blob: 4a853886b971b55550c79e90f25ae947b705fe03 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "postgres.h"
#include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
#include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h"
#include "parser/analyze.h"
#include "parser/parse_coerce.h"
#include "parser/parse_collate.h"
#include "parser/parse_relation.h"
#include "parser/parse_target.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "catalog/ag_graph.h"
#include "parser/cypher_analyze.h"
#include "parser/cypher_clause.h"
#include "parser/cypher_parser.h"
#include "utils/ag_func.h"
#include "utils/age_session_info.h"
typedef bool (*cypher_expression_condition)(Node *expr);
* extra_node is a global variable to this source to store, at the moment, the
* explain stmt node passed up by the parser. The return value from the parser
* contains an 'extra' value, hence the name.
static Node *extra_node = NULL;
* Takes a query node and builds an explain stmt query node. It then replaces
* the passed query node with the new explain stmt query node.
static void build_explain_query(Query *query, Node *explain_node);
static post_parse_analyze_hook_type prev_post_parse_analyze_hook;
static void post_parse_analyze(ParseState *pstate, Query *query, JumbleState *jstate);
static bool convert_cypher_walker(Node *node, ParseState *pstate);
static bool is_rte_cypher(RangeTblEntry *rte);
static bool is_func_cypher(FuncExpr *funcexpr);
static void convert_cypher_to_subquery(RangeTblEntry *rte, ParseState *pstate);
static Name expr_get_const_name(Node *expr);
static const char *expr_get_const_cstring(Node *expr, const char *source_str);
static int get_query_location(const int location, const char *source_str);
static Query *analyze_cypher(List *stmt, ParseState *parent_pstate,
const char *query_str, int query_loc,
char *graph_name, uint32 graph_oid, Param *params);
static Query *analyze_cypher_and_coerce(List *stmt, RangeTblFunction *rtfunc,
ParseState *parent_pstate,
const char *query_str, int query_loc,
char *graph_name, uint32 graph_oid,
Param *params);
cypher_clause *build_subquery_node(cypher_clause *next);
/* expr tree walker */
bool expr_contains_node(cypher_expression_condition is_expr, Node *expr);
bool expr_has_subquery(Node * expr);
void post_parse_analyze_init(void)
prev_post_parse_analyze_hook = post_parse_analyze_hook;
post_parse_analyze_hook = post_parse_analyze;
void post_parse_analyze_fini(void)
post_parse_analyze_hook = prev_post_parse_analyze_hook;
static void post_parse_analyze(ParseState *pstate, Query *query, JumbleState *jstate)
if (prev_post_parse_analyze_hook)
prev_post_parse_analyze_hook(pstate, query, jstate);
* extra_node is set in the parsing stage to keep track of EXPLAIN.
* So it needs to be set to NULL prior to any cypher parsing.
extra_node = NULL;
convert_cypher_walker((Node *)query, pstate);
* If there is an extra_node returned, we need to check to see if
* it is an EXPLAIN.
if (extra_node != NULL)
/* process the EXPLAIN node */
if (nodeTag(extra_node) == T_ExplainStmt)
build_explain_query(query, extra_node);
/* reset extra_node */
extra_node = NULL;
// find cypher() calls in FROM clauses and convert them to SELECT subqueries
static bool convert_cypher_walker(Node *node, ParseState *pstate)
if (!node)
return false;
if (IsA(node, RangeTblEntry))
RangeTblEntry *rte = (RangeTblEntry *)node;
switch (rte->rtekind)
// traverse other RTE_SUBQUERYs
return convert_cypher_walker((Node *)rte->subquery, pstate);
if (is_rte_cypher(rte))
convert_cypher_to_subquery(rte, pstate);
return false;
return false;
* This handles a cypher() call with other function calls in a ROWS FROM
* expression. We can let the FuncExpr case below handle it but do this
* here to throw a better error message.
if (IsA(node, RangeTblFunction))
RangeTblFunction *rtfunc = (RangeTblFunction *)node;
FuncExpr *funcexpr = (FuncExpr *)rtfunc->funcexpr;
* It is better to throw a kind error message here instead of the
* internal error message that cypher() throws later when it is called.
if (is_func_cypher(funcexpr))
errmsg("cypher(...) in ROWS FROM is not supported"),
parser_errposition(pstate, exprLocation((Node *)funcexpr))));
* From PG -
* SQLValueFunction - parameterless functions with special grammar
* productions.
