blob: a68090739b352864170bd19bcd80e990ff38f43e [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package v1alpha1
import (
corev1 ""
metav1 ""
// defaults and constant strings
const (
DefaultMySQLImage = "mysql"
DefaultMySQLVersion = "5.7"
DefaultPostgresImage = "postgres"
DefaultPostgresVersion = "9.5"
defaultUIImage = ""
defaultUIVersion = "1.10.2"
defaultFlowerVersion = "1.10.2"
defaultNFSVersion = "0.8"
defaultNFSImage = ""
defaultSQLProxyImage = ""
defaultSQLProxyVersion = "1.8.0"
defaultSchedule = "0 0 0 ? * * *`" // daily@midnight
defaultDBReplicas = 1
defaultOperator = false
defaultStorageProvider = "s3"
providerS3 = "s3"
StatusReady = "Ready"
StatusInProgress = "InProgress"
StatusDisabled = "Disabled"
DatabaseMySQL = "MySQL"
DatabasePostgres = "Postgres"
DatabaseSQLProxy = "SQLProxy"
// AirflowBase represents the components required for an Airflow scheduler and worker to
// function. At a minimum they need a SQL service (MySQL or SQLProxy) and Airflow UI.
// In addition for an installation with minimal external dependencies, NFS and Airflow UI
// are also added.
// +kubebuilder:object:root=true
type AirflowBase struct {
metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
Spec AirflowBaseSpec `json:"spec,omitempty"`
Status AirflowBaseStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`
// AirflowBaseStatus defines the observed state of AirflowBase
type AirflowBaseStatus struct {
status.Meta `json:",inline"`
status.ComponentMeta `json:",inline"`
// AirflowBaseSpec defines the desired state of AirflowBase
type AirflowBaseSpec struct {
// Selector for fitting pods to nodes whose labels match the selector.
// +optional
NodeSelector map[string]string `json:"nodeSelector,omitempty"`
// Define scheduling constraints for pods.
// +optional
Affinity *corev1.Affinity `json:"affinity,omitempty"`
// Custom annotations to be added to the pods.
// +optional
Annotations map[string]string `json:"annotations,omitempty"`
// Custom labels to be added to the pods.
// +optional
Labels map[string]string `json:"labels,omitempty"`
// Spec for MySQL component.
// +optional
MySQL *MySQLSpec `json:"mysql,omitempty"`
SQLProxy *SQLProxySpec `json:"sqlproxy,omitempty"`
Postgres *PostgresSpec `json:"postgres,omitempty"`
// Spec for NFS component.
// +optional
Storage *NFSStoreSpec `json:"storage,omitempty"`
func (s *AirflowBaseSpec) validate(fp *field.Path) field.ErrorList {
errs := field.ErrorList{}
if s == nil {
return errs
if s.MySQL == nil && s.SQLProxy == nil && s.Postgres == nil {
errs = append(errs, field.Required(fp.Child("database"), "Either MySQL or SQLProxy is required"))
return errs
// PostgresSpec defines the attributes and desired state of Postgres Component
// TODO - minimum spec needed .. for now it is version: ""
// need to consider empty mysql
type PostgresSpec struct {
// Image defines the Postgres Docker image name
// +optional
Image string `json:"image,omitempty"`
// Version defines the Postgres Docker image version
// +optional
Version string `json:"version,omitempty"`
// Replicas defines the number of running Postgres instances in a cluster
// +optional
Replicas int32 `json:"replicas,omitempty"`
// VolumeClaimTemplate allows a user to specify volume claim for Postgres Server files
// +optional
VolumeClaimTemplate *corev1.PersistentVolumeClaim `json:"volumeClaimTemplate,omitempty"`
// Flag when True generates PostgresOperator CustomResource to be handled by Postgres Operator
// If False, a StatefulSet with 1 replica is created (not for production setups)
// +optional
Operator bool `json:"operator,omitempty"`
// Resources is the resource requests and limits for the pods.
