tree: 57007ef1bf24a40cf4c114760815419f29794493 [path history] [tgz]
  1. docker/
  2. kube/
  3. minikube/

Airflow on Kubernetes

If you don't have minikube installed, please run ./minikube/ to start a k8s-instance on your local machine. Make sure that your kubectl is pointing to the local k8s instance.

First build the docker images by running ./docker/ This will build the image and push it to the local registry. Secondly, deploy Apache Airflow using ./kube/ -d persistent_mode. Finally, open the Airflow webserver page by browsing to (on OSX).

When kicking of a new job, you should be able to see new pods being kicked off:

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                                                  READY     STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
airflow-6cf894578b-rkcpm                                              2/2       Running             0          36m
examplehttpoperatorhttpsensorcheck-490dc90941984812b934fceedf07ca81   1/1       Running             0          7s
examplehttpoperatorhttpsensorcheck-ea787dd2163243a78dfba96d81f47e0d   1/1       Running             0          9s
examplehttpoperatorpostop-3637d44e1b8a42789c59d2c6a66bec6a            0/1       ContainerCreating   0          0s
postgres-airflow-b4844754f-b8d8k                                      1/1       Running             0          36m