blob: 13cb3e35ccb2d2a1c8d7cbf6774f7fd24a024486 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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//package org.apache.airavata.gfac.core.context;
//import java.util.ArrayList;
//import java.util.HashMap;
//import java.util.List;
//import java.util.Map;
//import org.apache.airavata.common.utils.LocalEventPublisher;
//import org.apache.airavata.registry.core.experiment.catalog.impl.RegistryFactory;
//import org.apache.airavata.registry.cpi.AppCatalog;
//import org.apache.airavata.registry.cpi.AppCatalogException;
//import org.apache.airavata.gfac.core.GFacException;
//import org.apache.airavata.gfac.core.SecurityContext;
//import org.apache.airavata.gfac.core.GFac;
//import org.apache.airavata.gfac.core.provider.GFacProvider;
//import org.apache.airavata.model.appcatalog.computeresource.*;
//import org.apache.airavata.model.experiment.JobDetails;
//import org.apache.airavata.model.experiment.TaskDetails;
//import org.apache.airavata.model.experiment.WorkflowNodeDetails;
//import org.apache.airavata.registry.cpi.ExperimentCatalog;
//import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework;
//import org.slf4j.Logger;
//import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
//public class JobExecutionContext extends AbstractContext implements Serializable{
// private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JobExecutionContext.class);
// private GFacConfiguration gfacConfiguration;
// private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
// private MessageContext inMessageContext;
// private MessageContext outMessageContext;
// //FIXME : not needed for gfac
// private Experiment experiment;
// private TaskDetails taskData;
// private JobDetails jobDetails;
// // FIXME : not needed for gfac
// private WorkflowNodeDetails workflowNodeDetails;
// private GFac gfac;
// private CuratorFramework curatorClient;
// private String credentialStoreToken;
// /**
// * User defined scratch/temp directory
// */
// private String scratchLocation;
// private String loginUserName;
// /**
// * User defined working directory.
// */
// private String workingDir;
// /**
// * Input data directory
// */
// private String inputDir;
// /**
// * Output data directory
// */
// private String outputDir;
// /**
// * standard output file path
// */
// private String standardOutput;
// /**
// * standard error file path
// */
// private String standardError;
// /**
// * User preferred job submission protocol.
// */
// private JobSubmissionProtocol preferredJobSubmissionProtocol;
// /**
// * User preferred data movement protocol.
// */
// private DataMovementProtocol preferredDataMovementProtocol;
// /**
// * List of job submission protocols sorted by priority order.
// */
// private List<JobSubmissionInterface> hostPrioritizedJobSubmissionInterfaces;
// /**
// * use preferred job submission protocol.
// */
// private JobSubmissionInterface preferredJobSubmissionInterface;
// private ResourceJobManager resourceJobManager;
// /**
// * List of job submission protocols sorted by priority order.
// */
// private List<DataMovementInterface> hostPrioritizedDataMovementInterfaces;
// /**
// * use preferred job submission protocol.
// */
// private DataMovementInterface preferredDataMovementInterface;
//// private ContextHeaderDocument.ContextHeader contextHeader;
// // Keep track of the current path of the message. Before hitting provider its in-path.
// // After provider its out-path.
// private boolean inPath = true;
// // Keep list of full qualified class names of GFac handlers which should invoked before
// // the provider. This is specific to current job being executed.
// private List<String> inHandlers = new ArrayList<String>();
// // Keep list of full qualified class names of GFac handlers which should invoked after
// // the provider. This is specific to current job being executed.
// private List<String> outHandlers = new ArrayList<String>();
// // During the execution of in-flow one of the handlers(Scheduling handler) will
// // set this and GFac API will get it from the JobExecutionContext and execute the provider.
// private GFacProvider provider;
// // Service description is used by GFac to mainly specify input/output parameters for a job
// // and to expose a job as a service to the outside world. This service concept abstract out
// // a scientific application(or algorithm) as a service. Service name is there to identify to
// // which service description we should refer during the execution of the current job represented
// // by this context instance.
// private String applicationName;
// private String experimentID;
// private AppCatalog appCatalog;
// private String gatewayID;
// private String status;
// private List<String> outputFileList;
// private ExperimentCatalog experimentCatalog;
// private LocalEventPublisher localEventPublisher;
// public String getGatewayID() {
// return gatewayID;
// }
// public void setGatewayID(String gatewayID) {
// this.gatewayID = gatewayID;
// }
// /**
// * Security context is used to handle authentication for input handlers and providers.
