blob: d7479b3d2a732e4a17284d88d35aba99b83e1d1c [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
import urllib
import urllib2
from collections import defaultdict
import traceback
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
from tg import expose, validate, flash, redirect, config
from tg.decorators import with_trailing_slash
from pylons import app_globals as g
from pylons import tmpl_context as c
from formencode import validators as fev, schema
from webob import exc
from allura.lib.decorators import require_post
from allura.lib.decorators import task
from import require_access
from allura.lib.plugin import ProjectRegistrationProvider, AdminExtension
from allura.lib import helpers as h
from allura.lib import exceptions
from allura.lib import validators as v
from import SitemapEntry
from allura import model as M
from paste.deploy.converters import aslist
from ming.utils import LazyProperty
from allura.controllers import BaseController
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ProjectImportForm(schema.Schema):
def __init__(self, source):
super(ProjectImportForm, self).__init__()
provider = ProjectRegistrationProvider.get()
self.add_field('tools', ToolsValidator(source))
self.add_field('project_shortname', provider.shortname_validator)
self.allow_extra_fields = True
neighborhood = fev.PlainText(not_empty=True)
project_name = fev.UnicodeString(not_empty=True, max=40)
class ToolImportForm(schema.Schema):
def __init__(self, tool_class):
super(ToolImportForm, self).__init__()
self.add_field('mount_point', v.MountPointValidator(tool_class))
mount_label = fev.UnicodeString()
class ImportErrorHandler(object):
def __init__(self, importer, project_name, project):
self.importer = importer
self.project_name = project_name
self.project = project
def __enter__(self):
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
if exc_type:
def import_tool(importer_name, project_name=None, mount_point=None, mount_label=None, **kw):
importer = ToolImporter.by_name(importer_name)
with ImportErrorHandler(importer, project_name, c.project):
importer.import_tool(c.project, c.user, project_name=project_name,
mount_point=mount_point, mount_label=mount_label, **kw)
class ProjectExtractor(object):
"""Base class for project extractors.
Subclasses should use :meth:`urlopen` to make HTTP requests, as it provides
a custom User-Agent and automatically retries timed-out requests.
def __init__(self, project_name, page_name=None, **kw):
self.project_name = project_name
self._page_cache = {}
self.url = None = None
if page_name:
self.get_page(page_name, **kw)
def urlopen(url, retries=3, codes=(408,), **kw):
req = urllib2.Request(url, **kw)
req.add_header('User-Agent', 'Allura Data Importer (')
return h.urlopen(req, retries=retries, codes=codes)
def get_page(self, page_name_or_url, parser=None, **kw):
"""Return a Beautiful soup object for the given page name or url.
If a page name is provided, the associated url is looked up in
If provided, the class or callable passed in :param:`parser` will be
used to transform the result of the `urlopen` before returning it.
Otherwise, the class's :meth:`parse_page` will be used.
Results are cached so that subsequent calls for the same page name or
url will return the cached result rather than making another HTTP
if page_name_or_url in self.PAGE_MAP:
self.url = self.get_page_url(page_name_or_url, **kw)
self.url = page_name_or_url
if self.url in self._page_cache: = self._page_cache[self.url]
if parser is None:
parser = self.parse_page = self._page_cache[self.url] = \
def get_page_url(self, page_name, **kw):
"""Return the url associated with ``page_name``.
Raises KeyError if ``page_name`` is not in :attr:`PAGE_MAP`.
return self.PAGE_MAP[page_name].format(
project_name = urllib.quote(self.project_name), **kw)
def parse_page(self, page):
"""Transforms the result of a `urlopen` call before returning it from
The default implementation create a :class:`BeautifulSoup` object from
the html.
Subclasses can override to change the behavior or handle other types
of content (like JSON). The parser can also be overridden via the
`parser` parameter to :meth:`get_page`
:param page: A file-like object return from :meth:`urlopen`
return BeautifulSoup(page)
class ProjectImporter(BaseController):
Base class for project importers.
Subclasses are required to implement the :meth:`index()` and
:meth:`process()` views described below.
source = None
process_validator = None
index_template = None
def __init__(self, neighborhood, *a, **kw):
self.neighborhood = neighborhood
def _check_security(self):
require_access(self.neighborhood, 'register')
def tool_importers(self):
List of all tool importers that import from the same source
as this project importer.
tools = {}
for ep in h.iter_entry_points('allura.importers'):
epv = ep.load()
if epv.source == self.source:
tools[] = epv()
return tools
def index(self, **kw):
Override and expose this view to present the project import form.
The template used by this view should extend the base template in::
This will list the available tool importers. Other project fields
(e.g., project_name) should go in the project_fields block.
return {'importer': self, 'tg_template': self.index_template}
@validate(process_validator, error_handler=index)
def process(self, **kw):
Override and expose this to handle a project import.
