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.. _scm_hosting:
SCM Host Setup
Git and Subversion Hosting Installation
Allura can manage and display Git and SVN repositories, but it doesn't
automatically run the git and svn services for you. Here we'll describe how
to set up standard git and svn services to work with Allura, so that you can
checkout and commit code with those repositories. The instructions here assume
an Ubuntu system, but should be similar on other systems.
.. note::
For developing with Allura or simple testing of Allura, you do not need to run
these services. You can use local filesystem access to git and svn, which
works with no additional configuration.
We'll cover the basics to get you going. For additional options and details,
see and
and subsequent chapters.
.. code-block:: bash
sudo chmod 775 /srv/* # make sure apache can read the repo dirs
sudo apt-get install apache2
sudo a2enmod proxy rewrite
sudo vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/default
And add the following text within the :code:`<VirtualHost>` block:
.. code-block:: apache
SetEnv GIT_PROJECT_ROOT /srv/git
ProxyPass /git/ !
ScriptAlias /git/ /usr/lib/git-core/git-http-backend/
# no authentication required at all - for testing purposes
SetEnv REMOTE_USER=git-allura
Then exit vim (:kbd:`<esc> :wq`) and run:
.. code-block:: shell-session
sudo service apache2 reload
To test that it's working, run: :command:`git ls-remote http://localhost/git/p/test/git/`
(if using Vagrant, you may also use :code:`localhost:8088` from your host machine).
If there is no output, that is fine (it's an empty repo).
.. warning::
This configuration has no authentication and is suitable for development only. See :ref:`below <auth_apache>` for auth config.
Now you will want to change the :samp:`{*}.git`
settings in :file:`development.ini`, so that the proper commands are shown to your visitors
when they browse the code repo web pages. The exact values to use will depend on the
hostnames and port numbers you are using.
Read-only `git://`
If you want to run a separate readonly git service, using the git protocol instead of http,
run: :program:`git daemon --reuseaddr --export-all --base-path=/srv/git /srv/git` It can
be accessed at :code:`git://localhost/p/test/git`
These instructions will cover the recommended easiest way to run Subversion with Allura.
For an overview of other options, see
and subsequent chapters.
.. code-block:: bash
sudo chown allura:allura /srv/svn # or other user, as needed (e.g. "vagrant")
cat > /srv/svn/svnserve.conf <<EOF
realm = My Site SVN
# no authentication required at all - for testing purposes
anon-access = write
svnserve -d -r /srv/svn --log-file /tmp/svnserve.log --config-file /srv/svn/svnserve.conf
Test by running: :command:`svn info svn://localhost/p/test/code/`. If you need to kill it,
run :command:`killall svnserve` More info at
.. warning::
This configuration has no authentication and is suitable for development only.
(Maybe Allura could gain SASL support someday and use `svnserve with SASL <>`_)
Now you will want to change the :samp:`{*}.svn`
settings in :file:`development.ini`, so that the proper commands are shown to your visitors
when they browse the code repo web pages.
Alternate Setup with HTTP
To use SVN over HTTP, you will need to patch and compile an Apache module, so
that all svn repos can be dynamically served.
.. warning::
Not easy.
.. code-block:: console
sudo aptitude install libapache2-svn
Test accessing http://localhost/ (`localhost:8088` if using Vagrant).
Now we'll configure Apache to serve a single project's repositories and make sure
that works.
.. code-block:: console
sudo vi /etc/apache2/mods-available/dav_svn.conf
Uncomment and change to :code:`<Location /svn/p/test>`. Set
:code:`SVNParentPath /srv/svn/p/test` Then run:
.. code-block:: console
sudo service apache2 reload
Test at http://localhost/svn/p/test/code/ (`localhost:8088` if using Vagrant)
That configuration works only for the repositories in a single project. You must either
create a new configuration for each project within Allura, or compile a patch
to make `SVNParentPath` be recursive. The patch is at
and must be applied to the source of Subversion 1.7's mod_dav_svn and then
recompiled and installed. (See
for the request to include this patch in Subversion itself). Once that is working,
you can modify :file:`dav_svn.conf` to look like:
.. code-block:: apache
<Location /svn>
DAV svn
SVNParentPath /srv/svn
Then Apache SVN will serve repositories for all Allura projects and subprojects.
.. warning::
This configuration has no authentication and is suitable for development only. See :ref:`the next section <auth_apache>` for auth config.
.. _auth_apache:
Configuring Auth with Apache
This is the easiest way to integrate authentication and authorization for SCM access with Allura. It uses
mod_python and the handler in :file:`scripts/` to query Allura directly
for auth and permissions before allowing access to the SCM. Of course, this only works
for SCM access over HTTP(S).
First, you need to ensure that mod_python is installed:
.. code-block:: console
sudo aptitude install libapache2-mod-python
Then, in the VirtualHost section where you proxy SCM requests to git, SVN, or Hg, add the
access handler, e.g.:
.. code-block:: console
sudo vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/default
.. code-block:: apache
<LocationMatch "^/(git|svn|hg)/">
AddHandler mod_python .py
# Change this path if needed:
PythonAccessHandler /home/vagrant/src/allura/scripts/
AuthType Basic
AuthName "SCM Access"
AuthBasicAuthoritative off
# Change this path if needed:
PythonOption ALLURA_VIRTUALENV /home/vagrant/env-allura
# This routes back to the allura webapp
# In a production environment, change the IP address and port number as appropriate.
# And use https if possible, since the username and password are otherwise
# sent in the clear to Allura.
.. code-block:: console
sudo service apache2 reload
To test that it's working, run: :command:`git ls-remote
http://localhost/git/p/test/git/` (if using Vagrant, use :code:`localhost:8088`
from your host machine). If there is no output, that is fine (it's an empty
repo). If it errors, look in :file:`/var/log/apache2/error.log` for the error
.. warning::
Currently, for Mercurial, the handler doesn't correctly distinguish read
and write requests and thus requires WRITE permission for every request.
See ticket #7288
Advanced Alternative
An advanced alternative for SCM hosting using :ref:`SSH, LDAP, and a FUSE driver <scm_hosting_ssh>` is available.