| // Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more |
| // contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with |
| // this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. |
| // The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 |
| // (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with |
| // the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| |
| package controllers |
| |
| import ( |
| "context" |
| "encoding/base64" |
| "sort" |
| "strconv" |
| "strings" |
| "time" |
| |
| "github.com/go-logr/logr" |
| "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime" |
| ctrl "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime" |
| "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/client" |
| |
| alpha1 "github.com/apache/airflow-on-k8s-operator/api/v1alpha1" |
| "github.com/apache/airflow-on-k8s-operator/controllers/application" |
| "github.com/apache/airflow-on-k8s-operator/controllers/common" |
| app "github.com/kubernetes-sigs/application/pkg/apis/app/v1beta1" |
| appsv1 "k8s.io/api/apps/v1" |
| corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1" |
| policyv1 "k8s.io/api/policy/v1beta1" |
| rbacv1 "k8s.io/api/rbac/v1" |
| "sigs.k8s.io/controller-reconciler/pkg/finalizer" |
| gr "sigs.k8s.io/controller-reconciler/pkg/genericreconciler" |
| "sigs.k8s.io/controller-reconciler/pkg/reconciler" |
| "sigs.k8s.io/controller-reconciler/pkg/reconciler/manager/gcp" |
| "sigs.k8s.io/controller-reconciler/pkg/reconciler/manager/gcp/redis" |
| "sigs.k8s.io/controller-reconciler/pkg/reconciler/manager/k8s" |
| "sigs.k8s.io/controller-reconciler/pkg/status" |
| "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/manager" |
| ) |
| |
| const ( |
| afc = "AIRFLOW__CORE__" |
| gitSyncDestDir = "gitdags" |
| gCSSyncDestDir = "dags" |
| airflowHome = "/usr/local/airflow" |
| airflowDagsBase = airflowHome + "/dags/" |
| ) |
| |
| // Add creates a new AirflowBase Controller and adds it to the Manager with default RBAC. The Manager will set fields on the Controller |
| // and Start it when the Manager is Started. |
| |
| // AirflowClusterReconciler reconciles a AirflowCluster object |
| type AirflowClusterReconciler struct { |
| client.Client |
| Log logr.Logger |
| Scheme *runtime.Scheme |
| } |
| |
| // +kubebuilder:rbac:groups=apps,resources=statefulsets,verbs=get;list;watch;create;update;patch;delete |
| // +kubebuilder:rbac:groups=,resources=services,verbs=get;list;watch;create;update;patch;delete |
| // +kubebuilder:rbac:groups=,resources=configmaps,verbs=get;list;watch;create;update;patch;delete |
| // +kubebuilder:rbac:groups=app.k8s.io,resources=applications,verbs=get;list;watch;create;update;patch;delete |
| // +kubebuilder:rbac:groups=policy,resources=poddisruptionbudgets,verbs=get;list;watch;create;update;patch;delete |
| // +kubebuilder:rbac:groups=rbac.authorization.k8s.io,resources=rolebindings,verbs=get;list;watch;create;update;patch;delete |
| // +kubebuilder:rbac:groups=,resources=secrets,verbs=get;list;watch;create;update;patch;delete |
| // +kubebuilder:rbac:groups=,resources=serviceaccounts,verbs=get;list;watch;create;update;patch;delete |
| // +kubebuilder:rbac:groups=storage.k8s.io,resources=storageclasses,verbs=get;list;watch;create;update;patch;delete |
| |
| // +kubebuilder:rbac:groups=airflow.apache.org,resources=airflowclusters,verbs=get;list;watch;create;update;patch;delete |
| // +kubebuilder:rbac:groups=airflow.apache.org,resources=airflowclusters/status,verbs=get;update;patch |
| |
| // Reconcile - Dummy TODO remove this |
| func (r *AirflowClusterReconciler) Reconcile(req ctrl.Request) (ctrl.Result, error) { |
| _ = context.Background() |
| _ = r.Log.WithValues("airflowcluster", req.NamespacedName) |
| |
| // your logic here |
| |
| return ctrl.Result{}, nil |
| } |
| |
| // SetupWithManager - called by main |
| func (r *AirflowClusterReconciler) SetupWithManager(mgr ctrl.Manager) error { |
| _ = app.AddToScheme(r.Scheme) |
| return ctrl.NewControllerManagedBy(mgr). |
| For(&alpha1.AirflowCluster{}). |
| Complete(acReconciler(mgr)) |
| } |
| |
| func acReconciler(mgr manager.Manager) *gr.Reconciler { |
| return gr. |
| WithManager(mgr). |
| WithResourceManager(redis.Getter(context.TODO())). |
| For(&alpha1.AirflowCluster{}, alpha1.GroupVersion). |
| Using(&UI{}). |
| Using(&Redis{}). |
| Using(&MemoryStore{}). |
| Using(&Flower{}). |
