blob: 0edb752182f9970c2ef8360c8688c11c724f79eb [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.airavata.api.server.handler;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import org.airavata.appcatalog.cpi.AppCatalog;
import org.airavata.appcatalog.cpi.AppCatalogException;
import org.airavata.appcatalog.cpi.ApplicationDeployment;
import org.airavata.appcatalog.cpi.ComputeResource;
import org.airavata.appcatalog.cpi.GwyResourceProfile;
import org.apache.airavata.api.Airavata;
import org.apache.airavata.api.airavataAPIConstants;
import org.apache.airavata.api.server.util.DataModelUtils;
import org.apache.airavata.common.exception.ApplicationSettingsException;
import org.apache.airavata.common.utils.AiravataUtils;
import org.apache.airavata.common.utils.AiravataZKUtils;
import org.apache.airavata.common.utils.ServerSettings;
import org.apache.airavata.model.appcatalog.appdeployment.ApplicationDeploymentDescription;
import org.apache.airavata.model.appcatalog.appdeployment.ApplicationModule;
import org.apache.airavata.model.appcatalog.appinterface.ApplicationInterfaceDescription;
import org.apache.airavata.model.appcatalog.appinterface.InputDataObjectType;
import org.apache.airavata.model.appcatalog.appinterface.OutputDataObjectType;
import org.apache.airavata.model.appcatalog.computeresource.*;
import org.apache.airavata.model.appcatalog.gatewayprofile.ComputeResourcePreference;
import org.apache.airavata.model.appcatalog.gatewayprofile.GatewayResourceProfile;
import org.apache.airavata.model.error.AiravataClientException;
import org.apache.airavata.model.error.AiravataErrorType;
import org.apache.airavata.model.error.AiravataSystemException;
import org.apache.airavata.model.error.ExperimentNotFoundException;
import org.apache.airavata.model.error.InvalidRequestException;
import org.apache.airavata.model.error.LaunchValidationException;
import org.apache.airavata.model.error.ProjectNotFoundException;
import org.apache.airavata.model.util.ExecutionType;
import org.apache.airavata.model.workspace.Project;
import org.apache.airavata.model.workspace.experiment.ComputationalResourceScheduling;
import org.apache.airavata.model.workspace.experiment.DataObjectType;
import org.apache.airavata.model.workspace.experiment.Experiment;
import org.apache.airavata.model.workspace.experiment.ExperimentState;
import org.apache.airavata.model.workspace.experiment.ExperimentStatus;
import org.apache.airavata.model.workspace.experiment.ExperimentSummary;
import org.apache.airavata.model.workspace.experiment.JobDetails;
import org.apache.airavata.model.workspace.experiment.JobStatus;
import org.apache.airavata.model.workspace.experiment.TaskDetails;
import org.apache.airavata.model.workspace.experiment.UserConfigurationData;
import org.apache.airavata.model.workspace.experiment.WorkflowNodeDetails;
import org.apache.airavata.orchestrator.client.OrchestratorClientFactory;
import org.apache.airavata.orchestrator.cpi.OrchestratorService;
import org.apache.airavata.orchestrator.cpi.OrchestratorService.Client;
import org.apache.airavata.persistance.registry.jpa.ResourceUtils;
import org.apache.airavata.persistance.registry.jpa.impl.RegistryFactory;
import org.apache.airavata.registry.cpi.ChildDataType;
import org.apache.airavata.registry.cpi.ParentDataType;
import org.apache.airavata.registry.cpi.Registry;
import org.apache.airavata.registry.cpi.RegistryException;
import org.apache.airavata.registry.cpi.RegistryModelType;
import org.apache.airavata.registry.cpi.utils.Constants;
import org.apache.airavata.registry.cpi.utils.Constants.FieldConstants.TaskDetailConstants;
import org.apache.airavata.registry.cpi.utils.Constants.FieldConstants.WorkflowNodeConstants;
import org.apache.airavata.workflow.engine.WorkflowEngine;
import org.apache.airavata.workflow.engine.WorkflowEngineException;
import org.apache.airavata.workflow.engine.WorkflowEngineFactory;
import org.apache.thrift.TException;
import org.apache.zookeeper.CreateMode;
import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException;
import org.apache.zookeeper.WatchedEvent;
import org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher;
import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooDefs;
import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class AiravataServerHandler implements Airavata.Iface, Watcher {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AiravataServerHandler.class);
private Registry registry;
private AppCatalog appCatalog;
private ZooKeeper zk;
private static Integer mutex = -1;
public AiravataServerHandler() {
try {
String zkhostPort = AiravataZKUtils.getZKhostPort();
String airavataServerHostPort = ServerSettings.getSetting(org.apache.airavata.common.utils.Constants.API_SERVER_HOST)
+ ":" + ServerSettings.getSetting(org.apache.airavata.common.utils.Constants.API_SERVER_PORT);
try {
zk = new ZooKeeper(zkhostPort, 6000, this); // no watcher is required, this will only use to store some data
String apiServer = ServerSettings.getSetting(org.apache.airavata.common.utils.Constants.ZOOKEEPER_API_SERVER_NODE,"/airavata-server");
String OrchServer = ServerSettings.getSetting(org.apache.airavata.common.utils.Constants.ZOOKEEPER_ORCHESTRATOR_SERVER_NODE,"/orchestrator-server");
String gfacServer = ServerSettings.getSetting(org.apache.airavata.common.utils.Constants.ZOOKEEPER_GFAC_SERVER_NODE,"/gfac-server");
String gfacExperiments = ServerSettings.getSetting(org.apache.airavata.common.utils.Constants.ZOOKEEPER_GFAC_EXPERIMENT_NODE,"/gfac-experiments");
synchronized (mutex) {
mutex.wait(); // waiting for the syncConnected event
Stat zkStat = zk.exists(apiServer, false);
if (zkStat == null) {
zk.create(apiServer, new byte[0], ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE,
String instantNode = apiServer + File.separator + String.valueOf(new Random().nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE));
zkStat = zk.exists(instantNode, false);
if (zkStat == null) {
airavataServerHostPort.getBytes(), ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE,
CreateMode.EPHEMERAL); // other component will watch these childeren creation deletion to monitor the status of the node"Successfully created airavata-server node");
zkStat = zk.exists(OrchServer, false);
if (zkStat == null) {
zk.create(OrchServer, new byte[0], ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE,
CreateMode.PERSISTENT);"Successfully created orchestrator-server node");
zkStat = zk.exists(gfacServer, false);
if (zkStat == null) {
zk.create(gfacServer, new byte[0], ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE,
CreateMode.PERSISTENT);"Successfully created gfac-server node");
zkStat = zk.exists(gfacServer, false);
if (zkStat == null) {
zk.create(gfacExperiments, new byte[0], ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE,
CreateMode.PERSISTENT);"Successfully created gfac-server node");
}"Finished starting ZK: " + zk);
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} catch (KeeperException e) {
} catch (ApplicationSettingsException e) {
synchronized public void process(WatchedEvent watchedEvent) {
synchronized (mutex) {
* Query Airavata to fetch the API version
public String getAPIVersion() throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
return airavataAPIConstants.AIRAVATA_API_VERSION;
* Create a Project
* @param project
public String createProject(Project project) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
registry = RegistryFactory.getDefaultRegistry();
if (!validateString(project.getName()) || !validateString(project.getOwner())){
logger.error("Project name and owner cannot be empty...");
throw new AiravataSystemException(AiravataErrorType.INTERNAL_ERROR);
return (String)registry.add(ParentDataType.PROJECT, project);
} catch (RegistryException e) {
logger.error("Error while creating the project", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while creating the project. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
public void updateProject(String projectId, Project updatedProject) throws InvalidRequestException,
TException {
if (!validateString(projectId) || !validateString(projectId)){
logger.error("Project id cannot be empty...");
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Project id cannot be empty...");
throw exception;
try {
registry = RegistryFactory.getDefaultRegistry();
if (!registry.isExist(RegistryModelType.PROJECT, projectId)){
logger.error("Project does not exist in the system. Please provide a valid project ID...");
ProjectNotFoundException exception = new ProjectNotFoundException();
exception.setMessage("Project does not exist in the system. Please provide a valid project ID...");
throw exception;
registry.update(RegistryModelType.PROJECT, updatedProject, projectId);
} catch (RegistryException e) {
logger.error("Error while updating the project", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while updating the project. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
private boolean validateString(String name){
boolean valid = true;
if (name == null || name.equals("") || name.trim().length() == 0){
valid = false;
return valid;
* Get a Project by ID
* @param projectId
public Project getProject(String projectId) throws InvalidRequestException,
TException {
try {
registry = RegistryFactory.getDefaultRegistry();
if (!registry.isExist(RegistryModelType.PROJECT, projectId)){
logger.error("Project does not exist in the system. Please provide a valid project ID...");
ProjectNotFoundException exception = new ProjectNotFoundException();
exception.setMessage("Project does not exist in the system. Please provide a valid project ID...");
throw exception;
return (Project)registry.get(RegistryModelType.PROJECT, projectId);
} catch (RegistryException e) {
logger.error("Error while updating the project", e);
ProjectNotFoundException exception = new ProjectNotFoundException();
exception.setMessage("Error while updating the project. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Get all Project by user
* @param userName
public List<Project> getAllUserProjects(String userName) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
if (!validateString(userName)){
logger.error("Username cannot be empty. Please provide a valid user..");
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Username cannot be empty. Please provide a valid user..");
throw exception;
List<Project> projects = new ArrayList<Project>();
try {
if (!ResourceUtils.isUserExist(userName)){
logger.error("User does not exist in the system. Please provide a valid user..");
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("User does not exist in the system. Please provide a valid user..");
throw exception;
registry = RegistryFactory.getDefaultRegistry();
