blob: bb4b6e73cf194e151846b9f83317bbdb66d02065 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
/* global calendarData, statesColors, document, window, $, d3, moment */
import { getMetaValue } from './utils';
const gridUrl = getMetaValue('grid_url');
function getGridViewURL(d) {
return `${gridUrl}?base_date=${encodeURIComponent(d.toISOString())}`;
// date helpers
function formatDay(d) {
return ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'][d];
function toMoment(y, m, d) {
return moment.utc([y, m, d]);
function weekOfMonth(y, m, d) {
const monthOffset = toMoment(y, m, 1).day();
const dayOfMonth = toMoment(y, m, d).date();
return Math.floor((dayOfMonth + monthOffset - 1) / 7);
function weekOfYear(y, m) {
const yearOffset = toMoment(y, 0, 1).day();
const dayOfYear = toMoment(y, m, 1).dayOfYear();
return Math.floor((dayOfYear + yearOffset - 1) / 7);
function daysInMonth(y, m) {
const lastDay = toMoment(y, m, 1).add(1, 'month').subtract(1, 'day');
function weeksInMonth(y, m) {
const firstDay = toMoment(y, m, 1);
const monthOffset =;
return Math.floor((daysInMonth(y, m) + monthOffset) / 7) + 1;
const dateFormat = 'YYYY-MM-DD';
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
$('span.status_square').tooltip({ html: true });
// JSON.parse is faster for large payloads than an object literal
const rootData = JSON.parse(calendarData);
const dayTip = d3.tip()
.attr('class', 'tooltip d3-tip')
.html((toolTipHtml) => toolTipHtml);
// draw the calendar
function draw() {
// display constants
const leftRightMargin = 32;
const titleHeight = 24;
const yearLabelWidth = 34;
const dayLabelWidth = 14;
const dayLabelPadding = 4;
const yearPadding = 20;
const cellSize = 16;
const yearHeight = cellSize * 7 + 2;
const maxWeeksInYear = 53;
const legendHeight = 30;
const legendSwatchesPadding = 4;
const legendSwtchesTextWidth = 44;
// group dag run stats by year -> month -> day -> state
let dagStates = d3
.key((dr) => moment.utc(, dateFormat).year())
.key((dr) => moment.utc(, dateFormat).month())
.key((dr) => moment.utc(, dateFormat).date())
.key((dr) => dr.state)
// Make sure we have one year displayed for each year between the start and end dates.
// This also ensures we do not have show an empty calendar view when no dag runs exist.
const startYear = moment.utc(rootData.start_date, dateFormat).year();
const endYear = moment.utc(rootData.end_date, dateFormat).year();
for (let y = startYear; y <= endYear; y += 1) {
dagStates[y] = dagStates[y] || {};
dagStates = d3
.map((keyVal) => ({
year: keyVal.key,
dagStates: keyVal.value,
.sort((data) => data.year);
// root SVG element
const fullWidth = (
leftRightMargin * 2 + yearLabelWidth + dayLabelWidth
+ maxWeeksInYear * cellSize
const yearsHeight = (yearHeight + yearPadding) * dagStates.length + yearPadding;
const fullHeight = titleHeight + legendHeight + yearsHeight;
const svg = d3
.attr('width', fullWidth)
.attr('height', fullHeight)
// Add the legend
const legend = svg
.attr('transform', `translate(0, ${titleHeight + legendHeight / 2})`);
let legendXOffset = fullWidth - leftRightMargin;
function drawLegend(rightState, leftState, numSwatches = 1, swatchesWidth = cellSize) {
const startColor = statesColors[leftState || rightState];
const endColor = statesColors[rightState];
legendXOffset -= legendSwtchesTextWidth;
.attr('x', legendXOffset)
.attr('y', cellSize / 2)
.attr('text-anchor', 'start')
.attr('class', 'status-label')
.attr('alignment-baseline', 'middle')
legendXOffset -= legendSwatchesPadding;
legendXOffset -= swatchesWidth;
.attr('transform', `translate(${legendXOffset}, 0)`)
.attr('x', (v) => v * (swatchesWidth / numSwatches))
.attr('width', swatchesWidth / numSwatches)
.attr('height', cellSize)
.attr('class', 'day')
.attr('fill', (v) => (startColor.startsWith('url') ? startColor : d3.interpolateHsl(startColor, endColor)(v / numSwatches)));
legendXOffset -= legendSwatchesPadding;
if (leftState !== undefined) {
.attr('x', legendXOffset)
.attr('y', cellSize / 2)
.attr('text-anchor', 'end')
.attr('class', 'status-label')
.attr('alignment-baseline', 'middle')
legendXOffset -= legendSwtchesTextWidth;
drawLegend('failed', 'success', 10, 100);
// Add the years groups, each holding one year of data.
