blob: 3fe5eb3e96ee5e9e7bc10433a5f7a5c5d81aa534 [file] [log] [blame]
Search.setIndex({"docnames": ["adding-connections-and-variables", "airflow-configuration", "customizing-workers", "extending-the-chart", "index", "installing-helm-chart-from-sources", "keda", "manage-dags-files", "manage-logs", "parameters-ref", "production-guide", "quick-start", "release_notes", "setting-resources-for-containers", "using-additional-containers"], "filenames": ["adding-connections-and-variables.rst", "airflow-configuration.rst", "customizing-workers.rst", "extending-the-chart.rst", "index.rst", "installing-helm-chart-from-sources.rst", "keda.rst", "manage-dags-files.rst", "manage-logs.rst", "parameters-ref.rst", "production-guide.rst", "quick-start.rst", "release_notes.rst", "setting-resources-for-containers.rst", "using-additional-containers.rst"], "titles": ["Adding Connections, Variables and Environment Variables", "Configuring Airflow", "Customizing Workers", "Extending the Chart", "Helm Chart for Apache Airflow", "Installing Helm Chart from sources", "Autoscaling with KEDA", "Manage DAGs files", "Manage logs", "Parameters reference", "Production Guide", "Quick start with kind", "Release Notes", "Setting resources for containers", "Using additional containers"], "terms": {"you": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14], "can": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14], "programmat": 0, "add": [0, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14], "arbitrari": [0, 1], "your": [0, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14], "airflow": [0, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14], "deploy": [0, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12], "us": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13], "helm": [0, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], "chart": [0, 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13], "under": [0, 1, 7, 10], "secret": [0, 7, 8, 9, 12], "extrasecret": [0, 7, 9, 12], "section": [0, 3, 4, 7, 9, 12], "valu": [0, 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12], "yaml": [0, 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12], "pass": [0, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12], "string": [0, 7, 9, 11, 12], "To": [0, 4, 5, 9, 10], "illustr": [0, 2], "let": [0, 2], "creat": [0, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14], "file": [0, 3, 5, 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[3, 5, 7, 9], "repo": [3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 12], "local": [3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12], "url": [3, 9, 10, 12], "replac": [3, 9, 10, 12], "mean": [3, 10, 11], "disabl": [3, 9, 10], "condit": 3, "field": 3, "check": [3, 5, 7, 12], "insid": 3, "If": [3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14], "otherwis": [3, 9, 10], "onli": [3, 7, 8, 9, 10], "third": 3, "after": [3, 4, 7, 9, 12], "specifi": [3, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13], "build": [3, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12], "save": 3, "specif": [3, 9, 10, 12], "executor": [3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12], "mani": [3, 7, 9], "like": [3, 7, 9, 10, 12], "bootstrap": 