| name: 'Codecov' |
| description: 'GitHub Action that uploads coverage reports for your repository to codecov.io' |
| author: 'Ibrahim Ali <@ibrahim0814> & Thomas Hu <@thomasrockhu> | Codecov' |
| inputs: |
| name: |
| description: 'User defined upload name. Visible in Codecov UI' |
| required: false |
| token: |
| description: 'Repository upload token - get it from codecov.io. Required only for private repositories' |
| required: false |
| file: |
| description: 'Path to coverage file to upload' |
| required: false |
| files: |
| description: 'Comma-separated list of files to upload' |
| required: false |
| directory: |
| description: 'Directory to search for coverage reports.' |
| required: false |
| flags: |
| description: 'Flag upload to group coverage metrics (e.g. unittests | integration | ui,chrome)' |
| required: false |
| path_to_write_report: |
| description: 'Write upload file to path before uploading' |
| required: false |
| env_vars: |
| description: 'Environment variables to tag the upload with (e.g. PYTHON | OS,PYTHON)' |
| required: false |
| fail_ci_if_error: |
| description: 'Specify whether or not CI build should fail if Codecov runs into an error during upload' |
| required: false |
| verbose: |
| description: 'Specify whether the Codecov output should be verbose' |
| required: false |
| working-directory: |
| description: 'Directory in which to execute codecov.sh' |
| required: false |
| branding: |
| color: 'red' |
| icon: 'umbrella' |
| runs: |
| using: 'node12' |
| main: 'dist/index.js' |