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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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namespace java org.apache.airavata.sharing.registry.models
* <p>Domain is the entity that enables multi-tenency in this componenet. Every tenant will be
* operating separately it's own silo which is identified by the domain id. In the current implementation domain id
* will be same as the domain name</p>
* <li>domainId : Will be generated by the server based on the domain name</li>
* <li><b>name</b> : A single word name that identifies the domain e.g seagrid, ultrascan</li>
* <li>description : A short description for the domain</li>
* <li>createdTime : Will be set by the system</li>
* <li>updatedTime : Will be set by the system</li>
struct Domain {
1: optional string domainId = DO_NOT_SET_AT_CLIENTS_ID,
2: optional string name,
3: optional string description,
4: optional i64 createdTime,
5: optional i64 updatedTime
* <p>User is the model used to register a user in the system. Minimal user information will be required to provide
* regarding the user.</p>
* <li><b>userId</b> : User id provided by the client</li>
* <li><b>domainId</b> : Domain id for that user</li>
* <li><b>userName</b> : User name for the user</li>
* <li><b>firstName</b> : First name of the user</li>
* <li><b>lastName</b> : Last name of the user</li>
* <li><b>email</b> : Email address of the user</li>
* <li>icon : A binary field for storing the user icon</li>
* <li>createdTime : If client provides this value then the system will use it if not the current time will be set</li>
* <li>updatedTime : If client provides this value then the system will use it if not the current time will be set</li>
struct User {
1: optional string userId,
2: optional string domainId,
3: optional string userName,
4: optional string firstName,
5: optional string lastName,
6: optional string email,
7: optional binary icon,
8: optional i64 createdTime,
9: optional i64 updatedTime
* <p>This is an system internal enum used to define single user groups and multi users groups. Every user is also
* considered as a group in it's own right for implementation ease</p>
enum GroupCardinality {
* <p>Group types can be either user level or domain level groups.</p>
enum GroupType {
*<p>User group is a collection of users.</p>
* <li><b>groupId</b> : Group id provided by the client</li>
* <li><b>domainId</b> : Domain id for this user group</li>
* <li><b>name</b> : Name for the user group. should be one word</li>
* <li>description : Short description for the group.</li>
* <li><b>ownerId</b> : Owner id of this group.</li>
* <li><b>groupType</b> : Group type (DOMAIN_LEVEL_GROUP, USER_LEVEL_GROUP)</li>
* <li><b>groupCardinality</b> : Group cardinality (SINGLE_USER, MULTI_USER)</li>
* <li>createdTime : Will be set by the system</li>
* <li>updatedTime : Will be set by the system</li>
struct UserGroup {
1: optional string groupId,
2: optional string domainId,
3: optional string name,
4: optional string description,
5: optional string ownerId,
6: optional GroupType groupType,
7: optional GroupCardinality groupCardinality,
8: optional i64 createdTime,
9: optional i64 updatedTime
* <p>System internal data type to match group child types</p>
enum GroupChildType {
* <p>System internal data type to map group memberships</p>
struct GroupMembership {
1: optional string parentId,
2: optional string childId,
3: optional string domainId,
4: optional GroupChildType childType
5: optional i64 createdTime,
6: optional i64 updatedTime
* <p>client defined entity types</p>
* <li><b>entityTypeId</b> : Entity type id provided by the client</li>
* <li><b>domainId</b> : Domain id of the domain.</li>
* <li><b>name</b> : Name for the entity type. Should be a single word.</li>
* <li>description : Short description for the entity type.</li>
* <li>createdTime : Will be set by the system</li>
* <li>updatedTime : Will be set by the system</li>
struct EntityType {
1: optional string entityTypeId,
2: optional string domainId,
3: optional string name,
4: optional string description,
5: optional i64 createdTime,
6: optional i64 updatedTime
* <p>This list of fields that can be used to search entities</p>
* <li>NAME : Name of the entity</li>
* <li>DESCRIPTION : Description of the entity</li>
* <li>FULL_TEXT : Full text field of the entity</li>
* <li>PARENT_ENTITY_ID : Parent entity id of the entity</li>
* <li>OWNER_ID : Owner of the entity</li>
* <li>CREATED_TIME : Created time of the entity</li>
* <li>UPDATED_TIME : Updated time of the entity</li>
* <li>SHARED_COUNT : Number of directly shared users and groups</li>
enum EntitySearchField {
* <p>Different search operators that can be used with the entity search fields</p>
* <li>EQUAL : Simply matches for equality. Applicable for name, and parent entity id</li>
* <li>LIKE : Check for the condition %$FIELD% condition. Applicable for name, and description</li>
* <li>FULL_TEXT : Does a full text search. Only applicable for the FULL_TEXT field.</li>
* <li>GTE : Greater than or equal. Only applicable for created time, updated time and shared count.</li>
* <li>LTE : Less than or equal. Only applicable for created time, updated time and shared count.</li>
enum SearchCondition {
* <p>Container object for search criteria</p>
* <li><b>searchField</b> : Entity search field</li>
* <li><b>value</b> : Search value</li>
* <li><b>searchCondition</b> : EQUAL, LIKE etc..</li>
struct SearchCriteria {
1: optional EntitySearchField searchField,
2: optional string value,
3: optional SearchCondition searchCondition
* <p>Entity object which is used to register an entity in the system.</p>
* <li><b>entityId</b> : Entity id provided by the client</li>
* <li><b>domainId</b> : Domain id</li>
* <li><b>entityTypeId</b> : Entity type id</li>
* <li><b>ownerId</b> : Owner id</li>
* <li>parentEntityId : Parent entity id</li>
* <li><b>name</b> : Name</li>
* <li>description : Short description for the entity</li>
* <li>binaryData : Any information stored in binary format</li>
* <li>fullText : A string which will be considered for full text search</li>
* <li><b>originalEntityCreationTime</b> : When registering old records what is the original entity creation time. If not
* set will be default to current time</li>
* <li>createdTime : Will be set by the system</li>
* <li>updatedTime : Will be set by the system</li>
struct Entity {
1: optional string entityId,
2: optional string domainId,
3: optional string entityTypeId,
4: optional string ownerId,
5: optional string parentEntityId,
6: optional string name,
7: optional string description,
8: optional binary binaryData,
9: optional string fullText,
10: optional i64 sharedCount = 0,
11: optional i64 originalEntityCreationTime,
12: optional i64 createdTime,
13: optional i64 updatedTime
* <p>Object for creating client defined permission type</p>
* <li><b>permissionTypeId</b> : Permission type id provided by the client</li>
* <li><b>domainId</b> : Domain id</li>
* <li><b>name</b> : Single word name for the permission</li>
* <li>description : Short description for the permission type</li>
* <li>createdTime : Will be set by the system</li>
* <li>updatedTime : Will be set by the system</li>
struct PermissionType {
1: optional string permissionTypeId,
2: optional string domainId,
3: optional string name,
4: optional string description,
5: optional i64 createdTime,
6: optional i64 updatedTime
* <p>This is an internal enum type for managing sharings</p>
enum SharingType {
* <p>This is an internal enum type for managing sharings</p>
struct Sharing {
1: optional string permissionTypeId,
2: optional string entityId,
3: optional string groupId,
4: optional SharingType sharingType,
5: optional string domainId,
6: optional string inheritedParentId,
7: optional i64 createdTime,
8: optional i64 updatedTime
* <p>Exception model used in the sharing registry service</p>
exception SharingRegistryException {
1: required string message
* This exception is thrown when you try to save a duplicate entity that already exists
* in the database.
* message: contains the associated error message
exception DuplicateEntryException {
1: required string message