List<Object> list = registry.get(RegistryModelType.PROJECT, Constants.FieldConstants.ProjectConstants.OWNER, userName);
if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()){
for (Object o : list){
projects.add((Project) o);
return projects;
} catch (RegistryException e) {
logger.error("Error while retrieving projects", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while retrieving projects. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
public List<Project> searchProjectsByProjectName(String userName, String projectName) throws InvalidRequestException,
TException {
if (!validateString(userName)){
logger.error("Username cannot be empty. Please provide a valid user..");
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Username cannot be empty. Please provide a valid user..");
throw exception;
try {
if (!ResourceUtils.isUserExist(userName)){
logger.error("User does not exist in the system. Please provide a valid user..");
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("User does not exist in the system. Please provide a valid user..");
throw exception;
List<Project> projects = new ArrayList<Project>();
registry = RegistryFactory.getDefaultRegistry();
Map<String, String> filters = new HashMap<String, String>();
filters.put(Constants.FieldConstants.ProjectConstants.OWNER, userName);
filters.put(Constants.FieldConstants.ProjectConstants.PROJECT_NAME, projectName);
List<Object> results =, filters);
for (Object object : results) {
return projects;
}catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error while retrieving projects", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while retrieving projects. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
public List<Project> searchProjectsByProjectDesc(String userName, String description) throws InvalidRequestException,
TException {
if (!validateString(userName)){
logger.error("Username cannot be empty. Please provide a valid user..");
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Username cannot be empty. Please provide a valid user..");
throw exception;
try {
if (!ResourceUtils.isUserExist(userName)){
logger.error("User does not exist in the system. Please provide a valid user..");
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("User does not exist in the system. Please provide a valid user..");
throw exception;
List<Project> projects = new ArrayList<Project>();
registry = RegistryFactory.getDefaultRegistry();
Map<String, String> filters = new HashMap<String, String>();
filters.put(Constants.FieldConstants.ProjectConstants.OWNER, userName);
filters.put(Constants.FieldConstants.ProjectConstants.DESCRIPTION, description);
List<Object> results =, filters);
for (Object object : results) {
return projects;
}catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error while retrieving projects", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while retrieving projects. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
public List<ExperimentSummary> searchExperimentsByName(String userName, String expName) throws InvalidRequestException,
TException {
if (!validateString(userName)){
logger.error("Username cannot be empty. Please provide a valid user..");
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Username cannot be empty. Please provide a valid user..");
throw exception;
try {
if (!ResourceUtils.isUserExist(userName)){
logger.error("User does not exist in the system. Please provide a valid user..");
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("User does not exist in the system. Please provide a valid user..");
throw exception;
List<ExperimentSummary> summaries = new ArrayList<ExperimentSummary>();
registry = RegistryFactory.getDefaultRegistry();
Map<String, String> filters = new HashMap<String, String>();
filters.put(Constants.FieldConstants.ExperimentConstants.USER_NAME, userName);
filters.put(Constants.FieldConstants.ExperimentConstants.EXPERIMENT_NAME, expName);
List<Object> results =, filters);
for (Object object : results) {
summaries.add((ExperimentSummary) object);
return summaries;
}catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error while retrieving experiments", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while retrieving experiments. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
public List<ExperimentSummary> searchExperimentsByDesc(String userName, String description) throws InvalidRequestException,
TException {
if (!validateString(userName)){
logger.error("Username cannot be empty. Please provide a valid user..");
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Username cannot be empty. Please provide a valid user..");
throw exception;
try {
if (!ResourceUtils.isUserExist(userName)){
logger.error("User does not exist in the system. Please provide a valid user..");
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("User does not exist in the system. Please provide a valid user..");
throw exception;
List<ExperimentSummary> summaries = new ArrayList<ExperimentSummary>();
registry = RegistryFactory.getDefaultRegistry();
Map<String, String> filters = new HashMap<String, String>();
filters.put(Constants.FieldConstants.ExperimentConstants.USER_NAME, userName);
filters.put(Constants.FieldConstants.ExperimentConstants.EXPERIMENT_DESC, description);
List<Object> results =, filters);
for (Object object : results) {
summaries.add((ExperimentSummary) object);
return summaries;
}catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error while retrieving experiments", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while retrieving experiments. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
public List<ExperimentSummary> searchExperimentsByApplication(String userName, String applicationId) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
if (!validateString(userName)){
logger.error("Username cannot be empty. Please provide a valid user..");
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Username cannot be empty. Please provide a valid user..");
throw exception;
try {
if (!ResourceUtils.isUserExist(userName)){
logger.error("User does not exist in the system. Please provide a valid user..");
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("User does not exist in the system. Please provide a valid user..");
throw exception;
List<ExperimentSummary> summaries = new ArrayList<ExperimentSummary>();
registry = RegistryFactory.getDefaultRegistry();
Map<String, String> filters = new HashMap<String, String>();
filters.put(Constants.FieldConstants.ExperimentConstants.USER_NAME, userName);
filters.put(Constants.FieldConstants.ExperimentConstants.APPLICATION_ID, applicationId);
List<Object> results =, filters);
for (Object object : results) {
summaries.add((ExperimentSummary) object);
return summaries;
}catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error while retrieving experiments", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while retrieving experiments. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Get all Experiments within a Project
* @param projectId
public List<Experiment> getAllExperimentsInProject(String projectId) throws InvalidRequestException,
TException {
if (!validateString(projectId)){
logger.error("Project id cannot be empty. Please provide a valid project ID...");
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Project id cannot be empty. Please provide a valid project ID...");
throw exception;
try {
registry = RegistryFactory.getDefaultRegistry();
if (!registry.isExist(RegistryModelType.PROJECT, projectId)){
logger.error("Project does not exist in the system. Please provide a valid project ID...");
ProjectNotFoundException exception = new ProjectNotFoundException();
exception.setMessage("Project does not exist in the system. Please provide a valid project ID...");
throw exception;
List<Experiment> experiments = new ArrayList<Experiment>();
List<Object> list = registry.get(RegistryModelType.EXPERIMENT, Constants.FieldConstants.ExperimentConstants.PROJECT_ID, projectId);
if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) {
for (Object o : list) {
experiments.add((Experiment) o);
return experiments;
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error while retrieving the experiments", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while retrieving the experiments. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Get all Experiments by user
* @param userName
public List<Experiment> getAllUserExperiments(String userName) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
if (!validateString(userName)){
logger.error("Username cannot be empty. Please provide a valid user..");
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Username cannot be empty. Please provide a valid user..");
throw exception;
try {
if (!ResourceUtils.isUserExist(userName)){
logger.error("User does not exist in the system. Please provide a valid user..");
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("User does not exist in the system. Please provide a valid user..");
throw exception;
List<Experiment> experiments = new ArrayList<Experiment>();
registry = RegistryFactory.getDefaultRegistry();
List<Object> list = registry.get(RegistryModelType.EXPERIMENT, Constants.FieldConstants.ExperimentConstants.USER_NAME, userName);
if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()){
for (Object o : list){
return experiments;
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error while retrieving the experiments", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while retrieving the experiments. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Create an experiment for the specified user belonging to the gateway. The gateway identity is not explicitly passed
* but inferred from the authentication header. This experiment is just a persistent place holder. The client
* has to subsequently configure and launch the created experiment. No action is taken on Airavata Server except
* registering the experiment in a persistent store.
* @param experiment@return The server-side generated airavata experiment globally unique identifier.
* @throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.InvalidRequestException For any incorrect forming of the request itself.
* @throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.AiravataClientException The following list of exceptions are thrown which Airavata Client can take corrective actions to resolve:
* <p/>
* UNKNOWN_GATEWAY_ID - If a Gateway is not registered with Airavata as a one time administrative
* step, then Airavata Registry will not have a provenance area setup. The client has to follow
* gateway registration steps and retry this request.
