blob: 9caf3363c2d39a21d9f3dcf540a06a64b61b77ba [file] [log] [blame]
Search.setIndex({"docnames": ["_api/airflow/providers/tableau/hooks/index", "_api/airflow/providers/tableau/hooks/tableau/index", "_api/airflow/providers/tableau/index", "_api/airflow/providers/tableau/operators/index", "_api/airflow/providers/tableau/operators/tableau/index", "_api/airflow/providers/tableau/sensors/index", "_api/airflow/providers/tableau/sensors/tableau/index", "_api/tests/system/providers/tableau/example_tableau/index", "_api/tests/system/providers/tableau/index", "changelog", "commits", "connections/tableau", "index", "installing-providers-from-sources", "operators", "security"], "filenames": ["_api/airflow/providers/tableau/hooks/index.rst", "_api/airflow/providers/tableau/hooks/tableau/index.rst", "_api/airflow/providers/tableau/index.rst", "_api/airflow/providers/tableau/operators/index.rst", "_api/airflow/providers/tableau/operators/tableau/index.rst", "_api/airflow/providers/tableau/sensors/index.rst", "_api/airflow/providers/tableau/sensors/tableau/index.rst", "_api/tests/system/providers/tableau/example_tableau/index.rst", "_api/tests/system/providers/tableau/index.rst", "changelog.rst", "commits.rst", "connections/tableau.rst", "index.rst", "installing-providers-from-sources.rst", "operators.rst", "security.rst"], "titles": ["<code class=\"xref py py-mod docutils literal notranslate\"><span class=\"pre\">airflow.providers.tableau.hooks</span></code>", "<code class=\"xref py py-mod docutils literal notranslate\"><span class=\"pre\">airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau</span></code>", "<code class=\"xref py py-mod docutils literal notranslate\"><span class=\"pre\">airflow.providers.tableau</span></code>", "<code class=\"xref py py-mod docutils literal notranslate\"><span class=\"pre\">airflow.providers.tableau.operators</span></code>", "<code class=\"xref py py-mod docutils literal notranslate\"><span class=\"pre\">airflow.providers.tableau.operators.tableau</span></code>", "<code class=\"xref py py-mod docutils literal notranslate\"><span class=\"pre\">airflow.providers.tableau.sensors</span></code>", "<code class=\"xref py py-mod docutils literal notranslate\"><span class=\"pre\">airflow.providers.tableau.sensors.tableau</span></code>", "<code class=\"xref py py-mod docutils literal notranslate\"><span class=\"pre\">tests.system.providers.tableau.example_tableau</span></code>", "<code class=\"xref py py-mod docutils literal notranslate\"><span class=\"pre\">tests.system.providers.tableau</span></code>", "Changelog", "Package apache-airflow-providers-tableau", "Tableau Connection", "<code class=\"docutils literal notranslate\"><span class=\"pre\">apache-airflow-providers-tableau</span></code>", "Installing from sources", "TableauOperator", "Releasing security patches"], "terms": {"4": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15], "2": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15], "10": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15], "0": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15], 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"rest_api": 1, "en": 1, "u": 1, "rest": [1, 11], "rest_api_ref": 1, "htm": 1, "query_job": 1, "pend": 1, "success": 1, "error": [1, 10], "1": 1, "cancel": 1, "tableauhook": [1, 9, 10], "site_id": [1, 4, 6, 11, 14], "none": [1, 4, 6, 13, 14], "tableau_conn_id": [1, 4, 6, 14], "default_conn_nam": 1, "basehook": 1, "connect": [1, 4, 6, 9, 10], "server": [1, 4, 6, 11, 13, 14], "instanc": [1, 4, 14], "allow": [1, 9, 10], "commun": 1, "can": [1, 11, 12, 13, 15], "us": [1, 4, 10, 11, 13, 15], "context": [1, 4, 6, 10], "manag": [1, 10, 11, 13], "automat": [1, 9, 11], "authent": [1, 4, 6, 9, 10, 14], "when": [1, 7, 9, 10, 11, 15], "open": [1, 11], "sign": [1, 13], "out": [1, 15], "close": 1, "github": [1, 4, 6], "io": [1, 4, 6], "client": [1, 4, 6, 11, 14], "python": [1, 4, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14], "doc": [1, 4, 6, 10], "paramet": [1, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 14], "str": [1, 4, 6, 14], "id": [1, 4, 6, 13, 14], "site": [1, 4, 6, 11, 14], "where": [1, 4, 6, 14, 15], "workbook": [1, 4, 6, 7, 14], "belong": [1, 4, 6, 13, 14], "It": [1, 13], "default": [1, 4, 10, 14, 15], "you": [1, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15], "don": [1, 7], "t": [1, 7], "contain": [1, 4, 6, 13], "credenti": [1, 4, 6, 11, 14], "conn_name_attr": 1, "tableau_default": [1, 4, 6, 11, 14], "conn_typ": 1, "hook_nam": 1, "__enter__": 1, "__exit__": 1, "exc_typ": 1, "exc_val": 1, "exc_tb": 1, "get_conn": 1, "author": [1, 11], "object": 1, "type": [1, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11], "tableauservercli": [1, 12], "auth": [1, 11], "contextmgr": 1, "get_al": 1, "resource_nam": 1, "get": [1, 13, 15], "all": [1, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15], "item": 1, "given": 1, "resourc": [1, 4], "name": [1, 4, 10, 11, 14], "pagin": 1, "For": [1, 4, 10, 11, 12, 13], "exampl": [1, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14], "pager": 1, "get_job_statu": 1, "job_id": [1, 6], "state": [1, 4, 10, 14], "defin": 1, "check": [1, 4, 7, 9, 10, 13, 14], "describ": [1, 13], "": [1, 4, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14], "wait_for_st": [1, 9, 10], "target_st": 1, "check_interv": [1, 4, 14], "wait": [1, 4, 7, 10, 14], "until": [1, 4, 6, 7, 11, 14], "differ": [1, 13], "from": [1, 9, 10, 15], "target": 1, "float": [1, 4, 14], "time": [1, 4, 11, 14], "second": [1, 4, 7, 14], "should": [1, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15], "between": [1, 4, 14], "each": [1, 4, 14], "oper": [1, 2, 7, 10, 11], "true": [1, 4, 6, 11, 14], "equal": 1, "target_statu": 1, "fals": [1, 6], "otherwis": [1, 9], "bool": [1, 4, 6, 9, 10, 14], "hook": [2, 9, 10, 11], "sensor": 2, "__version__": [2, 10], "resources_method": 4, "tableauoper": [4, 9, 10], "method": [4, 9, 10, 11], "find": [4, 9, 10, 14], "match_with": [4, 9, 10, 14], "blocking_refresh": [4, 14], "20": [4, 10, 14], "kwarg": [4, 6], "model": [4, 15], "baseoper": 4, "execut": [4, 6, 14], "ref": [4, 6], "more": [4, 9, 10, 11], "inform": [4, 10, 15], "how": [4, 13], "take": 4, "guid": [4, 13], "refer": [4, 14], "receiv": [4, 14, 15], "action": [4, 14], "field": [4, 14], "match": [4, 13, 14], "By": [4, 13, 14], "block": [4, 9, 10, 14], "mean": [4, 14], "ha": [4, 6, 14], "template_field": [4, 6, 9, 10], "sequenc": [4, 6, 10], "push": 4, "download": [4, 13], "file": [4, 11, 13], "uri": [4, 11], "xcom": 4, "util": [4, 6], "task": [4, 6, 7, 11, 14], "dure": [4, 6], "extract": [4, 7, 14], "refresh": [4, 7, 14], "tableaujobstatussensor": 6, "basesensoroper": 6, "watch": 6, "poke": 6, "successfulli": 6, "succeed": 6, "dag": [7, 10], "perform": 7, "two": [7, 11], "aka": [7, 13], "first": [7, 9], "one": [7, 11, 13], "succe": 7, "sinc": 7, "asynchron": 7, "we": [7, 11, 15], "know": [7, 13], "actual": 7, "That": 7, "why": [7, 13], "have": [7, 9, 10, 15], "anoth": 7, "onli": [7, 9, 11, 15], "env_id": 7, "dag_id": 7, "example_tableau_refresh_workbook": 7, "task_refresh_workbook_block": [7, 14], "test_run": 7, "example_tableau": [8, 14], "apach": [9, 13], "airflow": [9, 11, 13, 15], "provid": [9, 11, 13, 14, 15], "tableau": [9, 13, 14], "feat": [9, 10], "switch": [9, 10], "class": [9, 10, 12], "function": [9, 10], "deprec": [9, 10, 11], "decor": [9, 10], "36876": [9, 10], "stacklevel": [9, 10], "warn": [9, 10, 13], "36831": [9, 10], "releas": [9, 10, 12], "avail": [9, 13], "explain": 9, "support": [9, 10, 12], "polici": [9, 15], "bump": [9, 10], "minimum": [9, 10, 12], "version": [9, 10, 12, 13, 15], "36017": [9, 10], "min": [9, 10], "34728": [9, 10], "respect": [9, 10], "soft_fail": [9, 10], "argument": [9, 10], "rais": [9, 10], "34163": [9, 10], "improv": [9, 10], "modul": [9, 10], "import": [9, 10, 13], "some": [9, 10], "them": [9, 