blob: 022343f0433bf18a773400f8b3df3efc21756d37 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import os
import stat
import mimetypes
import logging
import string
import re
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from hashlib import sha1
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from time import time
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
from urlparse import urljoin
from threading import Thread
from Queue import Queue
from itertools import chain
from difflib import SequenceMatcher, unified_diff
import tg
from paste.deploy.converters import asint, asbool
from pylons import tmpl_context as c
from pylons import app_globals as g
import pymongo
import pymongo.errors
import bson
from ming import schema as S
from ming import Field, collection, Index
from ming.utils import LazyProperty
from ming.orm import FieldProperty, session, Mapper, mapper
from ming.base import Object
from allura.lib import helpers as h
from allura.lib import utils
from import has_access
from .artifact import Artifact, VersionedArtifact
from .auth import User
from .timeline import ActivityObject
from .monq_model import MonQTask
from .project import AppConfig
from .session import main_doc_session
from .session import repository_orm_session
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
config = utils.ConfigProxy(
README_RE = re.compile('^README(\.[^.]*)?$', re.IGNORECASE)
'.php', '.py', '.js', '.java', '.html', '.htm', '.yaml', '.sh',
'.rb', '.phtml', '.txt', '.bat', '.ps1', '.xhtml', '.css', '.cfm', '.jsp', '.jspx',
'.pl', '.php4', '.php3', '.rhtml', '.svg', '.markdown', '.json', '.ini', '.tcl', '.vbs', '.xsl']
# Some schema types
SUser = dict(name=str, email=str, date=datetime)
SObjType = S.OneOf('blob', 'tree', 'submodule')
# Used for when we're going to batch queries using $in
QSIZE = 100
README_RE = re.compile('^README(\.[^.]*)?$', re.IGNORECASE)
'.php', '.py', '.js', '.java', '.html', '.htm', '.yaml', '.sh',
'.rb', '.phtml', '.txt', '.bat', '.ps1', '.xhtml', '.css', '.cfm', '.jsp', '.jspx',
'.pl', '.php4', '.php3', '.rhtml', '.svg', '.markdown', '.json', '.ini', '.tcl', '.vbs', '.xsl']
DIFF_SIMILARITY_THRESHOLD = .5 # used for determining file renames
class RepositoryImplementation(object):
# Repository-specific code
def init(self): # pragma no cover
raise NotImplementedError('init')
def clone_from(self, source_url): # pragma no cover
raise NotImplementedError('clone_from')
def commit(self, revision): # pragma no cover
raise NotImplementedError('commit')
def all_commit_ids(self): # pragma no cover
raise NotImplementedError('all_commit_ids')
def new_commits(self, all_commits=False): # pragma no cover
'''Return a list of native commits in topological order (heads first).
"commit" is a repo-native object, NOT a Commit object.
If all_commits is False, only return commits not already indexed.
raise NotImplementedError('new_commits')
def commit_parents(self, commit): # pragma no cover
'''Return a list of native commits for the parents of the given (native)
raise NotImplementedError('commit_parents')
def refresh_commit_info(self, oid, lazy=True): # pragma no cover
'''Refresh the data in the commit with id oid'''
raise NotImplementedError('refresh_commit_info')
def _setup_hooks(self, source_path=None): # pragma no cover
'''Install a hook in the repository that will ping the refresh url for
the repo. Optionally provide a path from which to copy existing hooks.'''
raise NotImplementedError('_setup_hooks')
# pragma no cover
def log(self, revs=None, path=None, exclude=None, id_only=True, **kw):
Returns a generator that returns information about commits reachable
by revs.
revs can be None or a list or tuple of identifiers, each of which
can be anything parsable by self.commit(). If revs is None, the
default branch head will be used.
If path is not None, only commits which modify files under path
will be included.
Exclude can be None or a list or tuple of identifiers, each of which
can be anything parsable by self.commit(). If not None, then any
revisions reachable by any of the revisions in exclude will not be
If id_only is True, returns only the commit ID (which can be faster),
otherwise it returns detailed information about each commit.
raise NotImplementedError('log')
def compute_tree_new(self, commit, path='/'): # pragma no cover
'''Used in hg and svn to compute a git-like-tree lazily with the new models'''
raise NotImplementedError('compute_tree')
def open_blob(self, blob): # pragma no cover
'''Return a file-like object that contains the contents of the blob'''
raise NotImplementedError('open_blob')
def blob_size(self, blob):
'''Return a blob size in bytes'''
raise NotImplementedError('blob_size')
def tarball(self, revision, path=None):
'''Create a tarball for the revision'''
raise NotImplementedError('tarball')
def is_empty(self):
'''Determine if the repository is empty by checking the filesystem'''
raise NotImplementedError('is_empty')
def is_file(self, path, rev=None):
'''Determine if the repository is a file by checking the filesystem'''
raise NotImplementedError('is_file')
def shorthand_for_commit(cls, oid):
return '[%s]' % oid[:6]
def symbolics_for_commit(self, commit):
'''Return symbolic branch and tag names for a commit.'''
raise NotImplementedError('symbolics_for_commit')
def url_for_commit(self, commit, url_type='ci'):
'return an URL, given either a commit or object id'
if isinstance(commit, basestring):
object_id = commit
object_id = commit._id
if '/' in object_id:
object_id = os.path.join(
return os.path.join(self._repo.url(), url_type, object_id) + '/'
def _setup_paths(self, create_repo_dir=True):
Ensure that the base directory in which the repo lives exists.
If create_repo_dir is True, also ensure that the directory
of the repo itself exists.
if not self._repo.fs_path.endswith('/'):
self._repo.fs_path += '/'
fullname = self._repo.fs_path +
# make the base dir for repo, regardless
if not os.path.exists(self._repo.fs_path):
if create_repo_dir and not os.path.exists(fullname):
return fullname
def _setup_special_files(self, source_path=None):
magic_file = os.path.join(
self._repo.fs_path,, tg.config.get(
'scm.magic_file', '.ALLURA-REPOSITORY'))
with open(magic_file, 'w') as f:
os.chmod(magic_file, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH)
def head(self):
raise NotImplementedError('head')
def heads(self):
raise NotImplementedError('heads')
def branches(self):
raise NotImplementedError('branches')
def tags(self):
raise NotImplementedError('tags')
def last_commit_ids(self, commit, paths):
Return a mapping {path: commit_id} of the _id of the last
commit to touch each path, starting from the given commit.
