blob: 2a5135775348c452866ee64954ea33f214d9ddbc [file] [log] [blame]
import { TSESTree } from '../../ts-estree';
import * as TSESLint from '../../ts-eslint';
declare const ReferenceTrackerREAD: unique symbol;
declare const ReferenceTrackerCALL: unique symbol;
declare const ReferenceTrackerCONSTRUCT: unique symbol;
interface ReferenceTracker {
* Iterate the references that the given `traceMap` determined.
* This method starts to search from global variables.
* @see {@link}
iterateGlobalReferences<T>(traceMap: ReferenceTracker.TraceMap<T>): IterableIterator<ReferenceTracker.FoundReference<T>>;
* Iterate the references that the given `traceMap` determined.
* This method starts to search from `require()` expression.
* @see {@link}
iterateCjsReferences<T>(traceMap: ReferenceTracker.TraceMap<T>): IterableIterator<ReferenceTracker.FoundReference<T>>;
* Iterate the references that the given `traceMap` determined.
* This method starts to search from `import`/`export` declarations.
* @see {@link}
iterateEsmReferences<T>(traceMap: ReferenceTracker.TraceMap<T>): IterableIterator<ReferenceTracker.FoundReference<T>>;
interface ReferenceTrackerStatic {
new (globalScope: TSESLint.Scope.Scope, options?: {
* The mode which determines how the `tracker.iterateEsmReferences()` method scans CommonJS modules.
* If this is `"strict"`, the method binds CommonJS modules to the default export. Otherwise, the method binds
* CommonJS modules to both the default export and named exports. Optional. Default is `"strict"`.
mode: 'strict' | 'legacy';
* The name list of Global Object. Optional. Default is `["global", "globalThis", "self", "window"]`.
globalObjectNames: readonly string[];
}): ReferenceTracker;
readonly READ: typeof ReferenceTrackerREAD;
readonly CALL: typeof ReferenceTrackerCALL;
readonly CONSTRUCT: typeof ReferenceTrackerCONSTRUCT;
declare namespace ReferenceTracker {
type READ = ReferenceTrackerStatic['READ'];
type CALL = ReferenceTrackerStatic['CALL'];
type CONSTRUCT = ReferenceTrackerStatic['CONSTRUCT'];
type ReferenceType = READ | CALL | CONSTRUCT;
type TraceMap<T = any> = Record<string, TraceMapElement<T>>;
interface TraceMapElement<T> {
[ReferenceTrackerREAD]?: T;
[ReferenceTrackerCALL]?: T;
[ReferenceTrackerCONSTRUCT]?: T;
[key: string]: TraceMapElement<T>;
interface FoundReference<T = any> {
node: TSESTree.Node;
path: readonly string[];
type: ReferenceType;
entry: T;
* The tracker for references. This provides reference tracking for global variables, CommonJS modules, and ES modules.
* @see {@link}
declare const ReferenceTracker: ReferenceTrackerStatic;
export { ReferenceTracker };