4, "cluster": [4, 7, 8, 9, 12], "packag": [4, 10, 12], "25": 4, "3": [4, 9], "pv": 4, "provision": [4, 9], "underli": 4, "infrastructur": 4, "option": [4, 7, 8, 10, 12], "localexecutor": [4, 9], "localkubernetesexecutor": [4, 12], "10": [4, 9, 10], "databas": [4, 6, 12, 14], "backend": [4, 9, 12], "postgresql": [4, 9, 10], "mysql": [4, 9, 12], "autosc": [4, 9], "keda": [4, 9, 12], "pgbouncer": [4, 13], "battl": 4, "monitor": [4, 7, 10], 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10, 12], "below": [5, 9, 10, 11], "guid": [5, 7, 8, 9, 12], "pgpv": 5, "tgz": 5, "made": 5, "sat": 5, "sep": 5, "12": 5, "49": 5, "54": 5, "2021": 5, "bst": 5, "rsa": [5, 7, 10, 12], "cde15c6e4d3a8ec4ecf4ba4b6674e08ad7de406f": 5, "issuer": 5, "kaxilnaik": 5, "good": [5, 7, 10], "kaxil": 5, "naik": 5, "unknown": 5, "aka": 5, "gmail": 5, "com": [5, 7, 9, 10], "warn": [5, 12], "id": [5, 10], "certifi": 5, "trust": 5, "There": [5, 7, 10], "indic": 5, "belong": 5, "owner": 5, "primari": 5, "fingerprint": [5, 10], "cde1": 5, "5c6e": 5, "4d3a": 5, "8ec4": 5, "ecf4": 5, "ba4b": 5, "6674": 5, "e08a": 5, "d7de": 5, "406f": 5, "correct": [5, 10, 12], "worri": 5, "about": [5, 10, 11, 12], "most": [5, 7, 12], "certif": [5, 9, 10], "self": 5, "sign": [5, 10], "why": [5, 10], "By": [5, 10, 13], "import": [5, 9, 10], "server": [5, 7, 9, 10], "know": 5, "valid": [5, 12], "sum": [5, 13], "shasum": 5, "512": 5, "diff": [5, 12], "match": [5, 10, 12], "still": [6, 7, 12], "stand": 6, "driven": 6, "custom": 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"28083": 12, "clone": 12, "27671": 12, "icon": 12, "27704": 12, "26838": 12, "25031": 12, "26598": 12, "25732": 12, "24784": 12, "25283": 12, "revisionhistorylimit": 12, "25059": 12, "23708": 12, "23711": 12, "22815": 12, "24220": 12, "25684": 12, "26415": 12, "25561": 12, "result_backend": 12, "24496": 12, "imagepullpolici": [12, 14], "26423": 12, "declar": 12, "22913": 12, "24647": 12, "semver": 12, "24480": 12, "24999": 12, "26747": 12, "26632": 12, "26428": 12, "26401": 12, "reload": 12, "24576": 12, "minor": 12, "clarif": 12, "uninstal": 12, "24929": 12, "hyperlink": 12, "pr": 12, "24532": 12, "terraform": 12, "26604": 12, "flux": 12, "24288": 12, "24394": 12, "logo": 12, "23977": 12, "23876": 12, "23836": 12, "vendor": 12, "24395": 12, "25871": 12, "d": 12, "23433": 12, "22712": 12, "22388": 12, "22182": 12, "22261": 12, "22323": 12, "21999": 12, "22414": 12, "21735": 12, "earli": 12, "23479": 12, "22195": 12, "22143": 12, "23307": 12, "22284": 12, "23737": 12, "again": 12, "20864": 12, "20794": 12, "21401": 12, "21484": 12, "speedup": 12, "20833": 12, "21108": 12, "v3": 12, "21309": 12, "21640": 12, "21222": 12, "20609": 12, "grant": 12, "reader": 12, "21111": 12, "simplifi": 12, "21747": 12, "21685": 12, "20787": 12, "21745": 12, "21875": 12, "had": 12, "arrai": 12, "respect": 12, "futur": 12, "awai": 12, "numer": 12, "20599": 12, "20564": 12, "18974": 12, "18249": 12, "18808": 12, "18542": 12, "19749": 12, "19054": 12, "18776": 12, "20018": 12, "20069": 12, "20698": 12, "strict": 12, "schema": 12, "19181": 12, "19690": 12, "19676": 12, "20641": 12, "9200": 12, "20616": 12, "20199": 12, "20544": 12, "20535": 12, "20464": 12, "20316": 12, "quot": 