blob: ba229758f85d3c6b142a44c9e98e4396de76d646 [file] [log] [blame]
import {
} from '../src/util'
describe('util', () => {
describe('isNullOrUndefined', () => {
it('should return true if the value is null', async () => {
const value = null
it('should return true if the value is undefined', async () => {
const value = undefined
it('should return false if the value is defined', async () => {
const value = 'montezuma'
describe('generateTokenType', () => {
it('should return ssh if ssh is provided', async () => {
const action = {
branch: '123',
root: '.',
workspace: 'src/',
folder: 'build',
gitHubToken: null,
accessToken: null,
ssh: true,
silent: false
expect(generateTokenType(action)).toEqual('SSH Deploy Key')
it('should return access token if access token is provided', async () => {
const action = {
branch: '123',
root: '.',
workspace: 'src/',
folder: 'build',
gitHubToken: null,
accessToken: '123',
ssh: null,
silent: false
expect(generateTokenType(action)).toEqual('Access Token')
it('should return github token if github token is provided', async () => {
const action = {
branch: '123',
root: '.',
workspace: 'src/',
folder: 'build',
gitHubToken: '123',
accessToken: null,
ssh: null,
silent: false
expect(generateTokenType(action)).toEqual('GitHub Token')
it('should return ... if no token is provided', async () => {
const action = {
branch: '123',
root: '.',
workspace: 'src/',
folder: 'build',
gitHubToken: null,
accessToken: null,
ssh: null,
silent: false
describe('generateRepositoryPath', () => {
it('should return ssh if ssh is provided', async () => {
const action = {
repositoryName: 'JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action',
branch: '123',
root: '.',
workspace: 'src/',
folder: 'build',
gitHubToken: null,
accessToken: null,
ssh: true,
silent: false
it('should return https if access token is provided', async () => {
const action = {
repositoryName: 'JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action',
branch: '123',
root: '.',
workspace: 'src/',
folder: 'build',
gitHubToken: null,
accessToken: '123',
ssh: null,
silent: false
it('should return https with x-access-token if github token is provided', async () => {
const action = {
repositoryName: 'JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action',
branch: '123',
root: '.',
workspace: 'src/',
folder: 'build',
gitHubToken: '123',
accessToken: null,
ssh: null,
silent: false
describe('suppressSensitiveInformation', () => {
it('should replace any sensitive information with ***', async () => {
const action = {
repositoryName: 'JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action',
branch: '123',
root: '.',
workspace: 'src/',
folder: 'build',
accessToken: 'supersecret999%%%',
gitHubToken: 'anothersecret123333',
silent: false
const string = `This is an error message! It contains ${action.accessToken} and ${action.gitHubToken} and ${action.repositoryPath} and ${action.accessToken} again!`
expect(suppressSensitiveInformation(string, action)).toBe(
'This is an error message! It contains *** and *** and *** and *** again!'
it('should not suppress information when in debug mode', async () => {
const action = {
repositoryName: 'JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action',
branch: '123',
root: '.',
workspace: 'src/',
folder: 'build',
accessToken: 'supersecret999%%%',
gitHubToken: 'anothersecret123333',
silent: false
process.env['RUNNER_DEBUG'] = '1'
const string = `This is an error message! It contains ${action.accessToken} and ${action.gitHubToken} and ${action.repositoryPath}`
expect(suppressSensitiveInformation(string, action)).toBe(
'This is an error message! It contains supersecret999%%% and anothersecret123333 and'