blob: bb7908c9b94786438ffffde0fd8bb863738cd0c3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import io
from unittest import TestCase, skipIf
from os import path
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import time
import PIL
from mock import Mock, patch
from tg import tmpl_context as c
from tg import config
from import module_not_available
from webob import Request
from webob.exc import HTTPUnauthorized
from ming.odm import ThreadLocalODMSession
from markupsafe import Markup
import pytest
from allura import model as M
from allura.lib import exceptions as exc
from allura.lib import helpers as h
from import inject_user
from import has_access
from import Credentials
from allura.tests import decorators as td
from alluratest.controller import setup_basic_test
import six
def setup_module():
class TestMakeSafePathPortion(TestCase):
def setup_method(self, method):
self.f = h.make_safe_path_portion
def test_no_ascii_chars(self):
s = self.f('Задачи', relaxed=False)
self.assertEqual(s, '')
def test_some_ascii_chars(self):
s = self.f('aßbƒ', relaxed=False)
self.assertEqual(s, 'ab')
def test_strict_mount_point_names(self):
s = self.f('1this+is.illegal', relaxed=False)
self.assertEqual(s, 'this-is-illegal')
s = self.f('this-1-is-legal', relaxed=False)
self.assertEqual(s, 'this-1-is-legal')
s = self.f('THIS-IS-Illegal', relaxed=False)
self.assertEqual(s, 'this-is-illegal')
def test_relaxed_mount_point_names(self):
s = self.f('')
self.assertEqual(s, '')
s = self.f('not*_legal')
self.assertEqual(s, 'not-legal')
s = self.f('THIS-IS-Illegal')
self.assertEqual(s, 'THIS-IS-Illegal')
def test_escape_json():
inputdata = {"foo": "bar</script><img src=foobar onerror=alert(1)>"}
outputsample = '{"foo": "bar\\u003c/script\\u003e\\u003cimg src=foobar onerror=alert(1)\\u003e"}'
outputdata = h.escape_json(inputdata)
assert outputdata == outputsample
def test_strip_bad_unicode():
inputdata = 'Hello\x08World\t\n\rfoo bar\x1E'
outputsample = 'HelloWorld\t\n\rfoo bar'
outputdata = h.strip_bad_unicode(inputdata)
assert outputdata == outputsample
def test_really_unicode():
here_dir = path.dirname(__file__)
s = h.really_unicode(b'asdf')
assert s.startswith('asdf'), repr(s)
s = h.really_unicode(b'\xef\xbb\xbf<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>')
assert s.startswith('\ufeff'), repr(s)
s = h.really_unicode(
open(path.join(here_dir, 'data/unicode_test.txt')).read())
assert isinstance(s, str)
# try non-ascii string in legacy 8bit encoding
# ensure invalid encodings are handled gracefully
s = h._attempt_encodings(b'foo', ['LKDJFLDK'])
assert isinstance(s, str)
# unicode stays the same
assert h.really_unicode('¬∂•°‹') == '¬∂•°‹'
# other types are handled too
assert h.really_unicode(1234) == '1234'
assert h.really_unicode(datetime(2020, 1, 1)) == '2020-01-01 00:00:00'
assert h.really_unicode(None) == ''
# markup stays markup
s = h.really_unicode(Markup('<b>test</b>'))
assert isinstance(s, str)
assert isinstance(s, Markup)
assert s == '<b>test</b>'
def test_find_project():
proj, rest = h.find_project('/p/test/foo')
assert proj.shortname == 'test'
assert == 'Projects'
proj, rest = h.find_project('/p/testable/foo')
assert proj is None
def test_make_roles():
h.set_context('test', 'wiki', neighborhood='Projects')
pr = M.ProjectRole.anonymous()
assert next(h.make_roles([pr._id])) == pr
def test_make_app_admin_only():
h.set_context('test', 'wiki', neighborhood='Projects')
anon = M.User.anonymous()
dev = M.User.query.get(username='test-user')
admin = M.User.query.get(username='test-admin')
c.project.add_user(dev, ['Developer'])
assert has_access(, 'read', user=anon)()
assert has_access(, 'read', user=dev)()
assert has_access(, 'read', user=admin)()
assert not has_access(, 'create', user=anon)()
assert has_access(, 'create', user=dev)()
assert has_access(, 'create', user=admin)()
assert not has_access(, 'read', user=anon)()
assert not has_access(, 'read', user=dev)()
assert has_access(, 'read', user=admin)()
assert not has_access(, 'create', user=anon)()
assert not has_access(, 'create', user=dev)()
assert has_access(, 'create', user=admin)()
assert not