| Using(&Scheduler{}). |
| Using(&Worker{}). |
| Using(&Cluster{}). |
| WithErrorHandler(acHandleError). |
| WithValidator(acValidate). |
| WithDefaulter(acApplyDefaults). |
| Build() |
| } |
| |
| func acHandleError(resource interface{}, err error, kind string) { |
| ac := resource.(*alpha1.AirflowCluster) |
| if err != nil { |
| ac.Status.SetError("ErrorSeen", err.Error()) |
| } else { |
| ac.Status.ClearError() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| func acValidate(resource interface{}) error { |
| ac := resource.(*alpha1.AirflowCluster) |
| return ac.Validate() |
| } |
| |
| func acApplyDefaults(resource interface{}) { |
| ac := resource.(*alpha1.AirflowCluster) |
| ac.ApplyDefaults() |
| } |
| |
| // Cluster - interface to handle airflowbase |
| type Cluster struct{} |
| |
| // Redis - interface to handle redis |
| type Redis struct{} |
| |
| // Flower - interface to handle flower |
| type Flower struct{} |
| |
| // Scheduler - interface to handle scheduler |
| type Scheduler struct{} |
| |
| // Worker - interface to handle worker |
| type Worker struct{} |
| |
| // UI - interface to handle ui |
| type UI struct{} |
| |
| // MemoryStore - interface to handle memorystore |
| type MemoryStore struct{} |
| |
| // --------------- common functions ------------------------- |
| |
| func envFromSecret(name string, key string) *corev1.EnvVarSource { |
| return &corev1.EnvVarSource{ |
| SecretKeyRef: &corev1.SecretKeySelector{ |
| LocalObjectReference: corev1.LocalObjectReference{ |
| Name: name, |
| }, |
| Key: key, |
| }, |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // IsPostgres return true for postgres |
| func IsPostgres(s *alpha1.AirflowBaseSpec) bool { |
| postgres := false |
| if s.Postgres != nil { |
| postgres = true |
| } |
| if s.SQLProxy != nil && s.SQLProxy.Type == common.ValueSQLProxyTypePostgres { |
| postgres = true |
| } |
| return postgres |
| } |
| |
| func updateSts(o *reconciler.Object, v interface{}) (*appsv1.StatefulSet, *common.TemplateValue) { |
| r := v.(*common.TemplateValue) |
| sts := o.Obj.(*k8s.Object).Obj.(*appsv1.StatefulSet) |
| sts.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[0].Env = getAirflowEnv(r.Cluster, sts.Name, r.Base) |
| addAirflowContainers(r.Cluster, sts) |
| return sts, r |
| } |
| |
| func acTemplateValue(r *alpha1.AirflowCluster, dependent []reconciler.Object, component string, label, selector, ports map[string]string) *common.TemplateValue { |
| b := k8s.GetItem(dependent, &alpha1.AirflowBase{}, r.Spec.AirflowBaseRef.Name, r.Namespace) |
| base := b.(*alpha1.AirflowBase) |
| return &common.TemplateValue{ |
| Name: common.RsrcName(r.Name, component, ""), |
| Namespace: r.Namespace, |
| SecretName: common.RsrcName(r.Name, component, ""), |
| SvcName: common.RsrcName(r.Name, component, ""), |
| Cluster: r, |
| Base: base, |
| Labels: label, |
| Selector: selector, |
| Ports: ports, |
| } |
| } |
| |
| func addAirflowContainers(r *alpha1.AirflowCluster, ss *appsv1.StatefulSet) { |
| if r.Spec.DAGs != nil { |
| init, dc := dagContainer(r.Spec.DAGs, "dags-data") |
| if init { |
| ss.Spec.Template.Spec.InitContainers = append(ss.Spec.Template.Spec.InitContainers, dc) |
| } else { |
| ss.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers = append(ss.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers, dc) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| func addMySQLUserDBContainer(r *alpha1.AirflowCluster, ss *appsv1.StatefulSet) { |
| sqlRootSecret := common.RsrcName(r.Spec.AirflowBaseRef.Name, common.ValueAirflowComponentSQL, "") |
| sqlSvcName := common.RsrcName(r.Spec.AirflowBaseRef.Name, common.ValueAirflowComponentSQL, "") |
| sqlSecret := common.RsrcName(r.Name, common.ValueAirflowComponentUI, "") |
| env := []corev1.EnvVar{ |
| {Name: "SQL_ROOT_PASSWORD", ValueFrom: envFromSecret(sqlRootSecret, "rootpassword")}, |
| {Name: "SQL_DB", Value: r.Spec.Scheduler.DBName}, |
| {Name: "SQL_USER", Value: r.Spec.Scheduler.DBUser}, |
| {Name: "SQL_PASSWORD", ValueFrom: envFromSecret(sqlSecret, "password")}, |
| {Name: "SQL_HOST", Value: sqlSvcName}, |
| {Name: "DB_TYPE", Value: "mysql"}, |
| } |
| containers := []corev1.Container{ |
| { |
| Name: "mysql-dbcreate", |
| Image: alpha1.DefaultMySQLImage + ":" + alpha1.DefaultMySQLVersion, |
| Env: env, |
| Command: []string{"/bin/bash"}, |
| //SET GLOBAL explicit_defaults_for_timestamp=ON; |
