blob: 238706cba51637a29b0610e607649131d2a85db6 [file] [log] [blame]
use Airavata\Model\Workspace\Notification;
use Airavata\Model\Workspace\NotificationPriority;
class CommonUtilities
* Print success message
* @param $message
public static function print_success_message($message)
echo '<div class="alert alert-success">' . $message . '</div>';
* Print warning message
* @param $message
public static function print_warning_message($message)
echo '<div class="alert alert-warning">' . $message . '</div>';
* Print error message
* @param $message
public static function print_error_message($message)
echo '<div class="alert alert-danger">' . $message . '</div>';
* Print info message
* @param $message
public static function print_info_message($message)
echo '<div class="alert alert-info">' . $message . '</div>';
* Redirect to the given url
* @param $url
public static function redirect($url)
echo '<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; URL=' . $url . '">';
* Return true if the form has been submitted
* @return bool
public static function form_submitted()
return isset($_POST['Submit']);
* Store username in session variables
* @param $username
public static function store_id_in_session($username)
Session::put('username', $username);
Session::put('loggedin', true);
* Return true if the username stored in the session
* @return bool
public static function id_in_session()
if (Session::has("username") && Session::has('loggedin'))
return true;
return false;
* Verify if the user is already logged in. If not, redirect to the home page.
public static function verify_login()
if (CommonUtilities::id_in_session()) {
return true;
} else {
CommonUtilities::print_error_message('User is not logged in!');
return false;
* Create navigation bar
* Used for all pages
public static function create_nav_bar()
$menus = array();
if ( Session::has('loggedin') &&
( Session::has('authorized-user') || Session::has('admin') || Session::has('admin-read-only')) &&
) {
$menus = array
'Project' => array
array('label' => 'Create', 'url' => URL::to('/') . '/project/create', "nav-active" => "project"),
array('label' => 'Browse', 'url' => URL::to('/') . '/project/browse', "nav-active" => "project")
'Experiment' => array
array('label' => 'Create', 'url' => URL::to('/') . '/experiment/create', "nav-active" => "experiment"),
array('label' => 'Browse', 'url' => URL::to('/') . '/experiment/browse', "nav-active" => "experiment")
if( isset( Config::get('pga_config.portal')['jira-help']))
$menus['Help'] = array();
if( Config::get('pga_config.portal')['jira-help']['report-issue-script'] != ''
&& Config::get('pga_config.portal')['jira-help']['report-issue-collector-id'] != '')
$menus['Help'][] = array('label' => 'Report Issue', 'url' => '#', "nav-active", "");
// array('label' => 'Forgot Password?', 'url' => URL::to('/') . '/forgot-password', "nav-active" => "")
if( Config::get('pga_config.portal')['jira-help']['request-feature-script'] != ''
&& Config::get('pga_config.portal')['jira-help']['request-feature-collector-id'] != '')
$menus['Help'][] = array('label' => 'Request Feature', 'url' => '#', "nav-active", "");
if( count( $menus['Help'] ) == 0 )
unset( $menus['Help']);
$navbar = '<nav class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-static-top" role="navigation">
<div class="container-fluid">
<!-- Brand and toggle get grouped for better mobile display -->
<div class="navbar-header">
<button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#bs-example-navbar-collapse-2">
<span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>
<span class="icon-bar"></span>
<span class="icon-bar"></span>
<span class="icon-bar"></span>
<a class="navbar-brand" href="' . URL::to('home') . '" title="PHP Gateway with Airavata">PGA</a>
<!-- Collect the nav links, forms, and other content for toggling -->
<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="bs-example-navbar-collapse-2">
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">';
$navbar .= '<li>
<a href="' . URL::to("/") . '">
<span class="brand-logo"></span>
foreach ($menus as $label => $options) {
Session::has('loggedin') ? $disabled = '' : $disabled = ' class="disabled"';
$active = "";
if (Session::has("nav-active") && isset($options[0]['nav-active'])) {
if ($options[0]['nav-active'] == Session::get("nav-active"))
$active = " active ";
$navbar .= '<li class="dropdown ' . $active . '">
<a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">' . $label . '<span class="caret"></span></a>
<ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">';
if (Session::has('loggedin')) {
foreach ($options as $option) {
$id = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '-', $option['label']));
$navbar .= '<li' . $disabled . '><a href="' . $option['url'] . '" id=' . $id . '>' . $option['label'] . '</a></li>';
$navbar .= '</ul></li>';
$active = "";
if(Session::has('loggedin') &&
(Session::has('authorized-user') || Session::has('admin') || Session::has('admin-read-only')) &&
if( Session::get("nav-active") == "storage")
$active = "active";
$navbar .= '<li class="' . $active . '"><a href="' . URL::to("/") . '/files/browse"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-folder-close"></span> Storage</a></li>';