* <p/>
* AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE - How Authentication will be implemented is yet to be determined.
* For now this is a place holder.
* <p/>
* INVALID_AUTHORIZATION - This will throw an authorization exception. When a more robust security hand-shake
* is implemented, the authorization will be more substantial.
* @throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.AiravataSystemException This exception will be thrown for any Airavata Server side issues and if the problem cannot be corrected by the client
* rather an Airavata Administrator will be notified to take corrective action.
public String createExperiment(Experiment experiment) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
registry = RegistryFactory.getDefaultRegistry();
if (!validateString(experiment.getName())){
logger.error("Cannot create experiments with empty experiment name");
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Cannot create experiments with empty experiment name");
throw exception;
return (String)registry.add(ParentDataType.EXPERIMENT, experiment);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error while creating the experiment", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while creating the experiment. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Fetch previously created experiment metadata.
* @param airavataExperimentId The identifier for the requested experiment. This is returned during the create experiment step.
* @return experimentMetada
* This method will return the previously stored experiment metadata.
* @throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.InvalidRequestException For any incorrect forming of the request itself.
* @throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.ExperimentNotFoundException If the specified experiment is not previously created, then an Experiment Not Found Exception is thrown.
* @throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.AiravataClientException The following list of exceptions are thrown which Airavata Client can take corrective actions to resolve:
* <p/>
* UNKNOWN_GATEWAY_ID - If a Gateway is not registered with Airavata as a one time administrative
* step, then Airavata Registry will not have a provenance area setup. The client has to follow
* gateway registration steps and retry this request.
* <p/>
* AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE - How Authentication will be implemented is yet to be determined.
* For now this is a place holder.
* <p/>
* INVALID_AUTHORIZATION - This will throw an authorization exception. When a more robust security hand-shake
* is implemented, the authorization will be more substantial.
* @throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.AiravataSystemException This exception will be thrown for any Airavata Server side issues and if the problem cannot be corrected by the client
* rather an Airavata Administrator will be notified to take corrective action.
public Experiment getExperiment(String airavataExperimentId) throws InvalidRequestException, ExperimentNotFoundException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
registry = RegistryFactory.getDefaultRegistry();
if (!registry.isExist(RegistryModelType.EXPERIMENT, airavataExperimentId)){
throw new ExperimentNotFoundException("Requested experiment id " + airavataExperimentId + " does not exist in the system..");
return (Experiment)registry.get(RegistryModelType.EXPERIMENT, airavataExperimentId);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error while retrieving the experiment", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while retrieving the experiment. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Configure a previously created experiment with required inputs, scheduling and other quality of service
* parameters. This method only updates the experiment object within the registry. The experiment has to be launched
* to make it actionable by the server.
* @param airavataExperimentId The identifier for the requested experiment. This is returned during the create experiment step.
* @param experiment
* @return This method call does not have a return value.
* @throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.InvalidRequestException For any incorrect forming of the request itself.
* @throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.ExperimentNotFoundException If the specified experiment is not previously created, then an Experiment Not Found Exception is thrown.
* @throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.AiravataClientException The following list of exceptions are thrown which Airavata Client can take corrective actions to resolve:
* <p/>
* UNKNOWN_GATEWAY_ID - If a Gateway is not registered with Airavata as a one time administrative
* step, then Airavata Registry will not have a provenance area setup. The client has to follow
* gateway registration steps and retry this request.
* <p/>
* AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE - How Authentication will be implemented is yet to be determined.
* For now this is a place holder.
* <p/>
* INVALID_AUTHORIZATION - This will throw an authorization exception. When a more robust security hand-shake
* is implemented, the authorization will be more substantial.
* @throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.AiravataSystemException This exception will be thrown for any Airavata Server side issues and if the problem cannot be corrected by the client
* rather an Airavata Administrator will be notified to take corrective action.
public void updateExperiment(String airavataExperimentId, Experiment experiment) throws InvalidRequestException, ExperimentNotFoundException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
registry = RegistryFactory.getDefaultRegistry();
if (!registry.isExist(RegistryModelType.EXPERIMENT, airavataExperimentId)){
throw new ExperimentNotFoundException("Requested experiment id " + airavataExperimentId + " does not exist in the system..");
ExperimentStatus experimentStatus = getExperimentStatus(airavataExperimentId);
if (experimentStatus != null){
ExperimentState experimentState = experimentStatus.getExperimentState();
switch (experimentState){
registry.update(RegistryModelType.EXPERIMENT, experiment, airavataExperimentId);
registry.update(RegistryModelType.EXPERIMENT, experiment, airavataExperimentId);
registry.update(RegistryModelType.EXPERIMENT, experiment, airavataExperimentId);
case FAILED:
registry.update(RegistryModelType.EXPERIMENT, experiment, airavataExperimentId);
registry.update(RegistryModelType.EXPERIMENT, experiment, airavataExperimentId);
logger.error("Error while updating experiment. Update experiment is only valid for experiments " +
"with status CREATED, VALIDATED, CANCELLED, FAILED and UNKNOWN. Make sure the given " +
"experiment is in one of above statuses... ");
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while updating experiment. Update experiment is only valid for experiments " +
"with status CREATED, VALIDATED, CANCELLED, FAILED and UNKNOWN. Make sure the given " +
"experiment is in one of above statuses... ");
throw exception;
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error while updating experiment", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while updating experiment. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
public void updateExperimentConfiguration(String airavataExperimentId, UserConfigurationData userConfiguration) throws TException {
try {
registry = RegistryFactory.getDefaultRegistry();
if (!registry.isExist(RegistryModelType.EXPERIMENT, airavataExperimentId)){
throw new ExperimentNotFoundException("Requested experiment id " + airavataExperimentId + " does not exist in the system..");
ExperimentStatus experimentStatus = getExperimentStatus(airavataExperimentId);
if (experimentStatus != null){
ExperimentState experimentState = experimentStatus.getExperimentState();
switch (experimentState){
registry.add(ChildDataType.EXPERIMENT_CONFIGURATION_DATA, userConfiguration, airavataExperimentId);
registry.add(ChildDataType.EXPERIMENT_CONFIGURATION_DATA, userConfiguration, airavataExperimentId);
registry.add(ChildDataType.EXPERIMENT_CONFIGURATION_DATA, userConfiguration, airavataExperimentId);
case FAILED:
registry.add(ChildDataType.EXPERIMENT_CONFIGURATION_DATA, userConfiguration, airavataExperimentId);
registry.add(ChildDataType.EXPERIMENT_CONFIGURATION_DATA, userConfiguration, airavataExperimentId);
logger.error("Error while updating experiment. Update experiment is only valid for experiments " +
"with status CREATED, VALIDATED, CANCELLED, FAILED and UNKNOWN. Make sure the given " +
"experiment is in one of above statuses... ");
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while updating experiment. Update experiment is only valid for experiments " +
"with status CREATED, VALIDATED, CANCELLED, FAILED and UNKNOWN. Make sure the given " +
"experiment is in one of above statuses... ");
throw exception;
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error while updating user configuration", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while updating user configuration. " +
"Update experiment is only valid for experiments " +
"with status CREATED, VALIDATED, CANCELLED, FAILED and UNKNOWN. Make sure the given " +
"experiment is in one of above statuses... " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
public void updateResourceScheduleing(String airavataExperimentId, ComputationalResourceScheduling resourceScheduling) throws TException {
try {
registry = RegistryFactory.getDefaultRegistry();
if (!registry.isExist(RegistryModelType.EXPERIMENT, airavataExperimentId)){
throw new ExperimentNotFoundException("Requested experiment id " + airavataExperimentId + " does not exist in the system..");
ExperimentStatus experimentStatus = getExperimentStatus(airavataExperimentId);
if (experimentStatus != null){
ExperimentState experimentState = experimentStatus.getExperimentState();
switch (experimentState){
registry.add(ChildDataType.COMPUTATIONAL_RESOURCE_SCHEDULING, resourceScheduling, airavataExperimentId);
registry.add(ChildDataType.COMPUTATIONAL_RESOURCE_SCHEDULING, resourceScheduling, airavataExperimentId);
registry.add(ChildDataType.COMPUTATIONAL_RESOURCE_SCHEDULING, resourceScheduling, airavataExperimentId);
case FAILED:
registry.add(ChildDataType.COMPUTATIONAL_RESOURCE_SCHEDULING, resourceScheduling, airavataExperimentId);
registry.add(ChildDataType.COMPUTATIONAL_RESOURCE_SCHEDULING, resourceScheduling, airavataExperimentId);
logger.error("Error while updating scheduling info. Update experiment is only valid for experiments " +
"with status CREATED, VALIDATED, CANCELLED, FAILED and UNKNOWN. Make sure the given " +
"experiment is in one of above statuses... ");
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while updating experiment. Update experiment is only valid for experiments " +
"with status CREATED, VALIDATED, CANCELLED, FAILED and UNKNOWN. Make sure the given " +
"experiment is in one of above statuses... ");
throw exception;
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error while updating scheduling info", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while updating scheduling info. " +
"Update experiment is only valid for experiments " +
"with status CREATED, VALIDATED, CANCELLED, FAILED and UNKNOWN. Make sure the given " +
"experiment is in one of above statuses... " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* *
* * Validate experiment configuration. A true in general indicates, the experiment is ready to be launched.