| Args: []string{"-c", ` |
| mysql -uroot -h$(SQL_HOST) -p$(SQL_ROOT_PASSWORD) << EOSQL |
| USE $(SQL_DB); |
| GRANT ALL ON $(SQL_DB).* TO '$(SQL_USER)'@'%' ; |
| `}, |
| }, |
| } |
| ss.Spec.Template.Spec.InitContainers = append(containers, ss.Spec.Template.Spec.InitContainers...) |
| } |
| |
| func addPostgresUserDBContainer(r *alpha1.AirflowCluster, ss *appsv1.StatefulSet) { |
| sqlRootSecret := common.RsrcName(r.Spec.AirflowBaseRef.Name, common.ValueAirflowComponentSQL, "") |
| sqlSvcName := common.RsrcName(r.Spec.AirflowBaseRef.Name, common.ValueAirflowComponentSQL, "") |
| sqlSecret := common.RsrcName(r.Name, common.ValueAirflowComponentUI, "") |
| env := []corev1.EnvVar{ |
| {Name: "SQL_ROOT_PASSWORD", ValueFrom: envFromSecret(sqlRootSecret, "rootpassword")}, |
| {Name: "SQL_DB", Value: r.Spec.Scheduler.DBName}, |
| {Name: "SQL_USER", Value: r.Spec.Scheduler.DBUser}, |
| {Name: "SQL_PASSWORD", ValueFrom: envFromSecret(sqlSecret, "password")}, |
| {Name: "SQL_HOST", Value: sqlSvcName}, |
| {Name: "DB_TYPE", Value: "postgres"}, |
| } |
| containers := []corev1.Container{ |
| { |
| Name: "postgres-dbcreate", |
| Image: alpha1.DefaultPostgresImage + ":" + alpha1.DefaultPostgresVersion, |
| Env: env, |
| Command: []string{"/bin/bash"}, |
| Args: []string{"-c", ` |
| PGPASSWORD=$(SQL_ROOT_PASSWORD) psql -h $SQL_HOST -U postgres -tc "SELECT 1 FROM pg_database WHERE datname = '$(SQL_DB)'" | grep -q 1 || (PGPASSWORD=$(SQL_ROOT_PASSWORD) psql -h $SQL_HOST -U postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE $(SQL_DB)" && |
| `}, |
| }, |
| } |
| ss.Spec.Template.Spec.InitContainers = append(containers, ss.Spec.Template.Spec.InitContainers...) |
| } |
| |
| func dependantResources(i interface{}) []reconciler.Object { |
| r := i.(*alpha1.AirflowCluster) |
| rsrc := []reconciler.Object{} |
| rsrc = append(rsrc, k8s.ReferredItem(&alpha1.AirflowBase{}, r.Spec.AirflowBaseRef.Name, r.Namespace)) |
| return rsrc |
| } |
| |
| func getAirflowPrometheusEnv(r *alpha1.AirflowCluster, base *alpha1.AirflowBase) []corev1.EnvVar { |
| sqlSvcName := common.RsrcName(r.Spec.AirflowBaseRef.Name, common.ValueAirflowComponentSQL, "") |
| sqlSecret := common.RsrcName(r.Name, common.ValueAirflowComponentUI, "") |
| apd := ap + "DATABASE_" |
| backend := "mysql" |
| port := "3306" |
| if IsPostgres(&base.Spec) { |
| backend = "postgres" |
| port = "5432" |
| } |
| env := []corev1.EnvVar{ |
| {Name: ap + "LISTEN_ADDR", Value: ":9112"}, |
| {Name: apd + "BACKEND", Value: backend}, |
| {Name: apd + "HOST", Value: sqlSvcName}, |
| {Name: apd + "PORT", Value: port}, |
| {Name: apd + "USER", Value: r.Spec.Scheduler.DBUser}, |
| {Name: apd + "PASSWORD", ValueFrom: envFromSecret(sqlSecret, "password")}, |
| {Name: apd + "NAME", Value: r.Spec.Scheduler.DBName}, |
| } |
| return env |
| } |
| |
| func getAirflowEnv(r *alpha1.AirflowCluster, saName string, base *alpha1.AirflowBase) []corev1.EnvVar { |
| sp := r.Spec |
| sqlSvcName := common.RsrcName(sp.AirflowBaseRef.Name, common.ValueAirflowComponentSQL, "") |
| sqlSecret := common.RsrcName(r.Name, common.ValueAirflowComponentUI, "") |
| schedulerConfigmap := common.RsrcName(r.Name, common.ValueAirflowComponentScheduler, "") |
| redisSecret := "" |
| redisSvcName := "" |
| if sp.MemoryStore == nil { |
| redisSecret = common.RsrcName(r.Name, common.ValueAirflowComponentRedis, "") |
| redisSvcName = redisSecret |
| } |
| dagFolder := airflowDagsBase |
| if sp.DAGs != nil { |
| if sp.DAGs.Git != nil { |
| dagFolder = airflowDagsBase + gitSyncDestDir + "/" + sp.DAGs.DagSubdir |
| } else if sp.DAGs.GCS != nil { |
| dagFolder = airflowDagsBase + gCSSyncDestDir + "/" + sp.DAGs.DagSubdir |
| } |
| } |
| dbType := "mysql" |
| if IsPostgres(&base.Spec) { |
| dbType = "postgres" |
| } |
| env := []corev1.EnvVar{ |
| {Name: "EXECUTOR", Value: sp.Executor}, |
| {Name: "SQL_PASSWORD", ValueFrom: envFromSecret(sqlSecret, "password")}, |
| {Name: afc + "DAGS_FOLDER", Value: dagFolder}, |
| {Name: "SQL_HOST", Value: sqlSvcName}, |
| {Name: "SQL_USER", Value: sp.Scheduler.DBUser}, |
| {Name: "SQL_DB", Value: sp.Scheduler.DBName}, |
| {Name: "DB_TYPE", Value: dbType}, |
| } |
| if sp.Executor == alpha1.ExecutorK8s { |
| env = append(env, []corev1.EnvVar{ |
| {Name: afk + "AIRFLOW_CONFIGMAP", Value: schedulerConfigmap}, |
| {Name: afk + "WORKER_CONTAINER_REPOSITORY", Value: sp.Worker.Image}, |
