blob: 1941d64836e587760d70eda539af7a46a6f41307 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
include "../../airavata-apis/airavata_commons.thrift"
include "../app-catalog-models/application_io_models.thrift"
include "scheduling_model.thrift"
include "status_models.thrift"
include "process_model.thrift"
include "airavata_workflow_model.thrift"
namespace java org.apache.airavata.model.experiment
namespace php Airavata.Model.Experiment
namespace cpp apache.airavata.model.experiment
namespace py airavata.model.experiment
enum ExperimentType {
enum ExperimentSearchFields {
enum ProjectSearchFields {
* A structure holding the experiment configuration.
struct UserConfigurationDataModel {
1: required bool airavataAutoSchedule = 0,
2: required bool overrideManualScheduledParams = 0,
3: optional bool shareExperimentPublicly = 0,
4: optional scheduling_model.ComputationalResourceSchedulingModel computationalResourceScheduling,
5: optional bool throttleResources = 0,
6: optional string userDN,
7: optional bool generateCert = 0,
8: optional string storageId;
9: optional string experimentDataDir;
10: optional bool useUserCRPref;
11: optional string groupResourceProfileId
* A structure holding the experiment metadata and its child models.
* userName:
* The user name of the targeted gateway end user on whose behalf the experiment is being created.
* the associated gateway identity can only be inferred from the security hand-shake so as to avoid
* authorized Airavata Clients mimicking an unauthorized request. If a gateway is not registered with
* Airavata, an authorization exception is thrown.
* experimentName:
* The name of the experiment as defined by the user. The name need not be unique as uniqueness is enforced
* by the generated experiment id.
* experimentDescription:
* The verbose description of the experiment. This is an optional parameter.
struct ExperimentModel {
1: required string experimentId = airavata_commons.DEFAULT_ID,
2: required string projectId,
3: required string gatewayId,
4: required ExperimentType experimentType = ExperimentType.SINGLE_APPLICATION,
5: required string userName,
6: required string experimentName,
7: optional i64 creationTime,
8: optional string description,
9: optional string executionId,
10: optional string gatewayExecutionId,
11: optional string gatewayInstanceId,
12: optional bool enableEmailNotification,
13: optional list<string> emailAddresses,
14: optional UserConfigurationDataModel userConfigurationData,
15: optional list<application_io_models.InputDataObjectType> experimentInputs,
16: optional list<application_io_models.OutputDataObjectType> experimentOutputs,
17: optional list<status_models.ExperimentStatus> experimentStatus,
18: optional list<airavata_commons.ErrorModel> errors,
19: optional list<process_model.ProcessModel> processes,
20: optional airavata_workflow_model.AiravataWorkflow workflow
struct ExperimentSummaryModel {
1: required string experimentId,
2: required string projectId,
3: required string gatewayId,
4: optional i64 creationTime,
5: required string userName,
6: required string name,
7: optional string description,
8: optional string executionId,
9: optional string resourceHostId,
10: optional string experimentStatus,
12: optional i64 statusUpdateTime
struct ExperimentStatistics {
1: required i32 allExperimentCount,
2: required i32 completedExperimentCount,
3: optional i32 cancelledExperimentCount,
4: required i32 failedExperimentCount,
5: required i32 createdExperimentCount,
6: required i32 runningExperimentCount,
7: required list<ExperimentSummaryModel> allExperiments,
8: optional list<ExperimentSummaryModel> completedExperiments,
9: optional list<ExperimentSummaryModel> failedExperiments,
10: optional list<ExperimentSummaryModel> cancelledExperiments,
11: optional list<ExperimentSummaryModel> createdExperiments,
12: optional list<ExperimentSummaryModel> runningExperiments,