blob: 4f55dda84a831795544594cbf35a2f1af1d7ea50 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Airavata Change Log
See* (where * is the number of the issue below)
Version 0.1 Released 2011-11-11
** Initial Setup
* [AIRAVATA-1 to AIRAVATA-10] - Accepting Code donation from OGCE. Setup and organize SVN, Website JIRA.
** Crypto Requirements & License Compatibility
* [AIRAVATA-7] - Crypto Requirements for all SSL and GSI Security Dependencies
* [AIRAVATA-23, AIRAVATA-26 to 28] - Remove MySQL jars and integrate with Apache Derby In-Memory database
** Build, Tools, Documentation & Code Cleanup
* [AIRAVATA-38] - Improve Eclipse support
* [AIRAVATA-94] - Add Airavata to Apache Sonar analysis service
* [AIRAVATA-95] - Add Airavata to Apache's Jenkins build system
* [AIRAVATA-42] - Providing README.txt and install files in to source
* [AIRAVATA-58] - SVN Reorganization
* [AIRAVATA-56] - Clean up Workflow-Interpreter pom file and correct the build profile for this module
* [AIRAVATA-86] - create complete airavata distribution
* [AIRAVATA-101] - Clean up WS-Messenger package
* [AIRAVATA-122] - Add Architecture to Website
* [AIRAVATA-144] - Deprecate XRegistry and move to Attic
** Improvement
* [AIRAVATA-68] - Import OGCE GFac Schema as based type system for airavata Gfac
* [AIRAVATA-102] - Simplify XBaya Menu to make it self explanatory
* [AIRAVATA-105] - Improvements to the HostDescription, ServiceDescription and ApplicationDeploymentDescription classes
* [AIRAVATA-107 to AIRAVATA-110] - Switch Logging Library to SLF4J
* [AIRAVATA-123] - Aggregate the existing 3 forms & create a single form to support adding Application/Service/Host descriptors from XBaya GUI
* [AIRAVATA-143] - Integrate Globus Online file transfer capability to XBaya
* [AIRAVATA-146] - Add a Window to XBaya to support Globus online file transfers
* [AIRAVATA-152] - Support application level scheduling and outputs in execution context
* [AIRAVATA-153] - Improve ShellApplicationDeployment to use POJOs generated from XMLBeans
* [AIRAVATA-161] - Reorganize Application Schema to make it extendable.
* [AIRAVATA-162] - Service Description Schema should have method and port types to generate wsdl
* [AIRAVATA-171] - Remove GFac POJO and replace with XMLBeans object
** New Feature
* [AIRAVATA-75] - Integrate new Registry API and GFAC Pojos to XBaya
* [AIRAVATA-117] - Provided set of gfac-urls can be used in xbaya by referring registry
* [AIRAVATA-134] - Saving outputs of Nodes in to Registry User space
* [AIRAVATA-148] - Create a JCR registry browser for XBaya
* [AIRAVATA-157] - Add workflow provenance interface to catalog workflow execution data
* [AIRAVATA-158] - Implement Provenance Cataloging with JCR registry
* [AIRAVATA-163] - Add WSDL Generation utilities to gfac-schema-utils
* [AIRAVATA-119] - Save Application Descriptors through the JCRComponentRegistry in ApplicationDescriptionRegistrationWindow
* [AIRAVATA-137] - When creating/updating a Service Description the WSDL for that service should be autogenerated & saved to the registry
* [AIRAVATA-61] - Integration of improved workflow tracking library
* [AIRAVATA-36] - Change XBaya event handling to new WS-Messenger Client
* [AIRAVATA-50] - Integrate all Airavata components system to use improved WS-Messenger
* [AIRAVATA-171] - Improved GFac Application Registration Schema to use XML Beans, change the GFac Architecture
* [AIRAVATA-183] - Change GFac architecture to serve incoming request, without starting temporary services each time
* [AIRAVATA-73] - Add a Repository interface to GFac to experiment with JCR repository API
* [AIRAVATA-74] - Integrate new Registry API to GFAC
* [AIRAVATA-148 Create a JCR registry browser for XBaya
* [AIRAVATA-159] - Add data browsing to the registry browser
* [AIRAVATA-183] - Changing GFac architecture to better integrate with Axis2
** Bug
* [AIRAVATA-24] - Error while running MsgBoxSample
* [AIRAVATA-140] - Removing XRegistry menus from Xbaya since they are no longer functioning.
* [AIRAVATA-142] - Cannot execute a workflow in XBaya when MessageBox is deployed on other machine
* [AIRAVATA-150] - XBayaService is not working
* [AIRAVATA-151] - Fixing a build error in Airavata trunk
* [AIRAVATA-154] - Fixing a test failure in PropertiesBasedServiceImplTest
* [AIRAVATA-155] - Improve ServiceDescription to use POJOs generated from XMLBeans
* [AIRAVATA-156] - Improve DataType class to use POJOs generated from XMLBeans
* [AIRAVATA-160] - Storing inputs for workflow in to Registry
* [AIRAVATA-164] - XML format error while running the test WorkflowTest
* [AIRAVATA-168] - Fixing the name of generated file
* [AIRAVATA-172] - Fix build warnings
* [AIRAVATA-182] - Fixing the build failure in airavata trunk