| {Name: afk + "WORKER_CONTAINER_TAG", Value: sp.Worker.Version}, |
| {Name: afk + "WORKER_CONTAINER_IMAGE_PULL_POLICY", Value: "IfNotPresent"}, |
| {Name: afk + "DELETE_WORKER_PODS", Value: "True"}, |
| {Name: afk + "NAMESPACE", Value: r.Namespace}, |
| //{Name: afk+"IMAGE_PULL_SECRETS", Value: s.ImagePullSecrets}, |
| //{Name: afk+"GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEYS", Vaslue: ??}, |
| }...) |
| if sp.DAGs != nil && sp.DAGs.Git != nil { |
| env = append(env, []corev1.EnvVar{ |
| {Name: afk + "GIT_REPO", Value: sp.DAGs.Git.Repo}, |
| {Name: afk + "GIT_BRANCH", Value: sp.DAGs.Git.Branch}, |
| {Name: afk + "GIT_SUBPATH", Value: sp.DAGs.DagSubdir}, |
| {Name: afk + "GIT_SYNC_DEST", Value: gitSyncDestDir}, |
| {Name: afk + "WORKER_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME", Value: saName}, |
| {Name: afk + "GIT_DAGS_FOLDER_MOUNT_POINT", Value: airflowDagsBase}, |
| // git_sync_root = /git |
| // git_sync_dest = repo |
| }...) |
| if sp.DAGs.Git.CredSecretRef != nil { |
| env = append(env, []corev1.EnvVar{ |
| {Name: "GIT_PASSWORD", |
| ValueFrom: envFromSecret(sp.DAGs.Git.CredSecretRef.Name, "password")}, |
| {Name: "GIT_USER", Value: sp.DAGs.Git.User}, |
| }...) |
| } |
| } |
| // dags_in_image = False |
| // dags_volume_subpath = |
| // dags_volume_claim = |
| } |
| if sp.Executor == alpha1.ExecutorCelery { |
| if sp.MemoryStore != nil { |
| env = append(env, |
| []corev1.EnvVar{ |
| {Name: "REDIS_HOST", Value: sp.MemoryStore.Status.Host}, |
| {Name: "REDIS_PORT", Value: strconv.FormatInt(sp.MemoryStore.Status.Port, 10)}, |
| }...) |
| } else if r.Spec.Redis.RedisHost == "" { |
| env = append(env, |
| []corev1.EnvVar{ |
| {Name: "REDIS_PASSWORD", |
| ValueFrom: envFromSecret(redisSecret, "password")}, |
| {Name: "REDIS_HOST", Value: redisSvcName}, |
| }...) |
| } else { |
| env = append(env, |
| []corev1.EnvVar{ |
| {Name: "REDIS_HOST", Value: r.Spec.Redis.RedisHost}, |
| {Name: "REDIS_PORT", Value: r.Spec.Redis.RedisPort}, |
| }...) |
| if r.Spec.Redis.RedisPassword == true { |
| env = append(env, |
| []corev1.EnvVar{ |
| {Name: "REDIS_PASSWORD", |
| ValueFrom: envFromSecret(redisSecret, "password")}, |
| }...) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Do sorted key scan. To store the keys in slice in sorted order |
| var keys []string |
| for k := range sp.Config.AirflowEnv { |
| keys = append(keys, k) |
| } |
| sort.Strings(keys) |
| for _, k := range keys { |
| env = append(env, corev1.EnvVar{Name: k, Value: sp.Config.AirflowEnv[k]}) |
| } |
| |
| for _, k := range sp.Config.AirflowSecretEnv { |
| env = append(env, corev1.EnvVar{Name: k.Env, ValueFrom: envFromSecret(k.Secret, k.Field)}) |
| } |
| |
| return env |
| } |
| |
| // --------------- Global Cluster component ------------------------- |
| |
| // Observables asd |
| func (c *Cluster) Observables(rsrc interface{}, labels map[string]string, dependent []reconciler.Object) []reconciler.Observable { |
| return k8s.NewObservables(). |
| WithLabels(labels). |
| For(&app.ApplicationList{}). |
| Get() |
| } |
| |
| // DependentResources - return dependant resources |
| func (c *Cluster) DependentResources(rsrc interface{}) []reconciler.Object { |
| return dependantResources(rsrc) |
| } |
| |
| // Objects returns the list of resource/name for those resources created by |
| // the operator for this spec and those resources referenced by this operator. |
| // Mark resources as owned, referred |
| func (c *Cluster) Objects(rsrc interface{}, rsrclabels map[string]string, observed, dependent, aggregated []reconciler.Object) ([]reconciler.Object, error) { |
| r := rsrc.(*alpha1.AirflowCluster) |
| |
| selectors := make(map[string]string) |
| for k, v := range rsrclabels { |
| selectors[k] = v |
| } |
| delete(selectors, gr.LabelUsing) |
| |
| ngdata := acTemplateValue(r, dependent, common.ValueAirflowComponentCluster, rsrclabels, selectors, nil) |
| ngdata.Expected = aggregated |
| |
| return k8s.NewObjects(). |
| WithValue(ngdata). |
| WithTemplate("cluster-application.yaml", &app.ApplicationList{}, |
| func(o *reconciler.Object, v interface{}) { |
| ao := application.NewApplication(o.Obj.(*k8s.Object).Obj) |
| o = ao.SetSelector(r.Labels). |
| SetComponentGK(aggregated). |
| Item() |
| }). |
| Build() |
| } |
| |
| // UpdateStatus use reconciled objects to update component status |
| func (c *Cluster) UpdateStatus(rsrc interface{}, reconciled []reconciler.Object, err error) time.Duration { |
