blob: 53d05508bf5aa64a68b1b80039349389cab1593c [file] [log] [blame]
Installing Apache Airavata 0.14
Java 1.5 or later
Maven (tested on v 3.0.2)
Build Apache Airavata from Source
* Unzip/untar the source file or clone from git.
* cd to project folder and type
$ mvn clean install
Note: in order to skip tests use the command
$ mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
* Alternatively, all compressed binary distributions can be found at <PROJECT DIR>/modules/distribution/release/target/release-artifacts
Running Tests
* Unit tests & integrations tests will run while Apache Airavata is built from source (without "-Dmaven.test.skip=true").
* To run the test samples
- You can find the binary distributions at <PROJECT DIR>/modules/distribution/release/target/release-artifacts or from
the Apache Airavata download site.
- Extract the binary distributions and once the binary is unzipped, instructions to run the tests should be followed
from README files found within.
The airavata website has instructions for basic tutorials:
* Describing and executing applications using Airavata - follow "XBAYA Quick-Start Tutorial" tutorial at