blob: cb729a341511f37b4da1d0465e49ec68622210e6 [file] [log] [blame]
* For PostgreSQL Database Management System:
* (formerly known as Postgres, then as Postgres95)
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2010, The PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, The Regents of the University of California
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose,
* without fee, and without a written agreement is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice
* and this paragraph and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies.
#include "postgres.h"
#include "access/sysattr.h"
#include "access/heapam.h"
#include "catalog/pg_type_d.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
#include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h"
#include "nodes/nodes.h"
#include "nodes/parsenodes.h"
#include "nodes/pg_list.h"
#include "nodes/primnodes.h"
#include "optimizer/optimizer.h"
#include "parser/parse_clause.h"
#include "parser/parse_coerce.h"
#include "parser/parse_collate.h"
#include "parser/parse_expr.h"
#include "parser/parse_func.h"
#include "parser/parse_node.h"
#include "parser/parse_oper.h"
#include "parser/parse_relation.h"
#include "parser/parse_target.h"
#include "parser/parsetree.h"
#include "rewrite/rewriteHandler.h"
#include "utils/typcache.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
#include "utils/rel.h"
#include "catalog/ag_graph.h"
#include "catalog/ag_label.h"
#include "commands/label_commands.h"
#include "nodes/ag_nodes.h"
#include "nodes/cypher_nodes.h"
#include "parser/cypher_clause.h"
#include "parser/cypher_expr.h"
#include "parser/cypher_item.h"
#include "parser/cypher_parse_agg.h"
#include "parser/cypher_parse_node.h"
#include "parser/cypher_transform_entity.h"
#include "utils/ag_cache.h"
#include "utils/ag_func.h"
#include "utils/agtype.h"
#include "utils/graphid.h"
* Variable string names for makeTargetEntry. As they are going to be variable
* names that will be hidden from the user, we need to do our best to make sure
* they won't be picked by mistake. Additionally, their form needs to be easily
* determined as ours. For now, prefix them as follows -
* We should probably make an automated variable generator, like for aliases,
* for this.
* Also, keep these here as nothing outside of this file needs to know these.
* In the transformation stage, we need to track
* where a variable came from. When moving between
* clauses, Postgres parsestate and Query data structures
* are insufficient for some of the information we
* need.
* Rules to determine if a node must be included:
* 1. the node is in a path variable
* 2. the node is a variable
* 3. the node contains filter properties
#define INCLUDE_NODE_IN_JOIN_TREE(path, node) \
(path->var_name || node->name || node->props)
typedef Query *(*transform_method)(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_clause *clause);
// projection
static Query *transform_cypher_return(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_clause *clause);
static List *transform_cypher_order_by(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
List *sort_items, List **target_list,
ParseExprKind expr_kind);
static TargetEntry *find_target_list_entry(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
Node *node, List **target_list,
ParseExprKind expr_kind);
static Node *transform_cypher_limit(cypher_parsestate *cpstate, Node *node,
ParseExprKind expr_kind,
const char *construct_name);
static Query *transform_cypher_with(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_clause *clause);
static Query *transform_cypher_clause_with_where(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
transform_method transform,
cypher_clause *clause,
Node *where);
// match clause
static Query *transform_cypher_match(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_clause *clause);
static Query *transform_cypher_match_pattern(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_clause *clause);
static List *transform_match_entities(cypher_parsestate *cpstate, Query *query,
cypher_path *path);
static void transform_match_pattern(cypher_parsestate *cpstate, Query *query,
List *pattern, Node *where);
static List *transform_match_path(cypher_parsestate *cpstate, Query *query,
cypher_path *path);
static Expr *transform_cypher_edge(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_relationship *rel,
List **target_list, bool valid_label);
static Expr *transform_cypher_node(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_node *node, List **target_list,
bool output_node, bool valid_label);
static bool match_check_valid_label(cypher_match *match,
cypher_parsestate *cpstate);
static Node *make_vertex_expr(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
ParseNamespaceItem *pnsi);
static Node *make_edge_expr(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
ParseNamespaceItem *pnsi);
static Node *make_qual(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
transform_entity *entity, char *name);
static TargetEntry *
transform_match_create_path_variable(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_path *path, List *entities);
static List *make_path_join_quals(cypher_parsestate *cpstate, List *entities);
static List *make_directed_edge_join_conditions(
cypher_parsestate *cpstate, transform_entity *prev_entity,
transform_entity *next_entity, Node *prev_qual, Node *next_qual,
char *prev_node_label, char *next_node_label);
static List *join_to_entity(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
transform_entity *entity, Node *qual,
enum transform_entity_join_side side);
static List *make_join_condition_for_edge(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
transform_entity *prev_edge,
transform_entity *prev_node,
transform_entity *entity,
transform_entity *next_node,
transform_entity *next_edge);
static List *make_edge_quals(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
transform_entity *edge,
enum transform_entity_join_side side);
static A_Expr *filter_vertices_on_label_id(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
Node *id_field, char *label);
static Node *create_property_constraints(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
transform_entity *entity,
Node *property_constraints,
Node *prop_expr);
static TargetEntry *findTarget(List *targetList, char *resname);
static transform_entity *transform_VLE_edge_entity(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_relationship *rel,
Query *query);
// create clause
static Query *transform_cypher_create(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_clause *clause);
static List *transform_cypher_create_pattern(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
Query *query, List *pattern);
static cypher_create_path *
transform_cypher_create_path(cypher_parsestate *cpstate, List **target_list,
cypher_path *cp);
static cypher_target_node *
transform_create_cypher_node(cypher_parsestate *cpstate, List **target_list,
cypher_node *node);
static cypher_target_node *
transform_create_cypher_new_node(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
List **target_list, cypher_node *node);
static cypher_target_node *transform_create_cypher_existing_node(
cypher_parsestate *cpstate, List **target_list, bool declared_in_current_clause,
cypher_node *node);
static cypher_target_node *
transform_create_cypher_edge(cypher_parsestate *cpstate, List **target_list,
cypher_relationship *edge);
static Expr *cypher_create_properties(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_target_node *rel,
Relation label_relation, Node *props,
enum transform_entity_type type);
static Expr *add_volatile_wrapper(Expr *node);
static bool variable_exists(cypher_parsestate *cpstate, char *name);
static void add_volatile_wrapper_to_target_entry(List *target_list, int resno);
static int get_target_entry_resno(List *target_list, char *name);
static void handle_prev_clause(cypher_parsestate *cpstate, Query *query,
cypher_clause *clause, bool first_rte);
static TargetEntry *placeholder_target_entry(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
char *name);
static Query *transform_cypher_sub_pattern(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_clause *clause);
// set and remove clause
static Query *transform_cypher_set(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_clause *clause);
static cypher_update_information *transform_cypher_set_item_list(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
List *set_item_list,
Query *query);
static cypher_update_information *transform_cypher_remove_item_list(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
List *remove_item_list,
Query *query);
// delete
static Query *transform_cypher_delete(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_clause *clause);
static List *transform_cypher_delete_item_list(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
List *delete_item_list,
Query *query);
//set operators
static Query *transform_cypher_union(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_clause *clause);
static Node * transform_cypher_union_tree(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_clause *clause,
bool isTopLevel,
List **targetlist);
Query *cypher_parse_sub_analyze_union(cypher_clause *clause,
cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
CommonTableExpr *parentCTE,
bool locked_from_parent,
bool resolve_unknowns);
static void get_res_cols(ParseState *pstate, ParseNamespaceItem *l_pnsi,
ParseNamespaceItem *r_pnsi, List **res_colnames,
List **res_colvars);
// unwind
static Query *transform_cypher_unwind(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_clause *clause);
// merge
static Query *transform_cypher_merge(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_clause *clause);
static cypher_create_path *
transform_merge_make_lateral_join(cypher_parsestate *cpstate, Query *query,
cypher_clause *clause,
cypher_clause *isolated_merge_clause);
static cypher_create_path *
transform_cypher_merge_path(cypher_parsestate *cpstate, List **target_list,
cypher_path *path);
static cypher_target_node *
transform_merge_cypher_edge(cypher_parsestate *cpstate, List **target_list,
cypher_relationship *edge);
static cypher_target_node *
transform_merge_cypher_node(cypher_parsestate *cpstate, List **target_list,
cypher_node *node);
static Node *transform_clause_for_join(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_clause *clause,
RangeTblEntry **rte,
ParseNamespaceItem **nsitem,
Alias* alias);
static cypher_clause *convert_merge_to_match(cypher_merge *merge);
static void
transform_cypher_merge_mark_tuple_position(List *target_list,
cypher_create_path *path);
static cypher_target_node *get_referenced_variable(ParseState *pstate,
Node *node,
List *transformed_path);
static Query *transform_cypher_call_stmt(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_clause *clause);
static Query *transform_cypher_call_subquery(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_clause *clause);
// transform
#define transform_prev_cypher_clause(cpstate, prev_clause, add_rte_to_query) \
transform_cypher_clause_as_subquery(cpstate, transform_cypher_clause, \
prev_clause, NULL, add_rte_to_query)
static ParseNamespaceItem
*transform_cypher_clause_as_subquery(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
transform_method transform,
cypher_clause *clause,
Alias *alias,
bool add_rte_to_query);
static Query *analyze_cypher_clause(transform_method transform,
cypher_clause *clause,
cypher_parsestate *parent_cpstate);
static List *transform_group_clause(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
List *grouplist, List **groupingSets,
List **targetlist, List *sortClause,
ParseExprKind exprKind);
static Node *flatten_grouping_sets(Node *expr, bool toplevel,
bool *hasGroupingSets);
static Index transform_group_clause_expr(List **flatresult,
Bitmapset *seen_local,
cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
Node *gexpr, List **targetlist,
List *sortClause,
ParseExprKind exprKind,
bool toplevel);
static List *add_target_to_group_list(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
TargetEntry *tle, List *grouplist,
List *targetlist, int location);
static void advance_transform_entities_to_next_clause(List *entities);
static ParseNamespaceItem *get_namespace_item(ParseState *pstate,
RangeTblEntry *rte);
static List *make_target_list_from_join(ParseState *pstate,
RangeTblEntry *rte);
static FuncExpr *make_clause_func_expr(char *function_name,
Node *clause_information);
/* for VLE support */
static ParseNamespaceItem *transform_RangeFunction(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
RangeFunction *r);
static Node *transform_VLE_Function(cypher_parsestate *cpstate, Node *n,
RangeTblEntry **top_rte, int *top_rti,
List **namespace);
static ParseNamespaceItem *append_VLE_Func_to_FromClause(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
Node *n);
static void setNamespaceLateralState(List *namespace, bool lateral_only,
bool lateral_ok);
static bool isa_special_VLE_case(cypher_path *path);
static ParseNamespaceItem *find_pnsi(cypher_parsestate *cpstate, char *varname);
* transform a cypher_clause
Query *transform_cypher_clause(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_clause *clause)
Node *self = clause->self;
Query *result;
// examine the type of clause and call the transform logic for it
if (is_ag_node(self, cypher_return))
cypher_return *n = (cypher_return *) self;
if (n->op == SETOP_NONE)
result = transform_cypher_return(cpstate, clause);
else if (n->op == SETOP_UNION)
result = transform_cypher_union(cpstate, clause);
ereport(ERROR, (errmsg_internal("unexpected Node for cypher_return")));
else if (is_ag_node(self, cypher_with))
result = transform_cypher_with(cpstate, clause);
else if (is_ag_node(self, cypher_match))
result = transform_cypher_match(cpstate, clause);
else if (is_ag_node(self, cypher_create))
result = transform_cypher_create(cpstate, clause);
else if (is_ag_node(self, cypher_set))
result = transform_cypher_set(cpstate, clause);
else if (is_ag_node(self, cypher_delete))
result = transform_cypher_delete(cpstate, clause);
else if (is_ag_node(self, cypher_merge))
result = transform_cypher_merge(cpstate, clause);
else if (is_ag_node(self, cypher_sub_pattern))
result = transform_cypher_sub_pattern(cpstate, clause);
else if (is_ag_node(self, cypher_unwind))
result = transform_cypher_unwind(cpstate, clause);
else if (is_ag_node(self, cypher_call))
result = transform_cypher_call_stmt(cpstate, clause);
ereport(ERROR, (errmsg_internal("unexpected Node for cypher_clause")));
result->querySource = QSRC_ORIGINAL;
result->canSetTag = true;
return result;
* Transform the UNION operator/clause. Creates a cypher_union
* node and the necessary information needed in the execution
* phase
static cypher_clause *make_cypher_clause(List *stmt)
cypher_clause *clause;
ListCell *lc;
* Since the first clause in stmt is the innermost subquery, the order of
* the clauses is inverted.
clause = NULL;
foreach (lc, stmt)
cypher_clause *next;
next = palloc(sizeof(*next));
next->next = NULL;
next->self = lfirst(lc);
next->prev = clause;
if (clause != NULL)
clause->next = next;
clause = next;
return clause;
* transform_cypher_union -
* transforms a union tree, derived from postgresql's
* transformSetOperationStmt. A lot of the general logic is similar,
* with adjustments made for AGE.