Resources corev1.ResourceRequirements `json:"resources,omitempty"`
// Options command line options for postgres
Options map[string]string `json:"options,omitempty"`
func (s *PostgresSpec) validate(fp *field.Path) field.ErrorList {
errs := field.ErrorList{}
if s == nil {
return errs
if s.Operator == true {
errs = append(errs, field.Invalid(fp.Child("operator"), "", "Operator is not supported in this version"))
return errs
// MySQLSpec defines the attributes and desired state of MySQL Component
// TODO - minimum spec needed .. for now it is version: ""
// need to consider empty mysql
type MySQLSpec struct {
// Image defines the MySQL Docker image name
// +optional
Image string `json:"image,omitempty"`
// Version defines the MySQL Docker image version
// +optional
Version string `json:"version,omitempty"`
// Replicas defines the number of running MySQL instances in a cluster
// +optional
Replicas int32 `json:"replicas,omitempty"`
// VolumeClaimTemplate allows a user to specify volume claim for MySQL Server files
// +optional
VolumeClaimTemplate *corev1.PersistentVolumeClaim `json:"volumeClaimTemplate,omitempty"`
// BackupVolumeClaimTemplate allows a user to specify a volume to temporarily store the
// data for a backup prior to it being shipped to object storage.
// +optional
BackupVolumeClaimTemplate *corev1.PersistentVolumeClaim `json:"backupVolumeClaimTemplate,omitempty"`
// Flag when True generates MySQLOperator CustomResource to be handled by MySQL Operator
// If False, a StatefulSet with 1 replica is created (not for production setups)
// +optional
Operator bool `json:"operator,omitempty"`
// Spec defining the Backup Custom Resource to be handled by MySQLOperator
// Ignored when Operator is False
// +optional
Backup *MySQLBackup `json:"backup,omitempty"`
// Resources is the resource requests and limits for the pods.
Resources corev1.ResourceRequirements `json:"resources,omitempty"`
// Options command line options for mysql
Options map[string]string `json:"options,omitempty"`
func (s *MySQLSpec) validate(fp *field.Path) field.ErrorList {
errs := field.ErrorList{}
if s == nil {
return errs
if s.Operator == true {
errs = append(errs, field.Invalid(fp.Child("operator"), "", "Operator is not supported in this version"))
if s.Backup != nil {
errs = append(errs, field.Invalid(fp.Child("backup"), "", "Backup is not supported in this version"))
errs = append(errs, s.Backup.validate(fp.Child("backup"))...)
return errs
// MySQLBackup defines the Backup Custom Resource which is handled by MySQLOperator
type MySQLBackup struct {
// Schedule is the cron string used to schedule backup
Schedule string `json:"schedule"`
// Storage has the s3 compatible storage spec
Storage StorageSpec `json:"storage"`
func (s *MySQLBackup) validate(fp *field.Path) field.ErrorList {
errs := field.ErrorList{}
if s == nil {
return errs
if !validCronString(s.Schedule) {
errs = append(errs,
"Invalid Schedule cron string"))
errs = append(errs, s.Storage.validate(fp.Child("storage"))...)
return errs
func validCronString(cron string) bool {
// TODO : Check cron string
return true
// StorageSpec describes the s3 compatible storage
type StorageSpec struct {
// Provider is the storage type used for backup and restore
// e.g. s3, oci-s3-compat, aws-s3, gce-s3, etc.
StorageProvider string `json:"storageprovider"`
// SecretRef is a reference to the Kubernetes secret containing the configuration for uploading
// the backup to authenticated storage.
SecretRef *corev1.LocalObjectReference `json:"secretRef,omitempty"`
// Config is generic string based key-value map that defines non-secret configuration values for
// uploading the backup to storage w.r.t the configured storage provider.
Config map[string]string `json:"config,omitempty"`
func (s *StorageSpec) validate(fp *field.Path) field.ErrorList {
errs := field.ErrorList{}
if !validStorageProvider(s.StorageProvider) {
errs = append(errs,
"Invalid Storage Provider"))
if s.SecretRef == nil {
errs = append(errs, field.Required(fp.Child("secretRef"), ""))
} else if s.SecretRef.Name == "" {
errs = append(errs, field.Required(fp.Child("secretRef", "name"), ""))
config := fp.Child("config")
if s.Config == nil {
errs = append(errs, field.Required(config, ""))
return errs
if s.Config["endpoint"] == "" {
errs = append(errs, field.Required(config.Key("endpoint"), "no storage config 'endpoint'"))
if s.Config["region"] == "" {
errs = append(errs, field.Required(config.Key("region"), "no storage config 'region'"))
if s.Config["bucket"] == "" {
errs = append(errs, field.Required(config.Key("bucket"), "no storage config 'bucket'"))
return errs
func validStorageProvider(provider string) bool {
switch provider {
case providerS3:
return true
return false
// AirflowUISpec defines the attributes to deploy Airflow UI component
type AirflowUISpec struct {
// Image defines the AirflowUI Docker image.