// * There can be multiple security requirement for a single job so this allows you to add multiple security types
// *
// */
// private Map<String, SecurityContext> securityContext = new HashMap<String, SecurityContext>();
// public JobExecutionContext(GFacConfiguration gFacConfiguration,String applicationName){
// this.gfacConfiguration = gFacConfiguration;
// setApplicationName(applicationName);
// outputFileList = new ArrayList<String>();
// }
// public AppCatalog getAppCatalog() {
// return appCatalog;
// }
// public void setAppCatalog(AppCatalog appCatalog) {
// if (appCatalog == null) {
// try {
// this.appCatalog = RegistryFactory.getAppCatalog();
// } catch (AppCatalogException e) {
// log.error("Unable to create app catalog instance", e);
// }
// } else {
// this.appCatalog = appCatalog;
// }
// }
// public String getExperimentID() {
// return experimentID;
// }
// public void setExperimentID(String experimentID) {
// this.experimentID = experimentID;
// }
// public ApplicationContext getApplicationContext() {
// return applicationContext;
// }
// public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
// this.applicationContext = applicationContext;
// }
// public MessageContext getInMessageContext() {
// return inMessageContext;
// }
// public void setInMessageContext(MessageContext inMessageContext) {
// this.inMessageContext = inMessageContext;
// }
// public MessageContext getOutMessageContext() {
// return outMessageContext;
// }
// public void setOutMessageContext(MessageContext outMessageContext) {
// this.outMessageContext = outMessageContext;
// }
// public GFacConfiguration getGFacConfiguration() {
// return gfacConfiguration;
// }
// public GFacProvider getProvider() {
// return provider;
// }
// public void setProvider(GFacProvider provider) {
// this.provider = provider;
// }
// public List<String> getInHandlers() {
// return inHandlers;
// }
// public void setInHandlers(List<String> inHandlers) {
// this.inHandlers = inHandlers;
// }
// public List<String> getOutHandlers() {
// return outHandlers;
// }
// public void setOutHandlers(List<String> outHandlers) {
// this.outHandlers = outHandlers;
// }
// public String getApplicationName() {
// return applicationName;
// }
// public void setApplicationName(String applicationName) {
// this.applicationName = applicationName;
// }
// public boolean isInPath() {
// return inPath;
// }
// public TaskDetails getTaskData() {
// return taskData;
// }
// public void setTaskData(TaskDetails taskData) {
// this.taskData = taskData;
// }
// public boolean isOutPath(){
// return !inPath;
// }
// public void setInPath() {
// this.inPath = true;
// }
// public void setOutPath(){
// this.inPath = false;
// }
// public ResourceJobManager getResourceJobManager() {
// return resourceJobManager;
// }
// public void setResourceJobManager(ResourceJobManager resourceJobManager) {
// this.resourceJobManager = resourceJobManager;
// }
// public SecurityContext getSecurityContext(String name) throws GFacException{
// SecurityContext secContext = securityContext.get(name);
// return secContext;
// }
// public void addSecurityContext(String name, SecurityContext value){
// securityContext.put(name, value);
// }
// public String getStatus() {
// return status;
// }
// public void setStatus(String status) {
// this.status = status;
// }
// public JobDetails getJobDetails() {
// return jobDetails;
// }
// public void setJobDetails(JobDetails jobDetails) {
// this.jobDetails = jobDetails;
// }
// public void addOutputFile(String file) {
// outputFileList.add(file);
// }
// public List<String> getOutputFiles(){
// return outputFileList;
// }
// public ExperimentCatalog getExperimentCatalog() {
// return experimentCatalog;
// }
// public Map<String, SecurityContext> getAllSecurityContexts(){
// return securityContext;
// }
// public void setExperimentCatalog(ExperimentCatalog experimentCatalog) {
// this.experimentCatalog = experimentCatalog;
// }
// public Experiment getExperiment() {
// return experiment;
// }
// public void setExperiment(Experiment experiment) {
// this.experiment = experiment;
// }
// public WorkflowNodeDetails getWorkflowNodeDetails() {
// return workflowNodeDetails;
// }
// public void setWorkflowNodeDetails(WorkflowNodeDetails workflowNodeDetails) {