* A union tree is just a return, but with UNION structure to it.
* We must transform each leaf SELECT and build up a top-level Query
* that contains the leaf SELECTs as subqueries in its rangetable.
* The tree of unions is converted into the setOperations field of
* the top-level Query.
static Query *transform_cypher_union(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_clause *clause)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
Query *qry = makeNode(Query);
int leftmostRTI;
Query *leftmostQuery;
SetOperationStmt *cypher_union_statement;
Node *skip = NULL; /* equivalent to postgres limitOffset */
Node *limit = NULL; /* equivalent to postgres limitCount */
List *order_by = NIL;
Node *node;
cypher_return *self = (cypher_return *)clause->self;
ListCell *left_tlist, *lct, *lcm, *lcc;
List *targetvars, *targetnames, *sv_namespace;
int sv_rtable_length;
int tllen;
ParseNamespaceItem *nsitem;
ParseNamespaceColumn *sortnscolumns;
int sortcolindex;
qry->commandType = CMD_SELECT;
* Union is a node that should never have a previous node because
* of where it is used in the parse logic. The query parts around it
* are children located in larg or rarg. Something went wrong if the
* previous clause field is not null.
if (clause->prev)
errmsg("Union is a parent node, there are no previous"),
parser_errposition(&cpstate->pstate, 0)));
order_by = self->order_by;
skip = self->skip;
limit = self->limit;
self->order_by = NIL;
self->skip = NULL;
self->limit = NULL;
* Recursively transform the components of the tree.
cypher_union_statement = (SetOperationStmt *) transform_cypher_union_tree(cpstate,
clause, true, NULL);
qry->setOperations = (Node *) cypher_union_statement;
* Re-find leftmost return (now it's a sub-query in rangetable)
node = cypher_union_statement->larg;
while (node && IsA(node, SetOperationStmt))
node = ((SetOperationStmt *) node)->larg;
Assert(node && IsA(node, RangeTblRef));
leftmostRTI = ((RangeTblRef *) node)->rtindex;
leftmostQuery = rt_fetch(leftmostRTI, pstate->p_rtable)->subquery;
Assert(leftmostQuery != NULL);
* Generate dummy targetlist for outer query using column names of
* leftmost return and common datatypes/collations of topmost set
* operation. Also make lists of the dummy vars and their names for use
* in parsing ORDER BY.
* Note: we use leftmostRTI as the varno of the dummy variables. It
* shouldn't matter too much which RT index they have, as long as they
* have one that corresponds to a real RT entry; else funny things may
* happen when the tree is mashed by rule rewriting.
qry->targetList = NIL;
targetvars = NIL;
targetnames = NIL;
sortnscolumns = (ParseNamespaceColumn *)
palloc0(list_length(cypher_union_statement->colTypes) * sizeof(ParseNamespaceColumn));
sortcolindex = 0;
forfour(lct, cypher_union_statement->colTypes,
lcm, cypher_union_statement->colTypmods,
lcc, cypher_union_statement->colCollations,
left_tlist, leftmostQuery->targetList)
Oid colType = lfirst_oid(lct);
int32 colTypmod = lfirst_int(lcm);
Oid colCollation = lfirst_oid(lcc);
TargetEntry *lefttle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(left_tlist);
char *colName;
TargetEntry *tle;
Var *var;
colName = pstrdup(lefttle->resname);
var = makeVar(leftmostRTI,
var->location = exprLocation((Node *) lefttle->expr);
tle = makeTargetEntry((Expr *) var,
(AttrNumber) pstate->p_next_resno++,
qry->targetList = lappend(qry->targetList, tle);
targetvars = lappend(targetvars, var);
targetnames = lappend(targetnames, makeString(colName));
sortnscolumns[sortcolindex].p_varno = leftmostRTI;
sortnscolumns[sortcolindex].p_varattno = lefttle->resno;
sortnscolumns[sortcolindex].p_vartype = colType;
sortnscolumns[sortcolindex].p_vartypmod = colTypmod;
sortnscolumns[sortcolindex].p_varcollid = colCollation;
sortnscolumns[sortcolindex].p_varnosyn = leftmostRTI;
sortnscolumns[sortcolindex].p_varattnosyn = lefttle->resno;
* As a first step towards supporting sort clauses that are expressions
* using the output columns, generate a namespace entry that makes the
* output columns visible. A Join RTE node is handy for this, since we
* can easily control the Vars generated upon matches.
* Note: we don't yet do anything useful with such cases, but at least
* "ORDER BY upper(foo)" will draw the right error message rather than
* "foo not found".
sv_rtable_length = list_length(pstate->p_rtable);
nsitem = addRangeTableEntryForJoin(pstate, targetnames, sortnscolumns,
JOIN_INNER, 0, targetvars, NIL, NIL,
NULL, NULL, false);
sv_namespace = pstate->p_namespace;
pstate->p_namespace = NIL;
/* add jrte to column namespace only */
addNSItemToQuery(pstate, nsitem, false, false, true);
tllen = list_length(qry->targetList);
qry->sortClause = transformSortClause(pstate,
false /* allow SQL92 rules */ );
/* restore namespace, remove jrte from rtable */
pstate->p_namespace = sv_namespace;
pstate->p_rtable = list_truncate(pstate->p_rtable, sv_rtable_length);
if (tllen != list_length(qry->targetList))
errmsg("invalid UNION ORDER BY clause"),
errdetail("Only result column names can be used, not expressions or functions."),
exprLocation(list_nth(qry->targetList, tllen)))));
qry->limitOffset = transform_cypher_limit(cpstate, skip,
qry->limitCount = transform_cypher_limit(cpstate, limit,
qry->rtable = pstate->p_rtable;
qry->jointree = makeFromExpr(pstate->p_joinlist, NULL);
qry->hasAggs = pstate->p_hasAggs;
assign_query_collations(pstate, qry);
/* this must be done after collations, for reliable comparison of exprs */
if (pstate->p_hasAggs ||
qry->groupClause || qry->groupingSets || qry->havingQual)
parse_check_aggregates(pstate, qry);
return qry;
* transform_cypher_union_tree
* Recursively transform leaves and internal nodes of a set-op tree,
* derived from postgresql's transformSetOperationTree. A lot of
* the general logic is similar, with adjustments made for AGE.
* In addition to returning the transformed node, if targetlist isn't NULL
* then we return a list of its non-resjunk TargetEntry nodes. For a leaf
* set-op node these are the actual targetlist entries; otherwise they are
* dummy entries created to carry the type, typmod, collation, and location
* (for error messages) of each output column of the set-op node. This info
* is needed only during the internal recursion of this function, so outside
* callers pass NULL for targetlist. Note: the reason for passing the
* actual targetlist entries of a leaf node is so that upper levels can
* replace UNKNOWN Consts with properly-coerced constants.
static Node *
transform_cypher_union_tree(cypher_parsestate *cpstate, cypher_clause *clause,
bool isTopLevel, List **targetlist)
bool isLeaf;
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
cypher_return *cmp;
ParseNamespaceItem *pnsi;
/* Guard against stack overflow due to overly complex set-expressions */
if (IsA(clause, List))
clause = make_cypher_clause((List *)clause);
if (is_ag_node(clause->self, cypher_return))
cmp = (cypher_return *) clause->self;
errmsg("Cypher found an unsupported node"),
parser_errposition(pstate, 0)));
if (cmp->op == SETOP_NONE)
Assert(cmp->larg == NULL && cmp->rarg == NULL);
isLeaf = true;
else if (cmp->op == SETOP_UNION)
Assert(cmp->larg != NULL && cmp->rarg != NULL);
if (cmp->order_by || cmp->limit || cmp->skip)
isLeaf = true;
isLeaf = false;
errmsg("Cypher found an unsupported SETOP"),
parser_errposition(pstate, 0)));
if (isLeaf)
/*process leaf return */
Query *returnQuery;
char returnName[32];
RangeTblRef *rtr;
ListCell *tl;
* Transform SelectStmt into a Query.
* This works the same as RETURN transformation normally would, except
* that we prevent resolving unknown-type outputs as TEXT. This does
* not change the subquery's semantics since if the column type
* matters semantically, it would have been resolved to something else
* anyway. Doing this lets us resolve such outputs using
* select_common_type(), below.
* Note: previously transformed sub-queries don't affect the parsing
* of this sub-query, because they are not in the toplevel pstate's
* namespace list.
* Convert the List * that the grammar gave us to a cypher_clause.
* cypher_analyze doesn't do this because the cypher_union clause
* is hiding it.
returnQuery = cypher_parse_sub_analyze_union((cypher_clause *) clause, cpstate,
NULL, false, false);
* Check for bogus references to Vars on the current query level (but
* upper-level references are okay). Normally this can't happen
* because the namespace will be empty, but it could happen if we are
* inside a rule.
if (pstate->p_namespace)
if (contain_vars_of_level((Node *) returnQuery, 1))
errmsg("UNION member statement cannot refer to other relations of same query level"),
locate_var_of_level((Node *) returnQuery, 1))));
* Extract a list of the non-junk TLEs for upper-level processing.
if (targetlist)
*targetlist = NIL;
foreach(tl, returnQuery->targetList)
TargetEntry *tle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(tl);
if (!tle->resjunk)
*targetlist = lappend(*targetlist, tle);
* Make the leaf query be a subquery in the top-level rangetable.
snprintf(returnName, sizeof(returnName), "*SELECT* %d ",
list_length(pstate->p_rtable) + 1);
pnsi = addRangeTableEntryForSubquery(pstate,
makeAlias(returnName, NIL),
rte = pnsi->p_rte;
rtr = makeNode(RangeTblRef);
/* assume new rte is at end */
rtr->rtindex = list_length(pstate->p_rtable);
Assert(rte == rt_fetch(rtr->rtindex, pstate->p_rtable));
return (Node *) rtr;
else /*is not a leaf */
/* Process an internal node (set operation node) */
SetOperationStmt *op = makeNode(SetOperationStmt);
List *ltargetlist;
List *rtargetlist;
ListCell *ltl;
ListCell *rtl;
cypher_return *self = (cypher_return *) clause->self;
const char *context;
context = "UNION";
op->op = self->op;
op->all = self->all_or_distinct;
* Recursively transform the left child node.
op->larg = transform_cypher_union_tree(cpstate,
(cypher_clause *) self->larg,
* If we find ourselves processing a recursive CTE here something
* went horribly wrong. That is an SQL construct with no parallel in
* cypher.
if (isTopLevel &&
pstate->p_parent_cte &&
errmsg("Cypher does not support recursive CTEs"),
parser_errposition(pstate, 0)));
* Recursively transform the right child node.
op->rarg = transform_cypher_union_tree(cpstate,
(cypher_clause *) self->rarg,
* Verify that the two children have the same number of non-junk
* columns, and determine the types of the merged output columns.
if (list_length(ltargetlist) != list_length(rtargetlist))
errmsg("each %s query must have the same number of columns",
exprLocation((Node *) rtargetlist))));
if (targetlist)
*targetlist = NIL;
op->colTypes = NIL;
op->colTypmods = NIL;
op->colCollations = NIL;
op->groupClauses = NIL;
forboth(ltl, ltargetlist, rtl, rtargetlist)
TargetEntry *ltle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(ltl);
TargetEntry *rtle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(rtl);
Node *lcolnode = (Node *) ltle->expr;
Node *rcolnode = (Node *) rtle->expr;
Oid lcoltype = exprType(lcolnode);
Oid rcoltype = exprType(rcolnode);
int32 lcoltypmod = exprTypmod(lcolnode);
int32 rcoltypmod = exprTypmod(rcolnode);
Node *bestexpr;
int bestlocation;
Oid rescoltype;
int32 rescoltypmod;
Oid rescolcoll;
/* select common type, same as CASE et al */
rescoltype = select_common_type(pstate,
list_make2(lcolnode, rcolnode),
bestlocation = exprLocation(bestexpr);
/* if same type and same typmod, use typmod; else default */
if (lcoltype == rcoltype && lcoltypmod == rcoltypmod)
rescoltypmod = lcoltypmod;
rescoltypmod = -1;
* Verify the coercions are actually possible. If not, we'd fail
* later anyway, but we want to fail now while we have sufficient
* context to produce an error cursor position.