assert not
def test_context_setters():
h.set_context('test', 'wiki', neighborhood='Projects')
assert c.project is not None
assert is not None
cfg_id =
h.set_context('test', app_config_id=cfg_id, neighborhood='Projects')
assert c.project is not None
assert is not None
h.set_context('test', app_config_id=str(cfg_id), neighborhood='Projects')
assert c.project is not None
assert is not None
c.project = = None
with h.push_context('test', 'wiki', neighborhood='Projects'):
assert c.project is not None
assert is not None
assert c.project == and is None
with h.push_context('test', app_config_id=cfg_id, neighborhood='Projects'):
assert c.project is not None
assert is not None
assert c.project == and is None
with h.push_context('test', app_config_id=str(cfg_id), neighborhood='Projects'):
assert c.project is not None
assert is not None
assert c.project == and is None
del c.project
with h.push_context('test', app_config_id=str(cfg_id), neighborhood='Projects'):
assert c.project is not None
assert is not None
assert not hasattr(c, 'project')
assert not hasattr(c, 'app')
def test_encode_keys():
kw = h.encode_keys({'foo': 5})
assert isinstance(list(kw.keys())[0], str)
def test_ago():
assert h.ago(datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=2)) == '2 days ago'
assert h.ago(datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=2)) == 'in 2 days'
assert h.ago_ts(time.time() - 60 * 60 * 2) == '2 hours ago'
d_str = (datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=3)).isoformat()
assert h.ago_string(d_str) == '3 hours ago'
assert h.ago_string('bad format') == 'unknown'
assert h.ago_string(None) == 'unknown'
monthish = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=32)
assert 'ago' not in h.ago(monthish)
assert h.ago(monthish, show_date_after=90) == '1 month ago'
assert h.ago(monthish, show_date_after=None) == '1 month ago'
monthish = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=32)
assert 'in ' not in h.ago(monthish)
assert h.ago(monthish, show_date_after=90) == 'in 1 month'
assert h.ago(monthish, show_date_after=None) == 'in 1 month'
def test_urlquote_unicode():
# No exceptions please
assert '%D0%90' == h.urlquote('\u0410')
assert '%D0%90' == h.urlquoteplus('\u0410')
assert '%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B2%D1%96%D1%82.txt' == h.urlquote('привіт.txt')
def test_sharded_path():
assert h.sharded_path('foobar') == 'f/fo'
def test_paging_sanitizer():
test_data = {
# input (limit, page, total, zero-based): output (limit, page)
(0, 0, 0): (1, 0),
('1', '1', 1): (1, 0),
(5, '10', 25): (5, 4),
('5', 10, 25, False): (5, 5),
(5, '-1', 25): (5, 0),
('5', -1, 25, False): (5, 1),
(5, '3', 25): (5, 3),
('5', 3, 25, False): (5, 3),
(9999999, 0, 0): (500, 0),
(10, None, 0): (10, 0),
(10, 0): (10, 0),
('junk', 'more junk'): (25, 0),
for input, output in test_data.items():
assert (h.paging_sanitizer(*input)) == output
def test_render_any_markup_empty():
assert h.render_any_markup('foo', '') == '<p><em>Empty File</em></p>'
def test_render_any_markup_plain():
assert (
'readme.txt', '<b>blah</b>\n<script>alert(1)</script>\nfoo') ==
def test_render_any_markup_formatting():
assert (str(h.render_any_markup('', '### foo\n'
' <script>alert(1)</script>bar')) ==
'<div class="markdown_content"><h3 id="foo">foo</h3>\n'
'<div class="codehilite"><pre><span></span><code><span class="nt">'
'&lt;script&gt;</span>alert(1)<span class="nt">'
def test_render_any_markdown_encoding():
# send encoded content in, make sure it converts it to actual unicode object which Markdown lib needs
assert (h.render_any_markup('', 'Müller'.encode()) ==
'<div class="markdown_content"><p>Müller</p></div>')
class AuditLogMock(Mock):
logs = list()
def log(cls, message):
@patch('allura.model.AuditLog', new=AuditLogMock)
def test_log_if_changed():
artifact = Mock()
artifact.value = 'test'
# change
h.log_if_changed(artifact, 'value', 'changed', 'updated value')
assert artifact.value == 'changed'
assert len(AuditLogMock.logs) == 1
assert AuditLogMock.logs[0] == 'updated value'
# don't change
h.log_if_changed(artifact, 'value', 'changed', 'updated value')