* CoerceViaIO - represents a type coercion between two types whose textual
* representations are compatible
* Var - expression node representing a variable (ie, a table column)
* OpExpr - expression node for an operator invocation
* Const - constant value or expression node
* BoolExpr - expression node for the basic Boolean operators AND, OR, NOT
* These are a special case that needs to be ignored.
if (IsA(funcexpr, SQLValueFunction)
|| IsA(funcexpr, CoerceViaIO)
|| IsA(funcexpr, Var) || IsA(funcexpr, OpExpr)
|| IsA(funcexpr, Const) || IsA(funcexpr, BoolExpr))
return false;
return expression_tree_walker((Node *)funcexpr->args,
convert_cypher_walker, pstate);
* This handles cypher() calls in expressions. Those in RTE_FUNCTIONs are
* handled by either convert_cypher_to_subquery() or the RangeTblFunction
* case above.
if (IsA(node, FuncExpr))
FuncExpr *funcexpr = (FuncExpr *)node;
if (is_func_cypher(funcexpr))
errmsg("cypher(...) in expressions is not supported"),
errhint("Use subquery instead if possible."),
parser_errposition(pstate, exprLocation(node))));
return expression_tree_walker((Node *)funcexpr->args,
convert_cypher_walker, pstate);
if (IsA(node, Query))
int flags;
bool result = false;
Query *query = (Query *)node;
* If this is a utility command, we need to unwrap the internal query
* and pass it as the query.
* NOTE: This code only "knows" about the following utility commands -
* Others need to be added on a case by case basis.
if (query->utilityStmt != NULL &&
IsA(query->utilityStmt, CreateTableAsStmt))
CreateTableAsStmt *ctas = (CreateTableAsStmt *)query->utilityStmt;
if (IsA(ctas->query, Query))
query = (Query *)ctas->query;
* We convert RTE_FUNCTION (cypher()) to RTE_SUBQUERY (SELECT)
* in-place.
* After the conversion, we don't need to traverse the resulting
* RTE_SUBQUERY. However, we need to traverse other RTE_SUBQUERYs.
* This is done manually by the RTE_SUBQUERY case above.
* We are not interested in this.
/* recurse on query */
result = query_tree_walker(query, convert_cypher_walker, pstate, flags);
return result;
return expression_tree_walker(node, convert_cypher_walker, pstate);
* Takes a query node and builds an explain stmt query node. It then replaces
* the passed query node with the new explain stmt query node.
static void build_explain_query(Query *query, Node *explain_node)
ExplainStmt *estmt = NULL;
Query *query_copy = NULL;
Query *query_node = NULL;
* Create a copy of the query node. This is purposely a shallow copy
* because we are only moving the contents to another pointer.
query_copy = (Query *) palloc(sizeof(Query));
memcpy(query_copy, query, sizeof(Query));
/* build our Explain node and store the query node copy in it */
estmt = makeNode(ExplainStmt);
estmt->query = (Node *)query_copy;
estmt->options = ((ExplainStmt *)explain_node)->options;
/* build our replacement query node */
query_node = makeNode(Query);
query_node->commandType = CMD_UTILITY;
query_node->utilityStmt = (Node *)estmt;
query_node->canSetTag = true;
/* now replace the top query node with our replacement query node */
memcpy(query, query_node, sizeof(Query));
* We need to free and clear the global variable when done. But, not
* the ExplainStmt options. Those will get freed by PG when the
* query is deleted.
((ExplainStmt *)explain_node)->options = NULL;
/* we need to free query_node as it is no longer needed */
static bool is_rte_cypher(RangeTblEntry *rte)
RangeTblFunction *rtfunc;
FuncExpr *funcexpr;
* The planner expects RangeTblFunction nodes in rte->functions list.
* We cannot replace one of them to a SELECT subquery.
if (list_length(rte->functions) != 1)
return false;
* A plain function call or a ROWS FROM expression with one function call
* reaches here. At this point, it is impossible to distinguish between the
* two. However, it doesn't matter because they are identical in terms of
* their meaning.
rtfunc = linitial(rte->functions);
funcexpr = (FuncExpr *)rtfunc->funcexpr;
return is_func_cypher(funcexpr);
* Return true if the qualified name of the given function is
* <"ag_catalog"."cypher">. Otherwise, return false.
static bool is_func_cypher(FuncExpr *funcexpr)
* From PG -
* SQLValueFunction - parameterless functions with special grammar
* productions.
