blob: 091a3949f4e40e8e56dd1f34d62262d1687a258c [file] [log] [blame]
<b-row align-v="start" align-h="center">
<b-col style="min-width: 300px; max-width: 100%" class="text-center">
<h2>Welcome to Custos</h2>
<p class="h2-sub">Sign up and start authenticating</p>
<div class="main-links">
<b-link href="" target="_blank">Custos Website</b-link>
<!-- <b-link class="ml-5"-->
<!-- href="" target="_blank">-->
<!-- Tutorial Instructions-->
<!-- </b-link>-->
<img class="w-100" src="./../../assets/custos_home.png">
<b-col style="max-width: 600px;min-width: 300px;" align-h="center">
<b-card class="w-100 login-card">
<form v-on:submit.prevent="registerUser" class="p-2 text-left">
<h3 class="mb-3">Create Account</h3>
<div class="p-2">
<label class="form-input-label" for="form-input-username">Username</label>
<b-form-input size="sm" id="form-input-username" v-model="username"
:state="usernameValid && usernameIsAvailable"
<b-form-invalid-feedback v-if="!usernameValid">
Username should only have lowercase letters and numbers.
<b-form-invalid-feedback v-else-if="!usernameIsAvailable">
Username is not available.
<div class="p-2">
<label class="form-input-label" for="form-input-password">Password</label>
<b-form-input size="sm" id="form-input-password" type="password" v-model="password"
:state="passwordValid" placeholder="Password"></b-form-input>
Password should contain at least one upper case,
lower case, one number, and 4 - 10 characters.
<div class="p-2">
<label class="form-input-label" for="form-input-confirm-password">Confirm Password</label>
<b-form-input size="sm" id="form-input-confirm-password" type="password"
v-model="confirmedPassword" :state="confirmedPasswordValid"
placeholder="Confirm Password"></b-form-input>
Password doesn't match.
<div class="p-2">
<label class="form-input-label" for="form-input-email">Email</label>
<b-form-input size="sm" id="form-input-email" v-model="email" :state="emailValid"
<b-form-invalid-feedback>Invalid email.</b-form-invalid-feedback>
<div class="p-2">
<label class="form-input-label" for="form-input-first-name">First Name</label>
<b-form-input size="sm" id="form-input-first-name" v-model="firstName"
placeholder="First Name"></b-form-input>
<b-form-invalid-feedback>Invalid name.</b-form-invalid-feedback>
<div class="p-2">
<label class="form-input-label" for="form-input-last-name">Last Name</label>
<b-form-input size="sm" id="form-input-last-name" v-model="lastName" :state="lastnameValid"
placeholder="Last Name"></b-form-input>
<b-form-invalid-feedback>Invalid name.</b-form-invalid-feedback>
<b-button class="primary-btn w-100 text-center mt-3" type="submit" variant="warning"
v-on:click="registerUser" :disabled="isButtonDisabled">
Sign Up
<b-spinner small v-if="isButtonDisabled"></b-spinner>
<p class="mt-3 w-100 additional-links text-center">
Already have an account ?
<router-link to="/">Login</router-link>
import config from "@/config";
import store from "@/store";
export default {
name: "CreateAccount",
data: function () {
return {
username: "",
password: "",
confirmedPassword: "",
email: "",
firstName: "",
lastName: "",
custosId: null,
custosSec: null,
isButtonDisabled: false,
usernameIsAvailable: null,
usernameValid: null,
passwordValid: null,
confirmedPasswordValid: null,
emailValid: null,
firstNameValid: null,
lastnameValid: null
methods: {
async registerUser() {
this.isButtonDisabled = true
let regex = /[a-z0-9].*$/;
let regexPucn = /[~!" "@#$%^&*()+=;"'<>,.]/
let passwordRegex = /^.*(?=.{4,10})(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-zA-Z]).*$/
let uppercase = /[A-Z].*$/
// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
let emailRegs = /^(([^<>()\[\]\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@(([^<>()[\]\.,;:\s@\"]+\.)+[^<>()[\]\.,;:\s@\"]{2,})$/i
let par = {
'client_id': this.custosId,
'client_sec': this.custosSec,
'username': this.username,
if (this.username == null || regex.test(this.username) == false || regexPucn.test(this.username) ||
uppercase.test(this.username)) {
this.usernameValid = false
} else {
this.usernameValid = true
try {
let usernameIsAvailable = await this.$store.dispatch('user/checkUsernameIsValid', par)
if (!usernameIsAvailable) {
this.usernameIsAvailable = false
} else {
this.usernameIsAvailable = true
} catch (e) {
this.usernameIsAvailable = false
if (this.password == null || !passwordRegex.test(this.password)) {
this.passwordValid = false
} else {
this.passwordValid = true
if (this.password !== this.confirmedPassword) {
this.confirmedPasswordValid = false
} else {
this.confirmedPasswordValid = true
if ( == null || !emailRegs.test( {
this.emailValid = false
} else {
this.emailValid = true
if (this.firstName == null || this.firstName == '' || this.firstName.length > 20) {
this.firstNameValid = false
} else {
this.firstNameValid = true
if (this.lastName == null || this.lastName == '' || this.lastName.length > 20) {
this.lastnameValid = false
} else {
this.lastnameValid = true
let body = {
'client_id': this.custosId,
'client_sec': this.custosSec,
'username': this.username,
'first_name': this.firstName,
'last_name': this.lastName,
'password': this.password,
'temporary_password': false,
if (this.usernameIsAvailable && this.usernameValid && this.passwordValid && this.confirmedPasswordValid && this.lastnameValid && this.firstNameValid && this.emailValid) {
let status = await this.$store.dispatch('user/registerUser', body)
if (status) {
await this.$router.push("/")
this.isButtonDisabled = false
async callDismissed() {
this.usernameIsAvailable = true
this.usernameValid = true
this.passwordValid = true
this.emailValid = true
this.firstNameValid = true
this.lastnameValid = true
this.isButtonDisabled = false
async mounted() {
this.custosId = config.value('clientId')
this.custosSec = config.value('clientSec')
let data = {
client_id: this.custosId,
client_sec: this.custosSec
if (await store.dispatch('identity/isAuthenticated', data) == true) {
await this.$router.push('workspace')
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