assert artifact.value == 'changed'
assert len(AuditLogMock.logs) == 1
assert AuditLogMock.logs[0] == 'updated value'
def test_get_tool_packages():
assert h.get_tool_packages('tickets') == ['forgetracker']
assert h.get_tool_packages('Tickets') == ['forgetracker']
assert h.get_tool_packages('wrong_tool') == []
def test_get_first():
assert h.get_first({}, 'title') is None
assert h.get_first({'title': None}, 'title') is None
assert h.get_first({'title': 'Value'}, 'title') == 'Value'
assert h.get_first({'title': ['Value']}, 'title') == 'Value'
assert h.get_first({'title': []}, 'title') is None
assert h.get_first({'title': ['Value']}, 'title') == 'Value'
def test_inject_user(context):
user = Mock(username='user01')
assert inject_user(None, user) is None
assert inject_user('', user) == ''
assert inject_user('query', user) == 'query'
result = inject_user('reported_by_s:$USER OR assigned_to_s:$USER', user)
assert result == 'reported_by_s:"user01" OR assigned_to_s:"user01"'
context.user = Mock(username='admin1')
result = inject_user('reported_by_s:$USER OR assigned_to_s:$USER')
assert result == 'reported_by_s:"admin1" OR assigned_to_s:"admin1"'
context.user = Mock(username='*anonymous')
result = inject_user('reported_by_s:$USER OR assigned_to_s:$USER')
assert (
result == 'reported_by_s:"*anonymous" OR assigned_to_s:"*anonymous"')
def test_datetimeformat():
from datetime import date
assert h.datetimeformat(date(2013, 1, 1)) == '2013-01-01 00:00:00'
def test_nl2br_jinja_filter():
assert (h.nl2br_jinja_filter('foo<script>alert(1)</script>\nbar\nbaz') ==
def test_subrender_jinja_filter():
# if we need a real ctx, have to do all this which probably isn't even quite right
# from allura.config.app_cfg import AlluraJinjaRenderer
# j2env = AlluraJinjaRenderer.create(config, None)['jinja'].jinja2_env
# from jinja2.runtime import new_context
# j_ctx = new_context(j2env, template_name=None, blocks={})
j_ctx = None
# HTML, but no jinja:
assert h.subrender_jinja_filter(j_ctx, '<b>hi</b>{% foo %}') == '<b>hi</b>{% foo %}'
# var does not error if no `c.project`
assert h.subrender_jinja_filter(j_ctx, '<a href="{{ c.project.url() }}"></a>') == '<a href="{{ c.project.url() }}"></a>'
# with `c.project` set, replacement of this var works:
with h.push_context('test', neighborhood='Projects'):
assert h.subrender_jinja_filter(j_ctx, '<a href="{{ c.project.url() }}"></a>') == '<a href="/p/test/"></a>'
def test_split_select_field_options():
assert (h.split_select_field_options('"test message" test2') ==
['test message', 'test2'])
assert (h.split_select_field_options('"test message test2') ==
['test', 'message', 'test2'])
assert (h.split_select_field_options('abc ƒå∂ ººº') ==
['abc', 'ƒå∂', 'ººº'])
def test_notifications_disabled():
project = Mock(notifications_disabled=False)
with h.notifications_disabled(project):
assert project.notifications_disabled is True
assert project.notifications_disabled is False
@skipIf(module_not_available('html2text'), 'html2text required')
def test_plain2markdown_with_html2text():
"""Test plain2markdown using html2text to escape markdown, if available."""
text = '''paragraph
4 spaces before this
here's a <tag> that should be <b>preserved</b>
Literal &gt; &Ograve; &frac14; &amp; &#38; &#x123F;
M & Ms - doesn't get escaped - not escaped either
expected = r'''paragraph
4 spaces before this
here's a &lt;tag&gt; that should be &lt;b&gt;preserved&lt;/b&gt;
Literal &amp;gt; &amp;Ograve; &amp;frac14; &amp;amp; &amp;\#38; &amp;\#x123F;
M & Ms - doesn't get escaped - not escaped either
assert h.plain2markdown(text) == expected
assert h.plain2markdown('a foo bar\n\n code here?',
preserve_multiple_spaces=True) == \
'a foo&nbsp; bar\n\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; code here?'
assert h.plain2markdown('\ttab before (stuff)',
preserve_multiple_spaces=True) == \
r'&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; tab before \(stuff\)'
assert h.plain2markdown('\ttab before (stuff)',
preserve_multiple_spaces=False) == \
r'tab before \(stuff\)'
def test_plain2markdown():
"""Test plain2markdown using fallback regexp to escape markdown.
