publish 1.16 with security notice
9 files changed
tree: 72c62ce6a7705d95a5dcbe8f16fbd6ae313af99f
  1. _src/
  2. feeds/
  3. images/
  4. posts/
  5. tag/
  6. theme/
  7. .asf.yaml
  8. .gitignore
  9. .htaccess
  10. 404.html
  11. cors.html
  12. download.html
  13. favicon.ico
  14. index.html
  15. news.html
  17. robots.txt

We're using Pelican to generate static site. All source files are placed in the _src/ directory. Generated content is placed under root directory.

Bootstrapping pelican

~$ python -m venv ../allura-site-venv
~$ source ../allura-site-venv/bin/activate
~$ pip install pelican markdown

Working on site

~$ cd _src
~$ RELATIVE=1 make regenerate  # only use RELATIVE for local dev

Then open the html files directly, or run a little server with:

~$ make serve       # serve generated site at http://localhost:8000

When changes are looking good - commit them (including generated files).

~$ make html  # for a single publish