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namespace java org.apache.airavata.sharing.registry.service.cpi
namespace php Airavata.API.Sharing
namespace py airavata.api.sharing
include "../data-models/sharing-models/sharing_models.thrift"
include "../base-api/base_api.thrift"
const string SHARING_CPI_VERSION = "0.18.0"
service SharingRegistryService extends base_api.BaseAPI {
<p>API method to create a new domain</p>
string createDomain(1: required sharing_models.Domain domain) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre, 2: sharing_models.DuplicateEntryException dee)
<p>API method to update a domain</p>
bool updateDomain(1: required sharing_models.Domain domain) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre)
<p>API method to check Domain Exists</p>
bool isDomainExists(1: required string domainId) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre)
<p>API method to delete domain</p>
bool deleteDomain(1: required string domainId) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre)
<p>API method to retrieve a domain</p>
sharing_models.Domain getDomain(1: required string domainId) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre)
<p>API method to get all domain.</p>
list<sharing_models.Domain> getDomains(1: required i32 offset, 2: required i32 limit) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre);
<p>API method to register a user in the system</p>
string createUser(1: required sharing_models.User user) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre, 2: sharing_models.DuplicateEntryException dee)
<p>API method to update existing user</p>
bool updatedUser(1: required sharing_models.User user) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre)
<p>API method to check User Exists</p>
bool isUserExists(1: required string domainId, 2: required string userId) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre)
<p>API method to delete user</p>
bool deleteUser(1: required string domainId, 2: required string userId) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre)
<p>API method to get a user</p>
sharing_models.User getUser(1: required string domainId, 2: required string userId) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre)
<p>API method to get a list of users in a specific domain.</p>
<li>domainId : Domain id</li>
<li>offset : Starting result number</li>
<li>limit : Number of max results to be sent</li>
list<sharing_models.User> getUsers(1: required string domainId, 2: required i32 offset, 3: required i32 limit) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre);
<p>API method to create a new group</p>
string createGroup(1: required sharing_models.UserGroup group) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre)
<p>API method to update a group</p>
bool updateGroup(1: required sharing_models.UserGroup group) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre)
<p>API method to check Group Exists</p>
bool isGroupExists(1: required string domainId, 2: required string groupId) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre)
<p>API method to delete a group</p>
bool deleteGroup(1: required string domainId, 2: required string groupId) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre)
<p>API method to get a group</p>
sharing_models.UserGroup getGroup(1: required string domainId, 2: required string groupId) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre)
<p>API method to get groups in a domainId.</p>
list<sharing_models.UserGroup> getGroups(1: required string domainId, 2: required i32 offset, 3: required i32 limit)
<p>API method to add list of users to a group</p>
bool addUsersToGroup(1: required string domainId, 2: required list<string> userIds, 3: required string groupId) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre);
<p>API method to remove users from a group</p>
bool removeUsersFromGroup(1: required string domainId, 2: required list<string> userIds, 3: required string groupId) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre);
<p>API method to transfer group ownership</p>
bool transferGroupOwnership(1: required string domainId, 2: required string groupId, 3: required string newOwnerId) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre);
<p>API method to add Admin for a group</p>
bool addGroupAdmins(1: required string domainId, 2: required string groupId, 3: required list<string> adminIds) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre);
<p>API method to remove Admin for a group</p>
bool removeGroupAdmins(1: required string domainId, 2: required string groupId, 3: required list<string> adminIds) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre);
<p>API method to check whether the user has Admin access for the group</p>
bool hasAdminAccess(1: required string domainId, 2: required string groupId, 3: required string adminId) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre);
<p>API method to check whether the user has Admin access for the group</p>
bool hasOwnerAccess(1: required string domainId, 2: required string groupId, 3: required string ownerId) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre);
<p>API method to get list of child users in a group. Only the direct members will be returned.</p>
list<sharing_models.User> getGroupMembersOfTypeUser(1: string domainId, 2: required string groupId, 3: required i32 offset, 4: required i32 limit) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre);
<p>API method to get list of child groups in a group. Only the direct members will be returned.</p>
list<sharing_models.UserGroup> getGroupMembersOfTypeGroup(1: required string domainId, 2: required string groupId, 3: required i32 offset, 4: required i32 limit) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre);
<p>API method to add a child group to a parent group.</p>
bool addChildGroupsToParentGroup(1: required string domainId, 2: required list<string> childIds, 3: required string groupId) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre);