10], "33754": [9, 10], "drop": [9, 10, 13], "add": [9, 10, 11], "note": [9, 10, 11], "about": [9, 10, 13, 15], "32015": [9, 10], "30917": [9, 10], "29360": [9, 10], "remov": [9, 10, 13, 14], "path": [9, 11], "tableau_job_statu": 9, "tableau_refresh_workbook": 9, "27288": [9, 10], "move": [9, 10], "27196": [9, 10], "salesforc": [9, 10], "23747": [9, 10], "organ": [9, 10], "23353": [9, 10], "mistakenli": 9, "ad": 9, "install_requir": 9, "22382": 9, "trove": 9, "classifi": [9, 10], "pypi": [9, 10, 15], "framework": 9, "squelch": [9, 10], "21003": [9, 10], "ensur": [9, 10], "activ": [9, 10], "access": [9, 10, 11], "20433": [9, 10], "distutil": [9, 10], "usag": [9, 10, 14], "19064": [9, 10], "optimis": 9, "disabl": [9, 10], "ssl": [9, 10, 11], "16365": [9, 10], "person": [9, 10, 11], "token": [9, 10, 11], "16916": [9, 10], "convers": [9, 10], "verifi": [9, 10, 11], "17125": [9, 10], "auto": [9, 10], "appli": [9, 10], "apply_default": [9, 10], "15667": [9, 10], "due": 9, "requir": [9, 15], "If": [9, 11, 13], "your": 9, "want": [9, 13, 15], "instal": [9, 15], "upgrad": [9, 10, 15], "least": 9, "packag": 9, "manual": 9, "run": [9, 11, 13, 14], "db": 9, "migrat": [9, 10], "initi": [9, 11], "detail": [10, 13], "commit": 10, "list": 10, "chang": [10, 11, 15], "high": 10, "level": 10, "changelog": 10, "see": [10, 12], "includ": [10, 12, 15], "latest": [10, 15], "2024": 10, "02": 10, "subject": 10, "326f9789cd": 10, "follow": [10, 11, 13, 14, 15], "d401": 10, "style": 10, "openlineag": 10, "slack": 10, "37312": 10, "dec2662190": 10, "01": 10, "30": 10, "26": 10, "cead3da4a6": 10, "rc2": 10, "wave": 10, "2nd": 10, "round": 10, "jan": 10, "37019": 10, "0b680c9492": 10, "revert": 10, "logger_nam": 10, "param": 10, "order": 10, "overrid": 10, "logger": 10, "36675": 10, "37015": 10, "2b4da0101f": 10, "22": 10, "prepar": [10, 15], "januari": 10, "36945": 10, "6ff96af480": 10, "18": 10, "fix": [10, 15], "6bd450da1e": 10, "19ebcac239": 10, "07": 10, "1st": 10, "36640": 10, "6937ae7647": 10, "2023": 10, "12": [10, 13], "speed": 10, "up": 10, "autocomplet": 10, "breez": 10, "simplifi": 10, "36499": 10, "9b5d6bfe27": 10, "28": 10, "document": 10, "3rd": 10, "deember": 10, "36464": 10, "b15d5578da": 10, "23": 10, "re": 10, "updat": 10, "number": 10, "decemb": 10, "36380": 10, "08": 10, "999b70178a": 10, "36112": 10, "d0918d77ee": 10, "0b23d5601c": 10, "11": [10, 13], "24": 10, "novemb": 10, "35836": 10, "99534e47f3": 10, "19": 10, "reproduc": 10, "build": [10, 13], "35693": 10, "99df205f42": 10, "16": 10, "reappli": 10, "templat": 10, "35686": 10, "1b059c57d6": 10, "35537": 10, "d1c58d86de": 10, "octob": 10, "35233": 10, "3592ff4046": 10, "35187": 10, "dd7ba3cae1": 10, "pre": 10, "ruff": 10, "292": 10, "35053": 10, "b75f9e8806": 10, "35033": 10, "13": 10, "e9987d5059": 10, "34916": 10, "0c8e30e43b": 10, "05": 10, "09": 10, "21990ed894": 10, "34201": 10, "42b8595697": 10, "9d8c77e447": 10, "27": 10, "c077d19060": 10, "aug": 10, "33730": 10, "b5a4d36383": 10, "33291": 10, "21e8f878a3": 10, "06": 10, "d205": 10, "snowflak": 10, "zendesk": 10, "inclus": 10, "32359": 10, "225e3041d2": 10, "juli": 10, "32381": 10, "3878fe6fab": 10, "spuriou": 10, "header": 10, "32373": 10, "cb4927a018": 10, "32298": 10, "09d4718d3a": 10, "readm": 10, "structur": 10, "32125": 10, "79bcc2e668": 10, "rc1": 10, "june": 10, "32001": 10, "8b146152d6": 10, "a59076eae": 10, "d400": 10, "pydocstyl": 10, "31427": 10, "45548b9451": 10, "mai": 10, "31416": 10, "abea189022": 10, "31393": 10, "f5aed58d9f": 10, "circular": 10, "caus": 10, "31379": 10, "d9ff55cf6d": 10, "31252": 10, "0a30706aa7": 10, "03": 10, "airflowproviderdeprecationwarn": 10, "30975": 10, "eef5bc7f16": 10, "full": 10, "autom": 10, "30994": 10, "a7eb32a5b2": 10, "04": 10, "d23a3bbed8": 10, "mechan": 10, "suspend": 10, "30422": 10, "ce6ae2457": 10, "feb": 10, "29379": 10, "67b92d7b53": 10, "2022": 10, "15": 10, "12c3c39d1a": 10, "27613": 10, "9ab1a6a3e7": 