Chunks the set of paths based on lcd_thread_chunk_size and
runs each chunk (if more than one) in a separate thread.
Each thread will call :meth:`_get_last_commit` to get the
commit ID and list of changed files for the last commit
to touch any file in a given chunk.
if not paths:
return {}
timeout = float(tg.config.get('lcd_timeout', 60))
start_time = time()
paths = list(set(paths)) # remove dupes
result = {} # will be appended to from each thread
chunks = Queue()
lcd_chunk_size = asint(tg.config.get('lcd_thread_chunk_size', 10))
num_threads = 0
for s in range(0, len(paths), lcd_chunk_size):
chunks.put(paths[s:s + lcd_chunk_size])
num_threads += 1
def get_ids():
paths = set(chunks.get())
commit_id = commit._id
while paths and commit_id:
if time() - start_time >= timeout:
log.error('last_commit_ids timeout for %s on %s',
commit._id, ', '.join(paths))
commit_id, changes = self._get_last_commit(
commit._id, paths)
if commit_id is None:
changed = prefix_paths_union(paths, changes)
for path in changed:
result[path] = commit_id
paths -= changed
except Exception as e:
log.exception('Error in SCM thread: %s', e)
if num_threads == 1:
for i in range(num_threads):
t = Thread(target=get_ids)
# reimplement chunks.join() but with a timeout
# see:
# (giving threads a bit of extra cleanup time in case they timeout)
endtime = time() + timeout + 0.5
while chunks.unfinished_tasks and endtime > time():
chunks.all_tasks_done.wait(endtime - time())
return result
def _get_last_commit(self, commit_id, paths):
For a given commit ID and set of paths / files,
use the SCM to determine the last commit to touch
any of the given paths / files.
Should return a tuple containing the ID of the
commit and the list of all files changed in the commit.
raise NotImplementedError('_get_last_commit')
def get_changes(self, commit_id):
Return the list of files changed by a given commit.
raise NotImplementedError('get_changes')
def paged_diffs(self, commit_id, start=0, end=None):
Returns files touched by the commit, grouped by status (added, removed,
and changed) and the total number of such files. Paginates according
to :param start: and :param end:.
raise NotImplementedError('paged_diffs')
def merge_request_commits(self, mr):
"""Given MergeRequest :param mr: return list of commits to be merged"""
raise NotImplementedError('merge_request_commits')
class Repository(Artifact, ActivityObject):
class __mongometa__:
name = 'generic-repository'
indexes = ['']
_impl = None
repo_id = 'repo'
type_s = 'Repository'
_refresh_precompute = True
name = FieldProperty(str)
tool = FieldProperty(str)
fs_path = FieldProperty(str)
url_path = FieldProperty(str)
status = FieldProperty(str)
email_address = ''
additional_viewable_extensions = FieldProperty(str)
heads = FieldProperty(S.Deprecated)
branches = FieldProperty(S.Deprecated)
repo_tags = FieldProperty(S.Deprecated)
upstream_repo = FieldProperty(dict(name=str, url=str))
default_branch_name = FieldProperty(str)
def __init__(self, **kw):
if 'name' in kw and 'tool' in kw:
if kw.get('fs_path') is None:
kw['fs_path'] = self.default_fs_path(c.project, kw['tool'])
if kw.get('url_path') is None:
kw['url_path'] = self.default_url_path(c.project, kw['tool'])
super(Repository, self).__init__(**kw)
def activity_name(self):
return 'repo %s' %
def default_fs_path(cls, project, tool):
repos_root = tg.config.get('scm.repos.root', '/')
return os.path.join(repos_root, tool, project.url()[1:])
def default_url_path(cls, project, tool):
return project.url()
def tarball_path(self):
return os.path.join(tg.config.get('scm.repos.tarball.root', '/'),
def tarball_filename(self, revision, path=None):
shortname = c.project.shortname.replace('/', '-')
mount_point =
filename = '%s-%s-%s' % (shortname, mount_point, revision)
return filename
def tarball_url(self, revision, path=None):
filename = '%s%s' % (self.tarball_filename(revision, path), '.zip')
r = os.path.join(self.tool,
return urljoin(tg.config.get('scm.repos.tarball.url_prefix', '/'), r)
def get_tarball_status(self, revision, path=None):
pathname = os.path.join(
self.tarball_path, self.tarball_filename(revision, path))
filename = '%s%s' % (pathname, '.zip')
if os.path.isfile(filename):
return 'complete'
# file doesn't exist, check for busy task
task = MonQTask.query.get(**{
'task_name': 'allura.tasks.repo_tasks.tarball',
'args': [revision, path or ''],
'state': {'$in': ['busy', 'ready']},
return task.state if task else None
def __repr__(self): # pragma no cover
return '<%s %s>' % (
# Proxy to _impl
def init(self):
return self._impl.init()
def commit(self, rev):
return self._impl.commit(rev)
def all_commit_ids(self):
return self._impl.all_commit_ids()
def refresh_commit_info(self, oid, seen, lazy=True):
return self._impl.refresh_commit_info(oid, seen, lazy)
def open_blob(self, blob):
return self._impl.open_blob(blob)
def blob_size(self, blob):
return self._impl.blob_size(blob)
def shorthand_for_commit(self, oid):
return self._impl.shorthand_for_commit(oid)
def symbolics_for_commit(self, commit):
return self._impl.symbolics_for_commit(commit)
def url_for_commit(self, commit, url_type='ci'):
return self._impl.url_for_commit(commit, url_type)
def compute_tree_new(self, commit, path='/'):
return self._impl.compute_tree_new(commit, path)
def last_commit_ids(self, commit, paths):
return self._impl.last_commit_ids(commit, paths)
def get_changes(self, commit_id):
return self._impl.get_changes(commit_id)
def is_empty(self):
return self._impl.is_empty()
def is_file(self, path, rev=None):
return self._impl.is_file(path, rev)
def get_heads(self):
Return list of heads for the repo.