// this.workflowNodeDetails = workflowNodeDetails;
// }
// public GFac getGfac() {
// return gfac;
// }
// public void setGfac(GFac gfac) {
// this.gfac = gfac;
// }
// public String getCredentialStoreToken() {
// return credentialStoreToken;
// }
// public void setCredentialStoreToken(String credentialStoreToken) {
// this.credentialStoreToken = credentialStoreToken;
// }
// public String getScratchLocation() {
// return scratchLocation;
// }
// public void setScratchLocation(String scratchLocation) {
// this.scratchLocation = scratchLocation;
// }
// public String getWorkingDir() {
// return workingDir;
// }
// public void setWorkingDir(String workingDir) {
// this.workingDir = workingDir;
// }
// public String getInputDir() {
// return inputDir;
// }
// public void setInputDir(String inputDir) {
// this.inputDir = inputDir;
// }
// public String getOutputDir() {
// return outputDir;
// }
// public void setOutputDir(String outputDir) {
// this.outputDir = outputDir;
// }
// public String getStandardOutput() {
// return standardOutput;
// }
// public void setStandardOutput(String standardOutput) {
// this.standardOutput = standardOutput;
// }
// public String getStandardError() {
// return standardError;
// }
// public void setStandardError(String standardError) {
// this.standardError = standardError;
// }
// public JobSubmissionProtocol getPreferredJobSubmissionProtocol() {
// return preferredJobSubmissionProtocol;
// }
// public void setPreferredJobSubmissionProtocol(JobSubmissionProtocol preferredJobSubmissionProtocol) {
// this.preferredJobSubmissionProtocol = preferredJobSubmissionProtocol;
// }
// public DataMovementProtocol getPreferredDataMovementProtocol() {
// return preferredDataMovementProtocol;
// }
// public void setPreferredDataMovementProtocol(DataMovementProtocol preferredDataMovementProtocol) {
// this.preferredDataMovementProtocol = preferredDataMovementProtocol;
// }
// public List<JobSubmissionInterface> getHostPrioritizedJobSubmissionInterfaces() {
// return hostPrioritizedJobSubmissionInterfaces;
// }
// public void setHostPrioritizedJobSubmissionInterfaces(List<JobSubmissionInterface> hostPrioritizedJobSubmissionInterfaces) {
// this.hostPrioritizedJobSubmissionInterfaces = hostPrioritizedJobSubmissionInterfaces;
// }
// public JobSubmissionInterface getPreferredJobSubmissionInterface() {
// return preferredJobSubmissionInterface;
// }
// public void setPreferredJobSubmissionInterface(JobSubmissionInterface preferredJobSubmissionInterface) {
// this.preferredJobSubmissionInterface = preferredJobSubmissionInterface;
// }
// public String getHostName() {
// return applicationContext.getComputeResourceDescription().getHostName();
// }
// public List<DataMovementInterface> getHostPrioritizedDataMovementInterfaces() {
// return hostPrioritizedDataMovementInterfaces;
// }
// public void setHostPrioritizedDataMovementInterfaces(List<DataMovementInterface> hostPrioritizedDataMovementInterfaces) {
// this.hostPrioritizedDataMovementInterfaces = hostPrioritizedDataMovementInterfaces;
// }
// public DataMovementInterface getPreferredDataMovementInterface() {
// return preferredDataMovementInterface;
// }
// public void setPreferredDataMovementInterface(DataMovementInterface preferredDataMovementInterface) {
// this.preferredDataMovementInterface = preferredDataMovementInterface;
// }
// public CuratorFramework getCuratorClient() {
// return curatorClient;
// }
// public void setCuratorClient(CuratorFramework curatorClient) {
// this.curatorClient = curatorClient;
// }
// public String getExecutablePath() {
// if (applicationContext == null || applicationContext.getApplicationDeploymentDescription() == null) {
// return null;
// } else {
// return applicationContext.getApplicationDeploymentDescription().getExecutablePath();
// }
// }
// public String getComputeResourceLoginUserName() {
// return loginUserName;
// }
// public void setLoginUserName(String loginUserName) {
// this.loginUserName = loginUserName;
// }
// public LocalEventPublisher getLocalEventPublisher() {
// return localEventPublisher;
// }
// public void setLocalEventPublisher(LocalEventPublisher localEventPublisher) {
// this.localEventPublisher = localEventPublisher;
// }