* *
* * @param experimentID
* * @return sucess/failure
* *
* *
* @param airavataExperimentId
public boolean validateExperiment(String airavataExperimentId) throws InvalidRequestException, ExperimentNotFoundException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
registry = RegistryFactory.getDefaultRegistry();
if (!registry.isExist(RegistryModelType.EXPERIMENT, airavataExperimentId)){
throw new ExperimentNotFoundException("Requested experiment id " + airavataExperimentId + " does not exist in the system..");
} catch (RegistryException e1) {
logger.error("Error while retrieving projects", e1);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while retrieving projects. More info : " + e1.getMessage());
throw exception;
if (getOrchestratorClient().validateExperiment(airavataExperimentId)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Fetch the previously configured experiment configuration information.
* @param airavataExperimentId The identifier for the requested experiment. This is returned during the create experiment step.
* @return This method returns the previously configured experiment configuration data.
* @throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.InvalidRequestException For any incorrect forming of the request itself.
* @throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.ExperimentNotFoundException If the specified experiment is not previously created, then an Experiment Not Found Exception is thrown.
* @throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.AiravataClientException The following list of exceptions are thrown which Airavata Client can take corrective actions to resolve:
*UNKNOWN_GATEWAY_ID - If a Gateway is not registered with Airavata as a one time administrative
*step, then Airavata Registry will not have a provenance area setup. The client has to follow
*gateway registration steps and retry this request.
*AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE - How Authentication will be implemented is yet to be determined.
*For now this is a place holder.
*INVALID_AUTHORIZATION - This will throw an authorization exception. When a more robust security hand-shake
*is implemented, the authorization will be more substantial.
* @throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.AiravataSystemException This exception will be thrown for any
* Airavata Server side issues and if the problem cannot be corrected by the client
* rather an Airavata Administrator will be notified to take corrective action.
public ExperimentStatus getExperimentStatus(String airavataExperimentId) throws InvalidRequestException,
TException {
try {
registry = RegistryFactory.getDefaultRegistry();
if (!registry.isExist(RegistryModelType.EXPERIMENT, airavataExperimentId)){
throw new ExperimentNotFoundException("Requested experiment id " + airavataExperimentId +
" does not exist in the system..");
return (ExperimentStatus)registry.get(RegistryModelType.EXPERIMENT_STATUS, airavataExperimentId);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error while retrieving the experiment status", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while retrieving the experiment status. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
public List<DataObjectType> getExperimentOutputs(String airavataExperimentId) throws TException {
try {
registry = RegistryFactory.getDefaultRegistry();
if (!registry.isExist(RegistryModelType.EXPERIMENT, airavataExperimentId)){
throw new ExperimentNotFoundException("Requested experiment id " + airavataExperimentId + " does not exist in the system..");
return (List<DataObjectType>)registry.get(RegistryModelType.EXPERIMENT_OUTPUT, airavataExperimentId);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error while retrieving the experiment outputs", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while retrieving the experiment outputs. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
public Map<String, JobStatus> getJobStatuses(String airavataExperimentId) throws TException {
Map<String, JobStatus> jobStatus = new HashMap<String, JobStatus>();
try {
registry = RegistryFactory.getDefaultRegistry();
if (!registry.isExist(RegistryModelType.EXPERIMENT, airavataExperimentId)){
throw new ExperimentNotFoundException("Requested experiment id " + airavataExperimentId + " does not exist in the system..");
List<Object> workflowNodes = registry.get(RegistryModelType.WORKFLOW_NODE_DETAIL, Constants.FieldConstants.WorkflowNodeConstants.EXPERIMENT_ID, airavataExperimentId);
if (workflowNodes != null && !workflowNodes.isEmpty()){
for (Object wf : workflowNodes){
String nodeInstanceId = ((WorkflowNodeDetails) wf).getNodeInstanceId();
List<Object> taskDetails = registry.get(RegistryModelType.TASK_DETAIL, Constants.FieldConstants.TaskDetailConstants.NODE_ID, nodeInstanceId);
if (taskDetails != null && !taskDetails.isEmpty()){
for (Object ts : taskDetails){
String taskID = ((TaskDetails) ts).getTaskID();
List<Object> jobDetails = registry.get(RegistryModelType.JOB_DETAIL, Constants.FieldConstants.JobDetaisConstants.TASK_ID, taskID);
if (jobDetails != null && !jobDetails.isEmpty()){
for (Object job : jobDetails){
String jobID = ((JobDetails) job).getJobID();
jobStatus.put(jobID, ((JobDetails) job).getJobStatus());
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error while retrieving the job statuses", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while retrieving the job statuses. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
return jobStatus;
* Launch a previously created and configured experiment. Airavata Server will then start processing the request and appropriate
* notifications and intermediate and output data will be subsequently available for this experiment.
* @param airavataExperimentId The identifier for the requested experiment. This is returned during the create experiment step.
* @param airavataCredStoreToken :
* A requirement to execute experiments within Airavata is to first register the targeted remote computational account
* credentials with Airavata Credential Store. The administrative API (related to credential store) will return a
* generated token associated with the registered credentials. The client has to security posses this token id and is
* required to pass it to Airavata Server for all execution requests.
* Note: At this point only the credential store token is required so the string is directly passed here. In future if
* if more security credentials are enables, then the structure ExecutionSecurityParameters should be used.
* Note: This parameter is not persisted within Airavata Registry for security reasons.
* @return This method call does not have a return value.
* @throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.InvalidRequestException
* For any incorrect forming of the request itself.
* @throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.ExperimentNotFoundException
* If the specified experiment is not previously created, then an Experiment Not Found Exception is thrown.
* @throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.AiravataClientException
* The following list of exceptions are thrown which Airavata Client can take corrective actions to resolve:
* <p/>
* UNKNOWN_GATEWAY_ID - If a Gateway is not registered with Airavata as a one time administrative
* step, then Airavata Registry will not have a provenance area setup. The client has to follow
* gateway registration steps and retry this request.
* <p/>
* AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE - How Authentication will be implemented is yet to be determined.
* For now this is a place holder.
* <p/>
* INVALID_AUTHORIZATION - This will throw an authorization exception. When a more robust security hand-shake
* is implemented, the authorization will be more substantial.
* @throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.AiravataSystemException
* This exception will be thrown for any Airavata Server side issues and if the problem cannot be corrected by the client
* rather an Airavata Administrator will be notified to take corrective action.
public void launchExperiment(String airavataExperimentId, String airavataCredStoreToken) throws InvalidRequestException, ExperimentNotFoundException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, LaunchValidationException, TException {
try {
registry = RegistryFactory.getDefaultRegistry();
if (!registry.isExist(RegistryModelType.EXPERIMENT, airavataExperimentId)){
throw new ExperimentNotFoundException("Requested experiment id " + airavataExperimentId + " does not exist in the system..");
} catch (RegistryException e1) {
logger.error("Error while retrieving projects", e1);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while retrieving projects. More info : " + e1.getMessage());
throw exception;
final String expID = airavataExperimentId;
final String token = airavataCredStoreToken;
synchronized (this) {
Experiment experiment = getExperiment(expID);
ExecutionType executionType = DataModelUtils.getExecutionType(experiment);
Thread thread = null;
if (executionType==ExecutionType.SINGLE_APP){
//its an single application execution experiment
final OrchestratorService.Client orchestratorClient = getOrchestratorClient();
if (orchestratorClient.validateExperiment(expID)) {
thread = new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
launchSingleAppExperiment(expID, token, orchestratorClient);
} catch (TException e) {
} else {
throw new InvalidRequestException("Experiment Validation Failed, please check the configuration");
} else if (executionType == ExecutionType.WORKFLOW){
//its a workflow execution experiment
thread = new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
launchWorkflowExperiment(expID, token);
} catch (TException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates.