$navbar .= '</ul>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">';
// right-aligned content
if (Session::has('loggedin')) {
$active = "";
if (Session::has("nav-active")) {
if ("user-console" == Session::get("nav-active") || "user-dashboard" == Session::get("nav-active"))
$active = " active ";
if( Session::has('authorized-user') || Session::has('admin') || Session::has('admin-read-only') || Session::has('gateway-provider')){
//notification bell
$notices = array();
if (CommonUtilities::isAiravataUp()) {
$notices = CommonUtilities::get_all_notices();
$navbar .= CommonUtilities::get_notices_ui( $notices);
if ( (Session::has("admin") || Session::has("admin-read-only")) && !Session::has("gateway-provider") )
$navbar .= '<li class="' . $active . '"><a href="' . URL::to("/") . '/admin/dashboard"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></span>Admin Dashboard</a></li>';
$navbar .= '<li class="' . $active . '"><a href="' . URL::to("/") . '/admin/dashboard"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></span>Dashboard</a></li>';
$navbar .= '<li class="dropdown' . (Session::get("nav-active") == 'user-menu' ? ' active' : '') . '">
<a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">' . Session::get("username") . ' <span class="caret"></span></a>';
$navbar .= '<ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">';
if ( Session::has("existing-gateway-provider")) {
$requestedGateways = Session::get("requestedGateways");
foreach( $requestedGateways as $gatewayId => $gateway){
if( $gateway["approvalStatus"] == "Approved"){
$navbar .= '<li><a href="' . URL::to('/') . '/admin/dashboard?gatewayId=' . $gateway["gatewayInfo"]->gatewayId . '">Manage ' . $gateway["gatewayInfo"]->gatewayName . '</a></li>';
if( Session::has('authorized-user') || Session::has('admin') || Session::has('admin-read-only') || Session::has('gateway-provider') ){
$navbar .= '<li><a href="' . URL::to('/') . '/account/settings"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-cog"></span> User settings</a></li>';
$navbar .= '<li><a href="' . URL::to('/') . '/logout"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-log-out"></span> Log out</a></li>';
$navbar .= '</ul></li>';
} else {
if( CommonUtilities::hasAuthPasswordOption() ){
$navbar .= '<li><a href="' . URL::to('/') . '/create"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></span> Create account</a></li>';
$navbar .= '<li><a href="' . URL::to('/') . '/login"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-log-in"></span> Log in</a></li>';
$navbar .= '</ul></div></div></nav>';
// Check if theme user has created links in their theme to the login and create account page.
if( !Session::has('loggedin') &&
isset( Config::get('pga_config.portal')['theme-based-login-links-configured']))
if( Config::get('pga_config.portal')['theme-based-login-links-configured'] ){
$navbar = "";
echo $navbar;
public static function get_notices_ui( $notices){
$notifVisibility = "";
$publishedNoticesCount = 0;
$currentTime = floatval( time()*1000);
$noticesUI = "";
foreach( $notices as $notice){
$endTime = $notice->expirationTime;
if( $endTime == null)
$endTime = $currentTime;
if( $currentTime >= $notice->publishedTime && $currentTime <= $endTime)
$textColor = "text-info";
if( $notice->priority == NotificationPriority::LOW)
$textColor = "text-primary";
elseif( $notice->priority ==NotificationPriority::NORMAL)
$textColor = "text-warning";
elseif( $notice->priority == NotificationPriority::HIGH)
$textColor = "text-danger";
$noticesUI .= '
<div class="notification">
<div class="notification-title ' . $textColor . '">' . $notice->title . '</div>
<div class="notification-description"><strong>' . $notice->notificationMessage . '</strong></div>
<div class="notification-ago time" unix-time="' . $notice->publishedTime/1000 . '">' . date("m/d/Y h:i:s A T", $notice->publishedTime/1000) . '</div>
<div class="notification-icon"></div>
</div> <!-- / .notification -->
$countOfNotices = $publishedNoticesCount;
$newNotices = 0;
if( Session::has("notice-count")){
$newNotices = $countOfNotices - Session::get("notice-count");
$newNotices = $countOfNotices;
if( $newNotices <=0)
$notifVisibility = "hide";
$noticesUI = '<li clas="dropdown" style="color:#fff; relative">' .
'<a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle notif-link" data-toggle="dropdown">' .
'<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-bell notif-bell"></span>' .
'<span class="notif-num ' . $notifVisibility . '" data-total-notices="' . $countOfNotices . '">' . $newNotices . '</span>'.
'<div class="dropdown-menu widget-notifications no-padding" style="width: 300px"><div class="slimScrollDiv"><div class="notifications-list" id="main-navbar-notifications">'
. $noticesUI;
$noticesUI .= '
</div><div class="slimScrollBar" style=""></div>
<div class="slimScrollRail" style=""></div></div> <!-- / .notifications-list -->';
// NOTE: There is a legacy issue where gateway-provider users were also
// given the admin role. To allow gateway-provider users to see
// notifications but not be able to manage them we have to check that
// the user doesn't have the gateway-provider role.