It's get_heads() instead of a heads (lazy) property because it would
conflict with the now deprecated heads field. Eventually, we should
try to remove the deprecated fields and clean this up.
return self._impl.heads
def get_branches(self):
Return list of branches for the repo.
It's get_branches() instead of a branches (lazy) property because it
would conflict with the now deprecated branches field. Eventually, we
should try to remove the deprecated fields and clean this up.
return self._impl.branches
def get_tags(self):
Return list of tags for the repo.
It's get_tags() instead of a tags (lazy) property because it
would conflict with the now deprecated tags field. Eventually, we
should try to remove the deprecated fields and clean this up.
return self._impl.tags
def head(self):
return self._impl.head
def set_default_branch(self, name):
return self._impl.set_default_branch(name)
def paged_diffs(self, commit_id, start=0, end=None):
return self._impl.paged_diffs(commit_id, start, end)
def _log(self, rev, skip, limit):
head = self.commit(rev)
if head is None:
for _id in self.commitlog([head._id], skip, limit):
ci = head.query.get(_id=_id)
yield ci
def init_as_clone(self, source_path, source_name, source_url): = source_name
self.upstream_repo.url = source_url
source = source_path if source_path else source_url
self._impl.clone_from(source)'... %r cloned', self)
g.post_event('repo_cloned', source_url, source_path)
self.refresh(notify=False, new_clone=True)
def log(self, revs=None, path=None, exclude=None, id_only=True, **kw):
Returns a generator that returns information about commits reachable
by revs which modify path.
revs can either be a single revision identifier or a list or tuple
of identifiers, each of which can be anything parsable by self.commit().
If revs is None, the default branch head will be used.
If path is not None, then only commits which change files under path
will be included.
Exclude can be None, a single revision identifier, or a list or tuple of
identifiers, each of which can be anything parsable by self.commit().
If not None, then any revisions reachable by any of the revisions in
exclude will not be included.
If id_only is True, returns only the commit ID (which can be faster),
otherwise it returns detailed information about each commit.
if revs is not None and not isinstance(revs, (list, tuple)):
revs = [revs]
if exclude is not None and not isinstance(exclude, (list, tuple)):
exclude = [exclude]
return self._impl.log(revs, path, exclude=exclude, id_only=id_only, **kw)
def latest(self, branch=None):
if self._impl is None:
return None
if branch is None:
branch =
return self.commit(branch)
except: # pragma no cover
log.exception('Cannot get latest commit for a branch', branch)
return None
def url(self):
return self.app_config.url()
def refresh_url(self):
return '/'.join([
tg.config.get('base_url', 'http://localhost:8080').rstrip('/'),
def shorthand_id(self):
def email_address(self):
return u'noreply@%s%s' % (self.email_domain, config.common_suffix)
def index(self):
result = Artifact.index(self)
title=u'{} {} repository'.format(,
return result
def full_fs_path(self):
return os.path.join(self.fs_path,
def suggested_clone_dest_path(self):
return '%s-%s' % (c.project.shortname.replace('/', '-'),
def clone_url(self, category, username=''):
'''Return a URL string suitable for copy/paste that describes _this_ repo,
e.g., for use in a clone/checkout command
if'external_checkout_url', None):
tpl = string.Template(
tpl = string.Template(
tg.config.get('' % (category, self.tool)))
return tpl.substitute(dict(username=username, path=self.url_path +
def clone_command(self, category, username=''):
'''Return a string suitable for copy/paste that would clone this repo locally
category is one of 'ro' (read-only), 'rw' (read/write), or 'https' (read/write via https)
if not username and c.user not in (None, User.anonymous()):
username = c.user.username
tpl = string.Template(tg.config.get('scm.clone.%s.%s' % (category, self.tool)) or
tg.config.get('scm.clone.%s' % self.tool))
return tpl.substitute(dict(username=username,
category, username),
def merge_requests_by_statuses(self, *statuses):
return MergeRequest.query.find(dict(,
status={'$in': statuses})).sort(
def _additional_viewable_extensions(self):
ext_list = self.additional_viewable_extensions or ''
ext_list = [ext.strip() for ext in ext_list.split(',') if ext]
ext_list += ['.ini', '.gitignore', '.svnignore', 'README']
return ext_list
def guess_type(self, name):
'''Guess the mime type and encoding of a given filename'''
content_type, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(name)
if content_type is None or not content_type.startswith('text/'):
fn, ext = os.path.splitext(name)
ext = ext or fn
if ext in self._additional_viewable_extensions:
content_type, encoding = 'text/plain', None
if content_type is None:
content_type, encoding = 'application/octet-stream', None
return content_type, encoding
def unknown_commit_ids(self):
from allura.model.repo_refresh import unknown_commit_ids as unknown_commit_ids_repo
return unknown_commit_ids_repo(self.all_commit_ids())
def refresh(self, all_commits=False, notify=True, new_clone=False):
'''Find any new commits in the repository and update'''
from allura.model.repo_refresh import refresh_repo'... %r analyzing', self)
refresh_repo(self, all_commits, notify, new_clone)
finally:'... %s ready', self)
def push_upstream_context(self):
project, rest = h.find_project(
with h.push_context(project._id):
app = project.app_instance(rest[0])
return h.push_context(project._id, app_config_id=app.config._id)
def pending_upstream_merges(self):
q = {
'downstream.project_id': self.project_id,
'status': 'open'}
with self.push_upstream_context():
return MergeRequest.query.find(q).count()
def forks(self):
all_forks = self.query.find({'': self.url()}).all()
return filter(lambda fork: fork.app_config is not None
and fork.app_config.project is not None,
def tarball(self, revision, path=None):
if path:
path = path.strip('/')
self._impl.tarball(revision, path)
def rev_to_commit_id(self, rev):
raise NotImplementedError('rev_to_commit_id')
def set_status(self, status):
Update (and flush) the repo status indicator.
Updates to the repo status (or any Repository field) are considered
project updates (because Repositories are Artifacts; see
`Artifact.__metaclass__.before_save`) and thus change `last_updated`
on `c.project`, which causes `c.project` to be flushed.