| var period time.Duration |
| stts := &rsrc.(*alpha1.AirflowCluster).Status |
| ready := stts.ComponentMeta.UpdateStatus(reconciler.ObjectsByType(reconciled, k8s.Type)) |
| stts.Meta.UpdateStatus(&ready, err) |
| return period |
| } |
| |
| // ------------------------------ Airflow UI ----------------------------------- |
| |
| // Observables asd |
| func (s *UI) Observables(rsrc interface{}, labels map[string]string, dependent []reconciler.Object) []reconciler.Observable { |
| return k8s.NewObservables(). |
| WithLabels(labels). |
| For(&appsv1.StatefulSetList{}). |
| For(&corev1.SecretList{}). |
| Get() |
| } |
| |
| // DependentResources - return dependant resources |
| func (s *UI) DependentResources(rsrc interface{}) []reconciler.Object { |
| return dependantResources(rsrc) |
| } |
| |
| // Objects returns the list of resource/name for those resources created by |
| func (s *UI) Objects(rsrc interface{}, rsrclabels map[string]string, observed, dependent, aggregated []reconciler.Object) ([]reconciler.Object, error) { |
| r := rsrc.(*alpha1.AirflowCluster) |
| if r.Spec.UI == nil { |
| return []reconciler.Object{}, nil |
| } |
| |
| if r.Spec.MemoryStore != nil && r.Spec.MemoryStore.Status.Host == "" { |
| return []reconciler.Object{}, nil |
| } |
| |
| ngdata := acTemplateValue(r, dependent, common.ValueAirflowComponentUI, rsrclabels, rsrclabels, map[string]string{"web": "8080"}) |
| ngdata.Secret = map[string]string{ |
| "password": base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(common.RandomAlphanumericString(16)), |
| } |
| |
| return k8s.NewObjects(). |
| WithValue(ngdata). |
| WithTemplate("ui-sts.yaml", &appsv1.StatefulSetList{}, s.sts). |
| WithTemplate("secret.yaml", &corev1.SecretList{}, reconciler.NoUpdate). |
| Build() |
| } |
| |
| func (s *UI) sts(o *reconciler.Object, v interface{}) { |
| sts, r := updateSts(o, v) |
| sts.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[0].Resources = r.Cluster.Spec.UI.Resources |
| if IsPostgres(&r.Base.Spec) { |
| addPostgresUserDBContainer(r.Cluster, sts) |
| } else { |
| addMySQLUserDBContainer(r.Cluster, sts) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // ------------------------------ RedisSpec --------------------------------------- |
| |
| func (s Redis) sts(o *reconciler.Object, v interface{}) { |
| r := v.(*common.TemplateValue) |
| sts := o.Obj.(*k8s.Object).Obj.(*appsv1.StatefulSet) |
| sts.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[0].Resources = r.Cluster.Spec.Redis.Resources |
| if r.Cluster.Spec.Redis.VolumeClaimTemplate != nil { |
| sts.Spec.VolumeClaimTemplates = []corev1.PersistentVolumeClaim{*r.Cluster.Spec.Redis.VolumeClaimTemplate} |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Observables asd |
| func (s *Redis) Observables(rsrc interface{}, labels map[string]string, dependent []reconciler.Object) []reconciler.Observable { |
| return k8s.NewObservables(). |
| WithLabels(labels). |
| For(&appsv1.StatefulSetList{}). |
| For(&corev1.SecretList{}). |
| For(&policyv1.PodDisruptionBudgetList{}). |
| For(&corev1.ServiceList{}). |
| Get() |
| } |
| |
| // DependentResources - return dependant resources |
| func (s *Redis) DependentResources(rsrc interface{}) []reconciler.Object { |
| return dependantResources(rsrc) |
| } |
| |
| // Objects returns the list of resource/name for those resources created by |
| // the operator for this spec and those resources referenced by this operator. |
| // Mark resources as owned, referred |
| func (s *Redis) Objects(rsrc interface{}, rsrclabels map[string]string, observed, dependent, aggregated []reconciler.Object) ([]reconciler.Object, error) { |
| r := rsrc.(*alpha1.AirflowCluster) |
| if r.Spec.Redis == nil || r.Spec.Redis.RedisHost != "" { |
| return []reconciler.Object{}, nil |
| } |
| ngdata := acTemplateValue(r, dependent, common.ValueAirflowComponentRedis, rsrclabels, rsrclabels, map[string]string{"redis": "6379"}) |
| ngdata.Secret = map[string]string{ |
| "password": base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(common.RandomAlphanumericString(16)), |
| } |
| ngdata.PDBMinAvail = "100%" |
| |
| return k8s.NewObjects(). |
| WithValue(ngdata). |
| WithTemplate("redis-sts.yaml", &appsv1.StatefulSetList{}, s.sts). |
| WithTemplate("secret.yaml", &corev1.SecretList{}, reconciler.NoUpdate). |