12, "20266": 12, "20702": 12, "reword": 12, "cover": 12, "envvar": 12, "20566": 12, "20331": 12, "datadog": 12, "17996": 12, "19892": 12, "kpo": 12, "19879": 12, "clarifi": 12, "19708": 12, "20450": 12, "artifacthub": 12, "screenshot": 12, "20558": 12, "19557": 12, "later": 12, "createus": 12, "19263": 12, "19225": 12, "19175": 12, "18481": 12, "cmd": 12, "18910": 12, "18920": 12, "19003": 12, "18753": 12, "clear": 12, "18272": 12, "18136": 12, "18147": 12, "19144": 12, "18595": 12, "18588": 12, "19326": 12, "modern": 12, "19327": 12, "19379": 12, "Their": 12, "unset": 12, "17743": 12, "isn": 12, "18306": 12, "18379": 12, "18403": 12, "18218": 12, "17970": 12, "retent": 12, "dai": 12, "17764": 12, "17666": 12, "17562": 12, "18429": 12, "18257": 12, "17211": 12, "17560": 12, "18299": 12, "warm": 12, "18068": 12, "18105": 12, "18079": 12, "17688": 12, "17645": 12, "17428": 12, "17433": 12, "space": 12, "18424": 12, "18251": 12, "17763": 12, "broken": 12, "17294": 12, "17282": 12, "17177": 12, "18354": 12, "receiv": 12, "sinc": [12, 13], "novemb": 12, "2020": 12, "did": 12, "safe": 12, "mistakenli": 12, "json": 12, "incorrectli": 12, "16822": 12, "refactor": 12, "16619": 12, "16663": 12, "16572": 12, "16515": 12, "16425": 12, "16331": 12, "feat": 12, "kedaautoscal": 12, "16262": 12, "16153": 12, "16120": 12, "16098": 12, "16080": 12, "16074": 12, "16069": 12, "16058": 12, "15972": 12, "17041": 12, "17013": 12, "16785": 12, "16784": 12, "16575": 12, "podantiaffin": 12, "16315": 12, "16273": 12, "16229": 12, "15955": 12, "15950": 12, "17142": 12, "16722": 12, "16670": 12, "16339": 12, "16242": 12, "16203": 12, "base_url": 12, "16126": 12, "16099": 12, "16070": 12, "16015": 12, "16004": 12, "16011": 12, "15925": 12, "15953": 12, "17170": 12, "17147": 12, "17040": 12, "16859": 12, "16632": 12, "16486": 12, "16305": 12, "small": 12, "readm": 12, "md": 12, "16244": 12, "pylint": 12, "our": 12, "toolchain": 12, "16682": 12, "16408": 12, "appvers": 12, "16337": 12, "16149": 12, "rc1": 12, "16124": 12, "decid": 13, "place": 13, "loggroomersidecar": 13, "dagprocessor": 13, "cron": 13, "200m": 13, "256mi": 13, "s3": 14, "hello": 14, "debian": 14}, "objects": {}, "objtypes": {}, "objnames": {}, "titleterms": {"ad": [0, 11], "connect": 0, "variabl": [0, 10], "environ": [0, 10], "sensit": 0, "configur": [1, 12], "airflow": [1, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12], "custom": [2, 3, 10, 11, 12], "worker": [2, 8, 9, 12], "pod_template_fil": 2, "extend": [3, 10, 11], "chart": [3, 4, 5, 11, 12], "creat": [3, 11], "your": [3, 11], "add": [3, 11], "depend": [3, 12], "download": 3, "overrid": 3, "default": [3, 12], "valu": [3, 10], "helm": [4, 5, 11, 12], "apach": [4, 12], "requir": 4, "featur": [4, 12], "instal": [4, 5, 11], "upgrad": [4, 12], "uninstal": 4, "argo": 4, "cd": 4, "flux": 4, "rancher": 4, "terraform": 4, "name": [4, 12], "convent": 4, "from": [5, 7], "sourc": 5, "releas": [5, 12], "packag": [5, 11], "integr": 5, "autosc": 6, "keda": 6, "manag": [7, 8, 10], "dag": [7, 10, 11, 12], "file": [7, 10], "bake": 7, "docker": 7, "imag": [7, 9, 10, 11, 12], "us": [7, 12, 14], "git": [7, 12], "sync": [7, 12], "mount": 7, "sidecar": [7, 14], "persist": [7, 8], "enabl": [7, 8, 