blob: f3a2bd6f38bec70a91dcf2022547c434eb83c961 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* Component Programming Interface definition for Apache Airavata User profile Service.
include "../../../airavata-apis/airavata_errors.thrift"
include "../../../airavata-apis/security_model.thrift"
include "../../../data-models/user-tenant-group-models/user_profile_model.thrift"
include "profile_user_cpi_errors.thrift"
include "../../../base-api/base_api.thrift"
namespace java org.apache.airavata.service.profile.user.cpi
namespace php Airavata.Service.Profile.User.CPI
namespace py airavata.service.profile.user.cpi
const string USER_PROFILE_CPI_VERSION = "0.18.0"
const string USER_PROFILE_CPI_NAME = "UserProfileService"
service UserProfileService extends base_api.BaseAPI {
* Create an initial UserProfile based on information in the IAM service for this user.
string initializeUserProfile (1: required security_model.AuthzToken authzToken)
throws (1: profile_user_cpi_errors.UserProfileServiceException upe,
2: airavata_errors.AuthorizationException ae);
* This method is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Airavata. Please use
* the initializeUserProfile method which fetches the information about the user profile from
* IAM service - @Deprecated
string addUserProfile (1: required security_model.AuthzToken authzToken,
2: required user_profile_model.UserProfile userProfile)
throws (1: profile_user_cpi_errors.UserProfileServiceException upe,
2: airavata_errors.AuthorizationException ae);
bool updateUserProfile (1: required security_model.AuthzToken authzToken,
2: required user_profile_model.UserProfile userProfile)
throws (1: profile_user_cpi_errors.UserProfileServiceException upe,
2: airavata_errors.AuthorizationException ae);
user_profile_model.UserProfile getUserProfileById (1: required security_model.AuthzToken authzToken,
2: required string userId,
3: required string gatewayId)
throws (1: profile_user_cpi_errors.UserProfileServiceException upe,
2: airavata_errors.AuthorizationException ae);
bool deleteUserProfile (1: required security_model.AuthzToken authzToken,
2: required string userId,
3: required string gatewayId)
throws (1: profile_user_cpi_errors.UserProfileServiceException upe,
2: airavata_errors.AuthorizationException ae);
list<user_profile_model.UserProfile> getAllUserProfilesInGateway (1: required security_model.AuthzToken authzToken,
2: required string gatewayId,
3: required i32 offset,
4: required i32 limit)
throws (1: profile_user_cpi_errors.UserProfileServiceException upe,
2: airavata_errors.AuthorizationException ae);
bool doesUserExist (1: required security_model.AuthzToken authzToken,
2: required string userId,
3: required string gatewayId)
throws (1: profile_user_cpi_errors.UserProfileServiceException upe,
2: airavata_errors.AuthorizationException ae);