* CoerceViaIO - represents a type coercion between two types whose textual
* representations are compatible
* Var - expression node representing a variable (ie, a table column)
* OpExpr - expression node for an operator invocation
* Const - constant value or expression node
* BoolExpr - expression node for the basic Boolean operators AND, OR, NOT
* These are a special case that needs to be ignored.
if (IsA(funcexpr, SQLValueFunction)
|| IsA(funcexpr, CoerceViaIO)
|| IsA(funcexpr, Var) || IsA(funcexpr, OpExpr)
|| IsA(funcexpr, Const) || IsA(funcexpr, BoolExpr))
return false;
return is_oid_ag_func(funcexpr->funcid, "cypher");
// convert cypher() call to SELECT subquery in-place
static void convert_cypher_to_subquery(RangeTblEntry *rte, ParseState *pstate)
RangeTblFunction *rtfunc = linitial(rte->functions);
FuncExpr *funcexpr = (FuncExpr *)rtfunc->funcexpr;
Node *arg1 = NULL;
Node *arg2 = NULL;
Node *arg3 = NULL;
Name graph_name = NULL;
char *graph_name_str = NULL;
Oid graph_oid = InvalidOid;
const char *query_str = NULL;
int query_loc = -1;
Param *params = NULL;
errpos_ecb_state ecb_state = {{0}};
List *stmt = NULL;
Query *query = NULL;
* We cannot apply this feature directly to SELECT subquery because the
* planner does not support it. Adding a "row_number() OVER ()" expression
* to the subquery as a result target might be a workaround but we throw an
* error for now.
if (rte->funcordinality)
errmsg("WITH ORDINALITY is not supported"),
parser_errposition(pstate, exprLocation((Node *)funcexpr))));
/* verify that we have 2 input parameters as it is possible to get 1 or 0 */
if (funcexpr->args == NULL || list_length(funcexpr->args) < 2)
errmsg("cypher function requires a minimum of 2 arguments"),
parser_errposition(pstate, -1)));
/* get our first 2 arguments */
arg1 = linitial(funcexpr->args);
arg2 = lsecond(funcexpr->args);
Assert(exprType(arg1) == NAMEOID);
Assert(exprType(arg2) == CSTRINGOID);
graph_name = expr_get_const_name(arg1);
* Since cypher() function is nothing but an interface to get a Cypher
* query, it must take a string constant as an argument so that the query
* can be parsed and analyzed at this point to create a Query tree of it.
* Also, only dollar-quoted string constants are allowed because of the
* following reasons.
* * If other kinds of string constants are used, the actual values of them
* may differ from what they are shown. This will confuse users.
* * In the case above, the error position may not be accurate.
query_str = expr_get_const_cstring(arg2, pstate->p_sourcetext);
* Validate appropriate cypher function usage -
* Session info OVERRIDES ANY INPUT PASSED and if any is passed, it will
* cause the cypher function to error out.
* If this is using session info, both of the first 2 input parameters need
* to be NULL, in addition to the session info being set up. Furthermore,
* the input parameters passed in by session info need to both be non-NULL.
* If this is not using session info, both input parameters need to be
* non-NULL.
if (is_session_info_prepared())
/* check to see if either input parameter is non-NULL*/
if (graph_name != NULL || query_str != NULL)
Node *arg = (graph_name == NULL) ? arg1 : arg2;
* Make sure to clean up session info because the ereport will
* cause the function to exit.
errmsg("session info requires cypher(NULL, NULL) to be passed"),
parser_errposition(pstate, exprLocation(arg))));
/* get our input parameters from session info */
graph_name_str = get_session_info_graph_name();
query_str = get_session_info_cypher_statement();
/* check to see if either are NULL */
if (graph_name_str == NULL || query_str == NULL)
* Make sure to clean up session info because the ereport will
* cause the function to exit.
errmsg("both session info parameters need to be non-NULL"),
parser_errposition(pstate, -1)));
/* otherwise, we get the parameters from the passed function input */
/* get the graph name string from the passed parameters */
if (!graph_name)
errmsg("a name constant is expected"),
parser_errposition(pstate, exprLocation(arg1))));
graph_name_str = NameStr(*graph_name);
/* get the query string from the passed parameters */
if (!query_str)
errmsg("a dollar-quoted string constant is expected"),
parser_errposition(pstate, exprLocation(arg2))));
* The session info is only valid for one cypher call. Now that we are done
* with it, if it was used, we need to reset it to free the memory used.