Because repo status changes can come at the end or middle of a long
operation, `c.project` can be quite stale, so this flushes and reloads
from allura.model import Project
project_session = session(c.project)
if project_session:
c.project = Project.query.get(_id=c.project._id)
self.status = status
def get_default_branch(self, default_branch_name):
branch_name = getattr(self, 'default_branch_name', None) or default_branch_name
branches = []
if not self.is_empty():
branches = [ for b in self.get_branches()]
if branches and branch_name not in branches:
if default_branch_name in branches:
branch_name = default_branch_name
branch_name = branches[0]
return branch_name
def merge_request_commits(self, mr):
"""Given MergeRequest :param mr: return list of commits to be merged"""
return self._impl.merge_request_commits(mr)
class MergeRequest(VersionedArtifact, ActivityObject):
statuses = ['open', 'merged', 'rejected']
class __mongometa__:
name = 'merge-request'
indexes = ['commit_id']
unique_indexes = [('app_config_id', 'request_number')]
type_s = 'MergeRequest'
request_number = FieldProperty(int)
status = FieldProperty(str, if_missing='open')
downstream = FieldProperty(dict(
source_branch = FieldProperty(str, if_missing='')
target_branch = FieldProperty(str)
creator_id = FieldProperty(S.ObjectId, if_missing=lambda: c.user._id)
created = FieldProperty(datetime, if_missing=datetime.utcnow)
summary = FieldProperty(str)
description = FieldProperty(str)
can_merge_cache = FieldProperty({str: bool})
def activity_name(self):
return 'merge request #%s' % self.request_number
def creator(self):
from allura import model as M
return M.User.query.get(_id=self.creator_id)
def creator_name(self):
return self.creator.get_pref('display_name') or self.creator.username
def creator_url(self):
return self.creator.url()
def downstream_url(self):
with self.push_downstream_context():
def downstream_repo(self):
with self.push_downstream_context():
def downstream_repo_url(self):
with self.push_downstream_context():
def push_downstream_context(self):
return h.push_context(self.downstream.project_id, self.downstream.mount_point)
def commits(self):
return self._commits()
def _commits(self):
with self.push_downstream_context():
def upsert(cls, **kw):
num = cls.query.find(dict( + 1
while True:
r = cls(request_number=num, **kw)
return r
except pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError: # pragma no cover
num += 1
def url(self):
return + 'merge-requests/%s/' % self.request_number
def index(self):
result = Artifact.index(self)
name_s='Merge Request #%d' % self.request_number,
title='Merge Request #%d of %s:%s' % (
return result
def merge_allowed(self, user):
Returns true if a merge is allowed by system and tool configuration.
if not
return False
if self.status != 'open':
return False
if asbool(tg.config.get('scm.merge.{}.disabled'.format(
return False
if not h.has_access(, 'write', user):
return False
return False
return True
def can_merge_cache_key(self):
Returns key for can_merge_cache constructed from current
source & target branch commits.
source_hash = self.downstream.commit_id
target_hash =
key = '{}-{}'.format(source_hash, target_hash)
return key
def get_can_merge_cache(self):
"""Returns True/False or None in case of cache miss."""
key = self.can_merge_cache_key()
return self.can_merge_cache.get(key)
def set_can_merge_cache(self, val):
key = self.can_merge_cache_key()
self.can_merge_cache[key] = val
def can_merge(self):
Returns boolean indicating if automatic merge is possible (no
conflicts). If result is unknown yet, returns None and fires a task to
get the result. Caches result for later reuse.
if not self.merge_allowed(c.user):
return None
if self.status == 'merged':
return True
cached = self.get_can_merge_cache()
if cached is not None:
return cached
in_progress = self.can_merge_task_status() in ['ready', 'busy']
if and not in_progress:
from allura.tasks import repo_tasks
def merge(self):
in_progress = self.merge_task_status() in ['ready', 'busy']
if and not in_progress:
from allura.tasks import repo_tasks
def merge_task_status(self):
task = MonQTask.query.find({
'state': {'$in': ['busy', 'complete', 'error', 'ready']}, # needed to use index
'task_name': 'allura.tasks.repo_tasks.merge',
'args': [self._id],
'time_queue': {'$gt': datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=1)}, # constrain on index further
}).sort('_id', -1).limit(1).first()
if task:
return task.state
return None
def can_merge_task_status(self):
task = MonQTask.query.find({
'state': {'$in': ['busy', 'complete', 'error', 'ready']}, # needed to use index
'task_name': 'allura.tasks.repo_tasks.can_merge',
'args': [self._id],
'time_queue': {'$gt': datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=1)}, # constrain on index further
}).sort('_id', -1).limit(1).first()
if task:
return task.state
return None
# Basic commit information
# One of these for each commit in the physical repo on disk. The _id is the
# hexsha of the commit (for Git and Hg).
CommitDoc = collection(
'repo_ci', main_doc_session,
Field('_id', str),
Field('tree_id', str),
Field('committed', SUser),
Field('authored', SUser),
Field('message', str),
Field('parent_ids', [str], index=True),
Field('child_ids', [str], index=True),
Field('repo_ids', [S.ObjectId()], index=True))
# Basic tree information (also see TreesDoc)
TreeDoc = collection(
'repo_tree', main_doc_session,
Field('_id', str),
Field('tree_ids', [dict(name=str, id=str)]),
Field('blob_ids', [dict(name=str, id=str)]),
Field('other_ids', [dict(name=str, id=str, type=SObjType)]))
# Information about the last commit to touch a tree
LastCommitDoc = collection(
'repo_last_commit', main_doc_session,
Field('_id', S.ObjectId()),
Field('commit_id', str),
Field('path', str),
Index('commit_id', 'path'),
Field('entries', [dict(
# List of all trees contained within a commit
# TreesDoc._id = CommitDoc._id
# TreesDoc.tree_ids = [ TreeDoc._id, ... ]
TreesDoc = collection(
'repo_trees', main_doc_session,
Field('_id', str),
Field('tree_ids', [str]))
# List of commit runs (a run is a linear series of single-parent commits)
# CommitRunDoc.commit_ids = [ CommitDoc._id, ... ]
CommitRunDoc = collection(
'repo_commitrun', main_doc_session,
Field('_id', str),
Field('parent_commit_ids', [str], index=True),
Field('commit_ids', [str], index=True),
Field('commit_times', [datetime]))
class RepoObject(object):
def __repr__(self): # pragma no cover
return '<%s %s>' % (
self.__class__.__name__, self._id)
def primary(self):
return self
def index_id(self):
'''Globally unique artifact identifier. Used for
SOLR ID, shortlinks, and maybe elsewhere
id = '%s.%s#%s' % (
'allura.model.repo', # preserve index_id after module consolidation
return id.replace('.', '/')
def upsert(cls, id, **kwargs):
isnew = False
r = cls.query.get(_id=id)
if r is not None:
return r, isnew
r = cls(_id=id, **kwargs)
isnew = True
except pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError: # pragma no cover
r = cls.query.get(_id=id)
return r, isnew
class Commit(RepoObject, ActivityObject):
type_s = 'Commit'
# Ephemeral attrs
repo = None
def __init__(self, **kw):
for k, v in kw.iteritems():
setattr(self, k, v)
def activity_name(self):
return self.shorthand_id()
def activity_extras(self):
d = ActivityObject.activity_extras.fget(self)
if self.repo:
return d
def has_activity_access(self, perm, user, activity):
Check access against the original app.