* For all non-UNKNOWN-type cases, we verify coercibility but we
* don't modify the child's expression, for fear of changing the
* child query's semantics.
* If a child expression is an UNKNOWN-type Const or Param, we
* want to replace it with the coerced expression. This can only
* happen when the child is a leaf set-op node. It's safe to
* replace the expression because if the child query's semantics
* depended on the type of this output column, it'd have already
* coerced the UNKNOWN to something else. We want to do this
* because (a) we want to verify that a Const is valid for the
* target type, or resolve the actual type of an UNKNOWN Param,
* and (b) we want to avoid unnecessary discrepancies between the
* output type of the child query and the resolved target type.
* Such a discrepancy would disable optimization in the planner.
* If it's some other UNKNOWN-type node, eg a Var, we do nothing
* (knowing that coerce_to_common_type would fail). The planner
* is sometimes able to fold an UNKNOWN Var to a constant before
* it has to coerce the type, so failing now would just break
* cases that might work.
if (lcoltype != UNKNOWNOID)
lcolnode = coerce_to_common_type(pstate, lcolnode,
rescoltype, context);
else if (IsA(lcolnode, Const) || IsA(lcolnode, Param))
lcolnode = coerce_to_common_type(pstate, lcolnode,
rescoltype, context);
ltle->expr = (Expr *) lcolnode;
if (rcoltype != UNKNOWNOID)
rcolnode = coerce_to_common_type(pstate, rcolnode,
rescoltype, context);
else if (IsA(rcolnode, Const) || IsA(rcolnode, Param))
rcolnode = coerce_to_common_type(pstate, rcolnode,
rescoltype, context);
rtle->expr = (Expr *) rcolnode;
* Select common collation. A common collation is required for
* all set operators except UNION ALL; see SQL:2008 7.13 <query
* expression> Syntax Rule 15c. (If we fail to identify a common
* collation for a UNION ALL column, the curCollations element
* will be set to InvalidOid, which may result in a runtime error
* if something at a higher query level wants to use the column's
* collation.)
rescolcoll = select_common_collation(pstate,
list_make2(lcolnode, rcolnode),
(op->op == SETOP_UNION && op->all));
/* emit results */
op->colTypes = lappend_oid(op->colTypes, rescoltype);
op->colTypmods = lappend_int(op->colTypmods, rescoltypmod);
op->colCollations = lappend_oid(op->colCollations, rescolcoll);
* For all cases except UNION ALL, identify the grouping operators
* (and, if available, sorting operators) that will be used to
* eliminate duplicates.
if (op->op != SETOP_UNION || !op->all)
SortGroupClause *grpcl = makeNode(SortGroupClause);
Oid sortop;
Oid eqop;
bool hashable = false;
ParseCallbackState pcbstate;
setup_parser_errposition_callback(&pcbstate, pstate,
* determine the eqop and optional sortop
* NOTE: for UNION, we set hashable to false and pass a NULL to
* isHashable in get_sort_group_operators to prevent a logic error
* where UNION fails to exclude duplicate results.
false, true, false,
&sortop, &eqop, NULL,
/* we don't have a tlist yet, so can't assign sortgrouprefs */
grpcl->tleSortGroupRef = 0;
grpcl->eqop = eqop;
grpcl->sortop = sortop;
grpcl->nulls_first = false; /* OK with or without sortop */
grpcl->hashable = hashable;
op->groupClauses = lappend(op->groupClauses, grpcl);
* Construct a dummy tlist entry to return. We use a SetToDefault
* node for the expression, since it carries exactly the fields
* needed, but any other expression node type would do as well.
if (targetlist)
SetToDefault *rescolnode = makeNode(SetToDefault);
TargetEntry *restle;
rescolnode->typeId = rescoltype;
rescolnode->typeMod = rescoltypmod;
rescolnode->collation = rescolcoll;
rescolnode->location = bestlocation;
restle = makeTargetEntry((Expr *) rescolnode,
0, /* no need to set resno */
*targetlist = lappend(*targetlist, restle);
return (Node *)op;
}//end else (is not leaf)
* Function that takes a cypher call and returns the yielded result
* This function also catches some cases that should fail that could not
* be picked up by the grammar. transform_cypher_call_subquery handles the
* call transformation itself.
static Query *transform_cypher_call_stmt(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_clause *clause)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
cypher_call *self = (cypher_call *)clause->self;
if (!clause->prev && !clause->next) /* CALL [YIELD] -- the most simple call */
if (self->where) /* Error check for WHERE clause after YIELD without RETURN */
errmsg("Cannot use standalone CALL with WHERE"),
errhint("Instead use `CALL ... WITH * WHERE ... RETURN *`"),
exprLocation((Node *) self->where))));
return transform_cypher_call_subquery(cpstate, clause);
else /* subqueries */
if (!self->yield_items)
errmsg("Procedure call inside a query does not support naming results implicitly"),
errhint("Name explicitly using `YIELD` instead"),
exprLocation((Node *) self))));
if (!clause->next)
errmsg("Query cannot conclude with CALL"),
errhint("Must be RETURN or an update clause"),
exprLocation((Node *) self))));
return transform_cypher_clause_with_where(cpstate,
clause, self->where);
return NULL;
* Helper routine for transform_cypher_call_stmt. This routine transforms the
* call statement and handles the YIELD clause.
static Query *transform_cypher_call_subquery(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_clause *clause)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
ParseState *p_child_parse_state = make_parsestate(NULL);
cypher_call *self = (cypher_call *)clause->self;
Query *query;
char *colName;
FuncExpr *node = NULL;
TargetEntry *tle;
Expr *where_qual = NULL;
query = makeNode(Query);
query->commandType = CMD_SELECT;
if (clause->prev)
/* we want to retain all previous range table entries */
handle_prev_clause(cpstate, query, clause->prev, false);
/* transform the funccall and store it in a funcexpr node */
node = castNode( FuncExpr, transform_cypher_expr(cpstate, (Node *) self->funccall,
/* retrieve the column name from funccall */
colName = strVal(linitial(self->funccall->funcname));
/* make a targetentry from the funcexpr node */
tle = makeTargetEntry((Expr *) node,
(AttrNumber) p_child_parse_state->p_next_resno++,
if (self->yield_items) /* if there are yield items, we need to check them */
List *yield_targetList;
ListCell *lc;
yield_targetList = list_make1(tle);
foreach (lc, self->yield_items)
ResTarget *target = NULL;
ColumnRef *var = NULL;
TargetEntry *yielded_tle = NULL;
target = (ResTarget *) lfirst(lc);
if (!IsA(target->val, ColumnRef))
errmsg("YIELD item must be ColumnRef"),
parser_errposition(&cpstate->pstate, 0)));
var = (ColumnRef *) target->val;
/* check if the restarget variable exists in the yield_targetList*/
if (findTarget(yield_targetList, strVal(linitial(var->fields))) != NULL)
/* check if an alias exists. if one does, we check if it is
already declared in the targetlist */
if (target->name)
if (findTarget(query->targetList, target->name) != NULL)
errmsg("duplicate variable \"%s\"", target->name),
parser_errposition((ParseState *) cpstate, exprLocation((Node *) target))));
yielded_tle = makeTargetEntry((Expr *) node,
(AttrNumber) pstate->p_next_resno++,
query->targetList = lappend(query->targetList, yielded_tle);
else/* if there is no alias, we check if the variable is already declared */
if (findTarget(query->targetList, strVal(linitial(var->fields))) != NULL)
errmsg("duplicate variable \"%s\"", colName),
parser_errposition((ParseState *) cpstate, exprLocation((Node *) target))));
yielded_tle = makeTargetEntry((Expr *) node,
(AttrNumber) pstate->p_next_resno++,
query->targetList = lappend(query->targetList, yielded_tle);
/* if the yield_item is not found and we return an error */
errmsg("Unknown CALL output"),
parser_errposition(pstate, exprLocation((Node *) target))));
else /* if there are no yield items this must be a solo call */
tle = makeTargetEntry((Expr *) node,
(AttrNumber) pstate->p_next_resno++,
query->targetList = list_make1(tle);
markTargetListOrigins(pstate, query->targetList);
query->rtable = cpstate->pstate.p_rtable;
query->jointree = makeFromExpr(cpstate->pstate.p_joinlist, (Node *)where_qual);
query->hasAggs = pstate->p_hasAggs;
assign_query_collations(pstate, query);
/* this must be done after collations, for reliable comparison of exprs */
if (pstate->p_hasAggs ||
query->groupClause || query->groupingSets || query->havingQual)
parse_check_aggregates(pstate, query);
return query;
* Transform the Delete clause. Creates a _cypher_delete_clause
* and passes the necessary information that is needed in the
* execution phase.
static Query *transform_cypher_delete(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_clause *clause)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
cypher_delete *self = (cypher_delete *)clause->self;
Query *query;
TargetEntry *tle;
FuncExpr *func_expr;
cypher_delete_information *delete_data;
delete_data = make_ag_node(cypher_delete_information);
query = makeNode(Query);
query->commandType = CMD_SELECT;
query->targetList = NIL;
if (!clause->prev)
errmsg("DELETE cannot be the first clause in a Cypher query"),
parser_errposition(pstate, self->location)));
handle_prev_clause(cpstate, query, clause->prev, true);
delete_data->delete_items = transform_cypher_delete_item_list(cpstate,
delete_data->graph_name = cpstate->graph_name;
delete_data->graph_oid = cpstate->graph_oid;
delete_data->detach = self->detach;
if (!clause->next)
delete_data->flags |= CYPHER_CLAUSE_FLAG_TERMINAL;
func_expr = make_clause_func_expr(DELETE_CLAUSE_FUNCTION_NAME,
(Node *)delete_data);
// Create the target entry
tle = makeTargetEntry((Expr *)func_expr, pstate->p_next_resno++,
query->targetList = lappend(query->targetList, tle);
query->rtable = pstate->p_rtable;
query->jointree = makeFromExpr(pstate->p_joinlist, NULL);
return query;
* transform_cypher_unwind
* It contains logic to convert the form of an array into a row. Here, we
* are simply calling `age_unnest` function, and the actual transformation
* is handled by `age_unnest` function.
static Query *transform_cypher_unwind(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_clause *clause)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *) cpstate;
cypher_unwind *self = (cypher_unwind *) clause->self;
int target_syntax_loc;
Query *query;
Node *expr;
FuncCall *unwind;
ParseExprKind old_expr_kind;
Node *funcexpr;
TargetEntry *te;
ParseNamespaceItem *pnsi;
query = makeNode(Query);
query->commandType = CMD_SELECT;
if (clause->prev)
int rtindex;
pnsi = transform_prev_cypher_clause(cpstate, clause->prev, true);
rtindex = list_length(pstate->p_rtable);
Assert(rtindex == 1); // rte is the first RangeTblEntry in pstate
if (rtindex != 1)
errmsg("invalid value for rtindex")));
query->targetList = expandNSItemAttrs(pstate, pnsi, 0, true, -1);
target_syntax_loc = exprLocation((const Node *) self->target);
if (findTarget(query->targetList, self->target->name) != NULL)
errmsg("duplicate variable \"%s\"", self->target->name),
parser_errposition((ParseState *) cpstate,
expr = transform_cypher_expr(cpstate, self->target->val,
unwind = makeFuncCall(list_make1(makeString("age_unnest")), NIL,
old_expr_kind = pstate->p_expr_kind;
pstate->p_expr_kind = EXPR_KIND_SELECT_TARGET;
funcexpr = ParseFuncOrColumn(pstate, unwind->funcname,
pstate->p_last_srf, unwind, false,
pstate->p_expr_kind = old_expr_kind;
te = makeTargetEntry((Expr *) funcexpr,
(AttrNumber) pstate->p_next_resno++,
self->target->name, false);
query->targetList = lappend(query->targetList, te);
query->rtable = pstate->p_rtable;
query->jointree = makeFromExpr(pstate->p_joinlist, NULL);
query->hasTargetSRFs = pstate->p_hasTargetSRFs;
assign_query_collations(pstate, query);
return query;
* Iterate through the list of items to delete and extract the variable name.
