Periodically try to complete the lifecycle hook if we are Pending (#31)

Thanks to now using the AMI, the instance can come up a lot quicker than
previously, meaning it is possible the supervisor might start up when
the instance state is still "Pending", which results in the
complete_lifecycle_action call failing.

Rather than blocking the actions.runner service from starting (and not
running jobs) we continue, and check later if we are still pending, and
try to complete the lifecycle action again.
diff --git a/github-runner-ami/packer/files/ b/github-runner-ami/packer/files/
index d3d0e0c..6f1fa30 100755
--- a/github-runner-ami/packer/files/
+++ b/github-runner-ami/packer/files/
@@ -162,7 +162,9 @@
                 write_credentials_to_files(repo, index, output_folder, user)
                 merge_in_settings(repo, output_folder)
                 notify(f"STATUS=Obtained lock on {index}")
-                complete_asg_lifecycle_hook()
+                if get_lifecycle_state() == "Pending:Wait":
+                    complete_asg_lifecycle_hook()
       "Watching for Runner.Worker processes")
@@ -324,33 +326,40 @@
-def complete_asg_lifecycle_hook(hook_name='WaitForInstanceReportReady'):
-    global OWN_ASG, INSTANCE_ID
-    # Notify the ASG LifeCycle hook that we are now In Service and ready to
-    # process requests/safe to be shut down
+def get_lifecycle_state() -> str:
+    global INSTANCE_ID, OWN_ASG
-    # Fetch current instance ID from where cloutinit writes it to
     if not INSTANCE_ID:
         with open('/var/lib/cloud/data/instance-id') as fh:
             INSTANCE_ID = fh.readline().strip()
-    # Get the ASG name we are attached to by looking at our own tags
+    asg_client = boto3.client('autoscaling')
+    try:
+        instances = asg_client.describe_auto_scaling_instances(
+            InstanceIds=[INSTANCE_ID],
+        )['AutoScalingInstances']
+    except asg_client.exceptions.ClientError:
+        return "UNKNOWN"
+    if len(instances) != 1:
+        return "UNKNOWN"
+    details = instances[0]
     if not OWN_ASG:
-        ec2 = boto3.client('ec2')
-        tags = ec2.describe_tags(
-            Filters=[
-                {'Name': 'key', 'Values': ['aws:autoscaling:groupName']},
-                {'Name': 'resource-id', 'Values': [INSTANCE_ID]},
-            ]
-        )
+        OWN_ASG = details['AutoScalingGroupName']
-        if len(tags['Tags']) == 0:
-            # Not part of an ASG.
-            return
+    return details['LifecycleState']
-        OWN_ASG = tags['Tags'][0]['Value']
+def complete_asg_lifecycle_hook(hook_name='WaitForInstanceReportReady', retry=False):
+    global OWN_ASG, INSTANCE_ID
+    # Notify the ASG LifeCycle hook that we are now InService and ready to
+    # process requests/safe to be shut down
     asg_client = boto3.client('autoscaling')
@@ -364,7 +373,7 @@
         # completed, so this would fail. That is not an error
         # We don't want the stacktrace here, just the message
-        log.warning("Failed to complete lifecycle hook: %s", str(e))
+        log.warning("Failed to complete lifecycle hook %s: %s", hook_name, str(e))
@@ -564,9 +573,12 @@
     def check_still_alive(self):
         # Check ASG status
         if not self.in_termating_lifecycle:
-            if self.check_for_asg_termiate_requested():
+            state = get_lifecycle_state()
+            if state == 'Terminating:Wait':
                 self.in_termating_lifecycle = True
+            elif state == 'Pending:Wait':
+                complete_asg_lifecycle_hook()
         # proc_connector is un-reliable (UDP) so periodically check if the processes are still alive
         if not self.interesting_processes:
@@ -593,27 +605,6 @@
     def gracefully_terminate_runner(self):
         check_call(['systemctl', 'stop', 'actions.runner', '--no-block'])
-    def check_for_asg_termiate_requested(self):
-        """Check if the ASG stat of this instance is in the "Terminating:Wait" lifecycle state"""
-        if not OWN_ASG:
-            # Not part of an ASG
-            return False
-        asg_client = boto3.client('autoscaling')
-        try:
-            instances = asg_client.describe_auto_scaling_instances(
-                InstanceIds=[INSTANCE_ID],
-            )['AutoScalingInstances']
-            if len(instances) != 1:
-                return False
-            state = instances[0]['LifecycleState']
-            return state == 'Terminating:Wait'
-        except asg_client.exceptions.ClientError:
-            return False
     def protect_from_scale_in(self, protect: bool = True):
         """ Set (or unset) ProtectedFromScaleIn on our instance"""
         if not OWN_ASG: