blob: 5afa5d76b398473d5a138872b81169fdfdb481f2 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Density Functional Methods (DFT) Keywords
Last Update: 6/26/2001
%class DFT
%state INTVAL
%state MMMM
%state NNNN
%state AU
public static boolean DEBUG = false;
/* ______
Macros */
LineTerminator = \r|\n|\r\n
InputCharacter = [^\r\n]
WhiteSpace = {LineTerminator} | [ \t\f]
/* ________
Comments */
Comment = {TraditionalComment} | {EndOfLineComment} | {DocumentationComment}
TraditionalComment = "/*" [^*] ~"*/"
EndOfLineComment = "//" {InputCharacter}* {LineTerminator}
DocumentationComment = "/**" {CommentContent} "*"+ "/"
CommentContent = ( [^*] | \*+ [^/*] )* /* adjust syntax font-lock */
Identifier = [:jletter:] [:jletterdigit:]*
/* ________________________________________________________________
A literal integer is is a number beginning with a number between
one and nine followed by zero or more numbers between
zero and nine or just a zero.
A identifier integer is a word beginning a letter between A and Z,
a and z, or an underscore followed by zero or more letters between
A and Z, a and z, zero and nine, or an underscore. */
dec_int_lit = 0 | [1-9][0-9]*
dec_int_id = [A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*
DIGIT = [0-9]
FLOAT = [+|-]?{DIGIT}+"."{DIGIT}*(["D"|"d"|"E"|"e"]([+|-]?){DIGIT}+)?
INT = [+|-]?{DIGIT}+
BOOL = [T|F]
WORD = [A-Za-z]+
WORDLIST = ["("]? [1A-Za-z]+ (","[A-Za-z]+)* [")"]?
GRAB = [^(" "|\r|\n|\r\n| \t\f)]+
TOEOL = ~(\r|\n|\r\n)
/* ____________________
Exchange Functionals */
"HFS" {if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
"XAlpha" {if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
"HFB" {if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
/* ______________________________________________
Exchange Functionals Combined with Correlation */
"PW91" {if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
"S" {if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
"XA" {if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
"B" {if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
"MPW" {if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
"G96" {if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
/* ___________________________________________________________
Correlation Functionals: must be combined with an exchange */
"VWN" {if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
"LSDA" {if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
"VWN5" {if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
"LYP" {if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
"PL" {if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
"P86" {if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
"PW91" {if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
"B96" {if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
/* __________________
Hybrid Functionals */
"B3LYP" {if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
"B3P86" {if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
"B3PW91" {if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
"B1B96" {if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
"B1LHYP" {if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
"MPW1PW91" {if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
"G961LYP" {if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
"BHandH" {if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
"BHandHLYP" {if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
/* ____________________________________________________________
User-defined, local exchange, non-local exchange corrections */
"IOp(5/45=" {yybegin(MMMM);
if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
"IOp(5/46=" {yybegin(MMMM);
if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
"IOp(5/47=" {yybegin(MMMM);
if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
.|\n {}
{INT} {yybegin(NNNN);
if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
{INT} {yybegin(YYINITIAL);
if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
/* __________________________________________________
Accuracy considerations; convergence and stability */
"Int=FineGrid" {if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
"Int(Grid=" {if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
"SCF=Tight" {if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
"SCF=VShift" {if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
"SCF=QC" {if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
"Stable=Opt" {if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
.|\n {}
/* ________________
Examples, energy */
{FLOAT} {if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
"A.U. after" {if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
{FLOAT} {if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
{INT} {if (Settings.DEBUG) System.out.println(yytext());
.|\n {}
.|\n {}