} else {
throw new InvalidRequestException("Experiment '"+expID+"' launch failed. Unable to figureout execution type for application "+experiment.getApplicationId());
private void launchWorkflowExperiment(String experimentId, String airavataCredStoreToken) throws TException {
try {
WorkflowEngine workflowEngine = WorkflowEngineFactory.getWorkflowEngine();
workflowEngine.launchExperiment(experimentId, airavataCredStoreToken);
} catch (WorkflowEngineException e) {
private boolean launchSingleAppExperiment(String experimentId, String airavataCredStoreToken, OrchestratorService.Client orchestratorClient) throws TException {
Experiment experiment = null;
try {
List<String> ids = registry.getIds(RegistryModelType.WORKFLOW_NODE_DETAIL, WorkflowNodeConstants.EXPERIMENT_ID, experimentId);
for (String workflowNodeId : ids) {
// WorkflowNodeDetails workflowNodeDetail = (WorkflowNodeDetails) registry.get(RegistryModelType.WORKFLOW_NODE_DETAIL, workflowNodeId);
List<Object> taskDetailList = registry.get(RegistryModelType.TASK_DETAIL, TaskDetailConstants.NODE_ID, workflowNodeId);
for (Object o : taskDetailList) {
TaskDetails taskData = (TaskDetails) o;
//iterate through all the generated tasks and performs the job submisssion+monitoring
experiment = (Experiment) registry.get(RegistryModelType.EXPERIMENT, experimentId);
if (experiment == null) {
logger.error("Error retrieving the Experiment by the given experimentID: " + experimentId);
return false;
ExperimentStatus status = new ExperimentStatus();
registry.update(RegistryModelType.EXPERIMENT_STATUS, status, experimentId);
registry.update(RegistryModelType.TASK_DETAIL, taskData, taskData.getTaskID());
//launching the experiment
} catch (Exception e) {
// Here we really do not have to do much because only potential failure can happen
// is in gfac, if there are errors in gfac, it will handle the experiment/task/job statuses
// We might get failures in registry access before submitting the jobs to gfac, in that case we
// leave the status of these as created.
ExperimentStatus status = new ExperimentStatus();
try {
registry.update(RegistryModelType.EXPERIMENT_STATUS, status, experimentId);
} catch (RegistryException e1) {
throw new TException(e);
throw new TException(e);
return true;
private OrchestratorService.Client getOrchestratorClient() {
final int serverPort = Integer.parseInt(ServerSettings.getSetting(org.apache.airavata.common.utils.Constants.ORCHESTRATOR_SERVER_PORT,"8940"));
final String serverHost = ServerSettings.getSetting(org.apache.airavata.common.utils.Constants.ORCHESTRATOR_SERVER_HOST, null);
return OrchestratorClientFactory.createOrchestratorClient(serverHost, serverPort);
* Clone an specified experiment with a new name. A copy of the experiment configuration is made and is persisted with new metadata.
* The client has to subsequently update this configuration if needed and launch the cloned experiment.
* @param existingExperimentID
* This is the experiment identifier that already exists in the system. Will use this experimentID to retrieve
* user configuration which is used with the clone experiment.
* @param newExperiementName
* experiment name that should be used in the cloned experiment
* @return
* The server-side generated airavata experiment globally unique identifier for the newly cloned experiment.
* @throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.InvalidRequestException
* For any incorrect forming of the request itself.
* @throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.ExperimentNotFoundException
* If the specified experiment is not previously created, then an Experiment Not Found Exception is thrown.
* @throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.AiravataClientException
* The following list of exceptions are thrown which Airavata Client can take corrective actions to resolve:
* UNKNOWN_GATEWAY_ID - If a Gateway is not registered with Airavata as a one time administrative
* step, then Airavata Registry will not have a provenance area setup. The client has to follow
* gateway registration steps and retry this request.
* AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE - How Authentication will be implemented is yet to be determined.
* For now this is a place holder.
* INVALID_AUTHORIZATION - This will throw an authorization exception. When a more robust security hand-shake
* is implemented, the authorization will be more substantial.
* @throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.AiravataSystemException
* This exception will be thrown for any Airavata Server side issues and if the problem cannot be corrected by the client
* rather an Airavata Administrator will be notified to take corrective action.
* @param existingExperimentID
* @param newExperiementName
public String cloneExperiment(String existingExperimentID, String newExperiementName) throws InvalidRequestException, ExperimentNotFoundException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
registry = RegistryFactory.getDefaultRegistry();
if (!registry.isExist(RegistryModelType.EXPERIMENT, existingExperimentID)){
throw new ExperimentNotFoundException("Requested experiment id " + existingExperimentID + " does not exist in the system..");
Experiment existingExperiment = (Experiment)registry.get(RegistryModelType.EXPERIMENT, existingExperimentID);
if (validateString(newExperiementName)){
if (existingExperiment.getWorkflowNodeDetailsList() != null){
if (existingExperiment.getErrors() != null ){
return (String)registry.add(ParentDataType.EXPERIMENT, existingExperiment);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error while cloning the experiment with existing configuration...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while cloning the experiment with existing configuration. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Terminate a running experiment.
* @param airavataExperimentId The identifier for the requested experiment. This is returned during the create experiment step.
* @return This method call does not have a return value.
* @throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.InvalidRequestException For any incorrect forming of the request itself.
* @throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.ExperimentNotFoundException If the specified experiment is not previously created, then an Experiment Not Found Exception is thrown.
* @throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.AiravataClientException The following list of exceptions are thrown which Airavata Client can take corrective actions to resolve:
* <p/>
* UNKNOWN_GATEWAY_ID - If a Gateway is not registered with Airavata as a one time administrative
* step, then Airavata Registry will not have a provenance area setup. The client has to follow
* gateway registration steps and retry this request.
* <p/>
* AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE - How Authentication will be implemented is yet to be determined.
* For now this is a place holder.
* <p/>
* INVALID_AUTHORIZATION - This will throw an authorization exception. When a more robust security hand-shake
* is implemented, the authorization will be more substantial.
* @throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.AiravataSystemException This exception will be thrown for any Airavata Server side issues and if the problem cannot be corrected by the client
* rather an Airavata Administrator will be notified to take corrective action.
public void terminateExperiment(String airavataExperimentId) throws InvalidRequestException, ExperimentNotFoundException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
Client client = getOrchestratorClient();
* Register a Application Module.
* @param applicationModule Application Module Object created from the datamodel.
* @return appModuleId
* Returns a server-side generated airavata appModule globally unique identifier.
public String registerApplicationModule(ApplicationModule applicationModule) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
return appCatalog.getApplicationInterface().addApplicationModule(applicationModule);
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while adding application module...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while adding application module. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Fetch a Application Module.
* @param appModuleId The identifier for the requested application module
* @return applicationModule
* Returns a application Module Object.
public ApplicationModule getApplicationModule(String appModuleId) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
return appCatalog.getApplicationInterface().getApplicationModule(appModuleId);
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while retrieving application module...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while retrieving the adding application module. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Update a Application Module.
* @param appModuleId The identifier for the requested application module to be updated.
* @param applicationModule Application Module Object created from the datamodel.
* @return status
* Returns a success/failure of the update.
public boolean updateApplicationModule(String appModuleId, ApplicationModule applicationModule) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
appCatalog.getApplicationInterface().updateApplicationModule(appModuleId, applicationModule);
return true;
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while updating application module...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while updating application module. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Delete a Application Module.
* @param appModuleId The identifier for the requested application module to be deleted.
* @return status
* Returns a success/failure of the deletion.
public boolean deleteApplicationModule(String appModuleId) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
return appCatalog.getApplicationInterface().removeApplicationModule(appModuleId);
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while deleting application module...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while deleting the application module. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Register a Application Deployment.
* @param applicationDeployment@return appModuleId
* Returns a server-side generated airavata appModule globally unique identifier.
public String registerApplicationDeployment(ApplicationDeploymentDescription applicationDeployment) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
return appCatalog.getApplicationDeployment().addApplicationDeployment(applicationDeployment);
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while adding application deployment...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while adding application deployment. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Fetch a Application Deployment.
* @param appDeploymentId The identifier for the requested application module
* @return applicationDeployment
* Returns a application Deployment Object.
public ApplicationDeploymentDescription getApplicationDeployment(String appDeploymentId) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
return appCatalog.getApplicationDeployment().getApplicationDeployement(appDeploymentId);
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while retrieving application deployment...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while retrieving application deployment. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Update a Application Deployment.
* @param appDeploymentId The identifier for the requested application deployment to be updated.
* @param applicationDeployment
* @return status
* Returns a success/failure of the update.
public boolean updateApplicationDeployment(String appDeploymentId, ApplicationDeploymentDescription applicationDeployment) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
appCatalog.getApplicationDeployment().updateApplicationDeployment(appDeploymentId, applicationDeployment);
return true;
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while updating application deployment...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while updating application deployment. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Delete a Application deployment.
* @param appDeploymentId The identifier for the requested application deployment to be deleted.