12], "without": 7, "note": [7, 12], "combin": 7, "synchron": 7, "multipl": 7, "repositori": 7, "an": 7, "extern": [7, 8, 10], "popul": 7, "pvc": [7, 8], "privat": 7, "github": 7, "repo": [7, 11], "log": [8, 10], "No": 8, "celeri": [8, 10], "provis": 8, "elasticsearch": 8, "paramet": [9, 12], "refer": 9, "common": 9, "port": [9, 12], "databas": [9, 10], "pgbouncer": [9, 10, 12], "schedul": [9, 10, 12], "webserv": [9, 10, 12], "trigger": [9, 12], "dagprocessor": 9, "flower": [9, 12], "redi": [9, 12], "statsd": [9, 10, 12], "job": [9, 12], "kubernet": [9, 10], "ingress": [9, 10, 12], "kerbero": 9, "product": 10, "guid": 10, "secret": 10, "kei": 10, "knownhost": 10, "access": 10, "ui": 10, "loadbalanc": 10, "servic": 10, "metric": 10, "prometheu": 10, "datadog": 10, "backend": 10, "secur": 10, "context": 10, "constraint": 10, "built": 10, "quick": 11, "start": 11, "kind": 11, "cluster": 11, "stabl": 11, "namespac": 11, "apt": 11, "pypi": 11, "further": 11, "1": 12, "13": 12, "2024": 12, "03": 12, "25": 12, "signific": 12, "chang": 12, "i": 12, "updat": 12, "2": 12, "8": 12, "3": 12, "38036": 12, "bug": 12, "fix": 12, "misc": 12, "0": 12, "05": 12, "37704": 12, "new": 12, "improv": 12, "12": 12, "02": 12, "11": 12, "The": 12, "now": 12, "newer": 12, "version": 12, "bitnami": 12, "postgresql": 12, "34817": 12, "36907": 12, "export": 12, "have": 12, "been": 12, "36898": 12, "v0": 12, "26": 12, "37187": 12, "7": 12, "bookworm": 12, "doc": 12, "onli": 12, "2023": 12, "10": 12, "support": 12, "resourc": [12, 13], "some": 12, "mai": 12, "renam": 12, "dure": 12, "31066": 12, "subchart": 12, "33747": 12, "6": 12, "9": 12, "33748": 12, "34186": 12, "06": 12, "31979": 12, "04": 12, "14": 12, "29919": 12, "5": 12, "30411": 12, "29071": 12, "gitsync": 12, "wait": 12, "reduc": 12, "second": 12, "27625": 12, "29074": 12, "27848": 12, "bullsey": 12, "27443": 12, "2022": 12, "4": 12, "26485": 12, "20": 12, "23386": 12, "deprec": 12, "disabl": 12, "07": 12, "remov": 12, "config": 12, "api": 12, "01": 12, "web": 12, "host": 12, "data": 12, "type": 12, "ha": 12, "tl": 12, "move": 12, "preced": 12, "nodeselector": 12, "affin": 12, "toler": 12, "param": 12, "kubernetesexecutor": 12, "networkpolici": 12, "increas": 12, "livenessprob": 12, "timeoutsecond": 12, "2021": 12, "08": 12, "made": 12, "run": 12, "migrat": 12, "09": 12, "28": 12, "precedingpath": 12, "succeedingpath": 12, "path": 12, "longer": 12, "extranetworkpolici": 12, "root": 12, "dest": 12, "excludewebserv": 12, "migratedatabasejob": 12, "createuserjob": 12, "set": 13, "contain": [13, 14], "addit": 14, "init": 14}, "envversion": {"": 2, "": 1, "": 1, "": 8, "": 1, "": 2, "": 2, "": 3, "": 2, "": 2, "sphinx.ext.viewcode": 1, "sphinx.ext.intersphinx": 1, "sphinx": 57}, "alltitles": {"Adding Connections, Variables and Environment Variables": [[0, "adding-connections-variables-and-environment-variables"]], "Connections and Sensitive Environment Variables": [[0, "connections-and-sensitive-environment-variables"]], "Variables": [[0, "variables"]], "Configuring Airflow": [[1, "configuring-airflow"]], "Customizing Workers": [[2, "customizing-workers"]], "Custom pod_template_file": [[2, "custom-pod-template-file"]], "Extending the Chart": [[3, "extending-the-chart"]], "Create