| WithTemplate("pdb.yaml", &policyv1.PodDisruptionBudgetList{}). |
| WithTemplate("svc.yaml", &corev1.ServiceList{}). |
| Build() |
| } |
| |
| // ------------------------------ Scheduler --------------------------------------- |
| |
| func gcsContainer(s *alpha1.GCSSpec, volName string) (bool, corev1.Container) { |
| init := false |
| container := corev1.Container{} |
| env := []corev1.EnvVar{ |
| {Name: "GCS_BUCKET", Value: s.Bucket}, |
| } |
| if s.Once { |
| init = true |
| } |
| container = corev1.Container{ |
| Name: "gcs-syncd", |
| Image: alpha1.GCSsyncImage + ":" + alpha1.GCSsyncVersion, |
| Env: env, |
| Args: []string{"/home/airflow/gcs"}, |
| VolumeMounts: []corev1.VolumeMount{ |
| { |
| Name: volName, |
| MountPath: "/home/airflow/gcs", |
| }, |
| }, |
| } |
| |
| return init, container |
| } |
| |
| func gitContainer(s *alpha1.GitSpec, volName string) (bool, corev1.Container) { |
| init := false |
| container := corev1.Container{} |
| env := []corev1.EnvVar{ |
| {Name: "GIT_SYNC_REPO", Value: s.Repo}, |
| {Name: "GIT_SYNC_DEST", Value: gitSyncDestDir}, |
| {Name: "GIT_SYNC_BRANCH", Value: s.Branch}, |
| {Name: "GIT_SYNC_ONE_TIME", Value: strconv.FormatBool(s.Once)}, |
| {Name: "GIT_SYNC_REV", Value: s.Rev}, |
| } |
| if s.CredSecretRef != nil { |
| env = append(env, []corev1.EnvVar{ |
| ValueFrom: envFromSecret(s.CredSecretRef.Name, "password")}, |
| {Name: "GIT_SYNC_USERNAME", Value: s.User}, |
| }...) |
| } |
| if s.Once { |
| init = true |
| } |
| container = corev1.Container{ |
| Name: "git-sync", |
| Image: alpha1.GitsyncImage + ":" + alpha1.GitsyncVersion, |
| Env: env, |
| Command: []string{"/git-sync"}, |
| Ports: []corev1.ContainerPort{ |
| { |
| Name: "gitsync", |
| ContainerPort: 2020, |
| }, |
| }, |
| VolumeMounts: []corev1.VolumeMount{ |
| { |
| Name: volName, |
| MountPath: "/tmp/git", |
| }, |
| }, |
| } |
| |
| return init, container |
| } |
| |
| func dagContainer(s *alpha1.DagSpec, volName string) (bool, corev1.Container) { |
| init := false |
| container := corev1.Container{} |
| |
| if s.Git != nil { |
| return gitContainer(s.Git, volName) |
| } |
| if s.GCS != nil { |
| return gcsContainer(s.GCS, volName) |
| } |
| |
| return init, container |
| } |
| |
| func (s *Scheduler) sts(o *reconciler.Object, v interface{}) { |
| sts, r := updateSts(o, v) |
| if r.Cluster.Spec.Executor == alpha1.ExecutorK8s { |
| sts.Spec.Template.Spec.ServiceAccountName = sts.Name |
| } |
| sts.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[0].Resources = r.Cluster.Spec.Scheduler.Resources |
| sts.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[1].Env = getAirflowPrometheusEnv(r.Cluster, r.Base) |
| } |
| |
| // DependentResources - return dependant resources |
| func (s *Scheduler) DependentResources(rsrc interface{}) []reconciler.Object { |
| r := rsrc.(*alpha1.AirflowCluster) |
| resources := dependantResources(rsrc) |
| if r.Spec.Executor == alpha1.ExecutorK8s { |
| sqlSecret := common.RsrcName(r.Name, common.ValueAirflowComponentUI, "") |
| resources = append(resources, k8s.ReferredItem(&corev1.Secret{}, sqlSecret, r.Namespace)) |
| } |
| return resources |
| } |
| |
| // Observables - get |
| func (s *Scheduler) Observables(rsrc interface{}, labels map[string]string, dependent []reconciler.Object) []reconciler.Observable { |
| return k8s.NewObservables(). |
| WithLabels(labels). |
| For(&appsv1.StatefulSetList{}). |
| For(&corev1.ConfigMapList{}). |
| For(&corev1.ServiceAccountList{}). |
| For(&rbacv1.RoleBindingList{}). |
| Get() |
| } |
| |
| // Objects returns the list of resource/name for those resources created by |
| // the operator for this spec and those resources referenced by this operator. |
| // Mark resources as owned, referred |
| func (s *Scheduler) Objects(rsrc interface{}, rsrclabels map[string]string, observed, dependent, aggregated []reconciler.Object) ([]reconciler.Object, error) { |
| r := rsrc.(*alpha1.AirflowCluster) |
| if r.Spec.Scheduler == nil { |
| return []reconciler.Object{}, nil |
| } |
| |
| if r.Spec.MemoryStore != nil && r.Spec.MemoryStore.Status.Host == "" { |
| return []reconciler.Object{}, nil |
| } |
| |
| b := k8s.GetItem(dependent, &alpha1.AirflowBase{}, r.Spec.AirflowBaseRef.Name, r.Namespace) |
| base := b.(*alpha1.AirflowBase) |
| bag := k8s.NewObjects() |
| if r.Spec.DAGs != nil { |
| git := r.Spec.DAGs.Git |
| if git != nil && git.CredSecretRef != nil { |