* Then find the resno that the variable name belongs to.
static List *transform_cypher_delete_item_list(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
List *delete_item_list,
Query *query)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
List *items = NIL;
ListCell *lc;
foreach(lc, delete_item_list)
Node *expr = lfirst(lc);
ColumnRef *col;
String *val;
Integer *pos;
int resno;
cypher_delete_item *item = make_ag_node(cypher_delete_item);
if (!IsA(expr, ColumnRef))
(errmsg_internal("unexpected Node for cypher_clause")));
col = (ColumnRef *)expr;
if (list_length(col->fields) != 1)
(errmsg_internal("unexpected Node for cypher_clause")));
val = linitial(col->fields);
if (!IsA(val, String))
(errmsg_internal("unexpected Node for cypher_clause")));
resno = get_target_entry_resno(query->targetList, val->sval);
if (resno == -1)
errmsg("undefined reference to variable %s in DELETE clause",
parser_errposition(pstate, col->location)));
add_volatile_wrapper_to_target_entry(query->targetList, resno);
pos = makeInteger(resno);
item->var_name = val->sval;
item->entity_position = pos;
items = lappend(items, item);
return items;
static Query *transform_cypher_set(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_clause *clause)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
cypher_set *self = (cypher_set *)clause->self;
Query *query;
cypher_update_information *set_items_target_list;
TargetEntry *tle;
FuncExpr *func_expr;
char *clause_name;
query = makeNode(Query);
query->commandType = CMD_SELECT;
query->targetList = NIL;
if (self->is_remove == true)
clause_name = UPDATE_CLAUSE_SET;
if (!clause->prev)
errmsg("%s cannot be the first clause in a Cypher query",
parser_errposition(pstate, self->location)));
handle_prev_clause(cpstate, query, clause->prev, true);
if (self->is_remove == true)
set_items_target_list = transform_cypher_remove_item_list(cpstate,
set_items_target_list = transform_cypher_set_item_list(cpstate,
set_items_target_list->clause_name = clause_name;
set_items_target_list->graph_name = cpstate->graph_name;
if (!clause->next)
set_items_target_list->flags |= CYPHER_CLAUSE_FLAG_TERMINAL;
func_expr = make_clause_func_expr(SET_CLAUSE_FUNCTION_NAME,
(Node *)set_items_target_list);
// Create the target entry
tle = makeTargetEntry((Expr *)func_expr, pstate->p_next_resno++,
query->targetList = lappend(query->targetList, tle);
query->rtable = pstate->p_rtable;
query->jointree = makeFromExpr(pstate->p_joinlist, NULL);
return query;
cypher_update_information *transform_cypher_remove_item_list(
cypher_parsestate *cpstate, List *remove_item_list, Query *query)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
ListCell *li;
cypher_update_information *info = make_ag_node(cypher_update_information);
info->set_items = NIL;
info->flags = 0;
foreach (li, remove_item_list)
cypher_set_item *set_item = lfirst(li);
cypher_update_item *item;
ColumnRef *ref;
A_Indirection *ind;
char *variable_name, *property_name;
String *property_node, *variable_node;
item = make_ag_node(cypher_update_item);
if (!is_ag_node(lfirst(li), cypher_set_item))
errmsg("unexpected node in cypher update list")));
if (set_item->is_add)
errmsg("REMOVE clause does not support adding properties from maps"),
parser_errposition(pstate, set_item->location)));
set_item->is_add = false;
item->remove_item = true;
if (!IsA(set_item->prop, A_Indirection))
errmsg("REMOVE clause must be in the format: REMOVE variable.property_name"),
parser_errposition(pstate, set_item->location)));
ind = (A_Indirection *)set_item->prop;
// extract variable name
if (!IsA(ind->arg, ColumnRef))
errmsg("REMOVE clause must be in the format: REMOVE variable.property_name"),
parser_errposition(pstate, set_item->location)));
ref = (ColumnRef *)ind->arg;
variable_node = linitial(ref->fields);
variable_name = variable_node->sval;
item->var_name = variable_name;
item->entity_position = get_target_entry_resno(query->targetList,
if (item->entity_position == -1)
errmsg("undefined reference to variable %s in REMOVE clause",
parser_errposition(pstate, set_item->location)));
// extract property name
if (list_length(ind->indirection) != 1)
errmsg("REMOVE clause must be in the format: REMOVE variable.property_name"),
parser_errposition(pstate, set_item->location)));
property_node = linitial(ind->indirection);
if (!IsA(property_node, String))
errmsg("REMOVE clause expects a property name"),
parser_errposition(pstate, set_item->location)));
property_name = property_node->sval;
item->prop_name = property_name;
info->set_items = lappend(info->set_items, item);
return info;
cypher_update_information *transform_cypher_set_item_list(
cypher_parsestate *cpstate, List *set_item_list, Query *query)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
ListCell *li;
cypher_update_information *info = make_ag_node(cypher_update_information);
info->set_items = NIL;
info->flags = 0;
foreach (li, set_item_list)
cypher_set_item *set_item = lfirst(li);
TargetEntry *target_item;
cypher_update_item *item;
ColumnRef *ref;
A_Indirection *ind;
char *variable_name, *property_name;
String *property_node, *variable_node;
int is_entire_prop_update = 0; // true if a map is assigned to variable
// LHS of set_item must be a variable or an indirection.
if (IsA(set_item->prop, ColumnRef))
* A variable can only be assigned a map, a function call that
* evaluates to a map, or a variable.
* In case of a function call, whether it actually evaluates to
* map is checked in the execution stage.
if (!is_ag_node(set_item->expr, cypher_map) &&
!IsA(set_item->expr, FuncCall) &&
!IsA(set_item->expr, ColumnRef))
errmsg("SET clause expects a map"),
parser_errposition(pstate, set_item->location)));
is_entire_prop_update = 1;
* In case of a variable, it is wrapped as an argument to
* the 'properties' function.
if (IsA(set_item->expr, ColumnRef))
List *qualified_name, *args;
qualified_name = list_make2(makeString("ag_catalog"),
args = list_make1(set_item->expr);
set_item->expr = (Node *)makeFuncCall(qualified_name, args,
else if (!IsA(set_item->prop, A_Indirection))
errmsg("SET clause expects a variable name"),
parser_errposition(pstate, set_item->location)));
item = make_ag_node(cypher_update_item);
if (!is_ag_node(lfirst(li), cypher_set_item))
errmsg("unexpected node in cypher update list")));
item->remove_item = false;
// set variable, is_add and extract property name
if (is_entire_prop_update)
ref = (ColumnRef *)set_item->prop;
item->is_add = set_item->is_add;
item->prop_name = NULL;
ind = (A_Indirection *)set_item->prop;
ref = (ColumnRef *)ind->arg;
if (set_item->is_add)
"SET clause does not yet support incrementing a specific property"),
parser_errposition(pstate, set_item->location)));
set_item->is_add = false;
// extract property name
if (list_length(ind->indirection) != 1)
errmsg("SET clause doesn't not support updating maps or lists in a property"),
parser_errposition(pstate, set_item->location)));
property_node = linitial(ind->indirection);
if (!IsA(property_node, String))
errmsg("SET clause expects a property name"),
parser_errposition(pstate, set_item->location)));
property_name = property_node->sval;
item->prop_name = property_name;
// extract variable name
variable_node = linitial(ref->fields);
if (!IsA(variable_node, String))
errmsg("SET clause expects a variable name"),
parser_errposition(pstate, set_item->location)));
variable_name = variable_node->sval;
item->var_name = variable_name;
item->entity_position = get_target_entry_resno(query->targetList,
if (item->entity_position == -1)
errmsg("undefined reference to variable %s in SET clause",
parser_errposition(pstate, set_item->location)));
// set keep_null property
if (is_ag_node(set_item->expr, cypher_map))
((cypher_map*)set_item->expr)->keep_null = set_item->is_add;
// create target entry for the new property value
item->prop_position = (AttrNumber)pstate->p_next_resno;
target_item = transform_cypher_item(cpstate, set_item->expr, NULL,
target_item->expr = add_volatile_wrapper(target_item->expr);
query->targetList = lappend(query->targetList, target_item);
info->set_items = lappend(info->set_items, item);
return info;
/* from PG's static helper function */
static Node *flatten_grouping_sets(Node *expr, bool toplevel,
bool *hasGroupingSets)
/* just in case of pathological input */
if (expr == (Node *) NIL)
return (Node *) NIL;
switch (expr->type)
case T_RowExpr:
RowExpr *r = (RowExpr *) expr;
if (r->row_format == COERCE_IMPLICIT_CAST)
return flatten_grouping_sets((Node *) r->args, false, NULL);
case T_GroupingSet:
errmsg("flattening of GroupingSet is not implemented")));
case T_List:
List *result = NIL;
ListCell *l;
foreach(l, (List *) expr)
Node *n = NULL;
n = flatten_grouping_sets(lfirst(l), toplevel, hasGroupingSets);
if (n != (Node *) NIL)
if (IsA(n, List))
result = list_concat(result, (List *) n);
result = lappend(result, n);
return (Node *) result;
return expr;
/* from PG's addTargetToGroupList */
static List *add_target_to_group_list(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
TargetEntry *tle, List *grouplist,
List *targetlist, int location)
ParseState *pstate = &cpstate->pstate;
Oid restype = exprType((Node *) tle->expr);
/* if tlist item is an UNKNOWN literal, change it to TEXT */
if (restype == UNKNOWNOID)
tle->expr = (Expr *) coerce_type(pstate, (Node *) tle->expr, restype,
restype = TEXTOID;
/* avoid making duplicate grouplist entries */
if (!targetIsInSortList(tle, InvalidOid, grouplist))
SortGroupClause *grpcl = makeNode(SortGroupClause);
Oid sortop;
Oid eqop;
bool hashable;
ParseCallbackState pcbstate;
setup_parser_errposition_callback(&pcbstate, pstate, location);
/* determine the eqop and optional sortop */
get_sort_group_operators(restype, false, true, false, &sortop, &eqop,
NULL, &hashable);
grpcl->tleSortGroupRef = assignSortGroupRef(tle, targetlist);
grpcl->eqop = eqop;
grpcl->sortop = sortop;
grpcl->nulls_first = false; /* OK with or without sortop */
grpcl->hashable = hashable;
grouplist = lappend(grouplist, grpcl);
return grouplist;
/* from PG's transformGroupClauseExpr */
static Index transform_group_clause_expr(List **flatresult,
Bitmapset *seen_local,
cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
Node *gexpr, List **targetlist,
List *sortClause,
ParseExprKind exprKind, bool toplevel)
TargetEntry *tle = NULL;
bool found = false;
tle = find_target_list_entry(cpstate, gexpr, targetlist, exprKind);
if (tle->ressortgroupref > 0)
ListCell *sl;
* Eliminate duplicates (GROUP BY x, x) but only at local level.
* (Duplicates in grouping sets can affect the number of returned
* rows, so can't be dropped indiscriminately.)