const years = svg
.attr('transform', `translate(${leftRightMargin}, ${titleHeight + legendHeight})`);
const year = years
.attr('transform', (d, i) => `translate(0, ${yearPadding + (yearHeight + yearPadding) * i})`);
.attr('x', -yearHeight * 0.5)
.attr('transform', 'rotate(270)')
.attr('text-anchor', 'middle')
.attr('class', 'year-label')
.text((d) => d.year);
// write day names
.attr('transform', `translate(${yearLabelWidth}, ${dayLabelPadding})`)
.attr('text-anchor', 'end')
.attr('y', (i) => (i + 0.5) * cellSize)
.attr('class', 'day-label')
// create months groups to old the individual day cells & month outline for each month.
const months = year
.attr('transform', `translate(${yearLabelWidth + dayLabelWidth}, 0)`);
const month = months
.data((data) => d3
.map((i) => ({
year: data.year,
month: i,
dagStates: data.dagStates[i] || {},
.attr('transform', (data) => `translate(${weekOfYear(data.year, data.month) * cellSize}, 0)`);
const tipHtml = (data) => {
const stateCounts = d3.entries(data.dagStates).map((kv) => `${kv.value[0].count} ${kv.key}`);
const date = toMoment(data.year, data.month,;
const daySr = formatDay(;
const dateStr = date.format(dateFormat);
return `<strong>${daySr} ${dateStr}</strong><br>${stateCounts.join('<br>')}`;
// Create the day cells
.data((data) => d3
.range(daysInMonth(data.year, data.month))
.map((i) => {
const day = i + 1;
const dagRunsByState = data.dagStates[day] || {};
return {
year: data.year,
month: data.month,
dagStates: dagRunsByState,
.attr('x', (data) => weekOfMonth(data.year, data.month, * cellSize)
.attr('y', (data) => toMoment(data.year, data.month, * cellSize)
.attr('width', cellSize)
.attr('height', cellSize)
.attr('class', 'day')
.attr('fill', (data) => {
const getCount = (state) => (data.dagStates[state] || [{ count: 0 }])[0].count;
const runningCount = getCount('running');
if (runningCount > 0) return statesColors.running;
const successCount = getCount('success');
const failedCount = getCount('failed');
if (successCount + failedCount === 0) {
const plannedCount = getCount('planned');
if (plannedCount > 0) return statesColors.planned;
return statesColors.no_status;
let ratioFailures;
if (failedCount === 0) ratioFailures = 0;
else {
// We use a minimum color interpolation floor, so that days with low failures ratios
// don't appear almost as green as days with not failure at all.
const floor = 0.5;
ratioFailures = floor + (failedCount / (failedCount + successCount)) * (1 - floor);
return d3.interpolateHsl(statesColors.success, statesColors.failed)(ratioFailures);
.on('click', (data) => {
window.location.href = getGridViewURL(
// add 1 day and subtract 1 ms to not show any run from the next day.
toMoment(data.year, data.month,, 'day').subtract(1, 'ms'),
.on('mouseover', function showTip(data) {
const tt = tipHtml(data);
dayTip.direction('n');, this);
.on('mouseout', function hideTip(data) {
dayTip.hide(data, this);
// add outline (path) around month
.data((data) => [data])
.attr('class', 'month')
.style('fill', 'none')
.attr('d', (data) => {
const firstDayOffset = toMoment(data.year, data.month, 1).day();
const lastDayOffset = toMoment(data.year, data.month, 1).add(1, 'month').day();
const weeks = weeksInMonth(data.year, data.month);
return d3.svg.line()([
[0, firstDayOffset * cellSize],
[cellSize, firstDayOffset * cellSize],
[cellSize, 0],
[weeks * cellSize, 0],
[weeks * cellSize, lastDayOffset * cellSize],
[(weeks - 1) * cellSize, lastDayOffset * cellSize],
[(weeks - 1) * cellSize, 7 * cellSize],
[0, 7 * cellSize],
[0, firstDayOffset * cellSize],
function update() {