#94 Rich client messages
diff --git a/python-cli/mft_cli/airavata_mft_cli/base.py b/python-cli/mft_cli/airavata_mft_cli/base.py
index 4e9a6a8..92d28bd 100644
--- a/python-cli/mft_cli/airavata_mft_cli/base.py
+++ b/python-cli/mft_cli/airavata_mft_cli/base.py
@@ -19,16 +19,26 @@
 import typer
 import airavata_mft_cli.operations as operations
 import airavata_mft_cli.bootstrap as bootstrap
+import grpc
+from rich import print
 app = typer.Typer()
 def list(storage_path):
-  operations.list(storage_path)
+  try:
+    operations.list(storage_path)
+  except grpc.RpcError as rpc_error:
+    if  rpc_error.code() == grpc.StatusCode.UNAVAILABLE:
+      print(f'Could not list resources for your storage path {storage_path} due to MFT server unavailable')
 def copy(source, destination):
-  operations.copy(source, destination)
+  try:
+    operations.copy(source, destination)
+  except grpc.RpcError as rpc_error:
+    if  rpc_error.code() == grpc.StatusCode.UNAVAILABLE:
+      print(f'Could not copy resources from source = {source} to destination = {destination} due to MFT server unavailable')
 def init_mft():
diff --git a/python-cli/mft_cli/airavata_mft_cli/storage/__init__.py b/python-cli/mft_cli/airavata_mft_cli/storage/__init__.py
index d4f00e8..cb6b8b6 100644
--- a/python-cli/mft_cli/airavata_mft_cli/storage/__init__.py
+++ b/python-cli/mft_cli/airavata_mft_cli/storage/__init__.py
@@ -28,7 +28,9 @@
 from airavata_mft_sdk.common import StorageCommon_pb2
 from rich.console import Console
 from rich.table import Table
+from rich import print
 import sys
+import grpc 
 from airavata_mft_cli import config as configcli
@@ -36,46 +38,53 @@
 def add_storage():
-    title = "Select storage type: "
-    options = ["S3", "Google Cloud Storage (GCS)", "Azure Storage", "Openstack SWIFT", "SCP", "FTP", "Box", "DropBox", "OData", "Agent" ]
-    option, index = pick(options, title, indicator="=>")
-    if option == "S3":
-        s3.handle_add_storage()
-    elif option == "Azure Storage":
-        azure.handle_add_storage()
-    elif option == "Google Cloud Storage (GCS)":
-        gcs.handle_add_storage()
-    elif option == "Agent":
-        local.handle_add_storage()
-    elif option == "Openstack SWIFT":
-        swift.handle_add_storage()
-    elif option == "SCP":
-        scp.handle_add_storage()
+    try:
+        title = "Select storage type: "
+        options = ["S3", "Google Cloud Storage (GCS)", "Azure Storage", "Openstack SWIFT", "SCP", "FTP", "Box", "DropBox", "OData", "Agent" ]
+        option, index = pick(options, title, indicator="=>")
+        if option == "S3":
+            s3.handle_add_storage()
+        elif option == "Azure Storage":
+            azure.handle_add_storage()
+        elif option == "Google Cloud Storage (GCS)":
+            gcs.handle_add_storage()
+        elif option == "Agent":
+            local.handle_add_storage()
+        elif option == "Openstack SWIFT":
+            swift.handle_add_storage()
+        elif option == "SCP":
+            scp.handle_add_storage()
+    except grpc.RpcError as rpc_error:
+        if  rpc_error.code() == grpc.StatusCode.UNAVAILABLE:
+            print(f'Could not add storage in {option} due to MFT server grpc unavailable error') 
 def list_storage():
-    client = mft_client.MFTClient(transfer_api_port = configcli.transfer_api_port,
-                                  transfer_api_secured = configcli.transfer_api_secured,
-                                  resource_service_host = configcli.resource_service_host,
-                                  resource_service_port = configcli.resource_service_port,
-                                  resource_service_secured = configcli.resource_service_secured,
-                                  secret_service_host = configcli.secret_service_host,
-                                  secret_service_port = configcli.secret_service_port)
-    list_req = StorageCommon_pb2.StorageListRequest()
-    list_response = client.common_api.listStorages(list_req)
+    try:
+        client = mft_client.MFTClient(transfer_api_port = configcli.transfer_api_port,
+                                    transfer_api_secured = configcli.transfer_api_secured,
+                                    resource_service_host = configcli.resource_service_host,
+                                    resource_service_port = configcli.resource_service_port,
+                                    resource_service_secured = configcli.resource_service_secured,
+                                    secret_service_host = configcli.secret_service_host,
+                                    secret_service_port = configcli.secret_service_port)
+        list_req = StorageCommon_pb2.StorageListRequest()
+        list_response = client.common_api.listStorages(list_req)
-    console = Console()
-    table = Table(show_header=True, header_style='bold #2070b2')
+        console = Console()
+        table = Table(show_header=True, header_style='bold #2070b2')
-    table.add_column('Storage Name', justify='left')
-    table.add_column('Type', justify='center')
-    table.add_column('Storage ID', justify='center')
+        table.add_column('Storage Name', justify='left')
+        table.add_column('Type', justify='center')
+        table.add_column('Storage ID', justify='center')
-    for storage in list_response.storageList:
+        for storage in list_response.storageList:
-        table.add_row('[bold]' + storage.storageName + '[/bold]',
-                      StorageCommon_pb2.StorageType.Name(storage.storageType),
-                      storage.storageId)
+            table.add_row('[bold]' + storage.storageName + '[/bold]',
+                        StorageCommon_pb2.StorageType.Name(storage.storageType),
+                        storage.storageId)
-    console.print(table)
\ No newline at end of file
+        console.print(table)
+    except grpc.RpcError as rpc_error:
+        if  rpc_error.code() == grpc.StatusCode.UNAVAILABLE:
+            print('Could not fetch storage list due to MFT server grpc unavailable error')