This should at a minimum create the stub project with the appropriate
tools installed and redirect to the new project, presumably with a
message indicating that some data will not be available immediately.
c.project = self.neighborhood.register_project(kw['project_shortname'],
except exceptions.ProjectOverlimitError:
flash("You have exceeded the maximum number of projects you are allowed to create", 'error')
except exceptions.ProjectRatelimitError:
flash("Project creation rate limit exceeded. Please try again later.", 'error')
except Exception:
log.error('error registering project: %s', kw['project_shortname'], exc_info=True)
flash('Internal Error. Please try again later.', 'error')
self.after_project_create(c.project, **kw)
for importer_name in kw['tools']:, **kw)
M.AuditLog.log('import project from %s' % self.source)
flash('Welcome to the %s Project System! '
'Your project data will be imported and should show up here shortly.' % config['site_name'])
redirect(c.project.script_name + 'admin/overview')
def check_names(self, **kw):
Ajax form validation.
return c.form_errors
def after_project_create(self, project, **kw):
Called after project is created.
Useful for doing extra processing on the project before individual
tool imports happen.
:param project: The newly created project.
:param \*\*kw: The keyword arguments that were posted to the controller
method that created the project.
class ToolImporter(object):
Base class for tool importers.
Subclasses are required to implement :meth:`import_tool()` described
below and define the following attributes:
.. py:attribute:: target_app
A reference or list of references to the tool(s) that this imports
to. E.g.::
target_app = [forgegit.ForgeGitApp, forgehg.ForgeHgApp]
.. py:attribute:: source
A string indicating where this imports from. This must match the
`source` value of the :class:`ProjectImporter` for this importer to
be discovered during full-project imports. E.g.::
source = 'Google Code'
.. py:attribute:: controller
The controller for this importer, to handle single tool imports.
target_app = None # app or list of apps
source = None # string description of source, must match project importer
controller = None
def by_name(name):
Return a ToolImporter subclass instance given its entry-point name.
for ep in h.iter_entry_points('allura.importers', name):
return ep.load()()
def by_app(app):
Return a ToolImporter subclass instance given its target_app class.
importers = {}
for ep in h.iter_entry_points('allura.importers'):
importer = ep.load()
if app in aslist(importer.target_app):
importers[] = importer()
return importers
def classname(self):
return self.__class__.__name__
def enforce_limit(self, project):
Enforce rate limiting of tool imports on a given project.
Returns False if limit is met / exceeded. Otherwise, increments the
count of pending / in-progress imports and returns True.
limit = config.get('tool_import.rate_limit', 1)
pending_key = 'tool_data.%s.pending' % self.classname
modified_project = M.Project.query.find_and_modify(
'_id': project._id,
'$or': [
{pending_key: None},
{pending_key: {'$lt': limit}},
update={'$inc': {pending_key: 1}},
return modified_project is not None
def clear_pending(self, project):
Decrement the pending counter for this importer on the given project,
to indicate that an import is complete.
pending_key = 'tool_data.%s.pending' % self.classname
query={'_id': project._id},
update={'$inc': {pending_key: -1}},
def import_tool(self, project, user, project_name=None,
mount_point=None, mount_label=None, **kw):
Override this method to perform the tool import.
:param project: the Allura project to import to
:param project_name: the name of the remote project to import from
:param mount_point: the mount point name, to override the default
:param mount_label: the mount label name, to override the default
raise NotImplementedError
def tool_label(self):
The label for this tool importer. Defaults to the `tool_label` from
the `target_app`.
return getattr(aslist(self.target_app)[0], 'tool_label', None)
def tool_description(self):
The description for this tool importer. Defaults to the `tool_description`
from the `target_app`.
return getattr(aslist(self.target_app)[0], 'tool_description', None)
def tool_icon(self, theme, size):
return theme.app_icon_url(aslist(self.target_app)[0], size)
class ToolsValidator(fev.Set):
Validates the list of tool importers during a project import.
This verifies that the tools selected are available and valid
for this source.
def __init__(self, source, *a, **kw):
super(ToolsValidator, self).__init__(*a, **kw)
self.source = source
def to_python(self, value, state=None):
value = super(ToolsValidator, self).to_python(value, state)
valid = []
invalid = []
for name in value:
importer = ToolImporter.by_name(name)
if importer is not None and importer.source == self.source:
if invalid:
pl = 's' if len(invalid) > 1 else ''
raise fev.Invalid('Invalid tool%s selected: %s' % (pl, ', '.join(invalid)), value, state)
return valid
class ProjectToolsImportController(object):
'''List all importers available'''
def index(self, *a, **kw):
importer_matrix = defaultdict(dict)
tools_with_importers = set()
for ep in h.iter_entry_points('allura.importers'):
importer = ep.load()
for tool in aslist(importer.target_app):
importer_matrix[importer.source][tool.tool_label] =
return {
'importer_matrix': importer_matrix,
'tools': tools_with_importers,
def _lookup(self, name, *remainder):
import_tool = ToolImporter.by_name(name)
if import_tool:
return import_tool.controller(), remainder
raise exc.HTTPNotFound
class ImportAdminExtension(AdminExtension):
'''Add import link to project admin sidebar'''
project_admin_controllers = {'import': ProjectToolsImportController}
def update_project_sidebar_menu(self, sidebar_links):
base_url = c.project.url() + 'admin/ext/'
link = SitemapEntry('Import', base_url+'import/')