blob: 71f6ae240c3875bf853576e08ed1eb29f13ef57c [file] [log] [blame]
name: 'Cancel Workflow Runs'
description: 'Cancel Workflow Runs - duplicates, failed, named in order to limit job usage,'
author: 'potiuk'
description: The GITHUB_TOKEN secret of the repository
required: true
description: |
The run that triggered the action. It should be set to
`$\{\{` variable \}\}` if used in `workflow_run` triggered run if
you want to act on source workflow rather than the triggered run.
required: false
description: |
The mode of cancel. One of:
* `duplicates` - cancels past, duplicate runs from the same repo/branch as local run or
sourceId workflow. This is the default mode when cancelMode is not specified.
* `self` - cancels self run - either own run if sourceRunId is not set, or
the source run that triggered the `workflow_run'
* `failedJobs` - cancels all runs that failed in jobs matching one of the regexps
* `namedJobs` - cancels runs where names of some jobs match some of regexps
required: false
description: |
Array of job name regexps (JSON-encoded string). Used by `failedJobs` and `namedJobs` cancel modes
to match job names of workflow runs.
required: false
using: 'node12'
main: 'dist/index.js'
icon: 'play'
color: 'blue'