* @return status
* Returns a success/failure of the deletion.
public boolean deleteApplicationDeployment(String appDeploymentId) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
return true;
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while deleting application deployment...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while deleting application deployment. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Fetch a list of Deployed Compute Hosts.
* @param appModuleId The identifier for the requested application module
* @return list<string>
* Returns a list of Deployed Resources.
public List<String> getAppModuleDeployedResources(String appModuleId) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
List<String> appDeployments = new ArrayList<String>();
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
Map<String, String> filters = new HashMap<String, String>();
filters.put(AbstractResource.ApplicationDeploymentConstants.APP_MODULE_ID, appModuleId);
List<ApplicationDeploymentDescription> applicationDeployments = appCatalog.getApplicationDeployment().getApplicationDeployements(filters);
for (ApplicationDeploymentDescription description : applicationDeployments){
return appDeployments;
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while retrieving application deployments...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while retrieving application deployment. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Register a Application Interface.
* @param applicationInterface@return appInterfaceId
* Returns a server-side generated airavata application interface globally unique identifier.
public String registerApplicationInterface(ApplicationInterfaceDescription applicationInterface) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
return appCatalog.getApplicationInterface().addApplicationInterface(applicationInterface);
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while adding application interface...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while adding application interface. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Fetch a Application Interface.
* @param appInterfaceId The identifier for the requested application module
* @return applicationInterface
* Returns a application Interface Object.
public ApplicationInterfaceDescription getApplicationInterface(String appInterfaceId) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
return appCatalog.getApplicationInterface().getApplicationInterface(appInterfaceId);
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while retrieving application interface...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while retrieving application interface. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Update a Application Interface.
* @param appInterfaceId The identifier for the requested application deployment to be updated.
* @param applicationInterface
* @return status
* Returns a success/failure of the update.
public boolean updateApplicationInterface(String appInterfaceId, ApplicationInterfaceDescription applicationInterface) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
appCatalog.getApplicationInterface().updateApplicationInterface(appInterfaceId, applicationInterface);
return true;
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while updating application interface...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while updating application interface. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Delete a Application Interface.
* @param appInterfaceId The identifier for the requested application interface to be deleted.
* @return status
* Returns a success/failure of the deletion.
public boolean deleteApplicationInterface(String appInterfaceId) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
return appCatalog.getApplicationInterface().removeApplicationInterface(appInterfaceId);
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while deleting application interface...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while deleting application interface. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Fetch name and id of Application Interface documents.
* @return map<applicationId, applicationInterfaceNames>
* Returns a list of application interfaces with corresponsing id's
public Map<String, String> getAllApplicationInterfaceNames() throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
List<ApplicationInterfaceDescription> allApplicationInterfaces = appCatalog.getApplicationInterface().getAllApplicationInterfaces();
Map<String, String> allApplicationInterfacesMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
if (allApplicationInterfaces != null && !allApplicationInterfaces.isEmpty()){
for (ApplicationInterfaceDescription interfaceDescription : allApplicationInterfaces){
allApplicationInterfacesMap.put(interfaceDescription.getApplicationInterfaceId(), interfaceDescription.getApplicationName());
return allApplicationInterfacesMap;
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while retrieving application interfaces...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while retrieving application interfaces. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Fetch all Application Interface documents.
* @return map<applicationId, applicationInterfaceNames>
* Returns a list of application interfaces documents
public List<ApplicationInterfaceDescription> getAllApplicationInterfaces() throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
return appCatalog.getApplicationInterface().getAllApplicationInterfaces();
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while retrieving application interfaces...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while retrieving application interfaces. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Fetch the list of Application Inputs.
* @param appInterfaceId The identifier for the requested application interface
* @return list<applicationInterfaceModel.InputDataObjectType>
* Returns a list of application inputs.
public List<InputDataObjectType> getApplicationInputs(String appInterfaceId) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
return appCatalog.getApplicationInterface().getApplicationInputs(appInterfaceId);
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while retrieving application inputs...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while retrieving application inputs. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Fetch the list of Application Outputs.
* @param appInterfaceId The identifier for the requested application interface
* @return list<applicationInterfaceModel.OutputDataObjectType>
* Returns a list of application outputs.
public List<OutputDataObjectType> getApplicationOutputs(String appInterfaceId) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
return appCatalog.getApplicationInterface().getApplicationOutputs(appInterfaceId);
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while retrieving application outputs...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while retrieving application outputs. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Fetch a list of all deployed Compute Hosts for a given application interfaces.
* @param appInterfaceId The identifier for the requested application interface
* @return map<computeResourceId, computeResourceName>
* A map of registered compute resource id's and their corresponding hostnames.
* Deployments of each modules listed within the interfaces will be listed.
public Map<String, String> getAvailableAppInterfaceComputeResources(String appInterfaceId) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
ApplicationDeployment applicationDeployment = appCatalog.getApplicationDeployment();
Map<String, String> allComputeResources = appCatalog.getComputeResource().getAllComputeResourceIdList();
Map<String, String> availableComputeResources = new HashMap<String, String>();
ApplicationInterfaceDescription applicationInterface =
HashMap<String, String> filters = new HashMap<String,String>();
List<String> applicationModules = applicationInterface.getApplicationModules();
if (applicationModules != null && !applicationModules.isEmpty()){
for (String moduleId : applicationModules) {
filters.put(AbstractResource.ApplicationDeploymentConstants.APP_MODULE_ID, moduleId);
List<ApplicationDeploymentDescription> applicationDeployments =
for (ApplicationDeploymentDescription deploymentDescription : applicationDeployments) {
return availableComputeResources;
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while saving compute resource...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while saving compute resource. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Register a Compute Resource.
* @param computeResourceDescription Compute Resource Object created from the datamodel.
* @return computeResourceId
* Returns a server-side generated airavata compute resource globally unique identifier.
public String registerComputeResource(ComputeResourceDescription computeResourceDescription) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
return appCatalog.getComputeResource().addComputeResource(computeResourceDescription);
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while saving compute resource...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while saving compute resource. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Fetch the given Compute Resource.
* @param computeResourceId The identifier for the requested compute resource
* @return computeResourceDescription
* Compute Resource Object created from the datamodel..
public ComputeResourceDescription getComputeResource(String computeResourceId) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
return appCatalog.getComputeResource().getComputeResource(computeResourceId);
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while retrieving compute resource...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while retrieving compute resource. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Fetch all registered Compute Resources.
* @return A map of registered compute resource id's and thier corresponding hostnames.
* Compute Resource Object created from the datamodel..
public Map<String, String> getAllComputeResourceNames() throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
return appCatalog.getComputeResource().getAllComputeResourceIdList();
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while retrieving compute resource...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while retrieving compute resource. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Update a Compute Resource.
* @param computeResourceId The identifier for the requested compute resource to be updated.
* @param computeResourceDescription Compute Resource Object created from the datamodel.
* @return status
* Returns a success/failure of the update.
public boolean updateComputeResource(String computeResourceId, ComputeResourceDescription computeResourceDescription) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
appCatalog.getComputeResource().updateComputeResource(computeResourceId, computeResourceDescription);
return true;
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while updating compute resource...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while updaing compute resource. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Delete a Compute Resource.
* @param computeResourceId The identifier for the requested compute resource to be deleted.
* @return status
* Returns a success/failure of the deletion.
public boolean deleteComputeResource(String computeResourceId) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
return true;
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while deleting compute resource...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while deleting compute resource. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Add a Local Job Submission details to a compute resource
* App catalog will return a jobSubmissionInterfaceId which will be added to the jobSubmissionInterfaces.
* @param computeResourceId The identifier of the compute resource to which JobSubmission protocol to be added
* @param priorityOrder Specify the priority of this job manager. If this is the only jobmanager, the priority can be zero.
* @param localSubmission The LOCALSubmission object to be added to the resource.
* @return status
* Returns a success/failure of the deletion.
public boolean addLocalSubmissionDetails(String computeResourceId, int priorityOrder, LOCALSubmission localSubmission) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
ComputeResource computeResource = appCatalog.getComputeResource();
addJobSubmissionInterface(computeResource, computeResourceId,
computeResource.addLocalJobSubmission(localSubmission), JobSubmissionProtocol.LOCAL, priorityOrder);
return true;
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while adding job submission interface to resource compute resource...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while adding job submission interface to resource compute resource. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Update the given Local Job Submission details
* @param jobSubmissionInterfaceId The identifier of the JobSubmission Interface to be updated.
* @param localSubmission The LOCALSubmission object to be updated.
* @return status
* Returns a success/failure of the deletion.
public boolean updateLocalSubmissionDetails(String jobSubmissionInterfaceId, LOCALSubmission localSubmission) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
LocalSubmissionResource submission = AppCatalogThriftConversion.getLocalJobSubmission(localSubmission);
return true;
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while adding job submission interface to resource compute resource...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while adding job submission interface to resource compute resource. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
private void addJobSubmissionInterface(ComputeResource computeResource,
String computeResourceId, String jobSubmissionInterfaceId,
JobSubmissionProtocol protocolType, int priorityOrder)
throws AppCatalogException {
JobSubmissionInterface jobSubmissionInterface = new JobSubmissionInterface();
* Add a SSH Job Submission details to a compute resource
* App catalog will return a jobSubmissionInterfaceId which will be added to the jobSubmissionInterfaces.
* @param computeResourceId The identifier of the compute resource to which JobSubmission protocol to be added
* @param priorityOrder Specify the priority of this job manager. If this is the only jobmanager, the priority can be zero.
* @param sshJobSubmission The SSHJobSubmission object to be added to the resource.
* @return status
* Returns a success/failure of the deletion.
public boolean addSSHJobSubmissionDetails(String computeResourceId, int priorityOrder, SSHJobSubmission sshJobSubmission) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
ComputeResource computeResource = appCatalog.getComputeResource();
addJobSubmissionInterface(computeResource, computeResourceId,
computeResource.addSSHJobSubmission(sshJobSubmission), JobSubmissionProtocol.SSH, priorityOrder);
return true;
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while adding job submission interface to resource compute resource...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while adding job submission interface to resource compute resource. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Add a Cloud Job Submission details to a compute resource
* App catalog will return a jobSubmissionInterfaceId which will be added to the jobSubmissionInterfaces.
* @param computeResourceId The identifier of the compute resource to which JobSubmission protocol to be added
* @param priorityOrder Specify the priority of this job manager. If this is the only jobmanager, the priority can be zero.
* @param cloudJobSubmission The SSHJobSubmission object to be added to the resource.
* @return status
* Returns a success/failure of the deletion.
public boolean addCloudJobSubmissionDetails(String computeResourceId, int priorityOrder, CloudJobSubmission cloudJobSubmission) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
ComputeResource computeResource = appCatalog.getComputeResource();
addJobSubmissionInterface(computeResource, computeResourceId,
computeResource.addCloudJobSubmission(cloudJobSubmission), JobSubmissionProtocol.CLOUD, priorityOrder);
return true;
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while adding job submission interface to resource compute resource...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while adding job submission interface to resource compute resource. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Update the given SSH Job Submission details
* @param jobSubmissionInterfaceId The identifier of the JobSubmission Interface to be updated.
* @param sshJobSubmission The SSHJobSubmission object to be updated.
* @return status
* Returns a success/failure of the deletion.
public boolean updateSSHJobSubmissionDetails(String jobSubmissionInterfaceId, SSHJobSubmission sshJobSubmission) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
SshJobSubmissionResource submission = AppCatalogThriftConversion.getSSHJobSubmission(sshJobSubmission);
return true;
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while adding job submission interface to resource compute resource...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while adding job submission interface to resource compute resource. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Update the given SSH Job Submission details
* @param jobSubmissionInterfaceId The identifier of the JobSubmission Interface to be updated.
* @param cloudJobSubmission The SSHJobSubmission object to be updated.
* @return status
* Returns a success/failure of the deletion.
public boolean updateCloudJobSubmissionDetails(String jobSubmissionInterfaceId, CloudJobSubmission cloudJobSubmission) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
CloudSubmissionResource submission = AppCatalogThriftConversion.getCloudJobSubmission(cloudJobSubmission);
return true;
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while adding job submission interface to resource compute resource...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while adding job submission interface to resource compute resource. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Add a Local data moevement details to a compute resource
* App catalog will return a dataMovementInterfaceId which will be added to the dataMovementInterfaces.
* @param computeResourceId The identifier of the compute resource to which JobSubmission protocol to be added
* @param priorityOrder Specify the priority of this job manager. If this is the only jobmanager, the priority can be zero.
* @param localDataMovement The LOCALDataMovement object to be added to the resource.
* @return status
* Returns a success/failure of the deletion.
public boolean addLocalDataMovementDetails(String computeResourceId, int priorityOrder, LOCALDataMovement localDataMovement) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
ComputeResource computeResource = appCatalog.getComputeResource();
addDataMovementInterface(computeResource, computeResourceId,
computeResource.addLocalDataMovement(localDataMovement), DataMovementProtocol.LOCAL, priorityOrder);
return true;
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while adding data movement interface to resource compute resource...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while adding data movement interface to resource compute resource. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Update the given Local data movement details
* @param jobSubmissionInterfaceId The identifier of the JobSubmission Interface to be updated.
* @param localDataMovement The LOCALDataMovement object to be updated.
* @return status
* Returns a success/failure of the update.
public boolean updateLocalDataMovementDetails(String jobSubmissionInterfaceId, LOCALDataMovement localDataMovement) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
LocalDataMovementResource movment = AppCatalogThriftConversion.getLocalDataMovement(localDataMovement);
return true;
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while adding job submission interface to resource compute resource...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while adding job submission interface to resource compute resource. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
private void addDataMovementInterface(ComputeResource computeResource,
String computeResourceId, String dataMovementInterfaceId,
DataMovementProtocol protocolType, int priorityOrder)
throws AppCatalogException {
DataMovementInterface dataMovementInterface = new DataMovementInterface();
* Add a SCP data moevement details to a compute resource
* App catalog will return a dataMovementInterfaceId which will be added to the dataMovementInterfaces.
* @param computeResourceId The identifier of the compute resource to which JobSubmission protocol to be added
* @param priorityOrder Specify the priority of this job manager. If this is the only jobmanager, the priority can be zero.
* @param scpDataMovement The SCPDataMovement object to be added to the resource.
* @return status
* Returns a success/failure of the deletion.
public boolean addSCPDataMovementDetails(String computeResourceId, int priorityOrder, SCPDataMovement scpDataMovement) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
ComputeResource computeResource = appCatalog.getComputeResource();
addDataMovementInterface(computeResource, computeResourceId,
computeResource.addScpDataMovement(scpDataMovement), DataMovementProtocol.SCP, priorityOrder);
return true;
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while adding data movement interface to resource compute resource...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while adding data movement interface to resource compute resource. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Update the given scp data movement details
* App catalog will return a dataMovementInterfaceId which will be added to the dataMovementInterfaces.
* @param jobSubmissionInterfaceId The identifier of the JobSubmission Interface to be updated.
* @param scpDataMovement The SCPDataMovement object to be updated.
* @return status
* Returns a success/failure of the update.
public boolean updateSCPDataMovementDetails(String jobSubmissionInterfaceId, SCPDataMovement scpDataMovement) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
ScpDataMovementResource movment = AppCatalogThriftConversion.getSCPDataMovementDescription(scpDataMovement);
return true;
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while adding job submission interface to resource compute resource...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while adding job submission interface to resource compute resource. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Add a GridFTP data moevement details to a compute resource
* App catalog will return a dataMovementInterfaceId which will be added to the dataMovementInterfaces.
* @param computeResourceId The identifier of the compute resource to which JobSubmission protocol to be added
* @param priorityOrder Specify the priority of this job manager. If this is the only jobmanager, the priority can be zero.
* @param gridFTPDataMovement The GridFTPDataMovement object to be added to the resource.
* @return status
* Returns a success/failure of the deletion.
public boolean addGridFTPDataMovementDetails(String computeResourceId, int priorityOrder, GridFTPDataMovement gridFTPDataMovement) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
ComputeResource computeResource = appCatalog.getComputeResource();
addDataMovementInterface(computeResource, computeResourceId,
computeResource.addGridFTPDataMovement(gridFTPDataMovement), DataMovementProtocol.GridFTP, priorityOrder);
return true;
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while adding data movement interface to resource compute resource...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while adding data movement interface to resource compute resource. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Update the given GridFTP data movement details to a compute resource
* App catalog will return a dataMovementInterfaceId which will be added to the dataMovementInterfaces.
* @param jobSubmissionInterfaceId The identifier of the JobSubmission Interface to be updated.
* @param gridFTPDataMovement The GridFTPDataMovement object to be updated.
* @return status
* Returns a success/failure of the updation.
public boolean updateGridFTPDataMovementDetails(String jobSubmissionInterfaceId, GridFTPDataMovement gridFTPDataMovement) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
GridftpDataMovementResource movment = AppCatalogThriftConversion.getGridFTPDataMovementDescription(gridFTPDataMovement);
return true;
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while adding job submission interface to resource compute resource...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while adding job submission interface to resource compute resource. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Change the priority of a given job submisison interface
* @param jobSubmissionInterfaceId The identifier of the JobSubmission Interface to be changed
* @param newPriorityOrder
* @return status
* Returns a success/failure of the change.
public boolean changeJobSubmissionPriority(String jobSubmissionInterfaceId, int newPriorityOrder) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
return false;
* Change the priority of a given data movement interface
* @param dataMovementInterfaceId The identifier of the DataMovement Interface to be changed
* @param newPriorityOrder
* @return status
* Returns a success/failure of the change.
public boolean changeDataMovementPriority(String dataMovementInterfaceId, int newPriorityOrder) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
return false;
* Change the priorities of a given set of job submission interfaces
* @param jobSubmissionPriorityMap A Map of identifiers of the JobSubmission Interfaces and thier associated priorities to be set.