your custom Chart": [[3, "create-your-custom-chart"]], "Add Airflow chart as dependency": [[3, "add-airflow-chart-as-dependency"]], "Download the Airflow Chart": [[3, "download-the-airflow-chart"]], "Overriding default values": [[3, "overriding-default-values"]], "Helm Chart for Apache Airflow": [[4, "helm-chart-for-apache-airflow"]], "Requirements": [[4, "requirements"]], "Features": [[4, "features"]], "Installing the Chart": [[4, "installing-the-chart"]], "Upgrading the Chart": [[4, "upgrading-the-chart"]], "Uninstalling the Chart": [[4, "uninstalling-the-chart"]], "Installing the Chart with Argo CD, Flux, Rancher or Terraform": [[4, "installing-the-chart-with-argo-cd-flux-rancher-or-terraform"]], "Naming Conventions": [[4, "naming-conventions"]], "Installing Helm Chart from sources": [[5, "installing-helm-chart-from-sources"]], "Released packages": [[5, "released-packages"]], "Release integrity": [[5, "release-integrity"]], "Autoscaling with KEDA": [[6, "autoscaling-with-keda"]], "Manage DAGs files": [[7, "manage-dags-files"]], "Bake DAGs in Docker image": [[7, "bake-dags-in-docker-image"]], "Using Git-sync": [[7, "using-git-sync"]], "Mounting DAGs using Git-Sync sidecar with Persistence enabled": [[7, "mounting-dags-using-git-sync-sidecar-with-persistence-enabled"]], "Mounting DAGs using Git-Sync sidecar without Persistence": [[7, "mounting-dags-using-git-sync-sidecar-without-persistence"]], "Notes for combining git-sync and persistence": [[7, "notes-for-combining-git-sync-and-persistence"]], "Synchronizing multiple Git repositories with git-sync": [[7, "synchronizing-multiple-git-repositories-with-git-sync"]], "Mounting DAGs from an externally populated PVC": [[7, "mounting-dags-from-an-externally-populated-pvc"]], "Mounting DAGs from a private GitHub repo using Git-Sync sidecar": [[7, "mounting-dags-from-a-private-github-repo-using-git-sync-sidecar"]], "Manage logs": [[8, "manage-logs"]], "No persistence": [[8, "no-persistence"]], "Celery worker log persistence": [[8, "celery-worker-log-persistence"]], "Log persistence enabled": [[8, "log-persistence-enabled"]], "Externally provisioned PVC": [[8, "externally-provisioned-pvc"]], "Elasticsearch": [[8, "elasticsearch"]], "Parameters reference": [[9, "parameters-reference"]], "Common": [[9, "common"]], "Airflow": [[9, "airflow"]], "Images": [[9, "images"]], "Ports": [[9, "ports"]], "Database": [[9, "database"], [10, "database"]], "PgBouncer": [[9, "pgbouncer"], [10, "pgbouncer"]], "Scheduler": [[9, "scheduler"]], "Webserver": [[9, "webserver"]], "Workers": [[9, "workers"]], "Triggerer": [[9, "triggerer"]], "DagProcessor": [[9, "dagprocessor"]], "Flower": [[9, "flower"]], "Redis": [[9, "redis"]], "StatsD": [[9, "statsd"]], "Jobs": [[9, "jobs"]], "Kubernetes": [[9, "kubernetes"]], "Ingress": [[9, "ingress"], [10, "ingress"]], "Kerberos": [[9, "kerberos"]], "Production Guide": [[10, "production-guide"]], "Values file": [[10, "values-file"]], "Kubernetes Secret": [[10, "kubernetes-secret"]], "Webserver Secret Key": [[10, "webserver-secret-key"]], "Extending and customizing Airflow Image": [[10, "extending-and-customizing-airflow-image"]], "Managing DAG Files": [[10, "managing-dag-files"]], "knownHosts": [[10, "knownhosts"]], "External