blob: d9ca652fb669026d69302835219e1dce65ca3161 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import os
import re
import logging
import tg
import pkg_resources
from paste import fileapp
from paste.deploy.converters import aslist, asbool
from tg import tmpl_context as c
from timermiddleware import Timer, TimerMiddleware
from webob import exc, Request, Response
import pysolr
import six
from ming.odm import session
from allura.lib import helpers as h
from allura.lib.utils import is_ajax
from allura import model as M
import allura.model.repository
from tg import tmpl_context as c, app_globals as g
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
tool_entry_points = list(h.iter_entry_points('allura'))
class StaticFilesMiddleware:
'''Custom static file middleware
Map everything in allura/public/nf/* to <script_name>/*
For each plugin, map everything <module>/nf/<ep_name>/* to <script_name>/<ep_name>/*
CACHE_MAX_AGE = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365
def __init__(self, app, script_name=''): = app
self.script_name = script_name
self.directories = [
(self.script_name + + '/', ep)
for ep in tool_entry_points]
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
environ['static.script_name'] = self.script_name
if not environ['PATH_INFO'].startswith(self.script_name):
return, start_response)
app = self.get_app(environ)
app.cache_control(public=True, max_age=self.CACHE_MAX_AGE)
return app(environ, start_response)
except OSError:
return exc.HTTPNotFound()(environ, start_response)
def get_app(self, environ):
if '..' in environ['PATH_INFO']:
raise OSError
for prefix, ep in self.directories:
if environ['PATH_INFO'].startswith(prefix):
filename = environ['PATH_INFO'][len(prefix):]
resource_path = os.path.join('nf',, filename)
resource_cls = ep.load().has_resource(resource_path)
if resource_cls:
file_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename(resource_cls.__module__, resource_path)
return fileapp.FileApp(file_path, [('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')])
filename = environ['PATH_INFO'][len(self.script_name):]
file_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename('allura', os.path.join('public', 'nf', filename))
return fileapp.FileApp(file_path, [('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')])
class CORSMiddleware:
'''Enables Cross-Origin Resource Sharing for REST API'''
def __init__(self, app, allowed_methods, allowed_headers, cache=None): = app
self.allowed_methods = [m.upper() for m in allowed_methods]
self.allowed_headers = {h.lower() for h in allowed_headers}
self.cache_preflight = cache or None
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
is_api_request = environ.get('PATH_INFO', '').startswith('/rest/')
valid_cors = 'HTTP_ORIGIN' in environ
if not is_api_request or not valid_cors:
return, start_response)
method = environ.get('REQUEST_METHOD')
if method == 'OPTIONS' and acrm:
return self.handle_preflight_request(environ, start_response)
return self.handle_simple_request(environ, start_response)
def handle_simple_request(self, environ, start_response):
def cors_start_response(status, headers, exc_info=None):
return start_response(status, headers, exc_info)
return, cors_start_response)
def handle_preflight_request(self, environ, start_response):
if method not in self.allowed_methods:
return, start_response)
headers = self.get_access_control_request_headers(environ)
if not headers.issubset(self.allowed_headers):
return, start_response)
r = exc.HTTPOk(headers=self.get_response_headers(preflight=True))
return r(environ, start_response)
def get_response_headers(self, preflight=False):
headers = [('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')]
if preflight:
ac_methods = ', '.join(self.allowed_methods)
ac_headers = ', '.join(sorted(self.allowed_headers))
('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', str(ac_methods)),
('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', str(ac_headers)),
if self.cache_preflight:
('Access-Control-Max-Age', str(self.cache_preflight))
return headers
def get_access_control_request_headers(self, environ):
headers = environ.get('HTTP_ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERS', '')
return {h.strip().lower() for h in headers.split(',') if h.strip()}
class LoginRedirectMiddleware:
'''Actually converts a 401 into a 302 so we can do a redirect to a different
app for login. (StatusCodeRedirect does a WSGI-only redirect which cannot
go to a URL not managed by the WSGI stack).'''
