blob: 5729c91cb7030518e373b4ea738a418b34be5159 [file] [log] [blame]
<span slot="title">Edit Experiment</span>
import { errors, services } from "django-airavata-api";
import { notifications } from "django-airavata-common-ui";
import ExperimentEditor from "../components/experiment/ExperimentEditor.vue";
import urls from "../utils/urls";
export default {
name: "edit-experiment-container",
props: {
experimentId: {
type: String,
required: true,
data() {
return {
experiment: null,
appModule: null,
components: {
"experiment-editor": ExperimentEditor,
methods: {
handleSavedExperiment: function () {
// Redirect to experiments list view
handleSavedAndLaunchedExperiment: function (experiment) {
// Redirect to experiment view
urls.navigateToViewExperiment(experiment, { launching: true });
computed: {},
mounted: function () {
services.ExperimentService.retrieve({ lookup: this.experimentId })
.then((experiment) => {
this.experiment = experiment;
const appInterfaceId = experiment.executionId;
return services.ApplicationInterfaceService.retrieve(
lookup: appInterfaceId,
ignoreErrors: true,
.then((appInterface) => {
const appModuleId = appInterface.applicationModules[0];
return services.ApplicationModuleService.retrieve({
lookup: appModuleId,
.then((appModule) => {
this.appModule = appModule;
.catch((error) => {
const message = errors.ErrorUtils.isNotFoundError(error)
? `Application interface (${this.experiment.executionId}) was not found.
If it has been deleted then you won't be able to edit this experiment.`
: `Unable to load application interface (${this.experiment.executionId}) or module`;
new notifications.Notification({
type: "ERROR",
/* style the containing div, in base.html template */
.main-content-wrapper {
background-color: #ffffff;