_disabled(project):
assert project.notifications_disabled == True
assert project.notifications_disabled == False
@skipIf(module_not_available('html2text'), 'html2text required')
def test_plain2markdown_with_html2text():
"""Test plain2markdown using html2text to escape markdown, if available."""
text = '''paragraph
4 spaces before this
here's a <tag> that should be <b>preserved</b>
Literal &gt; &Ograve; &frac14; &amp; &#38; &#x123F;
M & Ms - doesn't get escaped - not escaped either
expected = r'''paragraph
4 spaces before this
here's a &lt;tag&gt; that should be &lt;b&gt;preserved&lt;/b&gt;
Literal &amp;gt; &amp;Ograve; &amp;frac14; &amp;amp; &amp;\#38; &amp;\#x123F;
M & Ms - doesn't get escaped - not escaped either
assert h.plain2markdown(text) == expected
assert h.plain2markdown('a foo bar\n\n code here?',
preserve_multiple_spaces=True) == \
'a foo&nbsp; bar\n\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; code here?'
assert h.plain2markdown('\ttab before (stuff)',
preserve_multiple_spaces=True) == \
r'&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; tab before \(stuff\)'
assert h.plain2markdown('\ttab before (stuff)',
preserve_multiple_spaces=False) == \
r'tab before \(stuff\)'
def test_plain2markdown():
"""Test plain2markdown using fallback regexp to escape markdown.
Potentially MD-special characters are aggresively escaped, as without
knowledge of the MD parsing rules it's better to be excessive but safe.
text = '''paragraph
4 spaces before this
here's a <tag> that should be <b>preserved</b>
Literal &gt; &Ograve; &frac14; &amp; &#38; &#x123F;
M & Ms - amp doesn't get escaped - not escaped either
back\\-slash escaped
expected = r'''paragraph
4 spaces before this
here's a &lt;tag&gt; that should be &lt;b&gt;preserved&lt;/b&gt;
Literal &amp;gt; &amp;Ograve; &amp;frac14; &amp;amp; &amp;\#38; &amp;\#x123F;
M & Ms \- amp doesn't get escaped
http://blah\.com/?x=y&a=b \- not escaped either
back\\\-slash escaped
assert h.plain2markdown(text) == expected
assert h.plain2markdown('a foo bar\n\n code here?',
preserve_multiple_spaces=True) == \
'a foo&nbsp; bar\n\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; code here?'
assert h.plain2markdown('\ttab before (stuff)',
preserve_multiple_spaces=True) == \
r'&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; tab before \(stuff\)'
assert h.plain2markdown('\ttab before (stuff)',
preserve_multiple_spaces=False) == \
r'tab before \(stuff\)'
class TestUrlOpen(TestCase):
def test_no_error(self, urlopen):
r = h.urlopen('myurl')
self.assertEqual(r, urlopen.return_value)
urlopen.assert_called_once_with('myurl', timeout=None)
def test_socket_timeout(self, urlopen):
import socket
def side_effect(url, timeout=None):
raise socket.timeout()
urlopen.side_effect = side_effect
self.assertRaises(socket.timeout, h.urlopen, 'myurl')
self.assertEqual(urlopen.call_count, 4)
def test_socket_reset(self, urlopen):
import socket
import errno
def side_effect(url, timeout=None):
raise OSError(errno.ECONNRESET, 'Connection reset by peer')
urlopen.side_effect = side_effect
self.assertRaises(socket.error, h.urlopen, 'myurl')
self.assertEqual(urlopen.call_count, 4)
def test_handled_http_error(self, urlopen):
from six.moves.urllib.error import HTTPError
def side_effect(url, timeout=None):
raise HTTPError('url', 408, 'timeout', None, None)
urlopen.side_effect = side_effect
self.assertRaises(HTTPError, h.urlopen, 'myurl')
self.assertEqual(urlopen.call_count, 4)
def test_unhandled_http_error(self, urlopen):
from six.moves.urllib.error import HTTPError
def side_effect(url, timeout=None):
raise HTTPError('url', 404, 'timeout', None, None)
urlopen.side_effect = side_effect
self.assertRaises(HTTPError, h.urlopen, 'myurl')
self.assertEqual(urlopen.call_count, 1)
def test_absurl():
assert h.absurl('/p/test/foobar') == 'http://localhost/p/test/foobar'
def test_daterange():
assert (
list(h.daterange(datetime(2013, 1, 1), datetime(2013, 1, 4))) ==
[datetime(2013, 1, 1), datetime(2013, 1, 2), datetime(2013, 1, 3)])
@patch.object(h, 'request',
new=Request.blank('/p/test/foobar', base_url=''))
def test_login_overlay():
with h.login_overlay():
raise HTTPUnauthorized()
with h.login_overlay(exceptions=['foo']):
raise HTTPUnauthorized()
with td.raises(HTTPUnauthorized):
with h.login_overlay(exceptions=['foobar']):
raise HTTPUnauthorized()
class TestIterEntryPoints(TestCase):
def _make_ep(self, name, cls):
m = Mock() = name
m.load.return_value = cls
return m
@patch.dict(, {'disable_entry_points.allura': 'myapp'})
def test_disabled(self, pkg_resources):
pkg_resources.iter_entry_points.return_value = [