Scheduler": [[10, "external-scheduler"]], "Accessing the Airflow UI": [[10, "accessing-the-airflow-ui"]], "External Webserver": [[10, "external-webserver"]], "LoadBalancer Service": [[10, "loadbalancer-service"]], "Logging": [[10, "logging"]], "Metrics": [[10, "metrics"]], "Prometheus": [[10, "prometheus"]], "External StatsD": [[10, "external-statsd"]], "Datadog": [[10, "datadog"]], "Celery Backend": [[10, "celery-backend"]], "Security Context Constraints": [[10, "security-context-constraints"]], "Security Context": [[10, "security-context"]], "Built-in secrets and environment variables": [[10, "built-in-secrets-and-environment-variables"]], "Quick start with kind": [[11, "quick-start-with-kind"]], "Install kind, and create a cluster": [[11, "install-kind-and-create-a-cluster"]], "Add Airflow Helm Stable Repo": [[11, "add-airflow-helm-stable-repo"]], "Create namespace": [[11, "create-namespace"]], "Install the chart": [[11, "install-the-chart"]], "Extending Airflow Image": [[11, "extending-airflow-image"]], "Adding DAGs to your image": [[11, "adding-dags-to-your-image"]], "Adding apt packages to your image": [[11, "adding-apt-packages-to-your-image"]], "Adding PyPI packages to your image": [[11, "adding-pypi-packages-to-your-image"]], "Further extending and customizing the image": [[11, "further-extending-and-customizing-the-image"]], "Release Notes": [[12, "release-notes"]], "Apache Airflow Helm Chart Releases": [[12, "apache-airflow-helm-chart-releases"]], "Airflow Helm Chart 1.13.1 (2024-03-25)": [[12, "airflow-helm-chart-1-13-1-2024-03-25"]], "Significant Changes": [[12, "significant-changes"], [12, "id1"], [12, "id4"], [12, "id9"], [12, "id15"], [12, "id20"], [12, "id26"], [12, "id33"], [12, "id39"], [12, "id62"], [12, "id68"]], "Default Airflow image is updated to 2.8.3 (#38036)": [[12, "default-airflow-image-is-updated-to-2-8-3-38036"]], "Bug Fixes": [[12, "bug-fixes"], [12, "id2"], [12, "id7"], [12, "id12"], [12, "id18"], [12, "id23"], [12, "id30"], [12, "id36"], [12, "id47"], [12, "id53"], [12, "id59"], [12, "id65"], [12, "id71"]], "Misc": [[12, "misc"], [12, "id3"], [12, "id8"], [12, "id14"], [12, "id19"], [12, "id25"], [12, "id32"], [12, "id38"], [12, "id43"], [12, "id49"], [12, "id55"], [12, "id61"], [12, "id67"], [12, "id73"]], "Airflow Helm Chart 1.13.0 (2024-03-05)": [[12, "airflow-helm-chart-1-13-0-2024-03-05"]], "Default Airflow image is updated to 2.8.2 (#37704)": [[12, "default-airflow-image-is-updated-to-2-8-2-37704"]], "New Features": [[12, "new-features"], [12, "id5"], [12, "id10"], [12, "id16"], [12, "id21"], [12, "id28"], [12, "id34"], [12, "id40"], [12, "id45"], [12, "id51"], [12, "id57"], [12, "id63"], [12, "id69"]], "Improvements": [[12, "improvements"], [12, "id6"], [12, "id11"], [12, "id17"], [12, "id22"], [12, "id29"], [12, "id35"], [12, "id41"], [12, "id46"], [12, "id52"], [12, "id58"], [12, "id64"], [12, "id70"]], "Airflow Helm Chart 1.12.0 (2024-02-11)": [[12, "airflow-helm-chart-1-12-0-2024-02-11"]], "The helm chart is now using a newer version of bitnami/postgresql dependency (#34817)": [[12, "the-helm-chart-is-now-using-a-newer-version-of-bitnami-postgresql-dependency-34817"]], "Default Airflow image is updated to 2.8.1 (#36907)": [[12, "default-airflow-image-is-updated-to-2-8-1-36907"]], "Default PgBouncer and PgBouncer Exporter images have been updated (#36898)": [[12, "default-pgbouncer-and-pgbouncer-exporter-images-have-been-updated-36898"]], "Default StatsD image is updated to v0.26.0 (#37187)": [[12, "default-statsd-image-is-updated-to-v0-26-0-37187"]], "Default Redis image is updated to 7-bookworm (#37187)": [[12, "default-redis-image-is-updated-to-7-bookworm-37187"]], "Doc only changes": [[12, "doc-only-changes"], [12, "id13"], [12, "id24"], [12, "id31"], [12, "id37"], [12, "id42"], [12, "id48"], [12, "id54"], [12, "id60"], [12, "id66"], [12, "id72"]], "Airflow Helm Chart 1.11.0 (2023-10-02)": [[12, "airflow-helm-chart-1-11-0-2023-10-02"]], "Support naming customization on helm chart resources, some resources may be renamed during upgrade (#31066)": [[12, "support-naming-customization-on-helm-chart-resources-some-resources-may-be-renamed-during-upgrade-31066"]], "bitnami/postgresql subchart updated to 12.10.0 (#33747)": [[12, "bitnami-postgresql-subchart-updated-to-12-10-0-33747"]], "Default git-sync image is updated to 3.6.9 (#33748)": [[12, "default-git-sync-image-is-updated-to-3-6-9-33748"]], "Default Airflow image is updated to 2.7.1 (#34186)": [[12, "default-airflow-image-is-updated-to-2-7-1-34186"]], "Airflow Helm Chart 1.10.0 (2023-06-26)": [[12, "airflow-helm-chart-1-10-0-2023-06-26"]], "Default Airflow image is updated to 2.6.2 (#31979)": [[12, "default-airflow-image-is-updated-to-2-6-2-31979"]], "Airflow Helm Chart 1.9.0 (2023-04-14)": [[12, "airflow-helm-chart-1-9-0-2023-04-14"]], "Default PgBouncer and PgBouncer Exporter images have been updated (#29919)": [[12, "default-pgbouncer-and-pgbouncer-exporter-images-have-been-updated-29919"]], "Default Airflow image is updated to 2.5.3 (#30411)": [[12, "default-airflow-image-is-updated-to-2-5-3-30411"]], "Airflow Helm Chart 1.8.0 (2023-02-06)": [[12, "airflow-helm-chart-1-8-0-2023-02-06"]], "bitnami/postgresql subchart updated to 12.1.9 (#29071)": [[12, "bitnami-postgresql-subchart-updated-to-12-1-9-29071"]], "Default dags.gitSync.wait reduced to 5 seconds (#27625)": [[12, "default-dags-gitsync-wait-reduced-to-5-seconds-27625"]], "Default Airflow image is updated to 2.5.1 (#29074)": [[12, "default-airflow-image-is-updated-to-2-5-1-29074"]], "Default git-sync image is updated to 3.6.3 (#27848)": [[12, "default-git-sync-image-is-updated-to-3-6-3-27848"]], "Default redis image is updated to 7-bullseye (#27443)": [[12, "default-redis-image-is-updated-to-7-bullseye-27443"]], "Airflow Helm Chart 1.7.0 (2022-10-14)": [[12, "airflow-helm-chart-1-7-0-2022-10-14"]], "Default Airflow image is updated to 2.4.1 (#26485)": [[12, "default-airflow-image-is-updated-to-2-4-1-26485"]], "Airflow Helm Chart 1.6.0 (2022-05-20)": [[12, "airflow-helm-chart-1-6-0-2022-05-20"]], "Default Airflow image is updated to 2.3.0 (#23386)": [[12, "default-airflow-image-is-updated-to-2-3-0-23386"]], "ingress.enabled is deprecated": [[12, "ingress-enabled-is-deprecated"]], "Flower disabled by default": [[12, "flower-disabled-by-default"]], "Airflow Helm Chart 1.5.0, (2022-03-07)": [[12, "airflow-helm-chart-1-5-0-2022-03-07"]], "Significant changes": [[12, "id44"], [12, "id50"], [12, "id56"]], "Default