* Additionally, the query location is dependent on how we got the query
* string, so set the location accordingly.
if (is_session_info_prepared())
query_loc = 0;
/* this call will crash if we use session info */
query_loc = get_query_location(((Const *)arg2)->location,
/* validate the graph exists */
graph_oid = get_graph_oid(graph_name_str);
if (!OidIsValid(graph_oid))
errmsg("graph \"%s\" does not exist", graph_name_str),
parser_errposition(pstate, exprLocation(arg1))));
* Check to see if the cypher function had a third parameter passed to it,
* if so make sure Postgres parsed the second argument to a Param node.
if (list_length(funcexpr->args) == 3)
arg3 = lthird(funcexpr->args);
if (!IsA(arg3, Param))
errmsg("third argument of cypher function must be a parameter"),
parser_errposition(pstate, exprLocation(arg3))));
params = (Param *)arg3;
params = NULL;
* install error context callback to adjust an error position for
* parse_cypher() since locations that parse_cypher() stores are 0 based
setup_errpos_ecb(&ecb_state, pstate, query_loc);
stmt = parse_cypher(query_str);
* Extract any extra node passed up and assign it to the global variable
* 'extra_node' - if it wasn't already set. It will be at the end of the
* stmt list and needs to be removed for normal processing, regardless.
* It is done this way to allow utility commands to be processed against the
* AGE query tree. Currently, only EXPLAIN is passed here. But, it need not
* just be EXPLAIN - so long as it is carefully documented and carefully
* done.
if (extra_node == NULL)
extra_node = llast(stmt);
stmt = list_delete_ptr(stmt, extra_node);
Node *temp = llast(stmt);
errmsg("too many extra_nodes passed from parser")));
stmt = list_delete_ptr(stmt, temp);
Assert(pstate->p_expr_kind == EXPR_KIND_NONE);
pstate->p_expr_kind = EXPR_KIND_FROM_SUBSELECT;
// transformRangeFunction() always sets p_lateral_active to true.
// FYI, rte is RTE_FUNCTION and is being converted to RTE_SUBQUERY here.
pstate->p_lateral_active = true;
* Cypher queries that end with CREATE clause do not need to have the
* coercion logic applied to them because we are forcing the column
* definition list to be a particular way in this case.
if (is_ag_node(llast(stmt), cypher_create) || is_ag_node(llast(stmt), cypher_set) ||
is_ag_node(llast(stmt), cypher_delete) || is_ag_node(llast(stmt), cypher_merge))
// column definition list must be ... AS relname(colname agtype) ...
if (!(rtfunc->funccolcount == 1 &&
linitial_oid(rtfunc->funccoltypes) == AGTYPEOID))
errmsg("column definition list for CREATE clause must contain a single agtype attribute"),
errhint("... cypher($$ ... CREATE ... $$) AS t(c agtype) ..."),
parser_errposition(pstate, exprLocation(rtfunc->funcexpr))));
query = analyze_cypher(stmt, pstate, query_str, query_loc,
graph_name_str, graph_oid, params);
query = analyze_cypher_and_coerce(stmt, rtfunc, pstate, query_str,
query_loc, graph_name_str, graph_oid,
pstate->p_lateral_active = false;
pstate->p_expr_kind = EXPR_KIND_NONE;
// rte->functions and rte->funcordinality are kept for debugging.
// rte->alias, rte->eref, and rte->lateral need to be the same.
// rte->inh is always false for both RTE_FUNCTION and RTE_SUBQUERY.