* Since we don't care about anything except the sortgroupref, we can
* use a bitmapset rather than scanning lists.
if (bms_is_member(tle->ressortgroupref, seen_local))
return 0;
* If we're already in the flat clause list, we don't need to consider
* adding ourselves again.
found = targetIsInSortList(tle, InvalidOid, *flatresult);
if (found)
return tle->ressortgroupref;
* If the GROUP BY tlist entry also appears in ORDER BY, copy operator
* info from the (first) matching ORDER BY item. This means that if
* you write something like "GROUP BY foo ORDER BY foo USING <<<", the
* GROUP BY operation silently takes on the equality semantics implied
* by the ORDER BY. There are two reasons to do this: it improves the
* odds that we can implement both GROUP BY and ORDER BY with a single
* sort step, and it allows the user to choose the equality semantics
* used by GROUP BY, should she be working with a datatype that has
* more than one equality operator.
* If we're in a grouping set, though, we force our requested ordering
* to be NULLS LAST, because if we have any hope of using a sorted agg
* for the job, we're going to be tacking on generated NULL values
* after the corresponding groups. If the user demands nulls first,
* another sort step is going to be inevitable, but that's the
* planner's problem.
foreach(sl, sortClause)
SortGroupClause *sc = (SortGroupClause *) lfirst(sl);
if (sc->tleSortGroupRef == tle->ressortgroupref)
SortGroupClause *grpc = copyObject(sc);
if (!toplevel)
grpc->nulls_first = false;
*flatresult = lappend(*flatresult, grpc);
found = true;
* If no match in ORDER BY, just add it to the result using default
* sort/group semantics.
if (!found)
*flatresult = add_target_to_group_list(cpstate, tle, *flatresult,
*targetlist, exprLocation(gexpr));
/* _something_ must have assigned us a sortgroupref by now... */
return tle->ressortgroupref;
/* from PG's transformGroupClause */
static List * transform_group_clause(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
List *grouplist, List **groupingSets,
List **targetlist, List *sortClause,
ParseExprKind exprKind)
List *result = NIL;
List *flat_grouplist;
List *gsets = NIL;
ListCell *gl;
bool hasGroupingSets = false;
Bitmapset *seen_local = NULL;
* Recursively flatten implicit RowExprs. (Technically this is only needed
* for GROUP BY, per the syntax rules for grouping sets, but we do it
* anyway.)
flat_grouplist = (List *) flatten_grouping_sets((Node *) grouplist, true,
foreach(gl, flat_grouplist)
Node *gexpr = (Node *) lfirst(gl);
if (IsA(gexpr, GroupingSet))
errmsg("GroupingSet is not implemented")));
Index ref = transform_group_clause_expr(&result, seen_local,
cpstate, gexpr, targetlist,
sortClause, exprKind, true);
if (ref > 0)
seen_local = bms_add_member(seen_local, ref);
if (hasGroupingSets)
errmsg("GroupingSet is not implemented")));
/* parser should prevent this */
Assert(gsets == NIL || groupingSets != NULL);
if (groupingSets)
*groupingSets = gsets;
return result;
static Query *transform_cypher_return(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_clause *clause)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
cypher_return *self = (cypher_return *)clause->self;
Query *query;
List *groupClause = NIL;
query = makeNode(Query);
query->commandType = CMD_SELECT;
if (clause->prev)
transform_prev_cypher_clause(cpstate, clause->prev, true);
query->targetList = transform_cypher_item_list(cpstate, self->items,
markTargetListOrigins(pstate, query->targetList);
query->sortClause = transform_cypher_order_by(cpstate, self->order_by,
/* 'auto' GROUP BY (from PG's transformGroupClause) */
query->groupClause = transform_group_clause(cpstate, groupClause,
if (self->distinct)
query->distinctClause = transformDistinctClause(
pstate, &query->targetList, query->sortClause, false);
query->hasDistinctOn = false;
query->distinctClause = NIL;
query->hasDistinctOn = false;
query->limitOffset = transform_cypher_limit(cpstate, self->skip,
query->limitCount = transform_cypher_limit(cpstate, self->limit,
query->rtable = pstate->p_rtable;
query->jointree = makeFromExpr(pstate->p_joinlist, NULL);
query->hasAggs = pstate->p_hasAggs;
assign_query_collations(pstate, query);
/* this must be done after collations, for reliable comparison of exprs */
if (pstate->p_hasAggs ||
query->groupClause || query->groupingSets || query->havingQual)
parse_check_aggregates(pstate, query);
return query;
// see transformSortClause()
static List *transform_cypher_order_by(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
List *sort_items, List **target_list,
ParseExprKind expr_kind)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
List *sort_list = NIL;
ListCell *li;
foreach (li, sort_items)
SortBy *sort_by = lfirst(li);
TargetEntry *te;
te = find_target_list_entry(cpstate, sort_by->node, target_list,
sort_list = addTargetToSortList(pstate, te, sort_list, *target_list,
return sort_list;
// see findTargetlistEntrySQL99()
static TargetEntry *find_target_list_entry(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
Node *node, List **target_list,
ParseExprKind expr_kind)
Node *expr;
ListCell *lt;
TargetEntry *te;
expr = transform_cypher_expr(cpstate, node, expr_kind);
foreach (lt, *target_list)
Node *te_expr;
te = lfirst(lt);
te_expr = strip_implicit_coercions((Node *)te->expr);
if (equal(expr, te_expr))
return te;
te = transform_cypher_item(cpstate, node, expr, expr_kind, NULL, true);
*target_list = lappend(*target_list, te);
return te;
// see transformLimitClause()
static Node *transform_cypher_limit(cypher_parsestate *cpstate, Node *node,
ParseExprKind expr_kind,
const char *construct_name)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
Node *qual;
if (!node)
return NULL;
qual = transform_cypher_expr(cpstate, node, expr_kind);
qual = coerce_to_specific_type(pstate, qual, INT8OID, construct_name);
// LIMIT can't refer to any variables of the current query.
if (contain_vars_of_level(qual, 0))
errmsg("argument of %s must not contain variables",
parser_errposition(pstate, locate_var_of_level(qual, 0))));
return qual;
static Query *transform_cypher_with(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_clause *clause)
cypher_with *self = (cypher_with *)clause->self;
cypher_return *return_clause;
cypher_clause *wrapper;
// TODO: check that all items have an alias for each
// WITH clause is basically RETURN clause with optional WHERE subclause
return_clause = make_ag_node(cypher_return);
return_clause->distinct = self->distinct;
return_clause->items = self->items;
return_clause->order_by = self->order_by;
return_clause->skip = self->skip;
return_clause->limit = self->limit;
wrapper = palloc(sizeof(*wrapper));
wrapper->self = (Node *)return_clause;
wrapper->prev = clause->prev;
return transform_cypher_clause_with_where(cpstate, transform_cypher_return,
wrapper, self->where);
static bool match_check_valid_label(cypher_match *match,
cypher_parsestate *cpstate)
ListCell *cell1;
ListCell *cell2;
cypher_path *path;
foreach(cell1, match->pattern)
int i = 0;
path = (cypher_path*) lfirst(cell1);
foreach(cell2, path->path)
if (i % 2 == 0)
cypher_node *node = NULL;
node = lfirst(cell2);
if (node->label)
label_cache_data *lcd =
if (lcd == NULL ||
lcd->kind != LABEL_KIND_VERTEX)
return false;
cypher_relationship *rel = NULL;
rel = lfirst(cell2);
if (rel->label)
label_cache_data *lcd =
if (lcd == NULL || lcd->kind != LABEL_KIND_EDGE)
return false;
return true;
static Query *transform_cypher_clause_with_where(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
transform_method transform,
cypher_clause *clause,
Node *where)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
Query *query;
Node *self = clause->self;
Node *where_qual = NULL;
if (where)
int rtindex;
ParseNamespaceItem *pnsi;
query = makeNode(Query);
query->commandType = CMD_SELECT;
pnsi = transform_cypher_clause_as_subquery(cpstate, transform, clause,
NULL, true);
Assert(pnsi != NULL);
rtindex = list_length(pstate->p_rtable);
Assert(rtindex == 1); // rte is the only RangeTblEntry in pstate
if (rtindex != 1)
errmsg("invalid value for rtindex")));
* add all the target entries in pnsi to the current target list to pass
* all the variables that are introduced in the previous clause to the
* next clause
query->targetList = expandNSItemAttrs(pstate, pnsi, 0, true, -1);
markTargetListOrigins(pstate, query->targetList);
query->rtable = pstate->p_rtable;
if (!is_ag_node(self, cypher_match))
where_qual = transform_cypher_expr(cpstate, where, EXPR_KIND_WHERE);
where_qual = coerce_to_boolean(pstate, where_qual, "WHERE");
query->jointree = makeFromExpr(pstate->p_joinlist, where_qual);
assign_query_collations(pstate, query);
query = transform(cpstate, clause);
query->hasSubLinks = pstate->p_hasSubLinks;
query->hasTargetSRFs = pstate->p_hasTargetSRFs;
query->hasAggs = pstate->p_hasAggs;
return query;
static Query *transform_cypher_match(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_clause *clause)
cypher_match *match_self = (cypher_match*) clause->self;
if(!match_check_valid_label(match_self, cpstate))
cypher_bool_const *l = make_ag_node(cypher_bool_const);
cypher_bool_const *r = make_ag_node(cypher_bool_const);
l->boolean = true;
l->location = -1;
r->boolean = false;
r->location = -1;
/*if the label is invalid, create a paradoxical where to get null*/
match_self->where = (Node *)makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_OP, "=",
(Node *)l,
(Node *)r, -1);
return transform_cypher_clause_with_where(
cpstate, transform_cypher_match_pattern, clause,
* Transform the clause into a subquery. This subquery will be used
* in a join so setup the namespace item and the created the rtr
* for the join to use.
static Node *transform_clause_for_join(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_clause *clause,
RangeTblEntry **rte,
ParseNamespaceItem **nsitem,
Alias* alias)
RangeTblRef *rtr;
*nsitem = transform_cypher_clause_as_subquery(cpstate,
clause, alias, false);
*rte = (*nsitem)->p_rte;
rtr = makeNode(RangeTblRef);
rtr->rtindex = (*nsitem)->p_rtindex;
return (Node *) rtr;
* For cases where we need to join two subqueries together (OPTIONAL MATCH and
* MERGE) we need to take the columns available in each rte and merge them
* together. The l_rte has precedence when there is a conflict, because that
* means that the pattern create in the current clause is referencing a
* variable declared in a previous clause (the l_rte). The output is the
* res_colnames and res_colvars that are passed in.
static void get_res_cols(ParseState *pstate, ParseNamespaceItem *l_pnsi,
ParseNamespaceItem *r_pnsi, List **res_colnames,
List **res_colvars)
List *l_colnames, *l_colvars;
List *r_colnames, *r_colvars;
ListCell *r_lname, *r_lvar;
List *colnames = NIL;
List *colvars = NIL;
expandRTE(l_pnsi->p_rte, l_pnsi->p_rtindex, 0, -1, false,
&l_colnames, &l_colvars);
expandRTE(r_pnsi->p_rte, r_pnsi->p_rtindex, 0, -1, false,
&r_colnames, &r_colvars);
// add in all colnames and colvars from the l_rte.