| bag.WithReferredItem(&corev1.Secret{}, git.CredSecretRef.Name, r.Namespace) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| ngdata := acTemplateValue(r, dependent, common.ValueAirflowComponentScheduler, rsrclabels, rsrclabels, nil) |
| bag.WithValue(ngdata).WithFolder("templates/") |
| |
| if r.Spec.Executor == alpha1.ExecutorK8s { |
| sqlSvcName := common.RsrcName(r.Spec.AirflowBaseRef.Name, common.ValueAirflowComponentSQL, "") |
| sqlSecret := common.RsrcName(r.Name, common.ValueAirflowComponentUI, "") |
| se := k8s.GetItem(dependent, &corev1.Secret{}, sqlSecret, r.Namespace) |
| secret := se.(*corev1.Secret) |
| |
| dbPrefix := "mysql" |
| port := "3306" |
| if base.Spec.Postgres != nil { |
| dbPrefix = "postgresql+psycopg2" |
| port = "5432" |
| } |
| conn := dbPrefix + "://" + r.Spec.Scheduler.DBUser + ":" + string(secret.Data["password"]) + "@" + sqlSvcName + ":" + port + "/" + r.Spec.Scheduler.DBName |
| |
| ngdata.SQLConn = conn |
| bag.WithTemplate("airflow-configmap.yaml", &corev1.ConfigMapList{}) |
| } |
| |
| return bag.WithTemplate("scheduler-sts.yaml", &appsv1.StatefulSetList{}, s.sts). |
| WithTemplate("serviceaccount.yaml", &corev1.ServiceAccountList{}, reconciler.NoUpdate). |
| WithTemplate("rolebinding.yaml", &rbacv1.RoleBindingList{}). |
| Build() |
| } |
| |
| // ------------------------------ Worker ---------------------------------------- |
| |
| func (s *Worker) sts(o *reconciler.Object, v interface{}) { |
| sts, r := updateSts(o, v) |
| sts.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[0].Resources = r.Cluster.Spec.Worker.Resources |
| } |
| |
| // Observables asd |
| func (s *Worker) Observables(rsrc interface{}, labels map[string]string, dependent []reconciler.Object) []reconciler.Observable { |
| return k8s.NewObservables(). |
| WithLabels(labels). |
| For(&appsv1.StatefulSetList{}). |
| For(&corev1.ServiceList{}). |
| Get() |
| } |
| |
| // DependentResources - return dependant resources |
| func (s *Worker) DependentResources(rsrc interface{}) []reconciler.Object { |
| return dependantResources(rsrc) |
| } |
| |
| // Objects returns the list of resource/name for those resources created by |
| // the operator for this spec and those resources referenced by this operator. |
| // Mark resources as owned, referred |
| func (s *Worker) Objects(rsrc interface{}, rsrclabels map[string]string, observed, dependent, aggregated []reconciler.Object) ([]reconciler.Object, error) { |
| r := rsrc.(*alpha1.AirflowCluster) |
| if r.Spec.Worker == nil { |
| return []reconciler.Object{}, nil |
| } |
| |
| if r.Spec.MemoryStore != nil && r.Spec.MemoryStore.Status.Host == "" { |
| return []reconciler.Object{}, nil |
| } |
| |
| ngdata := acTemplateValue(r, dependent, common.ValueAirflowComponentWorker, rsrclabels, rsrclabels, map[string]string{"wlog": "8793"}) |
| |
| return k8s.NewObjects(). |
| WithValue(ngdata). |
| WithTemplate("worker-sts.yaml", &appsv1.StatefulSetList{}, s.sts). |
| WithTemplate("headlesssvc.yaml", &corev1.ServiceList{}). |
| Build() |
| } |
| |
| // ------------------------------ Flower --------------------------------------- |
| |
| // Observables asd |
| func (s *Flower) Observables(rsrc interface{}, labels map[string]string, dependent []reconciler.Object) []reconciler.Observable { |
| return k8s.NewObservables(). |
| WithLabels(labels). |
| For(&appsv1.StatefulSetList{}). |
| Get() |
| } |
| |
| // DependentResources - return dependant resources |
| func (s *Flower) DependentResources(rsrc interface{}) []reconciler.Object { |
| return dependantResources(rsrc) |
| } |
| |
| // Objects returns the list of resource/name for those resources created by |
| func (s *Flower) Objects(rsrc interface{}, rsrclabels map[string]string, observed, dependent, aggregated []reconciler.Object) ([]reconciler.Object, error) { |
| r := rsrc.(*alpha1.AirflowCluster) |
| if r.Spec.Flower == nil { |
| return []reconciler.Object{}, nil |
| } |
| if r.Spec.MemoryStore != nil && r.Spec.MemoryStore.Status.Host == "" { |
| return []reconciler.Object{}, nil |
| } |
| ngdata := acTemplateValue(r, dependent, common.ValueAirflowComponentFlower, rsrclabels, rsrclabels, map[string]string{"flower": "5555"}) |
| |
| return k8s.NewObjects(). |
| WithValue(ngdata). |
| WithTemplate("flower-sts.yaml", &appsv1.StatefulSetList{}, s.sts). |
| Build() |
| } |
| |
| func (s *Flower) sts(o *reconciler.Object, v interface{}) { |