// rte->inFromCl is always true for RTE_FUNCTION.
rte->rtekind = RTE_SUBQUERY;
rte->subquery = query;
static Name expr_get_const_name(Node *expr)
Const *con;
if (!IsA(expr, Const))
return NULL;
con = (Const *)expr;
if (con->constisnull)
return NULL;
return DatumGetName(con->constvalue);
static const char *expr_get_const_cstring(Node *expr, const char *source_str)
Const *con;
const char *p;
if (!IsA(expr, Const))
return NULL;
con = (Const *)expr;
if (con->constisnull)
return NULL;
Assert(con->location > -1);
p = source_str + con->location;
if (*p != '$')
return NULL;
return DatumGetCString(con->constvalue);
static int get_query_location(const int location, const char *source_str)
const char *p;
Assert(location > -1);
p = source_str + location;
Assert(*p == '$');
return strchr(p + 1, '$') - source_str + 1;
* This is a specialized expression tree walker for finding exprs of a specified
* type. Create a function that checks for the type you want, and this function
* will iterate through the tree.
bool expr_contains_node(cypher_expression_condition is_expr, Node *expr)
if (!expr)
return false;
switch (nodeTag(expr))
case T_A_Const:
case T_ColumnRef:
case T_A_Indirection:
case T_A_Expr:
A_Expr *a = (A_Expr *)expr;
switch (a->kind)
case AEXPR_OP:
case AEXPR_IN:
if (expr_contains_node(is_expr, a->lexpr) ||
expr_contains_node(is_expr, a->rexpr))
return true;
ereport(ERROR, (errmsg_internal("unrecognized A_Expr kind: %d",
case T_BoolExpr:
BoolExpr *b = (BoolExpr *)expr;
ListCell *la;
foreach(la, b->args)
Node *arg = lfirst(la);
if (expr_contains_node(is_expr, arg))
return true;
case T_NullTest:
NullTest *n = (NullTest *)expr;
if (expr_contains_node(is_expr, (Node *)n->arg))
return true;
case T_CaseExpr:
CaseExpr *cexpr = (CaseExpr *)expr;
ListCell *l;
if (cexpr->arg && expr_contains_node(is_expr, (Node *) cexpr->arg))
return true;
foreach(l, cexpr->args)
CaseWhen *w = lfirst_node(CaseWhen, l);
Node *warg;
warg = (Node *) w->expr;
if (expr_contains_node(is_expr, warg))
return true;
warg = (Node *)w->result;
if (expr_contains_node(is_expr, warg))
return true;
if (expr_contains_node(is_expr , (Node *)cexpr->defresult))
return true;
case T_CaseTestExpr:
case T_CoalesceExpr:
CoalesceExpr *cexpr = (CoalesceExpr *) expr;
ListCell *args;
foreach(args, cexpr->args)
Node *e = (Node *)lfirst(args);
if (expr_contains_node(is_expr, e))
return true;
case T_ExtensibleNode:
if (is_ag_node(expr, cypher_bool_const))
return is_expr(expr);
if (is_ag_node(expr, cypher_integer_const))
return is_expr(expr);
if (is_ag_node(expr, cypher_param))
return is_expr(expr);
if (is_ag_node(expr, cypher_map))
cypher_map *cm = (cypher_map *)expr;
ListCell *le;
Assert(list_length(cm->keyvals) % 2 == 0);
le = list_head(cm->keyvals);
while(le != NULL)
Node *val;
le = lnext(cm->keyvals, le);
val = lfirst(le);
if (expr_contains_node(is_expr, val))
return true;
le = lnext(cm->keyvals, le);
if (is_ag_node(expr, cypher_map_projection))
cypher_map_projection *cmp = (cypher_map_projection *)expr;
ListCell *lc;
foreach(lc, cmp->map_elements)
cypher_map_projection_element *elem;
elem = lfirst(lc);
if (expr_contains_node(is_expr, elem->value))
return true;
if (is_ag_node(expr, cypher_list))
cypher_list *cl = (cypher_list *)expr;
ListCell *le = NULL;
foreach(le, cl->elems)
Node *texpr = lfirst(le);
if (expr_contains_node(is_expr, texpr))
return true;
if (is_ag_node(expr, cypher_string_match))
cypher_string_match *csm = (cypher_string_match *)expr;
if (expr_contains_node(is_expr, csm->lhs) ||
expr_contains_node(is_expr, csm->rhs))
return true;
if (is_ag_node(expr, cypher_typecast))
cypher_typecast *t = (cypher_typecast *) expr;
if (expr_contains_node(is_expr, t->expr))
return true;
if (is_ag_node(expr, cypher_comparison_aexpr))
cypher_comparison_aexpr *a = (cypher_comparison_aexpr *) expr;
if (expr_contains_node(is_expr, a->lexpr) ||