*res_colnames = list_concat(*res_colnames, l_colnames);
*res_colvars = list_concat(*res_colvars, l_colvars);
// find new columns and if they are a var, pass them in.
forboth(r_lname, r_colnames, r_lvar, r_colvars)
char *r_colname = strVal(lfirst(r_lname));
ListCell *lname;
ListCell *lvar;
Var *var = NULL;
forboth(lname, *res_colnames, lvar, *res_colvars)
char *colname = strVal(lfirst(lname));
if (strcmp(r_colname, colname) == 0)
var = lfirst(lvar);
if (var == NULL)
colnames = lappend(colnames, lfirst(r_lname));
colvars = lappend(colvars, lfirst(r_lvar));
*res_colnames = list_concat(*res_colnames, colnames);
*res_colvars = list_concat(*res_colvars, colvars);
* transform_cypher_optional_match_clause
* Transform the previous clauses and OPTIONAL MATCH clauses to be LATERAL LEFT JOIN
* transform_cypher_optional_match_clause to construct a result value.
static RangeTblEntry *transform_cypher_optional_match_clause(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_clause *clause)
cypher_clause *prevclause;
RangeTblEntry *l_rte, *r_rte;
ParseNamespaceItem *l_nsitem, *r_nsitem;
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *) cpstate;
JoinExpr* j = makeNode(JoinExpr);
List *res_colnames = NIL, *res_colvars = NIL;
Alias *l_alias, *r_alias;
ParseNamespaceItem *jnsitem;
int i = 0;
j->jointype = JOIN_LEFT;
l_alias = makeAlias(PREV_CYPHER_CLAUSE_ALIAS, NIL);
r_alias = makeAlias(CYPHER_OPT_RIGHT_ALIAS, NIL);
j->larg = transform_clause_for_join(cpstate, clause->prev, &l_rte,
&l_nsitem, l_alias);
pstate->p_namespace = lappend(pstate->p_namespace, l_nsitem);
* Remove the previous clause so when the transform_clause_for_join function
* transforms the OPTIONAL MATCH, the previous clause will not be transformed
* again.
prevclause = clause->prev;
clause->prev = NULL;
//set the lateral flag to true
pstate->p_lateral_active = true;
j->rarg = transform_clause_for_join(cpstate, clause, &r_rte,
&r_nsitem, r_alias);
// we are done transform the lateral left join
pstate->p_lateral_active = false;
* We are done with the previous clause in the transform phase, but
* reattach the previous clause for semantics.
clause->prev = prevclause;
pstate->p_namespace = NIL;
// get the colnames and colvars from the rtes
get_res_cols(pstate, l_nsitem, r_nsitem, &res_colnames, &res_colvars);
jnsitem = addRangeTableEntryForJoin(pstate,
j->rtindex = jnsitem->p_rtindex;
for (i = list_length(pstate->p_joinexprs) + 1; i < j->rtindex; i++)
pstate->p_joinexprs = lappend(pstate->p_joinexprs, NULL);
pstate->p_joinexprs = lappend(pstate->p_joinexprs, j);
Assert(list_length(pstate->p_joinexprs) == j->rtindex);
pstate->p_joinlist = lappend(pstate->p_joinlist, j);
/* add jrte to column namespace only */
addNSItemToQuery(pstate, jnsitem, false, false, true);
return jnsitem->p_rte;
static Query *transform_cypher_match_pattern(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_clause *clause)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
cypher_match *self = (cypher_match *)clause->self;
Query *query;
Node *where = self->where;
query = makeNode(Query);
query->commandType = CMD_SELECT;
if(self->optional == true && clause->next)
cypher_clause *next = clause->next;
if (is_ag_node(next->self, cypher_match))
cypher_match *next_self = (cypher_match *)next->self;
if (!next_self->optional)
errmsg("MATCH cannot follow OPTIONAL MATCH"),
exprLocation((Node *) next_self))));
// If there is no previous clause, transform to a general MATCH clause.
if (self->optional == true && clause->prev != NULL)
RangeTblEntry *rte = transform_cypher_optional_match_clause(cpstate, clause);
query->targetList = make_target_list_from_join(pstate, rte);
query->rtable = pstate->p_rtable;
query->jointree = makeFromExpr(pstate->p_joinlist, NULL);
if (clause->prev)
RangeTblEntry *rte;
int rtindex;
ParseNamespaceItem *pnsi;
pnsi = transform_prev_cypher_clause(cpstate, clause->prev, true);
rte = pnsi->p_rte;
rtindex = list_length(pstate->p_rtable);
Assert(rtindex == 1); // rte is the first RangeTblEntry in pstate
if (rtindex != 1)
errmsg("invalid value for rtindex")));
* add all the target entries in rte to the current target list to pass
* all the variables that are introduced in the previous clause to the
* next clause
pnsi = get_namespace_item(pstate, rte);
query->targetList = expandNSItemAttrs(pstate, pnsi, 0, true, -1);
transform_match_pattern(cpstate, query, self->pattern, where);
markTargetListOrigins(pstate, query->targetList);
query->hasSubLinks = pstate->p_hasSubLinks;
query->hasWindowFuncs = pstate->p_hasWindowFuncs;
query->hasTargetSRFs = pstate->p_hasTargetSRFs;
query->hasAggs = pstate->p_hasAggs;
assign_query_collations(pstate, query);
return query;
* Function to make a target list from an RTE. Taken from AgensGraph and PG
static List *make_target_list_from_join(ParseState *pstate, RangeTblEntry *rte)
List *targetlist = NIL;
ListCell *lt;
ListCell *ln;
AssertArg(rte->rtekind == RTE_JOIN);
forboth(lt, rte->joinaliasvars, ln, rte->eref->colnames)
Var *varnode = lfirst(lt);
char *resname = strVal(lfirst(ln));
TargetEntry *tmp;
tmp = makeTargetEntry((Expr *) varnode,
(AttrNumber) pstate->p_next_resno++,
targetlist = lappend(targetlist, tmp);
return targetlist;
* Function to make a target list from an RTE. Borrowed from AgensGraph and PG
static List *makeTargetListFromPNSItem(ParseState *pstate, ParseNamespaceItem *pnsi)
List *targetlist = NIL;
int rtindex;
int varattno;
ListCell *ln;
ListCell *lt;
RangeTblEntry *rte;
rte = pnsi->p_rte;
/* right now this is only for subqueries */
AssertArg(rte->rtekind == RTE_SUBQUERY);
rtindex = pnsi->p_rtindex;
varattno = 1;
ln = list_head(rte->eref->colnames);
foreach(lt, rte->subquery->targetList)
TargetEntry *te = lfirst(lt);
Var *varnode;
char *resname;
TargetEntry *tmp;
if (te->resjunk)
Assert(varattno == te->resno);
/* no transform here, just use `te->expr` */
varnode = makeVar(rtindex, varattno, exprType((Node *) te->expr),
exprTypmod((Node *) te->expr),
exprCollation((Node *) te->expr), 0);
resname = strVal(lfirst(ln));
tmp = makeTargetEntry((Expr *)varnode,
(AttrNumber)pstate->p_next_resno++, resname,
targetlist = lappend(targetlist, tmp);
ln = lnext(rte->eref->colnames, ln);
return targetlist;
* Transform a cypher sub pattern. This is put here because it is a sub clause.
* This works in tandem with transform_Sublink in cypher_expr.c
static Query *transform_cypher_sub_pattern(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_clause *clause)
cypher_match *match;
cypher_clause *c;
Query *qry;
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
cypher_sub_pattern *subpat = (cypher_sub_pattern*)clause->self;
ParseNamespaceItem *pnsi;
cypher_parsestate *child_parse_state = make_cypher_parsestate(cpstate);
ParseState *p_child_parse_state = (ParseState *) child_parse_state;
p_child_parse_state->p_expr_kind = pstate->p_expr_kind;
/* create a cypher match node and assign it the sub pattern */
match = make_ag_node(cypher_match);
match->pattern = subpat->pattern;
match->where = NULL;
/* wrap it in a clause */
c = palloc(sizeof(cypher_clause));
c->self = (Node *)match;
c->prev = NULL;
c->next = NULL;
/* set up a select query and run it as a sub query to the parent match */
qry = makeNode(Query);
qry->commandType = CMD_SELECT;
pnsi = transform_cypher_clause_as_subquery(child_parse_state,
transform_cypher_clause, c,
NULL, true);
qry->targetList = makeTargetListFromPNSItem(p_child_parse_state, pnsi);
markTargetListOrigins(p_child_parse_state, qry->targetList);
qry->rtable = p_child_parse_state->p_rtable;
qry->jointree = makeFromExpr(p_child_parse_state->p_joinlist, NULL);
/* the state will be destroyed so copy the data we need */
qry->hasSubLinks = p_child_parse_state->p_hasSubLinks;
qry->hasTargetSRFs = p_child_parse_state->p_hasTargetSRFs;
qry->hasAggs = p_child_parse_state->p_hasAggs;
if (qry->hasAggs)
parse_check_aggregates(p_child_parse_state, qry);
assign_query_collations(p_child_parse_state, qry);
return qry;
* Code borrowed and inspired by PG's transformFromClauseItem. This function
* will transform the VLE function, depending on type. Currently, only
* RangeFunctions are supported. But, others may be in the future.
static Node *transform_VLE_Function(cypher_parsestate *cpstate, Node *n,
RangeTblEntry **top_rte, int *top_rti,
List **namespace)
ParseState *pstate = &cpstate->pstate;
/* we only care about RangeFunctions at this time */
Assert(IsA(n, RangeFunction));
if (IsA(n, RangeFunction))
/* function is like a plain relation */
RangeTblRef *rtr;
RangeTblEntry *rte;
ParseNamespaceItem *nsitem;
int rtindex;
nsitem = transform_RangeFunction(cpstate, (RangeFunction *) n);
rte = nsitem->p_rte;
/* assume new rte is at end */
rtindex = list_length(pstate->p_rtable);
Assert(rte == rt_fetch(rtindex, pstate->p_rtable));
*top_rte = rte;
*top_rti = rtindex;
*namespace = list_make1(nsitem);
rtr = makeNode(RangeTblRef);
rtr->rtindex = rtindex;
return (Node *) rtr;
/* if it isn't a RangeFunction, return NULL */
return NULL;
* static function borrowed from PG.
* setNamespaceLateralState -
* Convenience subroutine to update LATERAL flags in a namespace list.
static void setNamespaceLateralState(List *namespace, bool lateral_only,
bool lateral_ok)
ListCell *lc;
foreach(lc, namespace)
ParseNamespaceItem *nsitem = (ParseNamespaceItem *) lfirst(lc);
nsitem->p_lateral_only = lateral_only;
nsitem->p_lateral_ok = lateral_ok;
* Code borrowed and inspired by PG's transformFromClauseItem. Static function
* to add in the VLE function as a FROM clause entry.
static ParseNamespaceItem *append_VLE_Func_to_FromClause(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
Node *n)
ParseState *pstate = &cpstate->pstate;
RangeTblEntry *rte = NULL;
List *namespace = NULL;
int rtindex;
* Following PG's FROM clause logic, just in case we need to expand it in
* the future, we process the items in another function.
n = transform_VLE_Function(cpstate, n, &rte, &rtindex, &namespace);
/* this should not happen */
Assert(n != NULL);
/* verify there aren't any conflicts */
checkNameSpaceConflicts(pstate, pstate->p_namespace, namespace);
/* mark the new namespace items as visible only to LATERAL */
setNamespaceLateralState(namespace, true, true);
/* add the entry to the joinlist and namespace */
pstate->p_joinlist = lappend(pstate->p_joinlist, n);
pstate->p_namespace = list_concat(pstate->p_namespace, namespace);
/* make all namespace items unconditionally visible */
setNamespaceLateralState(pstate->p_namespace, false, true);
return lfirst(list_head(namespace));
* Code borrowed from PG's transformRangeFunction
* --- transform a function call appearing in FROM
static ParseNamespaceItem *transform_RangeFunction(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
RangeFunction *r)
ParseState *pstate = NULL;
List *funcexprs = NIL;
List *funcnames = NIL;
List *coldeflists = NIL;
bool is_lateral = false;
ListCell *lc = NULL;
ParseNamespaceItem *pnsi;
pstate = &cpstate->pstate;
pstate->p_lateral_active = true;
/* transform the raw expressions */
foreach(lc, r->functions)
List *pair = (List*)lfirst(lc);
Node *fexpr;
List *coldeflist;
Node *newfexpr;
Node *last_srf;
/* Disassemble the function-call/column-def-list pairs */
Assert(list_length(pair) == 2);
fexpr = (Node*) linitial(pair);
coldeflist = (List*) lsecond(pair);
/* normal case ... */
last_srf = pstate->p_last_srf;
/* transform the function expression */
newfexpr = transform_cypher_expr(cpstate, fexpr,
/* nodeFunctionscan.c requires SRFs to be at top level */
if (pstate->p_last_srf != last_srf &&
pstate->p_last_srf != newfexpr)
errmsg("set-returning functions must appear at top level of FROM"),
funcexprs = lappend(funcexprs, newfexpr);
funcnames = lappend(funcnames, FigureColname(fexpr));
if (coldeflist && r->coldeflist)
errmsg("multiple column definition lists are not allowed for the same function"),
exprLocation((Node *) r->coldeflist))));
coldeflists = lappend(coldeflists, coldeflist);
pstate->p_lateral_active = false;
* We must assign collations now so that the RTE exposes correct collation
* info for Vars created from it.