Airflow image is updated to 2.2.4": [[12, "default-airflow-image-is-updated-to-2-2-4"]], "Removed config.api": [[12, "removed-config-api"]], "Airflow Helm Chart 1.4.0, (2022-01-10)": [[12, "airflow-helm-chart-1-4-0-2022-01-10"]], "Default Airflow image is updated to 2.2.3": [[12, "default-airflow-image-is-updated-to-2-2-3"]], "ingress.web.hosts and ingress.flower.hosts parameters data type has changed and ingress.web.tls and ingress.flower.tls have moved": [[12, "ingress-web-hosts-and-ingress-flower-hosts-parameters-data-type-has-changed-and-ingress-web-tls-and-ingress-flower-tls-have-moved"]], "Fixed precedence of nodeSelector, affinity and tolerations params": [[12, "fixed-precedence-of-nodeselector-affinity-and-tolerations-params"]], "Default KubernetesExecutor worker affinity removed": [[12, "default-kubernetesexecutor-worker-affinity-removed"]], "Changes in webserver and flower NetworkPolicy default ports": [[12, "changes-in-webserver-and-flower-networkpolicy-default-ports"]], "Increase default livenessProbe timeoutSeconds for scheduler and triggerer": [[12, "increase-default-livenessprobe-timeoutseconds-for-scheduler-and-triggerer"]], "Airflow Helm Chart 1.3.0 (2021-11-08)": [[12, "airflow-helm-chart-1-3-0-2021-11-08"]], "Default Airflow image is updated to 2.2.1": [[12, "default-airflow-image-is-updated-to-2-2-1"]], "Resources made configurable for airflow-run-airflow-migrations job": [[12, "resources-made-configurable-for-airflow-run-airflow-migrations-job"]], "Airflow Helm Chart 1.2.0 (2021-09-28)": [[12, "airflow-helm-chart-1-2-0-2021-09-28"]], " and parameters have been renamed and data type changed": [[12, "ingress-web-host-and-ingress-flower-host-parameters-have-been-renamed-and-data-type-changed"]], "Default Airflow version is updated to 2.1.4": [[12, "default-airflow-version-is-updated-to-2-1-4"]], "Removed ingress.flower.precedingPaths and ingress.flower.succeedingPaths parameters": [[12, "removed-ingress-flower-precedingpaths-and-ingress-flower-succeedingpaths-parameters"]], "Change of default path on Ingress": [[12, "change-of-default-path-on-ingress"]], "Airflow Helm Chart 1.1.0 (2021-07-26)": [[12, "airflow-helm-chart-1-1-0-2021-07-26"]], "Default Airflow version is updated to 2.1.2": [[12, "default-airflow-version-is-updated-to-2-1-2"]], "Helm 2 no longer supported": [[12, "helm-2-no-longer-supported"]], "webserver.extraNetworkPolicies and flower.extraNetworkPolicies parameters have been renamed": [[12, "webserver-extranetworkpolicies-and-flower-extranetworkpolicies-parameters-have-been-renamed"]], "Removed dags.gitSync.root, dags.gitSync.dest, and dags.gitSync.excludeWebserver parameters": [[12, "removed-dags-gitsync-root-dags-gitsync-dest-and-dags-gitsync-excludewebserver-parameters"]], "nodeSelector, affinity and tolerations on migrateDatabaseJob and createUserJob jobs": [[12, "nodeselector-affinity-and-tolerations-on-migratedatabasejob-and-createuserjob-jobs"]], "Setting resources for containers": [[13, "setting-resources-for-containers"]], "Using additional containers": [[14, "using-additional-containers"]], "Sidecar Containers": [[14, "sidecar-containers"]], "Init Containers": [[14, "init-containers"]]}, "indexentries": {}})