blob: e6ad88d7caa98ba2b6971835b2844a560fa96ef2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
/// <reference types="node" />
import type * as Global from './Global';
declare type Process = NodeJS.Process;
export declare type DoneFn = Global.DoneFn;
export declare type BlockFn = Global.BlockFn;
export declare type BlockName = Global.BlockName;
export declare type BlockMode = void | 'skip' | 'only' | 'todo';
export declare type TestMode = BlockMode;
export declare type TestName = Global.TestName;
export declare type TestFn = Global.TestFn;
export declare type HookFn = Global.HookFn;
export declare type AsyncFn = TestFn | HookFn;
export declare type SharedHookType = 'afterAll' | 'beforeAll';
export declare type HookType = SharedHookType | 'afterEach' | 'beforeEach';
export declare type TestContext = Record<string, any>;
export declare type Exception = any;
export declare type FormattedError = string;
export declare type Hook = {
asyncError: Error;
fn: HookFn;
type: HookType;
parent: DescribeBlock;
timeout: number | undefined | null;
export interface EventHandler {
(event: AsyncEvent, state: State): void | Promise<void>;
(event: SyncEvent, state: State): void;
export declare type Event = SyncEvent | AsyncEvent;
export declare type SyncEvent = {
asyncError: Error;
mode: BlockMode;
name: 'start_describe_definition';
blockName: BlockName;
} | {
mode: BlockMode;
name: 'finish_describe_definition';
blockName: BlockName;
} | {
asyncError: Error;
name: 'add_hook';
hookType: HookType;
fn: HookFn;
timeout: number | undefined;
} | {
asyncError: Error;
name: 'add_test';
testName: TestName;
fn?: TestFn;
mode?: TestMode;
timeout: number | undefined;
} | {
name: 'error';
error: Exception;
export declare type AsyncEvent = {
name: 'setup';
testNamePattern?: string;
parentProcess: Process;
} | {
name: 'include_test_location_in_result';
} | {
name: 'hook_start';
hook: Hook;
} | {
name: 'hook_success';
describeBlock?: DescribeBlock;
test?: TestEntry;
hook: Hook;
} | {
name: 'hook_failure';
error: string | Exception;
describeBlock?: DescribeBlock;
test?: TestEntry;
hook: Hook;
} | {
name: 'test_fn_start';
test: TestEntry;
} | {
name: 'test_fn_success';
test: TestEntry;
} | {
name: 'test_fn_failure';
error: Exception;
test: TestEntry;
} | {
name: 'test_retry';
test: TestEntry;
} | {
name: 'test_start';
test: TestEntry;
} | {
name: 'test_skip';
test: TestEntry;
} | {
name: 'test_todo';
test: TestEntry;
} | {
name: 'test_done';
test: TestEntry;
} | {
name: 'run_describe_start';
describeBlock: DescribeBlock;
} | {
name: 'run_describe_finish';
describeBlock: DescribeBlock;
} | {
name: 'run_start';
} | {
name: 'run_finish';
} | {
name: 'teardown';
export declare type MatcherResults = {
actual: unknown;
expected: unknown;
name: string;
pass: boolean;
export declare type TestStatus = 'skip' | 'done' | 'todo';
export declare type TestResult = {
duration?: number | null;
errors: Array<FormattedError>;
errorsDetailed: Array<MatcherResults | unknown>;
invocations: number;
status: TestStatus;
location?: {
column: number;
line: number;
} | null;
testPath: Array<TestName | BlockName>;
export declare type RunResult = {
unhandledErrors: Array<FormattedError>;
testResults: TestResults;
export declare type TestResults = Array<TestResult>;
export declare type GlobalErrorHandlers = {
uncaughtException: Array<(exception: Exception) => void>;
unhandledRejection: Array<(exception: Exception, promise: Promise<any>) => void>;
export declare type State = {
currentDescribeBlock: DescribeBlock;
currentlyRunningTest?: TestEntry | null;
expand?: boolean;
hasFocusedTests: boolean;
hasStarted: boolean;
originalGlobalErrorHandlers?: GlobalErrorHandlers;
parentProcess: Process | null;
rootDescribeBlock: DescribeBlock;
testNamePattern?: RegExp | null;
testTimeout: number;
unhandledErrors: Array<Exception>;
includeTestLocationInResult: boolean;
export declare type DescribeBlock = {
type: 'describeBlock';
children: Array<DescribeBlock | TestEntry>;
hooks: Array<Hook>;
mode: BlockMode;
name: BlockName;
parent?: DescribeBlock;
/** @deprecated Please get from `children` array instead */
tests: Array<TestEntry>;
export declare type TestError = Exception | [Exception | undefined, Exception];
export declare type TestEntry = {
type: 'test';
asyncError: Exception;
errors: Array<TestError>;
fn?: TestFn;
invocations: number;
mode: TestMode;
name: TestName;
parent: DescribeBlock;
startedAt?: number | null;
duration?: number | null;
status?: TestStatus | null;
timeout?: number;
export {};