def __init__(self, app): = app
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
status, headers, app_iter, exc_info = _call_wsgi_application(, environ)
is_api_request = environ.get('PATH_INFO', '').startswith('/rest/')
if status[:3] == '401' and not is_api_request and not is_ajax(Request(environ)):
login_url = tg.config.get('auth.login_url', '/auth/')
if environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET':
return_to = environ['PATH_INFO']
if environ.get('QUERY_STRING'):
return_to += '?' + environ['QUERY_STRING']
location = tg.url(login_url, dict(return_to=return_to))
# Don't try to re-post; the body has been lost.
location = tg.url(login_url)
r = exc.HTTPFound(location=location, headers={'X-Robots-Tag': 'noindex,follow'})
return r(environ, start_response)
start_response(status, headers, exc_info)
return app_iter
class CSRFMiddleware:
'''On POSTs, looks for a special field name that matches the value of a given
cookie. If this field is missing, the cookies are cleared to anonymize the
def __init__(self, app, cookie_name, param_name=None):
if param_name is None:
param_name = cookie_name
self._app = app
self._param_name = param_name
self._cookie_name = cookie_name
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
req = Request(environ)
# enforce POSTs
cookie = req.cookies.get(self._cookie_name, None)
if cookie is None:
cookie = h.cryptographic_nonce()
# protect application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data (or maybe blank) from browser forms
if req.method == 'POST' and req.content_type != 'application/json':
param = req.POST.pop(self._param_name, None)
except KeyError:
log.debug('error getting %s from POST', self._param_name, exc_info=True)
param = None
if cookie != param:
log.warning('CSRF attempt detected: cookie %r != param %r', cookie, param)
environ.pop('HTTP_COOKIE', None) # effectively kill the existing session
if req.path.startswith('/auth/'):
# for operations where you're not logged in yet (e.g. login form, pwd recovery, etc), then killing
# the session doesn't help, so we block the request entirely
resp = exc.HTTPForbidden()
return resp(environ, start_response)
# Set cookie for use in later forms:
# in addition to setting a cookie,
# set this so its available on first response before cookie gets created in browser
environ[self._cookie_name] = cookie
def session_start_response(status, headers, exc_info=None):
if dict(headers).get('Content-Type', '').startswith('text/html'):
use_secure = 'secure; ' if environ['beaker.session'].secure else ''
samesite = 'SameSite=Strict; ' if environ['beaker.session'].secure else ''
str(f'{self._cookie_name}={cookie}; {use_secure}{samesite}Path=/')))
return start_response(status, headers, exc_info)
return self._app(environ, session_start_response)
class SSLMiddleware:
'Verify the https/http schema is correct'
def __init__(self, app, no_redirect_pattern=None, force_ssl_pattern=None): = app
if no_redirect_pattern:
self._no_redirect_re = re.compile(no_redirect_pattern)
self._no_redirect_re = re.compile('$$$')
if force_ssl_pattern:
self._force_ssl_re = re.compile(force_ssl_pattern)
self._force_ssl_re = re.compile('$$$')
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
req = Request(environ)
if self._no_redirect_re.match(environ['PATH_INFO']):
return req.get_response(, start_response)
resp = None
request_uri = req.url
except UnicodeError:
resp = exc.HTTPBadRequest()
secure = req.url.startswith('https://')
srv_path = req.url.split('://', 1)[-1]
force_ssl = self._force_ssl_re.match(environ['PATH_INFO'])
if req.environ.get('tg.original_request'):
# if an error occurs, then /error/document is fetched (denoted by tg.original_request)
# and we don't want to do any redirects within that sub-request
elif not secure and force_ssl:
resp = exc.HTTPMovedPermanently(location='https://' + srv_path)
elif secure and not force_ssl:
resp = exc.HTTPMovedPermanently(location='http://' + srv_path)
if not resp:
resp =
return resp(environ, start_response)
class SetRequestHostFromConfig:
Set request properties for host and port, based on the 'base_url' config setting.
