Do not pre-bake images in the instance (#13)

The images are cleaned with docker system prune --all anyway
and we save very little (10-20 seconds) and no cost (it's free)
to pull the images as needed from the registry.
diff --git a/cloud-init.yml b/cloud-init.yml
index a9f3c5f..05d71d5 100644
--- a/cloud-init.yml
+++ b/cloud-init.yml
@@ -84,13 +84,6 @@
   - [systemctl, restart, docker.service]
   - [systemctl, enable, --now, vector.service]
   - [systemctl, enable, --now, actions.runner.service]
-  -
-    - bash
-    - -c
-    - |
-      set -eu -o pipefail
-      echo "Pre-loading commonly used docker images from S3"
-      aws s3 cp s3://airflow-ci-assets/pre-baked-images.tar.gz - | docker load
   - path: /etc/systemd/system/actions.runner.service