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.. contents::
.. _step-by-step-install:
Step-by-Step Installation
For a simpler setup using Docker images, see :ref:`docker-install` instead.
In these instructions, we'll use `VirtualBox <>`__ and `Ubuntu 14.04 <>`_ (12.04 works too) to create a disposable sandbox for Allura development/testing. Allura should work on other Linux systems (including OSX), but setting up all the dependencies will be different.
* Download and install `VirtualBox <>`__ for your platform.
* Download a minimal `Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit ISO <>`_.
* Create a new virtual machine in Virtual Box, selecting Ubuntu (64 bit) as the OS type. The rest of the wizards' defaults are fine.
* When you launch the virtual machine for the first time, you will be prompted to attach your installation media. Browse to the :file:`mini.iso` that you downloaded earlier.
* After a text-only installation, you may end up with a blank screen and blinking cursor. Press :code:`Alt-F1` to switch to the first console.
* Consult `available documentation <>`_ for help installing Ubuntu.
System Packages
Before we begin, you'll need to install some system packages.
.. code-block:: bash
~$ sudo aptitude install git-core default-jre-headless python-dev libssl-dev libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev libjpeg8-dev zlib1g-dev
To install MongoDB, follow the instructions `here <>`_.
Optional, for SVN support:
.. code-block:: bash
~$ sudo aptitude install subversion python-svn
Setting up a virtual python environment
The first step to installing the Allura platform is installing a virtual environment via `virtualenv <>`_. This helps keep our distribution python installation clean.
.. code-block:: bash
~$ sudo aptitude install python-pip
~$ sudo pip install virtualenv
Once you have virtualenv installed, you need to create a virtual environment. We'll call our Allura environment 'env-allura'.
.. code-block:: bash
~$ virtualenv env-allura
This gives us a nice, clean environment into which we can install all the allura dependencies.
In order to use the virtual environment, you'll need to activate it:
.. code-block:: bash
~$ . env-allura/bin/activate
You'll need to do this whenever you're working on the Allura codebase so you may want to consider adding it to your :file:`~/.bashrc` file.
Creating the log directory
.. code-block:: bash
(env-allura)~$ sudo mkdir -p /var/log/allura
(env-allura)~$ sudo chown $(whoami) /var/log/allura
Installing the Allura code and dependencies
Now we can get down to actually getting the Allura code and dependencies downloaded and ready to go. If you don't have the source code yet, run:
.. code-block:: bash
(env-allura)~$ mkdir src
(env-allura)~$ cd src
(env-allura)~/src$ git clone allura
If you already reading this file from an Allura release or checkout, you're ready to continue.
Although the application :file:`` files define a number of dependencies, the :file:`requirements.txt` files are currently the authoritative source, so we'll use those with `pip <>`_ to make sure the correct versions are installed.
.. code-block:: bash
(env-allura)~/src$ cd allura
(env-allura)~/src/allura$ pip install -r requirements.txt
This will take a while. If you get an error from pip, it is typically a temporary download error. Just run the command again and it will quickly pass through the packages it already downloaded and then continue.
Optional, for SVN support: symlink the system pysvn package into our virtual environment
.. code-block:: bash
(env-allura)~/src/allura$ ln -s /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pysvn ~/env-allura/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
Next, run :code:`./rebuild-all.bash` to setup all the Allura applications. If you only want to use a few tools, run:
.. code-block:: bash
(env-allura)~/src/allura$ cd Allura
(env-allura)~/src/allura/Allura$ python develop
(env-allura)~/src/allura/Allura$ cd ../ForgeWiki # required tool
(env-allura)~/src/allura/ForgeWiki$ python develop
# repeat for any other tools you want to use
Initializing the environment
The Allura forge consists of several components, all of which need to be running to have full functionality.
SOLR search and indexing server
We have a custom config ready for use.
.. code-block:: bash
(env-allura)~$ cd ~/src
(env-allura)~/src$ wget -nv
(env-allura)~/src$ tar xf solr-4.2.1.tgz && rm -f solr-4.2.1.tgz
(env-allura)~/src$ cp -f allura/solr_config/schema.xml solr-4.2.1/example/solr/collection1/conf
(env-allura)~/src$ cd solr-4.2.1/example/
(env-allura)~/src/apache-solr-4.2.1/example/$ nohup java -jar start.jar > /var/log/allura/solr.log &
Create code repo directories
The default configuration stores repos in :file:`/srv`, so we need to create those directories:
.. code-block:: bash
~$ sudo mkdir /srv/{git,svn,hg}
~$ sudo chown $USER /srv/{git,svn,hg}
~$ sudo chmod 775 /srv/{git,svn,hg}
If you don't have :code:`sudo` permission or just want to store them somewhere else, change the :file:`/srv` paths in :file:`development.ini`
If you want to set up remote access to the repositories, see :ref:`scm_hosting`
Allura task processing
Allura uses a background task service called "taskd" to do async tasks like sending emails, and indexing data into solr, etc. Let's get it running
.. code-block:: bash
(env-allura)~$ cd ~/src/allura/Allura
(env-allura)~/src/allura/Allura$ nohup paster taskd development.ini > /var/log/allura/taskd.log 2>&1 &
A few more steps, if using git
If you're using a released version of Allura, these are already done for you. This transpiles JS into a version all browsers support:
.. code-block:: bash
(env-allura)~$ sudo aptitude install nodejs npm
(env-allura)~$ sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
(env-allura)~$ cd ~/src/allura
(env-allura)~$ npm install -g broccoli-cli
(env-allura)~$ npm install
(env-allura)~$ npm run build
The application server
In order to initialize the Allura database, you'll need to run the following:
For development setup:
.. code-block:: bash
(env-allura)~/src/allura/Allura$ paster setup-app development.ini
For production setup:
.. code-block:: bash
(env-allura)~/src/allura/Allura$ ALLURA_TEST_DATA=False paster setup-app development.ini
This shouldn't take too long, but it will start the taskd server doing tons of stuff in the background. Once this is done, you can start the application server:
.. code-block:: bash
(env-allura)~/src/allura/Allura$ gunicorn --reload --paste development.ini # add --daemon to run in the background
Next Steps
Go to the Allura webapp running on your `local machine <http://localhost:8080/>`_ port 8080.
(If you're running this inside a VM, you'll probably have to configure the port forwarding settings)
You can log in with username `admin1`, `test-user` or `root`. They all have password "foo". (For more details
on the default data, see :file:``)
There are a few default projects (like "test") and neighborhoods. Feel free to experiment with them. If you want to
register a new project in your own forge, visit `/p/add_project`.
* Read :ref:`post-setup-instructions`
* Ask questions and discuss Allura on the `allura-dev mailing list <>`_
* Run the test suite (slow): :code:`$ ALLURA_VALIDATION=none ./run_tests`
* File bug reports at (login required)
* Contribute code according to :ref:`this guide <contributing>`
.. _docker-install:
Using Docker
First run
`Download the latest release <>`_ of Allura, or `clone from git <>`_ for the bleeding edge.
Install `Docker <>`_ and `Docker Compose <>`_.
Build/fetch all required images (run these in allura source directory):
.. code-block:: bash
docker-compose build
Install requirements:
.. code-block:: bash
docker-compose run web pip install -r requirements.txt
Install Allura packages:
.. code-block:: bash
docker-compose run web ./rebuild-all.bash
Initialize database with test data:
.. code-block:: bash
docker-compose run web bash -c 'cd Allura && paster setup-app docker-dev.ini'
.. note::
If you want to skip test data creation you can instead run: :code:`docker-compose run web bash -c 'cd Allura && ALLURA_TEST_DATA=False paster setup-app docker-dev.ini'`
Start containers in the background:
.. code-block:: bash
docker-compose up -d
You're up and running! Visit localhost:8080 or on a Mac or Windows, whatever IP address Docker Toolbox is using. Then
see our :ref:`post-setup-instructions` and read more below about the Docker environment for Allura.
Allura runs on the following docker containers:
- web
- mongo
- taskd
- solr
- inmail
- outmail
Host-mounted volumes
These are created on first run.
Current directory mounted as :file:`/allura` inside containers. This means your current source code in your host
environment is shared with the containers. You can edit Allura code directly, and the containers will reflect your
Python environment:
- :file:`/allura-data/env-docker/python`
- :file:`/allura-data/env-docker/bin`
Services data:
- :file:`/allura-data/mongo` - mongo data
- :file:`/allura-data/solr` - SOLR index
- :code:`/allura-data/scm/{git,hg,svn}` - code repositories
- :file:`/allura-data/scm/snapshots` - generated code snapshots
Ports, exposed to host system
- 8080 - webapp
- 8983 - SOLR admin panel (http://localhost:8983/solr/)
- 8825 - incoming mail listener
- 27017 - mongodb
Useful commands
Restarting all containers:
.. code-block:: bash
docker-compose up -d
View logs from all services:
.. code-block:: bash
docker-compose logs
You can specify one or more services to view logs only from them, e.g. to see
outgoing mail:
.. code-block:: bash
docker-compose logs outmail
Update requirements and reinstall apps:
.. code-block:: bash
docker-compose run web pip install -r requirements.txt
docker-compose run web ./rebuild-all.bash
You may want to restart at least "taskd" container after that in order for it to
pick up changes. Run :code:`docker-compose restart taskd`
Running all tests:
.. code-block:: bash
docker-compose run web ./run_tests
Running subset of tests:
.. code-block:: bash
docker-compose run web bash -c 'cd ForgeGit && nosetests forgegit.tests.functional.test_controllers:TestFork'
Connecting to mongo using a container:
.. code-block:: bash
docker-compose run mongo mongo --host mongo
.. _post-setup-instructions:
Post-setup instructions
Create project for site-admin
First of all you need to create a project, which will serve as a container for keeping site administrators (users who will have access to the :ref:`admin interface <site-admin-interface>`).