10, "old": 10, "26872": 10, "d544e8fbeb": 10, "78b8ea2f22": 10, "2a34dc9e84": 10, "enabl": [10, 11], "normal": 10, "format": 10, "27205": 10, "f8db64c35c": 10, "septemb": 10, "26731": 10, "06acf40a43": 10, "pep": 10, "563": 10, "postpon": 10, "evalu": 10, "annot": 10, "non": 10, "core": 10, "26289": 10, "d2459a241b": 10, "25030": 10, "96b01a8012": 10, "bad": 10, "charact": 10, "our": 10, "codebas": 10, "24841": 10, "9c995523f2": 10, "0de31bd73a": 10, "29": 10, "depend": [10, 15], "insid": 10, "folder": [10, 13], "24672": 10, "510a6bab45": 10, "yaml": 10, "24702": 10, "dcdcf3a2b8": 10, "24307": 10, "717a7588bc": 10, "descript": 10, "doubl": 10, "specif": 10, "24292": 10, "aeabe994b3": 10, "24231": 10, "027b707d21": 10, "explanatori": 10, "contributor": 10, "24229": 10, "23f367afc1": 10, "aip": 10, "47": 10, "new": [10, 15], "design": 10, "24125": 10, "75c60923e0": 10, "23631": 10, "9132baf192": 10, "d7dbfb7e26": 10, "bugfix": [10, 15], "22383": 10, "14": 10, "16adc035b1": 10, "march": 10, "22226": 10, "f5b96315fe": 10, "22056": 10, "d94fa37830": 10, "delai": 10, "21439": 10, "6c3a67d4fc": 10, "2021": [10, 13], "21257": 10, "506efb6fa3": 10, "21": 10, "602abe8394": 10, "line": 10, "now": 10, "sphinx": 10, "autoapi": 10, "typehint": 10, "20951": 10, "5569b868a9": 10, "mypi": 10, "cncf": 10, "20654": 10, "31": 10, "f77417eb0d": 10, "k8": 10, "compat": 10, "20614": 10, "97496ba2b4": 10, "20523": 10, "d56e7b56bb": 10, "friendli": 10, "20571": 10, "a0821235fb": 10, "everywher": 10, "20565": 10, "636ae0a33d": 10, "6174198a3f": 10, "20240": 10, "d9567eb106": 10, "19321": 10, "e4888a061f": 10, "840ea3efb9": 10, "18613": 10, "ef037e7021": 10, "static": 10, "start_dat": 10, "arg": 10, "cleanup": 10, "misc": 10, "18597": 10, "0a68588479": 10, "august": 10, "17890": 10, "be75dcd39c": 10, "meta": 10, "data": 10, "76ed2a49c6": 10, "lazili": 10, "individu": 10, "17682": 10, "5df99d6c69": 10, "gener": 10, "16915": 10, "87f408b1e7": 10, "17116": 10, "0dbd0f420c": 10, "refactor": 10, "default_arg": 10, "pattern": 10, "miscellan": 10, "16872": 10, "29b6be8482": 10, "17034": 10, "ef3c75df17": 10, "d02ded65ea": 10, "wrongli": 10, "escap": 10, "amazon": 10, "17020": 10, "b916b75079": 10, "17015": 10, "53246ebef7": 10, "df0746e133": 10, "bbc627a3da": 10, "16501": 10, "cbf8001d76": 10, "synchron": 10, "after": 10, "buggfix": 10, "16464": 10, "1fba5402bb": 10, "16405": 10, "9c94b72d44": 10, "16294": 10, "37681bca00": 10, "807ad32ce5": 10, "pip": [10, 12, 13], "15576": 10, "40a2476a5d": 10, "interact": 10, "15518": 10, "bf2b48174a": 10, "15499": 10, "68e4c4dcb0": 10, "backport": 10, "14886": 10, "589d6dec92": 10, "next": [10, 15], "14487": 10, "45e72ca830": 10, "25": 10, "separ": [10, 15], "14030": 10, "integr": 11, "There": [11, 13], "ar": [11, 12, 13, 15], "wai": 11, "password": 11, "usernam": 11, "e": 11, "login": 11, "token_nam": 11, "personal_access_token": 11, "wa": 11, "invalid": 11, "parallel": 11, "same": 11, "so": [11, 15], "environ": 11, "multipl": 11, "lead": 11, "numer": 11, "bug": [11, 15], "thei": 11, "intend": 11, "therefor": 11, "option": 11, "consid": 11, "harm": 11, "logic": 11, "need": 11, "kei": [11, 13], "relat": 11, "specifi": 11, "host": 11, "sever": 11, "url": 11, "extra": 11, "json": 11, "dictionari": 11, "azur": 11, "correspond": 11, "contenturl": 11, "attribut": 11, "portion": 11, "marketingteam": 11, "myserv": 11, "project": [11, 14], "To": [11, 13], "empti": 11, "singl": 11, "quot": 11, "space": 11, "onlin": 11, "must": 11, "both": 11, "either": 11, "which": [11, 15], "case": [11, 15], "control": 11, "whether": 11, "tl": 11, "certif": [11, 13], "ca": 11, "bundl": 11, "cert": 11, "pem": 11, "tupl": 11, "pair": 11, "variabl": 11, "syntax": 11, "compon": 11, "encod": 11, "export": 11, "airflow_conn_tableau_default": 11, "3a": 11, "2f": 11, "2fmy": 11, "top": [12, 13], "exist": 12, "via": [12, 13], "below": [12, 13], "6": 12, "page": 13, "offici": 13, "also": 13, "most": 