blob: 2523a5f4d9b90a5be45a4c70939851fc2a77a469 [file] [log] [blame]
<!-- Jira Issue Collector - Report Issue -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<!-- Jira Issue Collector - Request Feature -->
@if( isset( Config::get('pga_config.portal')['jira-help']))
{{-- Only load these scripts if they have been configured (not empty string) --}}
<script type="text/javascript"
src="{{ Config::get('pga_config.portal')['jira-help']['report-issue-script'] }}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript"
src="{{ Config::get('pga_config.portal')['jira-help']['request-feature-script'] }}"></script>
@if(Config::get('pga_config.portal')['jira-help']['report-issue-collector-id'] && Config::get('pga_config.portal')['jira-help']['request-feature-collector-id'])
<script type="text/javascript">
window.ATL_JQ_PAGE_PROPS = $.extend(window.ATL_JQ_PAGE_PROPS, {
"{{ Config::get('pga_config.portal')['jira-help']['report-issue-collector-id'] }}": {
"triggerFunction": function (showCollectorDialog) {
//Requries that jQuery is available!
jQuery("#report-issue").click(function (e) {
},fieldValues: {
email : typeof email !== 'undefined' ? email : "",
fullname : typeof fullName !== 'undefined' ? fullName : ""
"{{ Config::get('pga_config.portal')['jira-help']['request-feature-collector-id'] }}": {
"triggerFunction": function (showCollectorDialog) {
//Requries that jQuery is available!
jQuery("#request-feature").click(function (e) {
},fieldValues: {
email : typeof email !== 'undefined' ? email : "",
fullname : typeof fullName !== 'undefined' ? fullName : ""
<script type="text/javascript">
$( document).ready( function(){
var highest = null;
$(".nav-tabs a").each(function () { //find the height of your highest link
var h = $(this).height();
if (h > highest) {
highest = $(this).height();
$(".nav-tabs a").height(highest); //set all your links to that height.
// not letting users to add only spaces in text boxes.
$("body").on("blur", ".form-control", function () {
//find users' current time.
if ("{{ Session::get('user_time') }}".length == 0) {
var visitortime = new Date();
var visitortimezone = visitortime.getTimezoneOffset() / 60;
type: "GET",
url: "{{URL::to('/')}}/setUserTimezone",
data: 'timezone=' + visitortimezone,
success: function () {