blob: bc352dd83cb2ad96bc880f20905ff75526172d4a [file] [log] [blame]
This tool contains clients to airavata/tools/gsissh libraries. To compile, you must first run "mvn clean install" in airavata/tools/gsissh. Then run "mvn clean install" in airavata/tools/gsissh-cli-tools.
To run the SSHApiClientWithMyProxyAuth tool, first add all the jars in target/lib to a variable that you'll use when setting your classpath:
export CP=`echo ./target/lib/*.jar | tr ' ' ':'`
Then use the following command line:
java -classpath ./target/gsissh-cli-tools-0.14-SNAPSHOT.jar:$CP -Dmyproxy.username=<your.username> -Dmyproxy.password=<your.password> -Dmyproxy.cert.location=<path-to>/airavata/tools/gsissh-cli-tools/target/classes/certificates/ -Dremote.cmd=/bin/ls org.apache.airavata.gsi.ssh.cli.SSHApiClientWithMyProxyAuth