assign_list_collations(pstate, funcexprs);
/* currently this is not used by the VLE */
Assert(r->coldeflist == NULL);
/* mark the RTE as LATERAL */
is_lateral = r->lateral || contain_vars_of_level((Node *) funcexprs, 0);
/* build an RTE for the function */
pnsi = addRangeTableEntryForFunction(pstate, funcnames, funcexprs,
coldeflists, r, is_lateral,
return pnsi;
static void transform_match_pattern(cypher_parsestate *cpstate, Query *query,
List *pattern, Node *where)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
ListCell *lc;
List *quals = NIL;
Expr *q = NULL;
Expr *expr = NULL;
* Loop through a comma separated list of paths like (u)-[e]-(v), (w), (x)
foreach (lc, pattern)
List *qual = NULL;
cypher_path *path = NULL;
/* get the path and transform it */
path = (cypher_path *) lfirst(lc);
qual = transform_match_path(cpstate, query, path);
quals = list_concat(quals, qual);
if (quals != NIL)
q = makeBoolExpr(AND_EXPR, quals, -1);
expr = (Expr *)transformExpr(&cpstate->pstate, (Node *)q,
if (cpstate->property_constraint_quals != NIL)
Expr *prop_qual = makeBoolExpr(AND_EXPR,
cpstate->property_constraint_quals, -1);
if (expr == NULL)
expr = prop_qual;
expr = makeBoolExpr(AND_EXPR, list_make2(expr, prop_qual), -1);
// transform the where clause quals and add to the quals,
if (where != NULL)
Expr *where_qual;
where_qual = (Expr *)transform_cypher_expr(cpstate, where,
if (expr == NULL)
expr = where_qual;
* coerce the WHERE clause to a boolean before AND with the property
* constraints, otherwise there could be evaluation issues.
where_qual = (Expr *)coerce_to_boolean(pstate, (Node *)where_qual,
expr = makeBoolExpr(AND_EXPR, list_make2(expr, where_qual), -1);
* Coerce to WHERE clause to a bool, denoting whether the constructed
* clause is true or false.
if (expr != NULL)
expr = (Expr *)coerce_to_boolean(pstate, (Node *)expr, "WHERE");
query->rtable = cpstate->pstate.p_rtable;
query->jointree = makeFromExpr(cpstate->pstate.p_joinlist, (Node *)expr);
* Creates a FuncCall node that will prevent an edge from being joined
* to twice.
static FuncCall *prevent_duplicate_edges(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
List *entities)
List *edges = NIL;
ListCell *lc;
List *qualified_function_name;
String *ag_catalog, *edge_fn;
ag_catalog = makeString("ag_catalog");
edge_fn = makeString("_ag_enforce_edge_uniqueness");
qualified_function_name = list_make2(ag_catalog, edge_fn);
// iterate through each entity, collecting the access node for each edge
foreach (lc, entities)
transform_entity *entity = lfirst(lc);
Node *edge;
if (entity->type == ENT_EDGE)
edge = make_qual(cpstate, entity, AG_EDGE_COLNAME_ID);
edges = lappend(edges, edge);
else if (entity->type == ENT_VLE_EDGE)
edges = lappend(edges, entity->expr);
return makeFuncCall(qualified_function_name, edges, COERCE_SQL_SYNTAX, -1);
* For any given edge, the previous entity is joined with the edge
* via the prev_qual node, and the next entity is join with the
* next_qual node. If there is a filter on the previous vertex label,
* create a filter, same with the next node.
static List *make_directed_edge_join_conditions(
cypher_parsestate *cpstate, transform_entity *prev_entity,
transform_entity *next_entity, Node *prev_qual, Node *next_qual,
char *prev_node_filter, char *next_node_filter)
List *quals = NIL;
if (prev_entity->in_join_tree)
quals = list_concat(quals, join_to_entity(cpstate, prev_entity,
prev_qual, JOIN_SIDE_LEFT));
if (next_entity->in_join_tree && next_entity->type != ENT_VLE_EDGE)
quals = list_concat(quals, join_to_entity(cpstate, next_entity,
next_qual, JOIN_SIDE_RIGHT));
if (prev_node_filter != NULL && !IS_DEFAULT_LABEL_VERTEX(prev_node_filter))
A_Expr *qual;
qual = filter_vertices_on_label_id(cpstate, prev_qual,
quals = lappend(quals, qual);
if (next_node_filter != NULL && !IS_DEFAULT_LABEL_VERTEX(next_node_filter))
A_Expr *qual;
qual = filter_vertices_on_label_id(cpstate, next_qual,
quals = lappend(quals, qual);
return quals;
* The joins are driven by edges. Under specific conditions, it becomes
* necessary to have knowledge about the previous edge and vertex and
* the next vertex and edge.
* [prev_edge]-(prev_node)-[edge]-(next_node)-[next_edge]
* prev_edge and next_edge are allowed to be null.
* prev_node and next_node are not allowed to be null.
static List *make_join_condition_for_edge(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
transform_entity *prev_edge,
transform_entity *prev_node,
transform_entity *entity,
transform_entity *next_node,
transform_entity *next_edge)
char *next_label_name_to_filter = NULL;
char *prev_label_name_to_filter = NULL;
transform_entity *next_entity;
transform_entity *prev_entity;
* When this edge is a vle edge, pass the prev and next
* node to the match_vle_terminal_edge function to process
* which rows match.
if (entity->type == ENT_VLE_EDGE)
Node *left_id = NULL;
Node *right_id = NULL;
String *ag_catalog = makeString("ag_catalog");
String *func_name;
List *qualified_func_name;
List *args = NIL;
List *quals = NIL;
* If the next node is not in the join tree, we don't need to make any
* quals.
if (!next_node->in_join_tree)
return NIL;
* If the previous node and the next node are in the join tree, we need
* to create the age_match_vle_terminal_edge to compare the vle returned
* results against the two nodes.
if (prev_node->in_join_tree)
func_name = makeString("age_match_vle_terminal_edge");
qualified_func_name = list_make2(ag_catalog, func_name);
* Get the vertex's id and pass to the function. Pass in NULL
* otherwise.
left_id = (Node *)make_qual(cpstate, prev_node, "id");
right_id = (Node *)make_qual(cpstate, next_node, "id");
// create the argument list
args = list_make3(left_id, right_id, entity->expr);
// add to quals
quals = lappend(quals, makeFuncCall(qualified_func_name, args,
* When the previous node is not in the join tree, but there is a vle
* edge before that join, then we need to compare this vle's start node
* against the previous vle's end node. No need to check the next edge,
* because that would be redundant.
if (!prev_node->in_join_tree &&
prev_edge != NULL &&
prev_edge->type == ENT_VLE_EDGE)
List *qualified_name, *args;
String *match_qual;
FuncCall *fc;
match_qual = makeString("age_match_two_vle_edges");
// make the qualified function name
qualified_name = list_make2(ag_catalog, match_qual);
// make the args
args = list_make2(prev_edge->expr, entity->expr);
// create the function call
fc = makeFuncCall(qualified_name, args, COERCE_EXPLICIT_CALL, -1);
quals = lappend(quals, fc);
return quals;
* If the previous node is not in the join tree, set the previous
* label filter.
if (!prev_node->in_join_tree)
prev_label_name_to_filter = prev_node->entity.node->label;
* If the next node is not in the join tree and there is not
* another edge, set the label filter. When there is another
* edge, we don't need to set it, because that edge will set the
* filter for that node.
if (!next_node->in_join_tree && next_edge == NULL)
next_label_name_to_filter = next_node->entity.node->label;
* When the previous node is not in the join tree, and there
* is a previous edge, set the previous entity to that edge.
* Otherwise, use the previous node/
if (!prev_node->in_join_tree && prev_edge != NULL)
prev_entity = prev_edge;
prev_entity = prev_node;
* When the next node is not in the join tree, and there
* is a next edge, set the next entity to that edge.
* Otherwise, use the next node.
if (!next_node->in_join_tree && next_edge != NULL)
next_entity = next_edge;
next_entity = next_node;
switch (entity->entity.rel->dir)
Node *prev_qual = make_qual(cpstate, entity,
Node *next_qual = make_qual(cpstate, entity,
return make_directed_edge_join_conditions(cpstate, prev_entity,
next_node, prev_qual,
Node *prev_qual = make_qual(cpstate, entity,
Node *next_qual = make_qual(cpstate, entity,
return make_directed_edge_join_conditions(cpstate, prev_entity,
next_node, prev_qual,
* For undirected relationships, we can use the left directed
* relationship OR'd by the right directed relationship.
Node *start_id_expr = make_qual(cpstate, entity,
Node *end_id_expr = make_qual(cpstate, entity,
List *first_join_quals = NIL, *second_join_quals = NIL;
Expr *first_qual, *second_qual;
Expr *or_qual;
first_join_quals = make_directed_edge_join_conditions(cpstate,
second_join_quals = make_directed_edge_join_conditions(cpstate,
first_qual = makeBoolExpr(AND_EXPR, first_join_quals, -1);
second_qual = makeBoolExpr(AND_EXPR, second_join_quals, -1);
or_qual = makeBoolExpr(OR_EXPR, list_make2(first_qual, second_qual),
return list_make1(or_qual);
return NULL;
// creates a type cast node to agtype
static Node *make_type_cast_to_agtype(Node *arg)
TypeCast *n = makeNode(TypeCast);
String *ag_catalog = makeString("ag_catalog");
String *agtype_str = makeString("agtype");
List *qualified_name = list_make2(ag_catalog, agtype_str);
n->arg = arg;
n->typeName = makeTypeNameFromNameList(qualified_name);
n->location = -1;
return (Node *) n;
* Makes an agtype bool node that Postgres' transform expression logic
* can handle. Used when constructed the join quals for building the paths
static Node *make_bool_a_const(bool state)
A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const);
n->val.sval.type = T_String;
n->val.sval.sval = (state ? "true" : "false");
n->location = -1;
// typecast to agtype
return make_type_cast_to_agtype((Node *)n);
* For the given entity, join it to the current edge, via the passed
* qual node. The side denotes if the entity is on the right
* or left of the current edge. Which we will need to know if the
* passed entity is a directed edge.
static List *join_to_entity(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
transform_entity *entity, Node *qual,
enum transform_entity_join_side side)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
A_Expr *expr;
List *quals = NIL;
if (entity->type == ENT_VERTEX)
Node *id_qual = make_qual(cpstate, entity, AG_EDGE_COLNAME_ID);
expr = makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_OP, "=", qual, (Node *)id_qual, -1);
quals = lappend(quals, expr);
else if (entity->type == ENT_EDGE)
List *edge_quals = make_edge_quals(cpstate, entity, side);
if (list_length(edge_quals) > 1)
expr = makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_IN, "=", qual,
(Node *)edge_quals, -1);
expr = makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_OP, "=", qual,
linitial(edge_quals), -1);
quals = lappend(quals, expr);
else if (entity->type == ENT_VLE_EDGE)
List *qualified_name, *args;
String *ag_catalog, *match_qual;
bool is_left_side;
FuncCall *fc;
ag_catalog = makeString("ag_catalog");
match_qual = makeString("age_match_vle_edge_to_id_qual");
* tells the function the location of the vle relative to the
* edge we are joining it against.
if (side == JOIN_SIDE_LEFT)
// [vle_edge]-()-[regular_edge]
is_left_side = true;
else if (side == JOIN_SIDE_RIGHT)
// [edge]-()-[vle_edge]
is_left_side = false;
errmsg("unknown join side found"),
parser_errposition(pstate, entity->entity.rel->location)));
// make the qualified function name
qualified_name = list_make2(ag_catalog, match_qual);
// make the args
args = list_make3(entity->expr, qual, make_bool_a_const(is_left_side));
// create the function call
fc = makeFuncCall(qualified_name, args, COERCE_EXPLICIT_CALL, -1);
quals = lappend(quals, fc);
errmsg("unknown entity type to join to")));
return quals;
// makes the quals necessary when an edge is joining to another edge.
static List *make_edge_quals(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
transform_entity *edge,
enum transform_entity_join_side side)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
char *left_dir;
char *right_dir;
Assert(edge->type == ENT_EDGE);
* When the rel is on the left side in a pattern, then a left directed path
* is concerned with the start id and a right directed path is concerned
* with the end id. When the rel is on the right side of a pattern, the
* above statement is inverted.
