blob: b262c6cb743cda3e68d25cfb74a3e082ba79f4fa [file] [log] [blame]
### Custos Services Deployment Scripts
#### Prerequisites
- You should have a Kubernetes Cluster with at least one mater and three worker nodes. (Rancher or Kubespray can be
used to bootstrap K8 Cluster)
#### Rancher Installation Steps (Optional)
- Install Rancher 2.5.5 or above on one of the VMs
- Spin Up a VM on JS2
- use to boostrap a K8 cluster for rancher
- Login to that node
- helm repo add rancher
- kubectl create namespace cattle-system
- helm repo update
- helm install -n cattle-system rancher rancher/rancher --set hostname=HOSTNAME
--set ingress.tls.source=letsEncrypt --set""
--set letsEncrypt.environment="production" --set letsEncrypt.ingress.class=nginx
#### Install Services
- Install dependencies in the following order. Each folder contains installation stpes
- Login to the cluster master node.
- Install helm3 (/
- Cert-Manager
- Keycloak
- Vault
- Custos Services
##### Deploying Custos Services
- First change the following parameters in pom.xml
- <ssh.username>CHANGE_ME</ssh.username> ( local ssh key password)
- <ssh.privatekey>CHANGE_ME</ssh.privatekey> (local ssh privatekey)
- <host> CHANGE_ME</host> ( K8 cluster master rhost)
- <>dev</> (current active profile)
- <vault.token>CHANGE_ME</vault.token> ( vault token)
- <>CHANGE_ME}</> ( keycloak username)
- <>CHANGE_ME}</> ( keycloak password)
- <>CHANGE_ME</> (cilogon client id, contact to obtain admin tenant)
- <>CHANGE_ME</> (cilogon client sec)
- <>CHANGE_ME</> (your email)
- <spring.datasource.username>CHANGE_ME</spring.datasource.username> (mysql database username)
- <spring.datasource.password>CHANGE_ME</spring.datasource.password> (myslq password)
- <docker.image.prefix>CHANGEME</docker.image.prefix> (dockerhub image prefix)
- <docker.image.repo>CHAGEME</docker.image.repo> (dockerhub repo account)
- Build code
`mvn clean install -P container`
- Push code images to repo
`mvn dockerfile:push -P container`
- deploy artifacts
`mvn antrun:run -P scp-to-remote`