In order to do that:
- open main page of the site in your browser
- go to "Projects" neighborhood (:ref:`what-are-neighborhoods`)
- click "Register a new project" link
By default all admins of "allura" project in "Projects" neighborhood are treated as site admins. If you want to use different project for that, change `site_admins_project` in :file:`development.ini`.
Change default configuration
The :file:`development.ini` file is geared towards development, so you will want to review
carefully and make changes for production use.
Change `[handler_console]` section, so that logs go to a file and will include background tasks info.
.. code-block:: ini
class = allura.lib.utils.CustomWatchedFileHandler
args = ('/path/to/allura.log', 'a')
Add write permissions to the :file:`/path/to/allura.log` for the user you use to run allura proccess.
Change "secrets".
.. code-block:: ini
beaker.session.secret = <your-secret-key>
beaker.session.validate_key = <yet-another-secret-key>
The first one is used for simple cookies, the latter is used for encrypted cookies.
You can use the following command to generate a good key:
.. code-block:: bash
~$ python -c 'import os; l = 20; print "%.2x" * l % tuple(map(ord, os.urandom(l)))'
Production-quality web server
If you are running on a public facing server, you should check out some of the additional gunicorn configuration options at
For example, you'll want multiple worker processes to handle simultaneous requests, proxy behind nginx for added protection, etc.
If you'd like to use another webserver, here are a few options:
`uWSGI <>`_
.. code-block:: bash
~$ pip install uwsgi # or install via system packages
~$ uwsgi --ini-paste-logged development.ini --virtualenv /PATH/TO/VIRTUALENV --http
`mod_wsgi-express <>`_
.. code-block:: bash
~$ pip install mod_wsgi # requires httpd2 devel libraries installed in the system
~$ mod_wsgi-express start-server development.ini --application-type paste --user allura --group allura --port 8080 --python-path /PATH/TO/VIRTUALENV/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
For any other wsgi server (e.g. mod_wsgi with Apache, or waitress) you will need a wsgi callable set up like this:
.. code-block:: python
from paste.deploy import loadapp
from paste.script.util.logging_config import fileConfig
config_file = '/PATH/TO/Allura/development.ini'
application = loadapp('config:%s' % config_file)
Configuring Optional Features
The :file:`development.ini` file has many options you can explore and configure.
To run SVN and Git services, see the :doc:`scm_host` page.
Some features may be added as separate `Allura extensions <>`_
Enabling inbound email
Allura can listen for email messages and update tools and artifacts. For example, every ticket has an email address, and
emails sent to that address will be added as comments on the ticket. To set up the SMTP listener, run:
.. code-block:: bash
nohup paster smtp_server development.ini > /var/log/allura/smtp.log &
By default this uses port 8825. Depending on your mail routing, you may need to change that port number.
And if the port is in use, this command will fail. You can check the log file for any errors.
To change the port number, edit `development.ini` and change `forgemail.port` to the appropriate port number for your environment.
SMTP in development
The following command can be used for quick and easy monitoring of smtp during development.
Just be sure the port matches the `smtp_port` from your `development.ini` (8826 by default).
.. code-block:: bash
python -m smtpd -n -c DebuggingServer localhost:8826
This will create a new debugging server that discards messages and prints them to stdout.
Using LDAP
Allura has a pluggable authentication system, and can use an existing LDAP system. In your config
file (e.g. :file:`development.ini`), there are several "ldap" settings to set:
* Change auth.method to: :samp:`auth.method = ldap`
* Set all the :samp:`auth.ldap.{*}` settings to match your LDAP server configuration. (:samp:`auth.ldap.schroot_name` won't be
used, don't worry about it.)
* Keep :samp:`auth.ldap.autoregister = true` This means Allura will use existing users from your LDAP
* Set :samp:`auth.allow_user_registration = false` since your users already are present in LDAP.
* Change user_prefs_storage.method to :samp:`user_prefs_storage.method = ldap`
* Change :samp:`user_prefs_storage.ldap.fields.display_name` if needed (e.g. if display names are stored
in a different LDAP attribute).
Restart Allura and you should be all set. Now users can log in with their LDAP credentials and their
Allura records will be automatically created the first time they log in.
Note: if you want users to register new accounts into your LDAP system via Allura, you should turn
off :samp:`autoregister` and turn on :samp:`allow_user_registration`