Commits have no ACLs and are therefore always viewable by any user, if
they have access to the tool.
app_config_id = activity.obj.activity_extras.get('app_config_id')
if app_config_id:
app_config = AppConfig.query.get(_id=app_config_id)
return has_access(app_config, perm, user)
return True
def set_context(self, repo):
self.repo = repo
def authored_user(self):
return User.by_email_address(
def committed_user(self):
return User.by_email_address(
def author_url(self):
u = self.authored_user
if u:
return u.url()
def committer_url(self):
u = self.committed_user
if u:
return u.url()
def tree(self):
return self.get_tree(create=True)
def get_tree(self, create=True):
if self.tree_id is None and create:
self.tree_id = self.repo.compute_tree_new(self)
if self.tree_id is None:
return None
cache = getattr(c, 'model_cache', '') or ModelCache()
t = cache.get(Tree, dict(_id=self.tree_id))
if t is None and create:
self.tree_id = self.repo.compute_tree_new(self)
t = Tree.query.get(_id=self.tree_id)
cache.set(Tree, dict(_id=self.tree_id), t)
if t is not None:
return t
def summary(self):
message = h.really_unicode(self.message)
first_line = message.split('\n')[0]
return h.text.truncate(first_line, 50)
def shorthand_id(self):
if self.repo is None:
self.repo = self.guess_repo()
if self.repo is None:
return repr(self)
return self.repo.shorthand_for_commit(self._id)
def symbolic_ids(self):
return self.repo.symbolics_for_commit(self)
def get_parent(self, index=0):
'''Get the parent of this commit.
If there is no parent commit, or if an invalid index is given,
returns None.
cache = getattr(c, 'model_cache', '') or ModelCache()
ci = cache.get(Commit, dict(_id=self.parent_ids[index]))
if not ci:
return None
return ci
except IndexError:
return None
def climb_commit_tree(self, predicate=None):
Returns a generator that walks up the commit tree along
the first-parent ancestory, starting with this commit,
optionally filtering by a predicate.'''
ancestor = self
while ancestor:
if predicate is None or predicate(ancestor):
yield ancestor
ancestor = ancestor.get_parent()
def url(self):
if self.repo is None:
self.repo = self.guess_repo()
if self.repo is None:
return '#'
return self.repo.url_for_commit(self)
def guess_repo(self):
import traceback
log.error('guess_repo: should not be called: %s' %
for ac in c.project.app_configs:
app = c.project.app_instance(ac)
if app.repo._id in self.repo_ids:
return app.repo
except AttributeError:
return None
def link_text(self):
'''The link text that will be used when a shortlink to this artifact
is expanded into an <a></a> tag.
By default this method returns type_s + shorthand_id(). Subclasses should
override this method to provide more descriptive link text.
return self.shorthand_id()
def context(self):
result = dict(prev=None, next=None)
if self.parent_ids:
result['prev'] = self.query.find(
dict(_id={'$in': self.parent_ids})).all()
for ci in result['prev']:
if self.child_ids:
result['next'] = self.query.find(
dict(_id={'$in': self.child_ids})).all()
for ci in result['next']:
return result
def diffs(self):
return self.paged_diffs()
def paged_diffs(self, start=0, end=None):
diffs = self.repo.paged_diffs(self._id, start, end)
if not diffs.get('copied'):
diffs['copied'] = []
copied = self._diffs_copied(diffs['added'], diffs['removed'])
return Object(
def _diffs_copied(self, added, removed):
'''Return list with file renames diffs.
Will change `added` and `removed` lists also.
def _blobs_similarity(removed_blob, added):
best = dict(ratio=0, name='', blob=None)
for added_name in added:
added_blob = self.tree.get_obj_by_path(added_name)
if not isinstance(added_blob, Blob):
diff = SequenceMatcher(None, removed_blob.text,
ratio = diff.quick_ratio()
if ratio > best['ratio']:
best['ratio'] = ratio
best['name'] = added_name
best['blob'] = added_blob
if ratio == 1:
break # we'll won't find better similarity than 100% :)
diff = ''
if best['ratio'] < 1:
added_blob = best['blob']
rpath = ('a' + removed_blob.path()).encode('utf-8')
apath = ('b' + added_blob.path()).encode('utf-8')
diff = ''.join(unified_diff(list(removed_blob),
rpath, apath))
return dict(new=best['name'],
ratio=best['ratio'], diff=diff)
def _trees_similarity(removed_tree, added):
for added_name in added:
added_tree = self.tree.get_obj_by_path(added_name)
if not isinstance(added_tree, Tree):
if removed_tree._id == added_tree._id:
return dict(new=added_name,
ratio=1, diff='')
if not removed:
return []
copied = []
prev_commit = self.get_parent()
for removed_name in removed[:]:
removed_blob = prev_commit.tree.get_obj_by_path(removed_name)
rename_info = None
if isinstance(removed_blob, Blob):
rename_info = _blobs_similarity(removed_blob, added)
elif isinstance(removed_blob, Tree):
rename_info = _trees_similarity(removed_blob, added)
if rename_info is not None:
rename_info['old'] = removed_name
return copied
def get_path(self, path, create=True):
path = path.lstrip('/')
parts = path.split('/')
cur = self.get_tree(create)
if cur is not None:
for part in parts:
if part != '':
cur = cur[part]
return cur
def has_path(self, path):
return True
except KeyError:
return False
def changed_paths(self):
Returns a list of paths changed in this commit.