// +optional
Image string `json:"image,omitempty"`
// Version defines the AirflowUI Docker image version.
// +optional
Version string `json:"version,omitempty"`
// Replicas defines the number of running Airflow UI instances in a cluster
// +optional
Replicas int32 `json:"replicas,omitempty"`
// Resources is the resource requests and limits for the pods.
// +optional
Resources corev1.ResourceRequirements `json:"resources,omitempty"`
func (s *AirflowUISpec) validate(fp *field.Path) field.ErrorList {
errs := field.ErrorList{}
//errs = append(errs, s.Resources.validate(fp.Child("resources"))...)
return errs
// NFSStoreSpec defines the attributes to deploy Airflow Storage component
type NFSStoreSpec struct {
// Image defines the NFS Docker image.
// +optional
Image string `json:"image,omitempty"`
// Version defines the NFS Server Docker image version.
// +optional
Version string `json:"version,omitempty"`
// Resources is the resource requests and limits for the pods.
// +optional
Resources corev1.ResourceRequirements `json:"resources,omitempty"`
// Volume allows a user to specify volume claim template to be used for fileserver
// +optional
Volume *corev1.PersistentVolumeClaim `json:"volumeClaimTemplate,omitempty"`
func (s *NFSStoreSpec) validate(fp *field.Path) field.ErrorList {
errs := field.ErrorList{}
// TODO Volume check
//errs = append(errs, s.Resources.validate(fp.Child("resources"))...)
return errs
// SQLProxySpec defines the attributes to deploy SQL Proxy component
type SQLProxySpec struct {
// Image defines the SQLProxy Docker image name
// +optional
Image string `json:"image,omitempty"`
// Version defines the SQL Proxy docker image version.
// +optional
Version string `json:"version,omitempty"`
// example: myProject:us-central1:myInstance=tcp:3306
// Project defines the SQL instance project
Project string `json:"project"`
// Region defines the SQL instance region
Region string `json:"region"`
// Instance defines the SQL instance name
Instance string `json:"instance"`
// Type defines the SQL instance type
Type string `json:"type"`
// Resources is the resource requests and limits for the pods.
// +optional
Resources corev1.ResourceRequirements `json:"resources,omitempty"`
func (s *SQLProxySpec) validate(fp *field.Path) field.ErrorList {
errs := field.ErrorList{}
if s == nil {
return errs
if s.Project == "" {
errs = append(errs, field.Required(fp.Child("project"), "Missing cloudSQL Project"))
if s.Region == "" {
errs = append(errs, field.Required(fp.Child("region"), "Missing cloudSQL Region"))
if s.Instance == "" {
errs = append(errs, field.Required(fp.Child("instance"), "Missing cloudSQL Instance"))
return errs
// Resources aggregates resource requests and limits. Note that requests, if specified, must be less
// than or equal to limits.
type Resources struct {
// The amount of CPU, Memory, and Disk requested for pods.
// +optional
Requests ResourceRequests `json:"requests,omitempty"`
// The limit of CPU and Memory that pods may use.
// +optional
Limits ResourceLimits `json:"limits,omitempty"`
func (s *Resources) validate(fp *field.Path) field.ErrorList {
errs := field.ErrorList{}
return errs
// ResourceRequests is used to describe the resource requests for a Redis pod.
type ResourceRequests struct {
// Cpu is the amount of CPU requested for a pod.
// +optional
CPU string `json:"cpu,omitempty"`
// Memory is the amount of RAM requested for a Pod.
// +optional
Memory string `json:"memory,omitempty"`
// Disk is the amount of Disk requested for a pod.
// +optional
Disk string `json:"disk,omitempty"`
// DiskStorageClass is the storage class for Disk.
// Disk must be present or this field is invalid.
// +optional
DiskStorageClass string `json:"diskStorageClass,omitempty"`
// ResourceLimits is used to describe the resources limits for a Redis pod.
// When limits are exceeded, the Pod will be terminated.
type ResourceLimits struct {
// Cpu is the CPU limit for a pod.
// +optional
CPU string `json:"cpu,omitempty"`
// Memory is the RAM limit for a pod.