<p>API method to remove a child group from parent group.</p>
bool removeChildGroupFromParentGroup(1: required string domainId, 2: required string childId, 3: required string groupId) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre);
list<sharing_models.UserGroup> getAllMemberGroupsForUser(1: required string domainId, 2: required string userId) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre);
<p>API method to create a new entity type</p>
string createEntityType(1: required sharing_models.EntityType entityType) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre, 2: sharing_models.DuplicateEntryException dee)
<p>API method to update entity type</p>
bool updateEntityType(1: required sharing_models.EntityType entityType) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre)
<p>API method to check EntityType Exists</p>
bool isEntityTypeExists(1: required string domainId, 2: required string entityTypeId) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre)
<p>API method to delete entity type</p>
bool deleteEntityType(1: required string domainId, 2: required string entityTypeId) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre)
<p>API method to get an entity type</p>
sharing_models.EntityType getEntityType(1: required string domainId, 2: required string entityTypeId) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre)
<p>API method to get entity types in a domainId.</p>
list<sharing_models.EntityType> getEntityTypes(1: required string domainId, 2: required i32 offset, 3: required i32 limit) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre);
<p>API method to register new entity</p>
string createEntity(1: required sharing_models.Entity entity) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre)
<p>API method to update entity</p>
bool updateEntity(1: required sharing_models.Entity entity) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre)
<p>API method to check Entity Exists</p>
bool isEntityExists(1: required string domainId, 2: required string entityId) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre)
<p>API method to delete entity</p>
bool deleteEntity(1: required string domainId, 2: required string entityId) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre)
<p>API method to get entity</p>
sharing_models.Entity getEntity(1: required string domainId, 2: required string entityId) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre)
<p>API method to search entities</p>
list<sharing_models.Entity> searchEntities(1: required string domainId, 2: required string userId, 3: required list<sharing_models.SearchCriteria> filters, 4: required i32 offset, 5: required i32 limit) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre)
<p>API method to get a list of shared users given the entity id</p>
list<sharing_models.User> getListOfSharedUsers(1: required string domainId, 2: required string entityId, 3: required string permissionTypeId) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre)
<p>API method to get a list of shared groups given the entity id</p>
list<sharing_models.UserGroup> getListOfSharedGroups(1: required string domainId, 2: required string entityId, 3: required string permissionTypeId) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre)
<p>API method to create permission type</p>
string createPermissionType(1: required sharing_models.PermissionType permissionType) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre, 2: sharing_models.DuplicateEntryException dee)
<p>API method to update permission type</p>
bool updatePermissionType(1: required sharing_models.PermissionType permissionType) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre)
<p>API method to check Permission Exists</p>
bool isPermissionExists(1: required string dimainId, 2: required string permissionId) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre)
<p>API method to delete permission type</p>
bool deletePermissionType(1: required string domainId, 2: required string permissionTypeId) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre)
<p>API method to get permission type</p>
sharing_models.PermissionType getPermissionType(1: required string domainId, 2: required string permissionTypeId) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre)
<p>API method to get list of permission types in a given domainId.</p>
list<sharing_models.PermissionType> getPermissionTypes(1: required string domainId, 2: required i32 offset, 3: required i32 limit) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre)
<p>API method to share an entity with users</p>
bool shareEntityWithUsers(1: required string domainId, 2: required string entityId, 3: required list<string> userList, 4: required string perssionTypeId, 5: required bool cascadePermission) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre)
<p>API method to revoke sharing from a list of users</p>
bool revokeEntitySharingFromUsers(1: required string domainId, 2: required string entityId, 3: required list<string> userList, 4: required string perssionTypeId ) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre)
<p>API method to share an entity with list of groups</p>
bool shareEntityWithGroups(1: required string domainId, 2: required string entityId, 3: required list<string> groupList, 4: required string perssionTypeId, 5: required bool cascadePermission) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre)
<p>API method to revoke sharing from list of users</p>
bool revokeEntitySharingFromGroups(1: required string domainId, 2: required string entityId, 3: required list<string> groupList, 4: required string perssionTypeId) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre)
<p>API method to check whether a user has access to a specific entity</p>
bool userHasAccess(1: required string domainId, 2: required string userId, 3: required string entityId, 4: required string permissionTypeId) throws (1: sharing_models.SharingRegistryException sre)