Leading and trailing slashes are removed, and
the list is complete, meaning that if a sub-path
is changed, all of the parent paths are included
(including '' to represent the root path).
If the file /foo/bar is changed in the commit,
this would return ['', 'foo', 'foo/bar']
changes = self.repo.get_changes(self._id)
changed_paths = set()
for change in changes:
node = change.strip('/')
node_path = os.path.dirname(node)
while node_path:
node_path = os.path.dirname(node_path)
changed_paths.add('') # include '/' if there are any changes
return changed_paths
def added_paths(self):
Returns a list of paths added in this commit.
Leading and trailing slashes are removed, and
the list is complete, meaning that if a directory
with subdirectories is added, all of the child
paths are included (this relies on the :meth paged_diffs:
being complete).
If the directory /foo/bar/ is added in the commit
which contains a subdirectory /foo/bar/baz/ with
the file /foo/bar/baz/qux.txt, this would return:
['foo/bar', 'foo/bar/baz', 'foo/bar/baz/qux.txt']
paths = set()
for path in self.paged_diffs()['added']:
return paths
def info(self):
return dict(
def webhook_info(self):
return {
'id': self._id,
'url': h.absurl(self.url()),
'message': self.summary,
'author': {
'username': self.authored_user.username if self.authored_user else u'',
'committer': {
'username': self.committed_user.username if self.committed_user else u'',
'added': self.diffs.added,
'removed': self.diffs.removed,
'modified': self.diffs.changed,
'copied': self.diffs.copied,
class Tree(RepoObject):
# Ephemeral attrs
repo = None
commit = None
parent = None
name = None
def compute_hash(self):
'''Compute a hash based on the contents of the tree. Note that this
hash does not necessarily correspond to any actual DVCS hash.
lines = (
['tree' + + for x in self.tree_ids]
+ ['blob' + + for x in self.blob_ids]
+ [x.type + + for x in self.other_ids])
sha_obj = sha1()
for line in sorted(lines):
return sha_obj.hexdigest()
def __getitem__(self, name):
cache = getattr(c, 'model_cache', '') or ModelCache()
obj = self.by_name[name]
if obj['type'] == 'blob':
return Blob(self, name, obj['id'])
if obj['type'] == 'submodule':'Skipping submodule "%s"' % name)
raise KeyError(name)
obj = cache.get(Tree, dict(_id=obj['id']))
if obj is None:
oid = self.repo.compute_tree_new(
self.commit, self.path() + name + '/')
obj = cache.get(Tree, dict(_id=oid))
if obj is None:
raise KeyError(name)
obj.set_context(self, name)
return obj
def get_obj_by_path(self, path):
if hasattr(path, 'get'):
path = path['new']
if path.startswith('/'):
path = path[1:]
path = path.split('/')
obj = self
for p in path:
obj = obj[p]
except KeyError:
return None
return obj
def get_blob_by_path(self, path):
obj = self.get_obj_by_path(path)
return obj if isinstance(obj, Blob) else None
def set_context(self, commit_or_tree, name=None):
assert commit_or_tree is not self
self.repo = commit_or_tree.repo
if name:
self.commit = commit_or_tree.commit
self.parent = commit_or_tree = name
self.commit = commit_or_tree
def readme(self):
'returns (filename, unicode text) if a readme file is found'
for x in self.blob_ids:
if README_RE.match(
name =
blob = self[name]
return (, h.really_unicode(blob.text))
return None, None
def ls(self):
List the entries in this tree, with historical commit info for
each node.
last_commit = LastCommit.get(self)
# ensure that the LCD is saved, even if
# there is an error later in the request
if last_commit:
return self._lcd_map(last_commit)
return []
def _lcd_map(self, lcd):
Map "last-commit docs" to the structure that templates expect.
(This exists because LCD logic changed in the past, whereas templates
were not changed)
if lcd is None:
return []
commit_ids = [e.commit_id for e in lcd.entries]
commits = list(Commit.query.find(dict(_id={'$in': commit_ids})))
for commit in commits:
commit_infos = {c._id: for c in commits}
tree_names = sorted([ for n in self.tree_ids])
blob_names = sorted(
[ for n in chain(self.blob_ids, self.other_ids)])
results = []
for type, names in (('DIR', tree_names), ('BLOB', blob_names)):
for name in names:
commit_info = commit_infos.get(lcd.by_name.get(name))
if not commit_info:
commit_info = defaultdict(str)
elif 'id' in commit_info:
commit_info['href'] = self.repo.url_for_commit(
href=commit_info.get('href', ''),
return results
def path(self):
if self.parent:
assert self.parent is not self
return self.parent.path() + + '/'
return '/'
def url(self):
return self.commit.url() + 'tree' + self.path()
def by_name(self):
d = Object((, x) for x in self.other_ids)
(, Object(x, type='tree'))
for x in self.tree_ids)
(, Object(x, type='blob'))
for x in self.blob_ids)
return d
def is_blob(self, name):
return self.by_name[name]['type'] == 'blob'
def get_blob(self, name):
x = self.by_name[name]
return Blob(self, name,
class Blob(object):
'''Lightweight object representing a file in the repo'''
def __init__(self, tree, name, _id):
self._id = _id
self.tree = tree = name
self.repo = tree.repo
self.commit = tree.commit
fn, ext = os.path.splitext(
self.extension = ext or fn
def path(self):
return self.tree.path() + h.really_unicode(
def url(self):
return self.tree.url() + h.really_unicode(
def _content_type_encoding(self):
return self.repo.guess_type(
def content_type(self):
return self._content_type_encoding[0]
def content_encoding(self):
return self._content_type_encoding[1]
def has_pypeline_view(self):
if README_RE.match( or self.extension in PYPELINE_EXTENSIONS:
return True
return False
def has_html_view(self):
if (self.content_type.startswith('text/') or
self.extension in VIEWABLE_EXTENSIONS or
self.extension in PYPELINE_EXTENSIONS or
self.extension in self.repo._additional_viewable_extensions or
return True
return False
def has_image_view(self):
return self.content_type.startswith('image/')
def open(self):
return self.repo.open_blob(self)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(
def size(self):
return self.repo.blob_size(self)
def text(self):
def diff(cls, v0, v1):
differ = SequenceMatcher(v0, v1)
return differ.get_opcodes()
class LastCommit(RepoObject):
def __repr__(self):
return '<LastCommit /%s %s>' % (self.path, self.commit_id)
def _last_commit_id(cls, commit, path):
rev = commit.repo.log(commit._id, path, id_only=True).next()
return commit.repo.rev_to_commit_id(rev)
except StopIteration:
log.error('Tree node not recognized by SCM: %s @ %s',
path, commit._id)
return commit._id
def _prev_commit_id(cls, commit, path):
if not commit.parent_ids or path in commit.added_paths:
return None # new paths by definition have no previous LCD
lcid_cache = getattr(c, 'lcid_cache', '')
if lcid_cache != '' and path in lcid_cache:
return lcid_cache[path]
log_iter = commit.repo.log(commit._id, path, id_only=True)
rev =
return commit.repo.rev_to_commit_id(rev)
except StopIteration:
return None
def get(cls, tree):
'''Find or build the LastCommitDoc for the given tree.'''
