blob: 194d2f2f8cf3d34f1ebd8de4af23d2be84b0b886 [file] [log] [blame]
This project contains the implementation of the the components that compose the microservice based task execution workflow framework for Airavata
Design document and the user guide to install in a development environment can be found in the project root directory.
Implementation of microservices can be found in modules -> mircoservices directory
Implementation of the Web Console can be found in web-console directory
To build docker images for each micoservice, goto the module and run
mvn clean install docker:build -DdockerImageTags=v1.0
If you are running this for the first time, run mvn clean install at the root of the project
When running in a local machine, add following host entries to /etc/hosts file db.default.svc.cluster.local kafka.default.svc.cluster.local api-server.default.svc.cluster.local
When running as docker containers, pass following environment variables to api-server container
spring_datasource_username=<db user>
spring_datasource_password=<db password>