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title: Home
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<p>We accelerate your scientific discoveries</p>
<h1 class="theme-h1-header">
Middleware for your experiments
on distributed computational resources
<p>Compose, manage, execute, and monitor computational
jobs and workflows on distributed computational
including local clusters, supercomputers, national grids,
academic and commercial clouds resources</p>
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<div class="ui fluid container" style="background-color: #000; padding-top: 2rem; padding-bottom: 2rem">
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<div class="text-light">Science Gateway Platform as a Service (SciGap) powered by Airavata</div>
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class="theme-link right floated"> Visit <i class="arrow circle right icon"></i></a>
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<h2 class="theme-h2-header">Airavata Software Platform</h2>
<p>Apache Airavata originated from the Extreme Computing Lab at Indiana University then directed by Dr.
Dennis Gannon. The concepts and initial versions of the code is a byproduct of over a dozen PhD
dissertations and years of research and development efforts. The software is initially envisioned to
meet the challenging goals of the [Linked Environments for Atmospheric Discovery (LEAD) project.</p>
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<a class="item active" data-tab="custos">Custos</a>
<a class="item" data-tab="mft">MFT</a>
<a class="item" data-tab="django">Django</a>
<div class="ui bottom attached tab segment active padded-tab" data-tab="custos">
<div class="theme-h2-sub-header">SECURITY MIDDLEWARE FOR SCIENCE GATEWAYS</div>
<div class="theme-h3-header">Custos Security Framework</div>
<div class="padded-tab-content">Science gateways represent potential targets for cybersecurity threats
to users, scientific research,
and scientific resources. Custos is a software framework that provides common security operations
for science gateways, including user identity and access management, gateway tenant profile
management, resource secrets management, and groups and sharing management.
The goals of the Custos project are to provide these services to a wide range of science gateway
frameworks, providing the community with an open source, transparent, and reviewed code base for
common security operations; and to operate trustworthy security services for the science gateway
community using this software base.
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on Github <i class="arrow circle right icon"></i> </a>
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<div class="theme-h2-sub-header">MANAGED FILE TRANSFER</div>
<div class="theme-h3-header">Apache MFT</div>
<div class="padded-tab-content">Airavata Managed File Transfer (MFT) is the Apache Airavata’s own Data
Movement Implementation
Framework to avoid traffic flowing through the Airavata Server when moving the data from one cloud
storage to another cloud storage. Moving out of the cloud storage to another network seems costly
with external cloud providers like Azure, AWS, etc due to the increase of the egress traffic, the
MFT framework helps to avoid it.
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Github <i class="arrow circle right icon"></i> </a>
<div class="ui bottom attached tab segment padded-tab" data-tab="django">
<div class="theme-h2-sub-header">web interface to the Apache Airavata API</div>
<div class="theme-h3-header">Apache Airavata Django Portal</div>
<div class="padded-tab-content">The Airavata Django Portal is a web interface to the Apache Airavata API
implemented using the Django web
framework. The intention is that the Airavata Django Portal can be used as is for a full featured
web based
science gateway but it can also be customized through various plugins to add more domain specific
as needed.
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href="">View on Github <i
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<h2 class="theme-h2-header">How It Works?</h2>
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<p>Gateways use Airavata to manage application and workflow executions on a range of backend resources.
Airavata's design goal is to provide component
abstractions for major tasks required to provide gateway application management.</p>
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<a class="header">CREATE PROJECTS</a>
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<img class="ui tiny image" src="/assets/img/organize.svg">
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<a class="header">ORGANIZE DATA</a>
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<img class="ui tiny image" src="/assets/img/experiments.svg">
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<a class="header">RUN EXPERIMENTS</a>
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<a class="header">SHARE WITH COMMUNITY</a>
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<h2 class="theme-h2-header"></h2>
<div class="theme-h2-sub-header">Built with Airavata</div>
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<p>Science Gateway Platform as a Service (SciGaP) is the hosted Apache Airavata middleware. The
hosted SciGaP provides middleware services for gateways to manage computations and computational
data. Research communities can request gateway services from SciGaP.</p>
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class="theme-link"> Visit <i class="arrow circle right icon"></i></a>
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