cache = getattr(c, 'model_cache', '') or ModelCache()
path = tree.path().strip('/')
last_commit_id = cls._last_commit_id(tree.commit, path)
lcd = cache.get(cls, {'path': path, 'commit_id': last_commit_id})
if lcd is None:
commit = cache.get(Commit, {'_id': last_commit_id})
lcd = cls._build(commit.get_path(path))
return lcd
def _build(cls, tree):
Build the LCD record, presuming that this tree is where it was most
recently changed.
model_cache = getattr(c, 'model_cache', '') or ModelCache()
path = tree.path().strip('/')
entries = []
prev_lcd = None
prev_lcd_cid = cls._prev_commit_id(tree.commit, path)
if prev_lcd_cid:
prev_lcd = model_cache.get(
cls, {'path': path, 'commit_id': prev_lcd_cid})
entries = {}
nodes = set(
[ for node in chain(tree.tree_ids, tree.blob_ids, tree.other_ids)])
changed = set(
[node for node in nodes if os.path.join(path, node) in tree.commit.changed_paths])
unchanged = [os.path.join(path, node) for node in nodes - changed]
if prev_lcd:
# get unchanged entries from previously computed LCD
entries = prev_lcd.by_name
elif unchanged:
# no previously computed LCD, so get unchanged entries from SCM
# (but only ask for the ones that we know we need)
entries = tree.commit.repo.last_commit_ids(tree.commit, unchanged)
if entries is None:
# something strange went wrong; still show the list of files
# and possibly try again later
entries = {}
# paths are fully-qualified; shorten them back to just node names
entries = {
os.path.basename(path): commit_id for path, commit_id in entries.iteritems()}
# update with the nodes changed in this tree's commit
entries.update({node: tree.commit._id for node in changed})
# convert to a list of dicts, since mongo doesn't handle arbitrary keys
# well (i.e., . and $ not allowed)
entries = [{'name': name, 'commit_id': value}
for name, value in entries.iteritems()]
lcd = cls(
model_cache.set(cls, {'path': path, 'commit_id': tree.commit._id}, lcd)
return lcd
def by_name(self):
return { n.commit_id for n in self.entries}
class ModelCache(object):
Cache model instances based on query params passed to get. LRU cache.
This does more caching than ming sessions (which only cache individual objects by _id)
The added complexity here may be unnecessary premature optimization, but
should be quite helpful when building up many models in order, like lcd _build
for a series of several new commits.
def __init__(self, max_instances=None, max_queries=None):
By default, each model type can have 2000 instances and
8000 queries. You can override these for specific model
types by passing in a dict() for either max_instances or
max_queries keyed by the class(es) with the max values.
Classes not in the dict() will use the default 2000/8000
If you pass in a number instead of a dict, that value will
be used as the max for all classes.
max_instances_default = 2000
max_queries_default = 8000
if isinstance(max_instances, int):
max_instances_default = max_instances
if isinstance(max_queries, int):
max_queries_default = max_queries
self._max_instances = defaultdict(lambda: max_instances_default)
self._max_queries = defaultdict(lambda: max_queries_default)
if hasattr(max_instances, 'items'):
if hasattr(max_queries, 'items'):
# keyed by query, holds _id
self._query_cache = defaultdict(OrderedDict)
self._instance_cache = defaultdict(OrderedDict) # keyed by _id
self._synthetic_ids = defaultdict(set)
self._synthetic_id_queries = defaultdict(set)
def _normalize_query(self, query):
_query = query
if not isinstance(_query, tuple):
_query = tuple(sorted(_query.items(), key=lambda k: k[0]))
return _query
def _model_query(self, cls):
if hasattr(cls, 'query'):
return cls.query
elif hasattr(cls, 'm'):
return cls.m
raise AttributeError(
'%s has neither "query" nor "m" attribute' % cls)
def get(self, cls, query):
_query = self._normalize_query(query)
self._touch(cls, _query)
if _query not in self._query_cache[cls]:
val = self._model_query(cls).get(**query)
self.set(cls, _query, val)
return val
_id = self._query_cache[cls][_query]
if _id is None:
return None
if _id not in self._instance_cache[cls]:
val = self._model_query(cls).get(**query)
self.set(cls, _query, val)
return val
return self._instance_cache[cls][_id]
def set(self, cls, query, val):
_query = self._normalize_query(query)
if val is not None:
_id = getattr(val, '_model_cache_id',
getattr(val, '_id',
if _id is None:
_id = val._model_cache_id = bson.ObjectId()
if _id in self._synthetic_ids:
self._query_cache[cls][_query] = _id
self._instance_cache[cls][_id] = val
self._query_cache[cls][_query] = None
self._touch(cls, _query)
def _touch(self, cls, query):
Keep track of insertion order, prevent duplicates,
and expire from the cache in a FIFO manner.