13, "choos": 13, "select": 13, "down": 13, "left": 13, "sdist": 13, "whl": 13, "origin": 13, "checksum": 13, "signatur": 13, "softwar": 13, "foundat": 13, "asc": 13, "sha512": 13, "those": 13, "link": 13, "abov": 13, "pgp": 13, "essenti": 13, "sha": 13, "gpg": 13, "pleas": 13, "well": 13, "relev": 13, "distribut": 13, "recommend": 13, "main": [13, 15], "directori": 13, "mirror": 13, "pgpk": 13, "ka": 13, "binari": 13, "pgpv": 13, "tar": 13, "gz": 13, "made": 13, "sat": 13, "sep": 13, "49": 13, "54": 13, "bst": 13, "rsa": 13, "cde15c6e4d3a8ec4ecf4ba4b6674e08ad7de406f": 13, "issuer": 13, "kaxilnaik": 13, "org": 13, "good": [13, 15], "kaxil": 13, "naik": 13, "unknown": 13, "gmail": 13, "user": [13, 14], "certifi": 13, "trust": 13, "owner": 13, "primari": 13, "fingerprint": 13, "cde1": 13, "5c6e": 13, "4d3a": 13, "8ec4": 13, "ecf4": 13, "ba4b": 13, "6674": 13, "e08a": 13, "d7de": 13, "406f": 13, "correct": 13, "do": 13, "worri": 13, "self": 13, "previou": 13, "step": 13, "valid": 13, "alreadi": 13, "sum": 13, "shasum": 13, "512": 13, "diff": 13, "local": 13, "script": 13, "bin": 13, "bash": 13, "package_vers": 13, "package_nam": 13, "provider_download_dir": 13, "mktemp": 13, "d": 13, "dep": 13, "dest": 13, "curl": 13, "apache_airflow_providers_tableau": 13, "py3": 13, "ani": 13, "l": 13, "o": 13, "echo": 13, "la": 13, "onc": 13, "instruct": [13, 15], "chapter": 13, "temporari": 13, "creat": 13, "command": 14, "datasourc": 14, "delet": 14, "group": 14, "schedul": 14, "test": [14, 15], "system": 14, "py": 14, "myworkbook": 14, "task_id": 14, "refresh_tableau_workbook_block": 14, "independ": 15, "itself": 15, "vulner": 15, "publish": 15, "found": 15, "develop": 15, "alwai": 15, "done": 15, "branch": 15, "strict": 15, "semver": 15, "scope": 15, "major": 15, "break": 15, "minor": 15, "patchlevel": 15, "rule": 15, "critic": 15, "reason": 15, "band": 15, "stakehold": 15, "might": 15, "decid": 15, "cherri": 15, "pick": 15, "older": 15, "mix": 15, "govern": 15, "interest": 15, "parti": 15}, "objects": {"airflow.providers": [[2, 0, 0, "-", "tableau"]], "airflow.providers.tableau": [[2, 1, 1, "", "__version__"], [0, 0, 0, "-", "hooks"], [3, 0, 0, "-", "operators"], [5, 0, 0, "-", "sensors"]], "airflow.providers.tableau.hooks": [[1, 0, 0, "-", "tableau"]], "airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau": [[1, 2, 1, "", "TableauHook"], [1, 5, 1, "", "TableauJobFailedException"], [1, 2, 1, "", "TableauJobFinishCode"], [1, 6, 1, "", "parse_boolean"]], "airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau.TableauHook": [[1, 3, 1, "", "__enter__"], [1, 3, 1, "", "__exit__"], [1, 4, 1, "", "conn_name_attr"], [1, 4, 1, "", "conn_type"], [1, 4, 1, "", "default_conn_name"], [1, 3, 1, "", "get_all"], [1, 3, 1, "", "get_conn"], [1, 3, 1, "", "get_job_status"], [1, 4, 1, "", "hook_name"], [1, 3, 1, "", "wait_for_state"]], "airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau.TableauJobFinishCode": [[1, 4, 1, "", "CANCELED"], [1, 4, 1, "", "ERROR"], [1, 4, 1, "", "PENDING"], [1, 4, 1, "", "SUCCESS"]], "airflow.providers.tableau.operators": [[4, 0, 0, "-", "tableau"]], "airflow.providers.tableau.operators.tableau": [[4, 1, 1, "", "RESOURCES_METHODS"], [4, 2, 1, "", "TableauOperator"]], "airflow.providers.tableau.operators.tableau.TableauOperator": [[4, 3, 1, "", "execute"], [4, 4, 1, "", "template_fields"]], "airflow.providers.tableau.sensors": [[6, 0, 0, "-", "tableau"]], "airflow.providers.tableau.sensors.tableau": [[6, 2, 1, "", "TableauJobStatusSensor"]], "airflow.providers.tableau.sensors.tableau.TableauJobStatusSensor": [[6, 3, 1, "", "poke"], [6, 4, 1, "", "template_fields"]], "tests.system.providers": [[8, 0, 0, "-", "tableau"]], "tests.system.providers.tableau": [[7, 0, 0, "-", "example_tableau"]], "tests.system.providers.tableau.example_tableau": [[7, 1, 1, "", "DAG_ID"], [7, 1, 1, "", "ENV_ID"], [7, 1, 1, "", "task_refresh_workbook_blocking"], [7, 1, 