Adding details to install Airavata+Django
diff --git a/docs/installation/ b/docs/installation/
index 03d0a64..cf3dcb0 100644
--- a/docs/installation/
+++ b/docs/installation/
@@ -1,242 +1,9 @@
-# Apache Airavata Installation
+##Airavata & Django Portal Installation
+###Intended Users
+1. This section is mainly for gateway developers.
+2. Installing local copy of Airavata, Django and related other applications will provides insight in to the system.
-## Introduction
-!!! note
-    **Apache Airavata 0.17** uses [Ansible]( for its installation. This documentation gives a **step-by-step** guide to install Apache Airavata 0.17 using [Ancible Playbooks](
-**Apache Airavata** is a software framework that enables you to compose, manage, execute, and monitor large scale applications and workflows on distributed computing resources such as local clusters, supercomputers,computational grids, and computing clouds.
-**[Ansible](** is a software tool that automates software provisioning, configuration management, and application deployment. Unlike many other alternatives, Ansible is installed on a single host (which can even be your local machine), and uses **Secure Shell (SSH)** to communicate with each remote host, without a need of any prerequisite package to be installed on each new server.
-## Prerequisites
-!!! warning
-    **Apache Airavata 0.17** installation is only supported for [CentOS]( 7 or never versions.
-### CentOS 7 Server / VM / Docker Container
-To install Apache Airavata a CentOS 7 environment is required. If the OS is behind a firewall, TCP ports: `443`, `3306`, `8008`, `8080`, `8962` and `9930` should be opened.
-!!! note
-    CentOS is an open source Linux distribution compatible with its upstream source, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).
-#### Install and Enable Your Firewall to Start at Boot
-firewalld is installed by default on many images of CentOS 7. You can check the status using the following command.
-firewall-cmd --state
-!!! note
-    [firewalld]( is a firewall management tool for Linux operating systems.
-If firewall is not installed please install and enable it before continuing.
-### Python3 in Local Machine
-Before continuing from this point you should verify the installed version of Python3 in your local machine. Use the following command to check the version.
-python3 --version
-If python3 is not already installed, the latest version should be installed. Refer [this]( or use your system’s package manager. Then install Python developer package using the following command.
-sudo apt install python3-dev
-## Configuration
-In your local machine clone Apache Airavata from the [GitHub repository](
-git clone
-<!-- ### Variable Configuration -->
-<!-- Need to add -->
-### Host Configuration
-Go to the `airavata/dev-tools/ansible/inventories/standalone` directory and modify the `hosts` file. Update the `CHANGEME`s to the actual IP addresses or hostnames.
-# inventory file
-# NOTE: update the CHANGEMEs to the actual ip address or hostname.
-CHANGEME ansible_connection=ssh ansible_user=root
-CHANGEME ansible_connection=ssh ansible_user=root
-CHANGEME ansible_connection=ssh ansible_user=root
-CHANGEME ansible_connection=ssh ansible_user=root
-CHANGEME ansible_connection=ssh ansible_user=root
-CHANGEME ansible_user=root
-CHANGEME ansible_connection=ssh ansible_user=root
-### Keycloak Key Generation
-Navigate to the `airavata/dev-tools/ansible/inventories/standalone/` directory and create a directory named `files`.
-cd airavata/dev-tools/ansible/inventories/standalone/
-mkdir files
-cd files/
-Then run the following command within the `files` directory.
-keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias selfsigned -keystore keystore.jks -storepass [password] -validity 360 -keysize 2048
-`[password]` should be provided as specified at `airavata/dev-tools/ansible/inventories/standalone/group_vars/all/vars.yml` as `keystore_passwd`.
-Provide the requested information when prompted and at the end when the following appears just press `enter`.
-Enter key password for <selfsigned> 
-        (RETURN if same as keystore password):
-After that, run the following command and for prompted passwords, provide the above `keystore_passwd`.
-keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore keystore.jks -destkeystore airavata.jks -deststoretype pkcs12
-Now your `airavata/dev-tools/ansible/inventories/standalone/files` should have two files, `airavata.jks` and `keystore.jks`. You have to remove the file `keystore.jks`.
-rm keystore.jks
-### Airavata Key Generation
-Run the following command from `airavata/dev-tools/ansible/inventories/standalone/files`.
-keytool -export -alias selfsigned -file root.cer -keystore airavata.jks -storepass [password]
-`[password]` should be provided as specified at `airavata/dev-tools/ansible/inventories/standalone/group_vars/all/vars.yml` as `keystore_passwd`.
-keytool -import -alias mykey -file root.cer -keystore client_truststore.jks -storepass [password]
-`[password]` should be provided as specified at `airavata/dev-tools/ansible/inventories/standalone/group_vars/all/vars.yml` as `client_truststore_passwd`.
-When the following appears provide `yes` to trust the certificate.
-Trust this certificate? [no]:
-Now your `airavata/dev-tools/ansible/inventories/standalone/files` should have two files, `airavata.jks`, `client_truststore.jks` and `root.cer`. You have to remove file `root.cer`.
-rm root.cer
-### Airavata Key Store Generation
-Run the following command from `airavata/dev-tools/ansible/inventories/standalone/files`.
-keytool -genseckey -alias seckey -keyalg AES -keysize 128 -storetype jceks -keystore cred_store.jks -storepass [password]
-`[password]` should be provided as specified at `airavata/dev-tools/ansible/inventories/standalone/group_vars/all/vars.yml` as `cred_keystore_passwd`.
-When the following appears just press `enter`.
-Enter key password for <seckey>
-        (RETURN if same as keystore password):
-### Ansible Installation
-First of all we have to create a Python3 virtual environment at the `airavata/dev-tools/ansible` directory.
-cd airavata/dev-tools/ansible
-python3.6 -m venv ENV
-To use the created virtual environment you have to source the environment. Remember to do this every time you want to use this python virtual environment.
-source ENV/bin/activate
-Now it’s time to install Ancible.
-pip install -r requirements.txt
-## Deployment
-To start the deployment go to the `airavata/dev-tools/ansible` directory, and source the python virtual environment, if you haven't done it already.
-### Database Installation
-ansible-playbook -i inventories/standalone database.yml
-### Keycloak Installation
-!!! note
-    [Keycloak]( is an open source Identity and Access Management solution.
-ansible-playbook -i inventories/standalone keycloak.yml --tags="standalone"
-### Keycloak Configuration
-Use [this](../configuration/ guide to configure Keycloak.
-### Airavata + RabbitMQ + Zookeeper Installation
-ansible-playbook -i inventories/standalone airavata.yml
-### PGA Installation
-ansible-playbook -i inventories/standalone pga.yml
-Now you can access PGA through the following URL. (Replace **<vm-ip\>** with the actual IP address of the server)
-Login with `admin_username` and `admin_password`.
-`admin_username` and `admin_password` should be used as specified at `airavata/dev-tools/ansible/inventories/standalone/group_vars/pga/vars.yml` as `admin_username` and `admin_password` respectively.
+###Installation Instructions
+Please follow the instructions provided in <a href="" target="_blank">InteliJ IDEA Installation</a><br>
+This installation will set you up with fully functioning middleware and gateway portal. It is also set up to launch test experimental jobs on Jetstream cloud SLURM cluster.