// +optional
Memory string `json:"memory,omitempty"`
// Helper functions for the resources
// ApplyDefaults the AirflowBase
func (b *AirflowBase) ApplyDefaults() {
if b.Spec.MySQL != nil {
if b.Spec.MySQL.Replicas == 0 {
b.Spec.MySQL.Replicas = defaultDBReplicas
if b.Spec.MySQL.Image == "" {
b.Spec.MySQL.Image = DefaultMySQLImage
if b.Spec.MySQL.Version == "" {
b.Spec.MySQL.Version = DefaultMySQLVersion
if b.Spec.MySQL.Backup != nil {
if b.Spec.MySQL.Backup.Storage.StorageProvider == "" {
b.Spec.MySQL.Backup.Storage.StorageProvider = defaultStorageProvider
if b.Spec.MySQL.Backup.Schedule == "" {
b.Spec.MySQL.Backup.Schedule = defaultSchedule
if b.Spec.MySQL.Backup.Storage.StorageProvider == "" {
b.Spec.MySQL.Backup.Storage.StorageProvider = defaultStorageProvider
if b.Spec.Postgres != nil {
if b.Spec.Postgres.Replicas == 0 {
b.Spec.Postgres.Replicas = defaultDBReplicas
if b.Spec.Postgres.Image == "" {
b.Spec.Postgres.Image = DefaultPostgresImage
if b.Spec.Postgres.Version == "" {
b.Spec.Postgres.Version = DefaultPostgresVersion
if b.Spec.Storage != nil {
if b.Spec.Storage.Image == "" {
b.Spec.Storage.Image = defaultNFSImage
if b.Spec.Storage.Version == "" {
b.Spec.Storage.Version = defaultNFSVersion
if b.Spec.SQLProxy != nil {
if b.Spec.SQLProxy.Image == "" {
b.Spec.SQLProxy.Image = defaultSQLProxyImage
if b.Spec.SQLProxy.Version == "" {
b.Spec.SQLProxy.Version = defaultSQLProxyVersion
b.Status.ComponentList = status.ComponentList{}
// HandleError records status or error in status
func (b *AirflowBase) HandleError(err error) {
if err != nil {
b.Status.SetError("ErrorSeen", err.Error())
} else {
// Validate the AirflowBase
func (b *AirflowBase) Validate() error {
errs := field.ErrorList{}
spec := field.NewPath("spec")
errs = append(errs, b.Spec.validate(spec)...)
errs = append(errs, b.Spec.MySQL.validate(spec.Child("mysql"))...)
errs = append(errs, b.Spec.Storage.validate(spec.Child("storage"))...)
errs = append(errs, b.Spec.SQLProxy.validate(spec.Child("sqlproxy"))...)
if b.Spec.MySQL == nil && b.Spec.Postgres == nil && b.Spec.SQLProxy == nil {
errs = append(errs, field.Required(spec, "Either MySQL or Postgres or SQLProxy is required"))
count := 0
if b.Spec.Postgres != nil {
if b.Spec.MySQL != nil {
if b.Spec.SQLProxy != nil {
if count != 1 {
errs = append(errs, field.Invalid(spec, "", "Only One of MySQL,Postgres,SQLProxy can be declared"))
return errs.ToAggregate()
// OwnerRef returns owner ref object with the component's resource as owner
func (b *AirflowBase) OwnerRef() *metav1.OwnerReference {
return metav1.NewControllerRef(b, schema.GroupVersionKind{
Group: GroupVersion.Group,
Version: GroupVersion.Version,
Kind: "AirflowBase",
// NewAirflowBase return a defaults filled AirflowBase object
func NewAirflowBase(name, namespace string, database string, storage bool) *AirflowBase {
b := AirflowBase{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: name,
Labels: map[string]string{
"test": name,
Namespace: namespace,
b.Spec = AirflowBaseSpec{}
switch database {
case DatabasePostgres:
b.Spec.Postgres = &PostgresSpec{}
case DatabaseSQLProxy:
b.Spec.SQLProxy = &SQLProxySpec{}
case DatabaseMySQL:
b.Spec.MySQL = &MySQLSpec{}
if storage {
b.Spec.Storage = &NFSStoreSpec{}
return &b
// +kubebuilder:object:root=true
// AirflowBaseList contains a list of AirflowBase
type AirflowBaseList struct {
metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
metav1.ListMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
Items []AirflowBase `json:"items"`
func init() {
SchemeBuilder.Register(&AirflowBase{}, &AirflowBaseList{})