Potentially MD-special characters are aggresively escaped, as without
knowledge of the MD parsing rules it's better to be excessive but safe.
text = '''paragraph
4 spaces before this
here's a <tag> that should be <b>preserved</b>
Literal &gt; &Ograve; &frac14; &amp; &#38; &#x123F;
M & Ms - amp doesn't get escaped - not escaped either
back\\-slash escaped
expected = r'''paragraph
4 spaces before this
here's a &lt;tag&gt; that should be &lt;b&gt;preserved&lt;/b&gt;
Literal &amp;gt; &amp;Ograve; &amp;frac14; &amp;amp; &amp;\#38; &amp;\#x123F;
M & Ms \- amp doesn't get escaped
http://blah\.com/?x=y&a=b \- not escaped either
back\\\-slash escaped
assert h.plain2markdown(text) == expected
assert h.plain2markdown('a foo bar\n\n code here?',
preserve_multiple_spaces=True) == \
'a foo&nbsp; bar\n\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; code here?'
assert h.plain2markdown('\ttab before (stuff)',
preserve_multiple_spaces=True) == \
r'&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; tab before \(stuff\)'
assert h.plain2markdown('\ttab before (stuff)',
preserve_multiple_spaces=False) == \
r'tab before \(stuff\)'
class TestUrlOpen(TestCase):
def test_no_error(self, urlopen):
r = h.urlopen('')
self.assertEqual(r, urlopen.return_value)
urlopen.assert_called_once_with('', timeout=None)
def test_socket_timeout(self, urlopen):
import socket
def side_effect(url, timeout=None):
raise socket.timeout()
urlopen.side_effect = side_effect
self.assertRaises(socket.timeout, h.urlopen, '')
self.assertEqual(urlopen.call_count, 4)
def test_socket_reset(self, urlopen):
import socket
import errno
def side_effect(url, timeout=None):
raise OSError(errno.ECONNRESET, 'Connection reset by peer')
urlopen.side_effect = side_effect
self.assertRaises(socket.error, h.urlopen, '')
self.assertEqual(urlopen.call_count, 4)
def test_handled_http_error(self, urlopen):
from urllib.error import HTTPError
def side_effect(url, timeout=None):
raise HTTPError('url', 408, 'timeout', None, io.BytesIO())
urlopen.side_effect = side_effect
self.assertRaises(HTTPError, h.urlopen, '')
self.assertEqual(urlopen.call_count, 4)
def test_unhandled_http_error(self, urlopen):
from urllib.error import HTTPError
def side_effect(url, timeout=None):
raise HTTPError('url', 404, 'timeout', None, io.BytesIO())
urlopen.side_effect = side_effect
self.assertRaises(HTTPError, h.urlopen, '')
self.assertEqual(urlopen.call_count, 1)
def test_absurl():
assert h.absurl('/p/test/foobar') == 'http://localhost/p/test/foobar'
def test_daterange():
assert (
list(h.daterange(datetime(2013, 1, 1), datetime(2013, 1, 4))) ==
[datetime(2013, 1, 1), datetime(2013, 1, 2), datetime(2013, 1, 3)])
@patch.object(h, 'request',
new=Request.blank('/p/test/foobar', base_url=''))
def test_login_overlay():
with h.login_overlay():
raise HTTPUnauthorized()
with h.login_overlay(exceptions=['foo']):
raise HTTPUnauthorized()
with td.raises(HTTPUnauthorized):
with h.login_overlay(exceptions=['foobar']):
raise HTTPUnauthorized()
class TestIterEntryPoints(TestCase):
def _make_ep(self, name, cls):
m = Mock() = name
m.load.return_value = cls
return m
@patch.dict(, {'disable_entry_points.allura': 'myapp'})
def test_disabled(self, pkg_resources):
pkg_resources.iter_entry_points.return_value = [
self._make_ep('myapp', object)]
self.assertEqual([], list(h.iter_entry_points('allura')))
def test_subclassed_ep(self, pkg_resources):
class App:
class BetterApp(App):
pkg_resources.iter_entry_points.return_value = [
self._make_ep('myapp', App),
self._make_ep('myapp', BetterApp)]
eps = list(h.iter_entry_points('allura'))
self.assertEqual(len(eps), 1)
self.assertEqual(BetterApp, eps[0].load())
def test_ambiguous_eps(self, pkg_resources):
class App:
class BetterApp(App):
class BestApp:
pkg_resources.iter_entry_points.return_value = [
self._make_ep('myapp', App),
self._make_ep('myapp', BetterApp),
self._make_ep('myapp', BestApp)]
r'Ambiguous \[allura\] entry points detected. '