* @return status
* Returns a success/failure of the changes.
public boolean changeJobSubmissionPriorities(Map<String, Integer> jobSubmissionPriorityMap) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
return false;
* Change the priorities of a given set of data movement interfaces
* @param dataMovementPriorityMap A Map of identifiers of the DataMovement Interfaces and thier associated priorities to be set.
* @return status
* Returns a success/failure of the changes.
public boolean changeDataMovementPriorities(Map<String, Integer> dataMovementPriorityMap) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
return false;
* Delete a given job submisison interface
* @param jobSubmissionInterfaceId The identifier of the JobSubmission Interface to be changed
* @return status
* Returns a success/failure of the deletion.
public boolean deleteJobSubmissionInterface(String jobSubmissionInterfaceId) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
return true;
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while deleting job submission interface...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while deleting job submission interface. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Delete a given data movement interface
* @param dataMovementInterfaceId The identifier of the DataMovement Interface to be changed
* @return status
* Returns a success/failure of the deletion.
public boolean deleteDataMovementInterface(String dataMovementInterfaceId) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
return true;
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while deleting data movement interface...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while deleting data movement interface. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Register a Gateway Resource Profile.
* @param gatewayResourceProfile Gateway Resource Profile Object.
* The GatewayID should be obtained from Airavata gateway registration and passed to register a corresponding
* resource profile.
* @return status.
* Returns a success/failure of the registration.
public String registerGatewayResourceProfile(GatewayResourceProfile gatewayResourceProfile) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
GwyResourceProfile gatewayProfile = appCatalog.getGatewayProfile();
return gatewayProfile.addGatewayResourceProfile(gatewayResourceProfile);
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while registering gateway resource profile...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while registering gateway resource profile. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Fetch the given Gateway Resource Profile.
* @param gatewayID The identifier for the requested gateway resource
* @return gatewayResourceProfile
* Gateway Resource Profile Object.
public GatewayResourceProfile getGatewayResourceProfile(String gatewayID) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
GwyResourceProfile gatewayProfile = appCatalog.getGatewayProfile();
return gatewayProfile.getGatewayProfile(gatewayID);
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while retrieving gateway resource profile...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while retrieving gateway resource profile. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Update a Gateway Resource Profile.
* @param gatewayID The identifier for the requested gateway resource to be updated.
* @param gatewayResourceProfile Gateway Resource Profile Object.
* @return status
* Returns a success/failure of the update.
public boolean updateGatewayResourceProfile(String gatewayID, GatewayResourceProfile gatewayResourceProfile) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
GwyResourceProfile gatewayProfile = appCatalog.getGatewayProfile();
gatewayProfile.updateGatewayResourceProfile(gatewayID, gatewayResourceProfile);
return true;
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while updating gateway resource profile...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while updating gateway resource profile. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Delete the given Gateway Resource Profile.
* @param gatewayID The identifier for the requested gateway resource to be deleted.
* @return status
* Returns a success/failure of the deletion.
public boolean deleteGatewayResourceProfile(String gatewayID) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
GwyResourceProfile gatewayProfile = appCatalog.getGatewayProfile();
return true;
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while removing gateway resource profile...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while removing gateway resource profile. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Add a Compute Resource Preference to a registered gateway profile.
* @param gatewayID The identifier for the gateway profile to be added.
* @param computeResourceId Preferences related to a particular compute resource
* @param computeResourcePreference The ComputeResourcePreference object to be added to the resource profile.
* @return status
* Returns a success/failure of the addition. If a profile already exists, this operation will fail.
* Instead an update should be used.
public boolean addGatewayComputeResourcePreference(String gatewayID, String computeResourceId, ComputeResourcePreference computeResourcePreference) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
GwyResourceProfile gatewayProfile = appCatalog.getGatewayProfile();
if (!gatewayProfile.isGatewayResourceProfileExists(gatewayID)){
throw new AppCatalogException("Gateway resource profile '"+gatewayID+"' does not exist!!!");
GatewayResourceProfile profile = gatewayProfile.getGatewayProfile(gatewayID);
// gatewayProfile.removeGatewayResourceProfile(gatewayID);
gatewayProfile.updateGatewayResourceProfile(gatewayID, profile);
return true;
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while registering gateway resource profile preference...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while registering gateway resource profile preference. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Fetch a Compute Resource Preference of a registered gateway profile.
* @param gatewayID The identifier for the gateway profile to be requested
* @param computeResourceId Preferences related to a particular compute resource
* @return computeResourcePreference
* Returns the ComputeResourcePreference object.
public ComputeResourcePreference getGatewayComputeResourcePreference(String gatewayID, String computeResourceId) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
GwyResourceProfile gatewayProfile = appCatalog.getGatewayProfile();
ComputeResource computeResource = appCatalog.getComputeResource();
if (!gatewayProfile.isGatewayResourceProfileExists(gatewayID)){
logger.error("Given gateway profile does not exist in the system. Please provide a valid gateway id...");
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Given gateway profile does not exist in the system. Please provide a valid gateway id...");
throw exception;
if (!computeResource.isComputeResourceExists(computeResourceId)){
logger.error("Given compute resource does not exist in the system. Please provide a valid compute resource id...");
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Given compute resource does not exist in the system. Please provide a valid compute resource id...");
throw exception;
return gatewayProfile.getComputeResourcePreference(gatewayID, computeResourceId);
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while reading gateway compute resource preference...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while reading gateway compute resource preference. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Fetch all Compute Resource Preferences of a registered gateway profile.
* @param gatewayID The identifier for the gateway profile to be requested
* @return computeResourcePreference
* Returns the ComputeResourcePreference object.
public List<ComputeResourcePreference> getAllGatewayComputeResourcePreferences(String gatewayID) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
GwyResourceProfile gatewayProfile = appCatalog.getGatewayProfile();
return gatewayProfile.getGatewayProfile(gatewayID).getComputeResourcePreferences();
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while reading gateway compute resource preferences...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while reading gateway compute resource preferences. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Update a Compute Resource Preference to a registered gateway profile.
* @param gatewayID The identifier for the gateway profile to be updated.
* @param computeResourceId Preferences related to a particular compute resource
* @param computeResourcePreference The ComputeResourcePreference object to be updated to the resource profile.
* @return status
* Returns a success/failure of the updation.
public boolean updateGatewayComputeResourcePreference(String gatewayID, String computeResourceId, ComputeResourcePreference computeResourcePreference) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
GwyResourceProfile gatewayProfile = appCatalog.getGatewayProfile();
GatewayResourceProfile profile = gatewayProfile.getGatewayProfile(gatewayID);
List<ComputeResourcePreference> computeResourcePreferences = profile.getComputeResourcePreferences();
ComputeResourcePreference preferenceToRemove = null;
for (ComputeResourcePreference preference : computeResourcePreferences) {
if (preference.getComputeResourceId().equals(computeResourceId)){
if (preferenceToRemove!=null) {
gatewayProfile.updateGatewayResourceProfile(gatewayID, profile);
return true;
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while reading gateway compute resource preference...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while updating gateway compute resource preference. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;
* Delete the Compute Resource Preference of a registered gateway profile.
* @param gatewayID The identifier for the gateway profile to be deleted.
* @param computeResourceId Preferences related to a particular compute resource
* @return status
* Returns a success/failure of the deletion.
public boolean deleteGatewayComputeResourcePreference(String gatewayID, String computeResourceId) throws InvalidRequestException, AiravataClientException, AiravataSystemException, TException {
try {
appCatalog = AppCatalogFactory.getAppCatalog();
GwyResourceProfile gatewayProfile = appCatalog.getGatewayProfile();
GatewayResourceProfile profile = gatewayProfile.getGatewayProfile(gatewayID);
List<ComputeResourcePreference> computeResourcePreferences = profile.getComputeResourcePreferences();
ComputeResourcePreference preferenceToRemove = null;
for (ComputeResourcePreference preference : computeResourcePreferences) {
if (preference.getComputeResourceId().equals(computeResourceId)){
if (preferenceToRemove!=null) {
gatewayProfile.updateGatewayResourceProfile(gatewayID, profile);
return true;
} catch (AppCatalogException e) {
logger.error("Error while reading gateway compute resource preference...", e);
AiravataSystemException exception = new AiravataSystemException();
exception.setMessage("Error while updating gateway compute resource preference. More info : " + e.getMessage());
throw exception;