1, "", "test_run"]]}, "objtypes": {"0": "py:module", "1": "py:data", "2": "py:class", "3": "py:method", "4": "py:attribute", "5": "py:exception", "6": "py:function"}, "objnames": {"0": ["py", "module", "Python module"], "1": ["py", "data", "Python data"], "2": ["py", "class", "Python class"], "3": ["py", "method", "Python method"], "4": ["py", "attribute", "Python attribute"], "5": ["py", "exception", "Python exception"], "6": ["py", "function", "Python function"]}, "titleterms": {"airflow": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12], "provid": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12], "tableau": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12], "hook": [0, 1], "submodul": [0, 3, 5, 8], "modul": [1, 4, 6, 7], "content": [1, 2, 4, 6, 7], "class": [1, 4, 6], "function": 1, "subpackag": 2, "packag": [2, 10, 12, 13], "oper": [3, 4, 14], "attribut": 4, "sensor": [5, 6], "test": [7, 8], "system": [7, 8], "example_tableau": 7, "changelog": 9, "4": [9, 10], "2": [9, 10], "misc": 9, "1": [9, 10], "bug": 9, "fix": 9, "0": [9, 10], "3": [9, 10], "break": 9, "chang": 9, "8": [9, 10], "7": [9, 10], "6": [9, 10], "5": [9, 10], "featur": 9, "apach": [10, 12], "connect": 11, "authent": 11, "default": 11, "id": 11, "configur": 11, "instal": [12, 13], "requir": 12, "from": 13, "sourc": 13, "releas": [13, 15], "integr": 13, "verifi": 13, "pypi": 13, "tableauoper": 14, "us": 14, "avail": 14, "method": 14, "resourc": 14, "secur": 15, "patch": 15}, "envversion": {"": 2, "": 1, "": 1, "": 8, "": 1, "": 2, "": 2, "": 3, "": 2, "": 2, "sphinx.ext.viewcode": 1, "sphinx.ext.intersphinx": 1, "sphinx": 57}, "alltitles": {"airflow.providers.tableau.hooks": [[0, "module-airflow.providers.tableau.hooks"]], "Submodules": [[0, "submodules"], [3, "submodules"], [5, "submodules"], [8, "submodules"]], "airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau": [[1, "module-airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau"]], "Module Contents": [[1, "module-contents"], [4, "module-contents"], [6, "module-contents"], [7, "module-contents"]], "Classes": [[1, "classes"], [4, "classes"], [6, "classes"]], "Functions": [[1, "functions"]], "airflow.providers.tableau": [[2, "module-airflow.providers.tableau"]], "Subpackages": [[2, "subpackages"]], "Package Contents": [[2, "package-contents"]], "airflow.providers.tableau.operators": [[3, "module-airflow.providers.tableau.operators"]], "airflow.providers.tableau.operators.tableau": [[4, "module-airflow.providers.tableau.operators.tableau"]], "Attributes": [[4, "attributes"]], "airflow.providers.tableau.sensors": [[5, "module-airflow.providers.tableau.sensors"]], "airflow.providers.tableau.sensors.tableau": [[6, "module-airflow.providers.tableau.sensors.tableau"]], "tests.system.providers.tableau.example_tableau": [[7, "module-tests.system.providers.tableau.example_tableau"]], "tests.system.providers.tableau": [[8, "module-tests.system.providers.tableau"]], "Changelog": [[9, "changelog"]], "4.4.2": [[9, "id1"], [10, "id1"]], "Misc": [[9, "misc"], [9, "id4"], [9, "id7"], [9, "id10"], [9, "id12"], [9, "id15"], [9, "id19"], [9, "id26"], [9, "id30"], [9, "id32"], [9, "id34"], [9, "id40"]], "4.4.1": [[9, "id2"], [10, "id2"]], "Bug Fixes": [[9, "bug-fixes"], [9, "id9"], [9, "id28"], [9, "id36"], [9, "id38"]], "4.4.0": [[9, "id3"], [10, "id3"]], "4.3.0": [[9, "id5"], [10, "id4"]], "4.2.2": [[9, "id8"], [10, "id5"]], "4.2.1": [[9, "id11"], [10, "id6"]], "4.2.0": [[9, "id13"], [10, "id7"]], "4.1.0": [[9, "id16"], [10, "id8"]], "4.0.0": [[9, "id17"], [10, "id9"]], "Breaking changes": [[9, "breaking-changes"], [9, "id23"], [9, "id43"]], "3.0.1": [[9, "id20"], [10, "id10"]], "Bug fixes": [[9, "id21"]], "3.0.0": [[9, "id22"], [10, "id11"]], "2.1.8": [[9, "id25"], [10, "id12"]], "2.1.7": [[9, "id27"], [10, "id13"]], "2.1.6": [[9, "id29"], [10, "id14"]], "2.1.5": [[9, "id31"], [10, "id15"]], "2.1.4": [[9, "id33"], [10, "id16"]], "2.1.3": [[9, "id35"], [10, "id17"]], "2.1.2": [[9, "id37"], [10, "id18"]], "2.1.1": [[9, "id39"], [10, "id19"]], "2.1.0": [[9, "id41"], [10, "id20"]], "Features": [[9, "features"]], "2.0.0": [[9, "id42"], [10, "id21"]], "1.0.0": [[9, "id44"], [10, "id22"]], "Package