expr_contains_node(is_expr, a->rexpr))
return true;
if (is_ag_node(expr, cypher_comparison_boolexpr))
cypher_comparison_boolexpr *b = (cypher_comparison_boolexpr *) expr;
ListCell *la;
foreach(la, b->args)
Node *arg = lfirst(la);
if (expr_contains_node(is_expr, arg))
return true;
if (is_ag_node(expr, cypher_unwind))
cypher_unwind* lc = (cypher_unwind *)expr;
if (expr_contains_node(is_expr, lc->where) ||
expr_contains_node(is_expr, lc->collect))
return true;
if (is_ag_node(expr, cypher_sub_pattern))
if (is_ag_node(expr, cypher_sub_query))
(errmsg_internal("unrecognized ExtensibleNode: %s",
((ExtensibleNode *)expr)->extnodename)));
case T_FuncCall:
FuncCall *fn = (FuncCall *)expr;
ListCell *arg;
foreach(arg, fn->args)
Node *farg = NULL;
farg = (Node *)lfirst(arg);
if (expr_contains_node(is_expr, farg))
return true;
case T_SubLink:
SubLink *s = (SubLink *)expr;
if (expr_contains_node(is_expr, s->subselect))
return true;
ereport(ERROR, (errmsg_internal("unrecognized node type: %d",
return (is_expr(expr));
* Function that checks if an expr is a cypher_sub_query. Used in tandem with
* expr_contains_node. Can write more similar to this to find similar nodes.
bool expr_has_subquery(Node * expr)
if (expr == NULL)
return false;
if (IsA(expr, ExtensibleNode))
if (is_ag_node(expr, cypher_sub_query))
return true;
return false;
* This function constructs an intermediate WITH node for processing subqueries
cypher_clause *build_subquery_node(cypher_clause *next)
cypher_match *match = (cypher_match *)next->self;
cypher_clause *where_container_clause;
cypher_with *with_clause = make_ag_node(cypher_with);
ColumnRef *cr;
ResTarget *rt;
/* construct the column ref star */
cr = makeNode(ColumnRef);
cr->fields = list_make1(makeNode(A_Star));
cr->location = exprLocation((Node *)next);
/*construct the restarget */
rt = makeNode(ResTarget);
rt->name = NULL;
rt->indirection = NIL;
rt->val = (Node *)cr;
rt->location = exprLocation((Node *)next);
/* construct the with_clause */
with_clause->items = list_make1(rt);
with_clause->where = match->where;
with_clause->subquery_intermediate = true;
* create the where container, and set the match (next) as the
* prev of the where container
where_container_clause = palloc(sizeof(*where_container_clause));
where_container_clause->self = (Node *)with_clause;
where_container_clause->next = NULL;
where_container_clause->prev = next;
return where_container_clause;
static Query *analyze_cypher(List *stmt, ParseState *parent_pstate,
const char *query_str, int query_loc,
char *graph_name, uint32 graph_oid, Param *params)
cypher_clause *clause;
ListCell *lc;
cypher_parsestate parent_cpstate;
cypher_parsestate *cpstate;
ParseState *pstate;
errpos_ecb_state ecb_state;
Query *query;
* Since the first clause in stmt is the innermost subquery, the order of
* the clauses is inverted.
clause = NULL;
foreach (lc, stmt)
cypher_clause *next;
next = palloc(sizeof(*next));
next->next = NULL;
next->self = lfirst(lc);
next->prev = clause;
/* check for subqueries in match */
if (is_ag_node(next->self, cypher_match))
cypher_match *match = (cypher_match *)next->self;
if (match->where != NULL && expr_contains_node(expr_has_subquery, match->where))
/* advance the clause iterator to the intermediate clause position */
clause = build_subquery_node(next);
/* set the next of the match to the where_container_clause */
match->where = NULL;
next->next = clause;
if (clause != NULL)
clause->next = next;
clause = next;
* convert ParseState into cypher_parsestate temporarily to pass it to
* make_cypher_parsestate()
parent_cpstate.pstate = *parent_pstate;
parent_cpstate.graph_name = NULL;
parent_cpstate.params = NULL;
cpstate = make_cypher_parsestate(&parent_cpstate);
pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
/* we don't want functions that go up the pstate parent chain to access the
* original SQL query pstate.
