blob: a582e39579a4c93f6ae6891a9398a6f36e684ccf [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package calcInfo;
message CalcInfo{
// System generated key
string calcinfo_id = 1;
// Primary key
string smiles = 2;
// The number of basis functions for the computation. number
int64 nbasis = 3;
// The number of molecular orbitals for the computation. number
int64 nmo = 4;
// The number of alpha electrons in the computation. number
int64 nalpha = 5;
// The number of beta electrons in the computation. number
int64 nbeta = 6;
// The number of atoms in the computation. number
int64 natom = 7;
// The energy of the requested method, identical to return_value for energy computations. number
double energy = 8;
message CreateInfoRequest {
CalcInfo calcInfo = 1;
message CreateInfoResponse {
CalcInfo calcInfo = 1;
message ReadInfoRequest {
string id = 1;
message ReadInfoResponse {
CalcInfo calcInfo = 1;
message UpdateInfoRequest {
CalcInfo calcInfo = 1;
message UpdateInfoResponse {
CalcInfo calcInfo = 1;
message DeleteInfoRequest {
string calcInfo_id = 1;
message DeleteInfoResponse {
string calcInfo_id = 1;
message ListInfoRequest {}
message ListInfoResponse {
CalcInfo calcInfo = 1;
service CalcInfoService {
rpc CreateCalcinfo (CreateInfoRequest) returns (CreateInfoResponse) {};
rpc ReadCalcInfo (ReadInfoRequest) returns (ReadInfoResponse) {};
rpc UpdateCalcInfo (UpdateInfoRequest) returns (UpdateInfoResponse) {};
rpc DeleteCalcInfo (DeleteInfoRequest) returns (DeleteInfoResponse) {};
rpc ListCalcInfo (ListInfoRequest) returns (stream ListInfoResponse) {};
// python -m grpc_tools.protoc --proto_path=./ --python_out=../codegen --grpc_python_out=../codegen ./calc_info.proto