tree: 8788118b27e8f9948c0234b169b40f9c909c32a6 [path history] [tgz]
  1. demo/
  2. sphinx_airflow_theme/

Sphinx theme for Airflow

Sphinx theme for Apache Airflow website.

Getting started

In order to start working with the theme, please follow the instructions below.

  1. Make sure that your python shell command executes Python3 interpreter. If necessary, use a virtual environment:

    mkvirtualenv -p python3 <name_of_environment>

  2. To make Javascript and CSS code available for the theme, run the following command in the root directory:

    ./ build-site && ./ prepare-theme

  3. To install the required Python packages, in <ROOT DIRECTORY>/sphinx_airflow_theme run:

    pip install -e .

  4. To launch the demo documentation page, in <ROOT DIRECTORY>/sphinx_airflow_theme/demo run: ./ build && ./ preview

Theme's source files

  • <ROOT DIRECTORY>/sphinx_airflow_theme/sphinx_airflow_theme - HTML files
  • <ROOT DIRECTORY>/landing-pages/site/assets/scss - SCSS files
  • <ROOT DIRECTORY>/landing-pages/src/js - Javascript files. If you create a new JS file, don't forget to include it in `/landing-pages/src/docs-index.js