pstate->parentParseState = NULL;
* override p_sourcetext with query_str to make parser_errposition() work
* correctly with errpos_ecb()
pstate->p_sourcetext = query_str;
cpstate->graph_name = graph_name;
cpstate->graph_oid = graph_oid;
cpstate->params = params;
cpstate->default_alias_num = 0;
cpstate->entities = NIL;
cpstate->subquery_where_flag = false;
* install error context callback to adjust an error position since
* locations in stmt are 0 based
setup_errpos_ecb(&ecb_state, parent_pstate, query_loc);
query = transform_cypher_clause(cpstate, clause);
return query;
* Since some target entries of subquery may be referenced for sorting (ORDER
* BY), we cannot apply the coercion directly to the expressions of the target
* entries. Therefore, we do the coercion by doing SELECT over subquery.
static Query *analyze_cypher_and_coerce(List *stmt, RangeTblFunction *rtfunc,
ParseState *parent_pstate,
const char *query_str, int query_loc,
char *graph_name, uint32 graph_oid,
Param *params)
ParseState *pstate;
Query *query;
const bool lateral = false;
Query *subquery;
ParseNamespaceItem *pnsi;
int rtindex;
ListCell *lt;
ListCell *lc1;
ListCell *lc2;
ListCell *lc3;
int attr_count = 0;
pstate = make_parsestate(parent_pstate);
query = makeNode(Query);
query->commandType = CMD_SELECT;
* Below is similar to transform_prev_cypher_clause().
Assert(pstate->p_expr_kind == EXPR_KIND_NONE);
pstate->p_expr_kind = EXPR_KIND_FROM_SUBSELECT;
pstate->p_lateral_active = lateral;
subquery = analyze_cypher(stmt, pstate, query_str, query_loc, graph_name,
graph_oid, (Param *)params);
pstate->p_lateral_active = false;
pstate->p_expr_kind = EXPR_KIND_NONE;
// ALIAS Syntax makes `RESJUNK`. So, It must be skipping.
foreach(lt, subquery->targetList)
TargetEntry *te = lfirst(lt);
if (!te->resjunk)
// check the number of attributes first
if (attr_count != rtfunc->funccolcount)
errmsg("return row and column definition list do not match"),
parser_errposition(pstate, exprLocation(rtfunc->funcexpr))));
pnsi = addRangeTableEntryForSubquery(pstate, subquery, makeAlias("_", NIL),
lateral, true);
rtindex = list_length(pstate->p_rtable);
// rte is the only RangeTblEntry in pstate
if (rtindex !=1 )
errmsg("invalid value for rtindex")));
addNSItemToQuery(pstate, pnsi, true, true, true);
query->targetList = expandNSItemAttrs(pstate, pnsi, 0, true, -1);
markTargetListOrigins(pstate, query->targetList);
// do the type coercion for each target entry
lc1 = list_head(rtfunc->funccolnames);
lc2 = list_head(rtfunc->funccoltypes);
lc3 = list_head(rtfunc->funccoltypmods);
foreach (lt, query->targetList)
TargetEntry *te = lfirst(lt);
Node *expr = (Node *)te->expr;
Oid current_type;
Oid target_type;
current_type = exprType(expr);
target_type = lfirst_oid(lc2);
if (current_type != target_type)
int32 target_typmod = lfirst_int(lc3);
Node *new_expr;
* The coercion context of this coercion is COERCION_EXPLICIT
* because the target type is explicitly mentioned in the column
* definition list and we need to do this by looking up all
* possible coercion.
new_expr = coerce_to_target_type(pstate, expr, current_type,
target_type, target_typmod,
if (!new_expr)
char *colname = strVal(lfirst(lc1));
errmsg("cannot cast type %s to %s for column \"%s\"",
format_type_be(target_type), colname),
te->expr = (Expr *)new_expr;
lc1 = lnext(rtfunc->funccolnames, lc1);
lc2 = lnext(rtfunc->funccoltypes, lc2);
lc3 = lnext(rtfunc->funccoltypmods, lc3);
query->rtable = pstate->p_rtable;
query->rteperminfos = pstate->p_rteperminfos;
query->jointree = makeFromExpr(pstate->p_joinlist, NULL);
assign_query_collations(pstate, query);
return query;