| sts, r := updateSts(o, v) |
| sts.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[0].Resources = r.Cluster.Spec.Flower.Resources |
| } |
| |
| // ------------------------------ MemoryStore --------------------------------------- |
| |
| // DependentResources - return dependant resources |
| func (s *MemoryStore) DependentResources(rsrc interface{}) []reconciler.Object { |
| return dependantResources(rsrc) |
| } |
| |
| // Observables for memstore |
| func (s *MemoryStore) Observables(rsrc interface{}, labels map[string]string, dependent []reconciler.Object) []reconciler.Observable { |
| r := rsrc.(*alpha1.AirflowCluster) |
| if r.Spec.MemoryStore == nil { |
| return []reconciler.Observable{} |
| } |
| parent, err := redis.GetParent(r.Spec.MemoryStore.Project, r.Spec.MemoryStore.Region) |
| if err != nil { |
| return []reconciler.Observable{} |
| // TODO assert() |
| } |
| return []reconciler.Observable{redis.NewObservable(labels, parent)} |
| } |
| |
| // Objects - returns resources |
| func (s *MemoryStore) Objects(rsrc interface{}, rsrclabels map[string]string, observed, dependent, aggregated []reconciler.Object) ([]reconciler.Object, error) { |
| r := rsrc.(*alpha1.AirflowCluster) |
| if r.Spec.MemoryStore == nil { |
| return []reconciler.Object{}, nil |
| } |
| parent, err := redis.GetParent(r.Spec.MemoryStore.Project, r.Spec.MemoryStore.Region) |
| if err != nil { |
| return []reconciler.Object{}, err |
| } |
| bag, err := gcp.NewObjects(). |
| WithLabels(rsrclabels). |
| Add(redis.NewObject(parent, r.Name+"-redis")). |
| Build() |
| |
| if err != nil { |
| return []reconciler.Object{}, err |
| } |
| robj := bag[0].Obj.(*redis.Object).Redis |
| robj.AlternativeLocationId = r.Spec.MemoryStore.AlternativeLocationID |
| robj.AuthorizedNetwork = r.Spec.MemoryStore.AuthorizedNetwork |
| robj.DisplayName = r.Name + "-redis" |
| |
| if r.Spec.MemoryStore.NotifyKeyspaceEvents != "" { |
| if robj.RedisConfigs == nil { |
| robj.RedisConfigs = make(map[string]string) |
| } |
| robj.RedisConfigs["notify-keyspace-events"] = r.Spec.MemoryStore.NotifyKeyspaceEvents |
| } |
| |
| if r.Spec.MemoryStore.MaxMemoryPolicy != "" { |
| if robj.RedisConfigs == nil { |
| robj.RedisConfigs = make(map[string]string) |
| } |
| robj.RedisConfigs["maxmemory-policy"] = r.Spec.MemoryStore.MaxMemoryPolicy |
| } |
| |
| robj.RedisVersion = r.Spec.MemoryStore.RedisVersion |
| robj.MemorySizeGb = int64(r.Spec.MemoryStore.MemorySizeGb) |
| robj.Tier = strings.ToUpper(r.Spec.MemoryStore.Tier) |
| |
| return bag, nil |
| } |
| |
| // UpdateStatus - update status block |
| func (s *MemoryStore) UpdateStatus(rsrc interface{}, reconciled []reconciler.Object, err error) time.Duration { |
| var period time.Duration |
| r := rsrc.(*alpha1.AirflowCluster) |
| if r.Spec.MemoryStore == nil { |
| return period |
| } |
| stts := &r.Spec.MemoryStore.Status |
| ready := false |
| if len(reconciled) != 0 { |
| instance := reconciled[0].Obj.(*redis.Object).Redis |
| stts.CreateTime = instance.CreateTime |
| stts.CurrentLocationID = instance.CurrentLocationId |
| stts.Host = instance.Host |
| stts.Port = instance.Port |
| stts.State = instance.State |
| if instance.State != "READY" && instance.State != "MAINTENANCE" { |
| period = time.Second * 30 |
| } |
| stts.StatusMessage = instance.StatusMessage |
| ready = true |
| stts.Meta.UpdateStatus(&ready, err) |
| } else { |
| period = time.Second * 30 |
| stts.Meta.UpdateStatus(&ready, err) |
| } |
| return period |
| } |
| |
| // Differs returns true if the resource needs to be updated |
| func (s *MemoryStore) Differs(expected reconciler.Object, observed reconciler.Object) bool { |
| return true //differs(expected, observed) |
| } |
| |
| // Finalize - finalizes MemoryStore component when it is deleted |
| func (s *MemoryStore) Finalize(rsrc interface{}, observed, dependent []reconciler.Object) error { |
| r := rsrc.(*alpha1.AirflowCluster) |
| if r.Spec.MemoryStore == nil { |
| return nil |
| } |
| obj := r.Spec.MemoryStore |
| obj.Status.NotReady("Finalizing", "Finalizing in progress") |
| if len(observed) != 0 { |
| finalizer.Add(r, finalizer.Cleanup) |
| items := observed |
| for i := range items { |
| items[i].Delete = true |
| } |
| obj.Status.SetCondition(status.Cleanup, "InProgress", "Items pending deletion") |
| } else { |
| finalizer.Remove(r, finalizer.Cleanup) |
| } |
| return nil |
| } |