_query = self._normalize_query(query)
if _query not in self._query_cache[cls]:
_id = self._query_cache[cls].pop(_query)
self._query_cache[cls][_query] = _id
if _id not in self._instance_cache[cls]:
val = self._instance_cache[cls].pop(_id)
self._instance_cache[cls][_id] = val
def _check_sizes(self, cls):
if self.num_queries(cls) > self._max_queries[cls]:
_id = self._remove_least_recently_used(self._query_cache[cls])
if _id in self._instance_cache[cls]:
instance = self._instance_cache[cls][_id]
self._try_flush(instance, expunge=False)
if self.num_instances(cls) > self._max_instances[cls]:
instance = self._remove_least_recently_used(
self._try_flush(instance, expunge=True)
def _try_flush(self, instance, expunge=False):
inst_session = session(instance)
except AttributeError:
inst_session = None
if inst_session:
if expunge:
def _remove_least_recently_used(self, cache):
# last-used (most-recently-used) is last in cache, so take first
key, val = cache.popitem(last=False)
return val
def expire_new_instances(self, cls):
Expire any instances that were "new" or had no _id value.
If a lot of new instances of a class are being created, it's possible
for a query to pull a copy from mongo when a copy keyed by the synthetic
ID is still in the cache, potentially causing de-sync between the copies
leading to one with missing data overwriting the other. Clear new
instances out of the cache relatively frequently (depending on the query
and instance cache sizes) to avoid this.
for _query in self._synthetic_id_queries[cls]:
self._synthetic_id_queries[cls] = set()
for _id in self._synthetic_ids[cls]:
instance = self._instance_cache[cls].pop(_id)
self._try_flush(instance, expunge=True)
self._synthetic_ids[cls] = set()
def num_queries(self, cls=None):
if cls is None:
return sum([len(c) for c in self._query_cache.values()])
return len(self._query_cache[cls])
def num_instances(self, cls=None):
if cls is None:
return sum([len(c) for c in self._instance_cache.values()])
return len(self._instance_cache[cls])
def instance_ids(self, cls):
return self._instance_cache[cls].keys()
def batch_load(self, cls, query, attrs=None):
Load multiple results given a query.
Optionally takes a list of attribute names to use
as the cache key. If not given, uses the keys of
the given query.
if attrs is None:
attrs = query.keys()
for result in self._model_query(cls).find(query):
keys = {a: getattr(result, a) for a in attrs}
self.set(cls, keys, result)
class GitLikeTree(object):
A tree node similar to that which is used in git
:var dict blobs: files at this level of the tree. name => oid
:var dict trees: subtrees (child dirs). name => GitLikeTree
def __init__(self):
self.blobs = {} # blobs[name] = oid
self.trees = defaultdict(GitLikeTree) # trees[name] = GitLikeTree()
self._hex = None
def get_tree(self, path):
if path.startswith('/'):
path = path[1:]
if not path:
return self
cur = self
for part in path.split('/'):
cur = cur.trees[part]
return cur
def get_blob(self, path):
if path.startswith('/'):
path = path[1:]
path_parts = path.split('/')
dirpath, last = path_parts[:-1], path_parts[-1]
cur = self
for part in dirpath:
cur = cur.trees[part]
return cur.blobs[last]
def set_blob(self, path, oid):
if path.startswith('/'):
path = path[1:]
path_parts = path.split('/')
dirpath, filename = path_parts[:-1], path_parts[-1]
cur = self
for part in dirpath:
cur = cur.trees[part]
cur.blobs[filename] = oid
def hex(self):
'''Compute a recursive sha1 hash on the tree'''
# dependent on __repr__ below
if self._hex is None:
sha_obj = sha1('tree\n' + repr(self))
self._hex = sha_obj.hexdigest()
return self._hex
def __repr__(self):
# this can't change, is used in hex() above
lines = ['t %s %s' % (t.hex(), name)
for name, t in self.trees.iteritems()]
lines += ['b %s %s' % (oid, name)
for name, oid in self.blobs.iteritems()]
return h.really_unicode('\n'.join(sorted(lines))).encode('utf-8')
def __unicode__(self):
return self.pretty_tree(recurse=False)
def pretty_tree(self, indent=0, recurse=True, show_id=True):
'''For debugging, show a nice tree representation'''
lines = [' ' * indent + 't %s %s' %
(name, '\n' + t.unicode_full_tree(indent + 2, show_id=show_id)
if recurse else t.hex())
for name, t in sorted(self.trees.iteritems())]
lines += [' ' * indent + 'b %s %s' % (name, oid if show_id else '')
for name, oid in sorted(self.blobs.iteritems())]
output = h.really_unicode('\n'.join(lines)).encode('utf-8')
return output
def topological_sort(graph):
'''Return the topological sort of a graph.
The graph is a dict with each entry representing
a node (the key is the node ID) and its parent(s) (a
set of node IDs). Result is an iterator over the topo-sorted
node IDs.
The algorithm is based on one seen in
# Index children, identify roots
children = defaultdict(list)
roots = []
for nid, parents in graph.items():
if not parents:
for p_nid in parents:
# Topo sort
while roots:
n = roots.pop()
yield n
for child in children[n]:
if not graph[child]:
assert not graph, 'Cycle detected'
def prefix_paths_union(a, b):
Given two sets of paths, a and b, find the items from a that
are either in b or are parent directories of items in b.
union = a & b
prefixes = a - b
candidates = b - a
for prefix in prefixes:
for candidate in candidates:
if candidate.startswith(prefix + '/'):
return union
def zipdir(source, zipfile, exclude=None):
"""Create zip archive using zip binary."""
zipbin = tg.config.get('scm.repos.tarball.zip_binary', '/usr/bin/zip')
source = source.rstrip('/')
# this is needed to get proper prefixes inside zip-file
working_dir = os.path.dirname(source)
source_fn = os.path.basename(source)
command = [zipbin, '-y', '-q', '-r', zipfile, source_fn]
if exclude:
command += ['-x', exclude]
p = Popen(command, cwd=working_dir, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
if p.returncode != 0:
raise Exception(
"Command: {0} returned non-zero exit code {1}\n"
"STDOUT: {2}\n"
"STDERR: {3}".format(command, p.returncode, stdout, stderr))
mapper(Commit, CommitDoc, repository_orm_session)
mapper(Tree, TreeDoc, repository_orm_session)
mapper(LastCommit, LastCommitDoc, repository_orm_session)