apache-airflow-providers-tableau": [[10, "package-apache-airflow-providers-tableau"]], "Tableau Connection": [[11, "tableau-connection"]], "Authenticating to Tableau": [[11, "authenticating-to-tableau"]], "Default Connection IDs": [[11, "default-connection-ids"]], "Configuring the Connection": [[11, "configuring-the-connection"]], "apache-airflow-providers-tableau": [[12, "apache-airflow-providers-tableau"]], "apache-airflow-providers-tableau package": [[12, "apache-airflow-providers-tableau-package"]], "Provider package": [[12, "provider-package"]], "Installation": [[12, "installation"]], "Requirements": [[12, "requirements"]], "Installing from sources": [[13, "installing-from-sources"]], "Released packages": [[13, "released-packages"]], "Release integrity": [[13, "release-integrity"]], "Verifying PyPI releases": [[13, "verifying-pypi-releases"]], "TableauOperator": [[14, "tableauoperator"]], "Using the Operator": [[14, "using-the-operator"]], "Available methods by resource": [[14, "id1"]], "Releasing security patches": [[15, "releasing-security-patches"]]}, "indexentries": {"airflow.providers.tableau.hooks": [[0, "module-airflow.providers.tableau.hooks"]], "module": [[0, "module-airflow.providers.tableau.hooks"], [1, "module-airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau"], [2, "module-airflow.providers.tableau"], [3, "module-airflow.providers.tableau.operators"], [4, "module-airflow.providers.tableau.operators.tableau"], [5, "module-airflow.providers.tableau.sensors"], [6, "module-airflow.providers.tableau.sensors.tableau"], [7, "module-tests.system.providers.tableau.example_tableau"], [8, "module-tests.system.providers.tableau"]], "canceled (airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau.tableaujobfinishcode attribute)": [[1, "airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau.TableauJobFinishCode.CANCELED"]], "error (airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau.tableaujobfinishcode attribute)": [[1, "airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau.TableauJobFinishCode.ERROR"]], "pending (airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau.tableaujobfinishcode attribute)": [[1, "airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau.TableauJobFinishCode.PENDING"]], "success (airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau.tableaujobfinishcode attribute)": [[1, "airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau.TableauJobFinishCode.SUCCESS"]], "tableauhook (class in airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau)": [[1, "airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau.TableauHook"]], "tableaujobfailedexception": [[1, "airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau.TableauJobFailedException"]], "tableaujobfinishcode (class in airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau)": [[1, "airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau.TableauJobFinishCode"]], "__enter__() (airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau.tableauhook method)": [[1, "airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau.TableauHook.__enter__"]], "__exit__() (airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau.tableauhook method)": [[1, "airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau.TableauHook.