This permits code to use etc to construct URLs correctly, even when behind a proxy, like in docker
def __init__(self, app, config): = app
self.config = config
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
environ['HTTP_HOST'] = tg.config['base_url'].split('://')[1]
# setting environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] would make some links use the right http/https scheme, but is not safe
# since the app may accept both http and https inbound requests, and many places in code need to check that
# potentially could set wsgi.url_scheme based on 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL' == 'on' and/or
req = Request(environ)
# check for malformed unicode or POSTs, this is the first middleware that might trip over it:
req.params # noqa: B018
resp =
except (UnicodeError, ValueError):
resp = exc.HTTPBadRequest()
return resp(environ, start_response)
class AlluraTimerMiddleware(TimerMiddleware):
def timers(self):
import jinja2
import markdown
import ming
import pymongo
import socket
import urllib.request as urlopen_pkg
import activitystream
import pygments
import difflib
import requests
timers = self.entry_point_timers() + [
'activitystream.director.{method_name}', allura.model.timeline.Director,
'create_activity', 'create_timeline', 'get_timeline'),
allura.model.timeline.Aggregator, '*'),
activitystream.managers.NodeManager, '*'),
activitystream.managers.ActivityManager, '*'),
Timer('jinja', jinja2.Template, 'render', 'stream', 'generate'),
Timer('jinja.compile', jinja2.Environment, 'compile'),
Timer('markdown', markdown.Markdown, 'convert'),
Timer('ming', ming.odm.odmsession.ODMCursor, 'next', # FIXME: this may captures timings ok, but is misleading for counts
Timer('ming', ming.odm.odmsession.ODMSession,
'insert_now', 'update_now', 'delete_now',
'find', 'find_and_modify', 'remove', 'update', 'update_if_not_modified',
'aggregate', 'group', 'map_reduce', 'inline_map_reduce', 'distinct',
# Timer('ming', ming.schema.Document, 'validate',
# debug_each_call=False),
# Timer('ming', ming.schema.FancySchemaItem, '_validate_required',
# '_validate_fast_missing', '_validate_optional',
# debug_each_call=False),
Timer('mongo', pymongo.collection.Collection, 'count', 'find',
'find_one', 'aggregate', 'group', 'map_reduce',
'inline_map_reduce', 'find_and_modify',
'insert', 'save', 'update', 'remove', 'drop'),
Timer('mongo', pymongo.cursor.Cursor, 'count', 'distinct',
# urlopen and socket io may or may not overlap partially
Timer('repo.Blob.{method_name}', allura.model.repository.Blob, '*'),
Timer('repo.Commit.{method_name}', allura.model.repository.Commit, '*'),
allura.model.repository.LastCommit, '*'),
Timer('repo.Tree.{method_name}', allura.model.repository.Tree, '*'),
Timer('socket_read', socket.SocketIO, 'read', 'readline',
'readlines', debug_each_call=False),
Timer('socket_write', socket.SocketIO, 'write', 'writelines',
'flush', debug_each_call=False),
Timer('solr', pysolr.Solr, 'add', 'delete', 'search', 'commit'),
Timer('urlopen', urlopen_pkg, 'urlopen'),
Timer('requests', requests.sessions.Session, 'request'),
allura.model.repository.RepositoryImplementation, 'last_commit_ids'),
Timer('pygments', pygments, 'highlight'), # often called from within a template so will overlap w/ jinja
Timer('difflib', difflib, '_mdiff', 'unified_diff'),
Timer('logging', logging.Logger, '_log', debug_each_call=False),
Timer('navbar', M.Project, 'nav_data', 'grouped_navbar_entries'),
] + [Timer('sidebar', ep.load(), 'sidebar_menu') for ep in tool_entry_points]
import ldap
except ImportError:
timers += [
Timer('ldap', ldap, 'initialize'),
Timer('ldap', ldap.ldapobject.LDAPObject,
'bind_s', 'unbind_s', 'add_s', 'modify_s', 'search_s'),
