blob: c875fb963e9d3b2d3e51eef8dbeade2849082d5e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* under the License.
namespace java org.apache.airavata.orchestrator
struct HPCSettings {
1:optional string jobManager;
2:optional i32 cpuCount;
3:optional i32 nodeCount;
4:optional string queueName;
5:optional i32 maxWalltime;
struct HostSchedulingSettings {
1:optional string hostID;
2:optional bool isWSGramPreferred;
3:optional string gatekeeperEPR;
struct NameValuePairType {
1:optional string name;
2:optional string value;
3:optional string description;
struct WorkflowSchedulingSettings {
1:optional list<NodeSettings> nodeSettingsList;
struct OutputDataSettings {
1:optional string nodeID;
2:optional string outputdataDir;
3:optional string dataRegURL;
4:optional bool isdataPersisted;
struct WorkflowOutputDataSettings{
1:optional list<OutputDataSettings> outputDataSettingsList;
struct SSHAuthenticationSettings {
1:optional string accessKeyID;
2:optional string secretAccessKey;
struct MyProxyRepositorySettings {
1:optional string userName;
2:optional string password;
3:optional string myproxyServer;
4:optional i32 lifetime;
struct CredentialStoreSecuritySettings {
1:optional string tokenId;
2:optional string portalUser;
3:optional string gatewayID;
struct AmazonWebServicesSettings {
1:optional string accessKey;
2:optional string amiID;
3:optional string instanceID;
4:optional string instanceType;
5:optional string secretAccessKey;
6:optional string username;
struct SecuritySettings {
1:optional AmazonWebServicesSettings amazonWSSettings;
2:optional CredentialStoreSecuritySettings credentialStoreSettings;
3:optional MyProxyRepositorySettings myproxySettings;
4:optional SSHAuthenticationSettings sshAuthSettings;
struct ExperimentAdvanceOptions {
1:optional string executionUser;
2:optional string metadata;
3:optional string experimentName;
4:optional string customExperimentId;
5:optional WorkflowSchedulingSettings workflowSchedulingSettings;
6:optional WorkflowOutputDataSettings workflowOutputDataSettings;
7:optional SecuritySettings securitySettings;
service InterpreterService {
string createExperiment(1:string executionUser,2:string applicationName),
string submitExperiment(1:map<string,string> applicationInputs, 2: ExperimentAdvanceOptions experimentAdOptions)