__exit__"]], "airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau": [[1, "module-airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau"]], "conn_name_attr (airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau.tableauhook attribute)": [[1, "airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau.TableauHook.conn_name_attr"]], "conn_type (airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau.tableauhook attribute)": [[1, "airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau.TableauHook.conn_type"]], "default_conn_name (airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau.tableauhook attribute)": [[1, "airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau.TableauHook.default_conn_name"]], "get_all() (airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau.tableauhook method)": [[1, "airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau.TableauHook.get_all"]], "get_conn() (airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau.tableauhook method)": [[1, "airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau.TableauHook.get_conn"]], "get_job_status() (airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau.tableauhook method)": [[1, "airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau.TableauHook.get_job_status"]], "hook_name (airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau.tableauhook attribute)": [[1, "airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau.TableauHook.hook_name"]], "parse_boolean() (in module airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau)": [[1, "airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau.parse_boolean"]], "wait_for_state() (airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau.tableauhook method)": [[1, "airflow.providers.tableau.hooks.tableau.TableauHook.wait_for_state"]], "__version__ (in module airflow.providers.tableau)": [[2, "airflow.providers.tableau.__version__"]], "airflow.providers.tableau": [[2, "module-airflow.providers.tableau"]], "airflow.providers.tableau.operators": [[3, "module-airflow.providers.tableau.operators"]], "resources_methods (in module airflow.providers.tableau.operators.tableau)": [[4, "airflow.providers.tableau.operators.tableau.RESOURCES_METHODS"]], "tableauoperator (class in airflow.providers.tableau.operators.tableau)": [[4, "airflow.providers.tableau.operators.tableau.TableauOperator"]], "airflow.providers.tableau.operators.tableau": [[4, "module-airflow.providers.tableau.operators.tableau"]], "execute() (airflow.providers.tableau.operators.tableau.tableauoperator method)": [[4, "airflow.providers.tableau.operators.tableau.TableauOperator.execute"]], "template_fields (airflow.providers.tableau.operators.tableau.tableauoperator attribute)": [[4, "airflow.providers.tableau.operators.tableau.TableauOperator.template_fields"]], "airflow.providers.tableau.sensors": [[5, "module-airflow.providers.tableau.sensors"]], "tableaujobstatussensor (class in airflow.providers.tableau.sensors.tableau)": [[6, "airflow.providers.tableau.sensors.tableau.TableauJobStatusSensor"]], "airflow.providers.tableau.sensors.tableau": [[6, "module-airflow.providers.tableau.sensors.tableau"]], "poke() (airflow.providers.tableau.sensors.tableau.tableaujobstatussensor method)": [[6, "airflow.providers.tableau.sensors.tableau.TableauJobStatusSensor.poke"]], "template_fields (airflow.providers.tableau.sensors.tableau.tableaujobstatussensor attribute)": [[6, "airflow.providers.tableau.sensors.tableau.TableauJobStatusSensor.template_fields"]], "dag_id (in module tests.system.providers.tableau.example_tableau)": [[7, "tests.system.providers.tableau.example_tableau.DAG_ID"]], "env_id (in module tests.system.providers.tableau.example_tableau)": [[7, "tests.system.providers.tableau.example_tableau.ENV_ID"]], "task_refresh_workbook_blocking (in module tests.system.providers.tableau.example_tableau)": [[7, "tests.system.providers.tableau.example_tableau.task_refresh_workbook_blocking"]], "test_run (in module tests.system.providers.tableau.example_tableau)": [[7, "tests.system.providers.tableau.example_tableau.test_run"]], "tests.system.providers.tableau.example_tableau": [[7, "module-tests.system.providers.tableau.example_tableau"]], "tests.system.providers.tableau": [[8, "module-tests.system.providers.tableau"]]}})