if self.config.get('memcached_host'):
import pylibmc
timers += [
Timer('memcache.get', pylibmc.client.Client, 'get'),
Timer('memcache.set', pylibmc.client.Client, 'set'),
return timers
def before_logging(self, stat_record):
app_config =
except (TypeError, AttributeError):
stat_record.add('request_category', app_config.tool_name.lower())
return stat_record
def entry_point_timers(cls, module_prefix=None):
timers = []
for ep in h.iter_entry_points('allura.timers'):
if not module_prefix or ep.module_name.startswith(module_prefix):
func = ep.load()
timers += aslist(func())
return timers
class RememberLoginMiddleware:
This middleware changes session's cookie expiration time according to login_expires
session variable'''
def __init__(self, app, config): = app
self.config = config
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
def remember_login_start_response(status, headers, exc_info=None):
session = environ['beaker.session']
username = session.get('username')
login_expires = session.get('login_expires')
if username and login_expires is not None:
if login_expires is True:
# no specific expiration, lasts for duration of "browser session"
session.cookie[session.key]['expires'] = ''
# set it to the given date
# Replace the cookie header that SessionMiddleware set
# with one that has the new expires parameter value
cookie = session.cookie[session.key].output(header='')
for i in range(len(headers)):
header, contents = headers[i]
if header == 'Set-cookie' and \
headers[i] = ('Set-cookie', cookie)
return start_response(status, headers, exc_info)
return, remember_login_start_response)
class MingTaskSessionSetupMiddleware:
This middleware ensures there is a "task" session always established. This avoids:
File ".../ming/odm/", line 31, in __call__
File ".../ming/odm/", line 45, in _cleanup_request
File ".../ming/odm/", line 414, in flush_all
for sess in cls._session_registry.values():
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
Which would happen when IndexerSessionExtension establishes the first "task" session during a flush of a
different session
def __init__(self, app): = app
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
# this is sufficient to ensure an ODM session is always established
session(M.MonQTask).impl # noqa: B018
return, start_response)
class ContentSecurityPolicyMiddleware:
''' Sets Content-Security-Policy headers '''
def __init__(self, app, config): = app
self.config = config
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
req = Request(environ)
resp = req.get_response(
rules = set(resp.headers.getall('Content-Security-Policy'))
report_rules = set(resp.headers.getall('Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only'))
report_uri = self.config.get('csp.report_uri', None)
report_uri_enforce = self.config.get('csp.report_uri_enforce', None)
if rules:
if report_rules:
if self.config['base_url'].startswith('https'):
if self.config.get('csp.frame_sources'):
if asbool(self.config.get('csp.frame_sources_enforce', False)):
rules.add(f"frame-src {self.config['csp.frame_sources']}")
report_rules.add(f"frame-src {self.config['csp.frame_sources']}")
if self.config.get('csp.form_action_urls'):
srcs = self.config['csp.form_action_urls']
if environ.get('csp_form_actions'):
srcs += ' ' + ' '.join(environ['csp_form_actions'])
if asbool(self.config.get('csp.form_actions_enforce', False)):
rules.add(f"form-action {srcs}")
report_rules.add(f"form-action {srcs}")
if self.config.get('csp.script_src'):
script_srcs = self.config['csp.script_src']
Sometimes you might have the need to build custom values from inside a controller and pass it
to the middleware. In this case we pass a custom list of domains from google that can't be built
directly in here.