// if ( Session::has("admin") && !Session::has("gateway-provider"))
if ( Session::has("admin") && !Session::has("gateway-provider"))
$noticesUI .= '<a href="' . URL::to('/') . '/admin/dashboard/notices" class="notifications-link">Manage Notifications</a>';
$noticesUI .= '<a href="#" class="notifications-link"></a>';
$noticesUI .= '</div>'.'</li>';
return $noticesUI;
* Add attributes to the HTTP header.
public static function create_http_header()
header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate');
header('Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', false);
header('Pragma: no-cache');
* Open the XML file containing the community token
* @param $tokenFilePath
* @throws Exception
public static function open_tokens_file($tokenFilePath)
if (file_exists($tokenFilePath)) {
$tokenFile = simplexml_load_file($tokenFilePath);
} else {
throw new Exception('Error: Cannot connect to tokens database!');
if (!$tokenFile) {
throw new Exception('Error: Cannot open tokens database!');
* Get All Notifications for a gateway
* @param
public static function get_all_notices(){
return Airavata::getAllNotifications( Session::get('authz-token'), Session::get("gateway_id"));
public static function get_notice_priorities(){
return NotificationPriority::$__names;
public static function arrSortObjsByKey($key, $order = 'DESC') {
return function($a, $b) use ($key, $order) {
// Swap order if necessary
if ($order == 'DESC') {
list($a, $b) = array($b, $a);
// Check data type
if (is_numeric($a->$key)) {
return $a->$key - $b->$key; // compare numeric
} else {
return strnatcasecmp($a->$key, $b->$key); // compare string
* Convert from UTC time to local time. Units are seconds since Unix Epoch.
public static function convertUTCToLocal($utcTime) {
$timeDifference = Session::get("user_timezone");
$addOrSubtract = "-";
if( $timeDifference < 0)
$addOrSubtract = "+";
return strtotime( $addOrSubtract . " " . abs($timeDifference) . " hours", $utcTime);
* Convert from local time to UTC time. Units are seconds since Unix Epoch.
public static function convertLocalToUTC($localTime) {
$timeDifference = Session::get("user_timezone");
$addOrSubtract = "-";
if( $timeDifference > 0)
$addOrSubtract = "+";
return strtotime( $addOrSubtract . " " . abs($timeDifference) . " hours", $localTime);
public static function isAiravataUp() {
// Cache whether Airavata is up in the REQUEST scope
if (array_key_exists("isAiravataUp", $_REQUEST)) {
return $_REQUEST["isAiravataUp"];
$_REQUEST["isAiravataUp"] = CommonUtilities::checkIfAiravataIsUp();
return $_REQUEST["isAiravataUp"];
private static function checkIfAiravataIsUp() {
try {
$version = Airavata::getAPIVersion(Session::get('authz-token'));
return true;
} catch (Exception $e) {
Log::error("Airavata is down!", array("exception" => $e));
return false;
public static function getInitialRoleName() {
return Config::get('pga_config.wsis.initial-role-name', 'user-pending');
* Filter given list of role names to only include Airavata roles.
public static function filterAiravataRoles($roles) {
return array_filter($roles, function($role) {
return $role == Config::get('pga_config.wsis.admin-role-name')
|| $role == Config::get('')
|| $role == Config::get('pga_config.wsis.user-role-name')
|| $role == Config::get('pga_config.wsis.initial-role-name')
|| $role == 'user-pending'
|| $role == 'gateway-provider';
public static function hasAuthPasswordOption() {
return CommonUtilities::getAuthPasswordOption() != null;
public static function getAuthPasswordOption() {
$auth_options = Config::get('pga_config.wsis')['auth-options'];
$auth_password_option_array = array_filter($auth_options, function($auth_option) {
return $auth_option["oauth-grant-type"] == "password";
return count($auth_password_option_array) > 0 ? $auth_password_option_array[0] : null;
public static function getAuthCodeOptions() {
$auth_options = Config::get('pga_config.wsis')['auth-options'];
// Support for many external identity providers (authorization code auth flow)
$auth_code_options = array();
foreach ($auth_options as $auth_option) {
if ($auth_option["oauth-grant-type"] == "password") {
} else if ($auth_option["oauth-grant-type"] == "authorization_code") {
$extra_params = isset($auth_option["oauth-authorize-url-extra-params"]) ? $auth_option["oauth-authorize-url-extra-params"] : null;
$auth_url = Keycloak::getOAuthRequestCodeUrl($extra_params);
$auth_option["auth_url"] = $auth_url;
$auth_code_options[] = $auth_option;
} else {
throw new Exception("Unrecognized oauth-grant-type: " . $auth_option["oauth-grant-type"]);
return $auth_code_options;