self._make_ep('myapp', object)]
self.assertEqual([], list(h.iter_entry_points('allura')))
def test_subclassed_ep(self, pkg_resources):
class App:
class BetterApp(App):
pkg_resources.iter_entry_points.return_value = [
self._make_ep('myapp', App),
self._make_ep('myapp', BetterApp)]
eps = list(h.iter_entry_points('allura'))
self.assertEqual(len(eps), 1)
self.assertEqual(BetterApp, eps[0].load())
def test_ambiguous_eps(self, pkg_resources):
class App:
class BetterApp(App):
class BestApp:
pkg_resources.iter_entry_points.return_value = [
self._make_ep('myapp', App),
self._make_ep('myapp', BetterApp),
self._make_ep('myapp', BestApp)]
r'Ambiguous \[allura\] entry points detected. '
'Multiple entry points with name "myapp".',
list, h.iter_entry_points('allura'))
def test_get_user_status():
user = M.User.by_username('test-admin')
assert h.get_user_status(user) == 'enabled'
user = Mock(disabled=True, pending=False)
assert h.get_user_status(user) == 'disabled'
user = Mock(disabled=False, pending=True)
assert h.get_user_status(user) == 'pending'
user = Mock(disabled=True, pending=True) # not an expected combination
assert h.get_user_status(user) == 'disabled'
def test_convert_bools():
assert (h.convert_bools({'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'false', 'abc': 0, 'def': 1, 'ghi': True}) ==
{'foo': 'bar', 'baz': False, 'abc': 0, 'def': 1, 'ghi': True})
assert (h.convert_bools({'foo': 'true', 'baz': ' TRUE '}) ==
{'foo': True, 'baz': True})
assert (h.convert_bools({'foo': 'true', 'baz': ' TRUE '}, prefix='ba') ==
{'foo': 'true', 'baz': True})
def test_base64uri_img():
img_file = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'user.png')
with open(img_file, 'rb') as img_file_handle:
img =
b64img = h.base64uri(img)
assert b64img.startswith('data:image/png;base64,'), b64img[:100]
assert len(b64img) > 500
def test_base64uri_text():
b64txt = h.base64uri('blah blah blah\n123 456\nfoo bar baz', mimetype='text/plain')
assert b64txt == 'data:text/plain;base64,YmxhaCBibGFoIGJsYWgKMTIzIDQ1Ngpmb28gYmFyIGJheg=='
b64txt = h.base64uri('blah blah blah\n123 456\nfoo bar baz', mimetype='text/plain', windows_line_endings=True)
assert b64txt == 'data:text/plain;base64,YmxhaCBibGFoIGJsYWgNCjEyMyA0NTYNCmZvbyBiYXIgYmF6'
def test_slugify():
assert h.slugify('Foo Bar Bat')[0] == 'Foo-Bar-Bat'
assert h.slugify('Foo_Bar')[0] == 'Foo_Bar'
assert h.slugify('Foo ')[0] == 'Foo'
assert h.slugify(' Foo ')[0] == 'Foo'
assert h.slugify('" Foo ')[0] == 'Foo'
assert h.slugify('Fôö')[0] == 'Foo'
assert h.slugify('Foo.Bar')[0] == 'Foo-Bar'
assert h.slugify('Foo.Bar', True)[0] == 'Foo.Bar'
class TestRateLimit(TestCase):
rate_limits = '{"60": 1, "120": 3, "900": 5, "1800": 7, "3600": 10, "7200": 15, "86400": 20, "604800": 50, "2592000": 200}'
key_comment = 'allura.rate_limits_per_user'
def test(self):
# Keys are number of seconds, values are max number allowed until that time period is reached
with h.push_config(, **{self.key_comment: self.rate_limits}):
now = datetime.utcnow()
start_date = now - timedelta(seconds=30)
h.rate_limit(self.key_comment, 0, start_date)
with pytest.raises(exc.RatelimitError):
h.rate_limit(self.key_comment, 1, start_date)
start_date = now - timedelta(seconds=61)
h.rate_limit(self.key_comment, 1, start_date)
h.rate_limit(self.key_comment, 2, start_date)
with pytest.raises(exc.RatelimitError):
h.rate_limit(self.key_comment, 3, start_date)
start_date = now - timedelta(seconds=86301)
h.rate_limit(self.key_comment, 19, start_date)
with pytest.raises(exc.RatelimitError):
h.rate_limit(self.key_comment, 20, start_date)
start_date = now - timedelta(seconds=86401)
h.rate_limit(self.key_comment, 21, start_date)
h.rate_limit(self.key_comment, 49, start_date)
with pytest.raises(exc.RatelimitError):
h.rate_limit(self.key_comment, 50, start_date)
def test_hide_private_info():
assert h.hide_private_info(None) == None
assert h.hide_private_info('') == ''
assert h.hide_private_info('foo bar') == 'foo bar baz@...'
assert h.hide_private_info('some <>\nor asdf+asdf.f@g.f.x') == 'some <1@...>\nor asdf+asdf.f@...'
safe_markup_converted = h.hide_private_info(Markup('foo bar'))
assert type(safe_markup_converted) == Markup
assert safe_markup_converted == Markup('foo bar baz@...')
with h.push_config(, hide_private_info=False):
assert h.hide_private_info('foo bar') == 'foo bar'
def test_emojize():
assert h.emojize(':smile:') == '😄'
def test_querystring():
req = Request.blank('/p/test/foobar?page=1&limit=10&count=100', remote_addr='',
assert (h.querystring(req, dict(page=2, limit=5)) ==
assert (h.querystring(req, dict(page=5, limit=2, count=None)) ==