'Multiple entry points with name "myapp".',
list, h.iter_entry_points('allura'))
def test_get_user_status():
user = M.User.by_username('test-admin')
assert h.get_user_status(user) == 'enabled'
user = Mock(disabled=True, pending=False)
assert h.get_user_status(user) == 'disabled'
user = Mock(disabled=False, pending=True)
assert h.get_user_status(user) == 'pending'
user = Mock(disabled=True, pending=True) # not an expected combination
assert h.get_user_status(user) == 'disabled'
def test_convert_bools():
assert (h.convert_bools({'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'false', 'abc': 0, 'def': 1, 'ghi': True}) ==
{'foo': 'bar', 'baz': False, 'abc': 0, 'def': 1, 'ghi': True})
assert (h.convert_bools({'foo': 'true', 'baz': ' TRUE '}) ==
{'foo': True, 'baz': True})
assert (h.convert_bools({'foo': 'true', 'baz': ' TRUE '}, prefix='ba') ==
{'foo': 'true', 'baz': True})
def test_base64uri_img():
img_file = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'user.png')
with open(img_file, 'rb') as img_file_handle:
img =
b64img = h.base64uri(img)
assert b64img.startswith('data:image/png;base64,'), b64img[:100]
assert len(b64img) > 500
def test_base64uri_text():
b64txt = h.base64uri('blah blah blah\n123 456\nfoo bar baz', mimetype='text/plain')
assert b64txt == 'data:text/plain;base64,YmxhaCBibGFoIGJsYWgKMTIzIDQ1Ngpmb28gYmFyIGJheg=='
b64txt = h.base64uri('blah blah blah\n123 456\nfoo bar baz', mimetype='text/plain', windows_line_endings=True)
assert b64txt == 'data:text/plain;base64,YmxhaCBibGFoIGJsYWgNCjEyMyA0NTYNCmZvbyBiYXIgYmF6'
def test_slugify():
assert h.slugify('Foo Bar Bat')[0] == 'Foo-Bar-Bat'
assert h.slugify('Foo_Bar')[0] == 'Foo_Bar'
assert h.slugify('Foo ')[0] == 'Foo'
assert h.slugify(' Foo ')[0] == 'Foo'
assert h.slugify('" Foo ')[0] == 'Foo'
assert h.slugify('Fôö')[0] == 'Foo'
assert h.slugify('Foo.Bar')[0] == 'Foo-Bar'
assert h.slugify('Foo.Bar', True)[0] == 'Foo.Bar'
class TestRateLimit(TestCase):
rate_limits = '{"60": 1, "120": 3, "900": 5, "1800": 7, "3600": 10, "7200": 15, "86400": 20, "604800": 50, "2592000": 200}'
key_comment = 'allura.rate_limits_per_user'
def test(self):
# Keys are number of seconds, values are max number allowed until that time period is reached
with h.push_config(, **{self.key_comment: self.rate_limits}):
now = datetime.utcnow()
start_date = now - timedelta(seconds=30)
h.rate_limit(self.key_comment, 0, start_date)
with pytest.raises(exc.RatelimitError):
h.rate_limit(self.key_comment, 1, start_date)
start_date = now - timedelta(seconds=61)
h.rate_limit(self.key_comment, 1, start_date)
h.rate_limit(self.key_comment, 2, start_date)
with pytest.raises(exc.RatelimitError):
h.rate_limit(self.key_comment, 3, start_date)
start_date = now - timedelta(seconds=86301)
h.rate_limit(self.key_comment, 19, start_date)
with pytest.raises(exc.RatelimitError):
h.rate_limit(self.key_comment, 20, start_date)
start_date = now - timedelta(seconds=86401)
h.rate_limit(self.key_comment, 21, start_date)
h.rate_limit(self.key_comment, 49, start_date)
with pytest.raises(exc.RatelimitError):
h.rate_limit(self.key_comment, 50, start_date)
def test_hide_private_info():
assert h.hide_private_info(None) is None
assert h.hide_private_info('') == ''
assert h.hide_private_info('foo bar') == 'foo bar baz@...'
assert h.hide_private_info('some <>\nor asdf+asdf.f@g.f.x') == 'some <1@...>\nor asdf+asdf.f@...'
safe_markup_converted = h.hide_private_info(Markup('foo bar'))
assert type(safe_markup_converted) == Markup
assert safe_markup_converted == Markup('foo bar baz@...')
with h.push_config(, hide_private_info=False):
assert h.hide_private_info('foo bar') == 'foo bar'
def test_emojize():
assert h.emojize(':smile:') == '😄'
def test_querystring():
req = Request.blank('/p/test/foobar?page=1&limit=10&count=100', remote_addr='',
assert (h.querystring(req, dict(page=2, limit=5)) ==
assert (h.querystring(req, dict(page=5, limit=2, count=None)) ==