if environ.get('csp_script_domains', ''):
script_srcs = f"{script_srcs} {' '.join(environ['csp_script_domains'])}"
if asbool(self.config.get('csp.script_src_enforce', False)):
rules.add(f"script-src {script_srcs} {self.config.get('csp.script_src.extras','')} 'report-sample'")
report_rules.add(f"script-src {script_srcs} {self.config.get('csp.script_src.extras','')} 'report-sample'")
if self.config.get('csp.script_src_attr'):
if asbool(self.config.get('csp.script_src_attr_enforce', False)):
rules.add(f"script-src-attr {self.config.get('csp.script_src_attr')} 'report-sample'")
report_rules.add(f"script-src-attr {self.config.get('csp.script_src_attr')} 'report-sample'")
rules.add("object-src 'none'")
rules.add("frame-ancestors 'self'")
if rules:
if report_uri_enforce:
rules.add(f'report-uri {report_uri_enforce}')
resp.headers.add('Content-Security-Policy', '; '.join(rules))
if report_rules:
if report_uri:
report_rules.add(f'report-uri {report_uri}')
resp.headers.add('Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only', '; '.join(report_rules))
return resp(environ, start_response)
class SetHeadersMiddleware:
""" Set headers """
def __init__(self, app, config): = app
self.config = config
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
req = Request(environ)
resp = req.get_response(
if self.config.get('permissions_policies', ''):
resp.headers.add('Permissions-Policy', f"{self.config['permissions_policies']}")
if self.config.get('features_policies', ''):
resp.headers.add('Feature-Policy', f"{self.config['features_policies']}")
if self.config.get('referrer_policy'):
resp.headers.add('Referrer-Policy', f"{self.config['referrer_policy']}")
return resp(environ, start_response)
_call_wsgi_application & StatusCodeRedirect were originally part of TurboGears, but then removed from it.
They came from Pylons before that.
TurboGears provides a ErrorPageApplicationWrapper alternative, but it is TG-specific and has behavior changes.
We'd have to enable in AppConfig with:
self['errorpage.enabled'] = True
self['errorpage.status_codes'] = [400, 401, 403, 404, 410]
And then lots of other changes:
`request.disable_error_pages()` instead of `request.environ['tg.status_code_redirect'] = True`
`request.disable_error_pages()` in jsonify() and some other places
`req = req.environ.get('tg.original_request') or req` in lots of middleware that uses the req *after* response
... more
def _call_wsgi_application(application, environ):
Call the given WSGI application, returning ``(status_string,
headerlist, app_iter)``
Be sure to call ``app_iter.close()`` if it's there.
captured = []
output = []
def _start_response(status, headers, exc_info=None):
captured[:] = [status, headers, exc_info]
return output.append
app_iter = application(environ, _start_response)
if not captured or output:
if hasattr(app_iter, 'close'):
app_iter = output
return (captured[0], captured[1], app_iter, captured[2])
class StatusCodeRedirect:
"""Internally redirects a request based on status code
StatusCodeRedirect watches the response of the app it wraps. If the
response is an error code in the errors sequence passed the request
will be re-run with the path URL set to the path passed in.
This operation is non-recursive and the output of the second
request will be used no matter what it is.
Should an application wish to bypass the error response (ie, to
purposely return a 401), set
``environ['tg.status_code_redirect'] = False`` in the application.
def __init__(self, app, errors=(400, 401, 403, 404),
"""Initialize the ErrorRedirect
A sequence (list, tuple) of error code integers that should
be caught.
The path to set for the next request down to the
""" = app
self.error_path = path
# Transform errors to str for comparison
self.errors = tuple([str(x) for x in errors])
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
status, headers, app_iter, exc_info = _call_wsgi_application(, environ)
if status[:3] in self.errors and \
'tg.status_code_redirect' not in environ and self.error_path:
# Create a response object
environ['tg.original_response'] = Response(status=status, headerlist=headers, app_iter=app_iter)
environ['tg.original_request'] = Request(environ)
environ['pylons.original_response'] = environ['tg.original_response']
environ['pylons.original_request'] = environ['tg.original_request']
# Create a new environ to avoid touching the original request data
new_environ = environ.copy()
new_environ['PATH_INFO'] = self.error_path
newstatus, headers, app_iter, exc_info = _call_wsgi_application(, new_environ)
start_response(status, headers, exc_info)
return app_iter