switch (side)
errmsg("unknown join type found"),
parser_errposition(pstate, edge->entity.rel->location)));
switch (edge->entity.rel->dir)
return list_make1(make_qual(cpstate, edge, left_dir));
return list_make1(make_qual(cpstate, edge, right_dir));
return list_make2(make_qual(cpstate, edge, left_dir),
make_qual(cpstate, edge, right_dir));
errmsg("Unknown relationship direction")));
return NIL;
* Creates a node that will create a filter on the passed field node
* that removes all labels that do not have the same label_id
static A_Expr *filter_vertices_on_label_id(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
Node *id_field, char *label)
label_cache_data *lcd = search_label_name_graph_cache(label,
A_Const *n;
FuncCall *fc;
String *ag_catalog, *extract_label_id;
int32 label_id = lcd->id;
n = makeNode(A_Const);
n->val.ival.type = T_Integer;
n->val.ival.ival = label_id;
n->location = -1;
ag_catalog = makeString("ag_catalog");
extract_label_id = makeString("_extract_label_id");
fc = makeFuncCall(list_make2(ag_catalog, extract_label_id),
list_make1(id_field), COERCE_EXPLICIT_CALL, -1);
return makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_OP, "=", (Node *)fc, (Node *)n, -1);
* Creates the Contains operator to process property constraints for a vertex/
* edge in a MATCH clause. Creates the agtype @> with the entity's properties
* on the right and the constraints in the MATCH clause on the left.
static Node *create_property_constraints(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
transform_entity *entity,
Node *property_constraints,
Node *prop_expr)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
char *entity_name;
Node *const_expr;
Node *last_srf = pstate->p_last_srf;
ParseNamespaceItem *pnsi;
* If the prop_expr node wasn't passed in, create it. Otherwise, skip
* the creation step.
if (prop_expr == NULL)
ColumnRef *cr = NULL;
cr = makeNode(ColumnRef);
entity_name = get_entity_name(entity);
cr->fields = list_make2(makeString(entity_name),
/* use Postgres to get the properties' transform node */
pnsi = find_pnsi(cpstate, entity_name);
if (pnsi != NULL)
prop_expr = scanNSItemForColumn(pstate, pnsi, 0,
prop_expr = transformExpr(pstate, (Node *)cr, EXPR_KIND_WHERE);
/* use cypher to get the constraints' transform node */
const_expr = transform_cypher_expr(cpstate, property_constraints,
return (Node *)make_op(pstate, list_make1(makeString("@>")), prop_expr,
const_expr, last_srf, -1);
* For the given path, transform each entity within the path, create
* the path variable if needed, and construct the quals to enforce the
* correct join tree, and enforce edge uniqueness.
static List *transform_match_path(cypher_parsestate *cpstate, Query *query,
cypher_path *path)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
List *qual = NIL;
List *entities = NIL;
FuncCall *duplicate_edge_qual;
List *join_quals;
// transform the entities in the path
entities = transform_match_entities(cpstate, query, path);
// create the path variable, if needed.
if (path->var_name != NULL)
TargetEntry *path_te;
if (findTarget(query->targetList, path->var_name) != NULL)
errmsg("variable \"%s\" already exists",
parser_errposition(pstate, path->location)));
path_te = transform_match_create_path_variable(cpstate, path,
query->targetList = lappend(query->targetList, path_te);
// construct the quals for the join tree
join_quals = make_path_join_quals(cpstate, entities);
qual = list_concat(qual, join_quals);
// construct the qual to prevent duplicate edges
if (list_length(entities) > 3)
duplicate_edge_qual = prevent_duplicate_edges(cpstate, entities);
qual = lappend(qual, duplicate_edge_qual);
return qual;
static transform_entity *transform_VLE_edge_entity(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_relationship *rel,
Query *query)
ParseState *pstate = NULL;
TargetEntry *te = NULL;
RangeFunction *rf = NULL;
FuncCall *func = NULL;
Alias *alias = NULL;
Node *var = NULL;
transform_entity *vle_entity = NULL;
ParseNamespaceItem *pnsi;
/* it better be a function call node */
Assert(IsA(rel->varlen, FuncCall));
/* get the function */
func = (FuncCall*)rel->varlen;
/* only our functions are supported here */
if (list_length(func->funcname) != 1)
errmsg("only AGE functions are supported here")));
/* set the pstate */
pstate = &cpstate->pstate;
/* make a RangeFunction node */
rf = makeNode(RangeFunction);
rf->lateral = false;
rf->ordinality = false;
rf->is_rowsfrom = false;
rf->functions = list_make1(list_make2(rel->varlen, NIL));
* Build an alias for the RangeFunction. This is needed so we
* can chain VLEs together
alias = makeNode(Alias);
alias->aliasname = get_next_default_alias(cpstate);
alias->colnames = NIL;
rf->alias = alias;
* Add the RangeFunction to the FROM clause
pnsi = append_VLE_Func_to_FromClause(cpstate, (Node*)rf);
Assert(pnsi != NULL);
/* Get the var node for the VLE functions column name. */
var = scanNSItemForColumn(pstate, pnsi, 0, "edges", -1);
Assert(var != NULL);
* If we have a variable name (rel name), make the target entry. Otherwise,
* there isn't a reason to create one. Additionally, verify that it is not
* reused.
if (rel->name != NULL)
FuncExpr *fexpr;
List *args = list_make1(var);
Oid func_oid = InvalidOid;
transform_entity *entity = NULL;
te = findTarget(query->targetList, rel->name);
entity = find_variable(cpstate, rel->name);
/* If the variable already exists, error out */
if (te && entity)
if (entity->type == ENT_VERTEX)
errmsg("variable '%s' is for a vertex", rel->name),
parser_errposition(pstate, rel->location)));
else if (entity->type == ENT_EDGE)
errmsg("variable '%s' is for an edge", rel->name),
parser_errposition(pstate, rel->location)));
errmsg("duplicate variable '%s'", rel->name),
parser_errposition(pstate, rel->location)));
else if (te && !entity)
errmsg("variable '%s' already exists", rel->name),
parser_errposition(pstate, rel->location)));
* Get the oid for the materialize function that returns a list of
* edges. For a VLE edge variable we need to return a list of edges,
* not a path.
func_oid = get_ag_func_oid("age_materialize_vle_edges", 1, AGTYPEOID);
/* build the expr node for the function */
fexpr = makeFuncExpr(func_oid, AGTYPEOID, args, InvalidOid, InvalidOid,
/* make the target entry and apply the provided variable */
te = makeTargetEntry((Expr*)fexpr, pstate->p_next_resno++, rel->name,
/* add it to the query */
query->targetList = lappend(query->targetList, te);
/* Make a transform entity for the vle. */
vle_entity = make_transform_entity(cpstate, ENT_VLE_EDGE, (Node *)rel,
(Expr *)var);
/* return the vle entity */
return vle_entity;
/* helper function to check for specific VLE cases */
static bool isa_special_VLE_case(cypher_path *path)
cypher_relationship *cr = NULL;
if (path->var_name == NULL)
return false;
if (list_length(path->path) != 3)
return false;
cr = (cypher_relationship*)lfirst(lnext(path->path, list_head(path->path)));
if (cr->varlen != NULL)
return true;
return false;
static bool path_check_valid_label(cypher_path *path,
cypher_parsestate *cpstate)
ListCell *lc = NULL;
int i = 0;
foreach (lc, path->path)
if (i % 2 == 0)
cypher_node *node = NULL;
node = lfirst(lc);
if (node->label)
label_cache_data *lcd =
if (lcd == NULL || lcd->kind != LABEL_KIND_VERTEX)
return false;
cypher_relationship *rel = NULL;
rel = lfirst(lc);
if (rel->label)
label_cache_data *lcd =
if (lcd == NULL || lcd->kind != LABEL_KIND_EDGE)
return false;
return true;
* Iterate through the path and construct all edges and necessary vertices
static List *transform_match_entities(cypher_parsestate *cpstate, Query *query,
cypher_path *path)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
ListCell *lc = NULL;
List *entities = NIL;
int i = 0;
bool node_declared_in_prev_clause = false;
transform_entity *prev_entity = NULL;
bool special_VLE_case = false;
bool valid_label = true;
special_VLE_case = isa_special_VLE_case(path);
valid_label = path_check_valid_label(path, cpstate);
* Iterate through every node in the path, construct the expr node
* that is needed for the remaining steps
foreach (lc, path->path)
Expr *expr = NULL;
transform_entity *entity = NULL;
/* even increments of i are vertices */
if (i % 2 == 0)
cypher_node *node = NULL;
bool output_node = false;
node = lfirst(lc);
* The vle needs to know if the start vertex was
* created in a previous clause. Check to see if it
* was so the edge logic can handle changing its argument
* if necessary.
if (node->name != NULL)
Node *expr;
if (path->var_name && strcmp(node->name, path->var_name) == 0)
errmsg("variable \"%s\" is for a path",
parser_errposition(pstate, node->location)));
* Checks the previous clauses to see if the variable already
* exists.
expr = colNameToVar(pstate, node->name, false,
if (expr != NULL)
node_declared_in_prev_clause = true;
/* should we make the node available */
output_node = (special_VLE_case && !node->name && !node->props) ?
false :
/* transform vertex */
expr = transform_cypher_node(cpstate, node, &query->targetList,
output_node, valid_label);
entity = make_transform_entity(cpstate, ENT_VERTEX, (Node *)node,
* We want to add transformed entity to entities before transforming props
* so that props referencing currently transformed entity can be resolved.
cpstate->entities = lappend(cpstate->entities, entity);
entities = lappend(entities, entity);
/* transform the properties if they exist */
if (node->props)
Node *n = NULL;
Node *prop_var = NULL;
Node *prop_expr = NULL;
* We need to build a transformed properties(prop_var)
* expression IF the properties variable already exists from a
* previous clause. Please note that the "found" prop_var was
* previously transformed.
/* get the prop_var if it was previously resolved */
if (node->name != NULL)
prop_var = colNameToVar(pstate, node->name, false,
* If prop_var exists and is an alias, just pass it through by
* assigning the prop_expr the prop_var.
if (prop_var != NULL &&
pg_strncasecmp(node->name, AGE_DEFAULT_ALIAS_PREFIX,
prop_expr = prop_var;
* Else, if it exists and is not an alias, create the prop_expr
* as a transformed properties(prop_var) function node.
else if (prop_var != NULL)
* Remember that prop_var is already transformed. We need
* to built the transform manually.
FuncCall *fc = NULL;
List *targs = NIL;
List *fname = NIL;
targs = lappend(targs, prop_var);
fname = list_make2(makeString("ag_catalog"),
fc = makeFuncCall(fname, targs, COERCE_SQL_SYNTAX, -1);
* Hand off to ParseFuncOrColumn to create the function
* expression for properties(prop_var)
prop_expr = ParseFuncOrColumn(pstate, fname, targs,
pstate->p_last_srf, fc, false,
((cypher_map*)node->props)->keep_null = true;
n = create_property_constraints(cpstate, entity, node->props,
cpstate->property_constraint_quals =
lappend(cpstate->property_constraint_quals, n);
prev_entity = entity;
/* odd increments of i are edges */
cypher_relationship *rel = NULL;
rel = lfirst(lc);
if (rel->name && path->var_name &&
strcmp(rel->name, path->var_name) == 0)
errmsg("variable \"%s\" is for a path",
parser_errposition(pstate, rel->location)));
* There are 2 edge cases - 1) a regular edge and 2) a VLE edge.
* A VLE edge is not added like a regular edge - it is a function.
/* if it is a regular edge */
if (rel->varlen == NULL)
* In the case where the MATCH is one edge and two vertices, the
* edge is bidirectional, and neither vertex is included in the
* join tree, we need to force one of the vertices into the join
* tree to ensure the output is generated correctly.
if (list_length(path->path) == 3 &&
rel->dir == CYPHER_REL_DIR_NONE &&
cypher_node *node = (cypher_node *)lfirst(lnext(path->path, lc));
if (!INCLUDE_NODE_IN_JOIN_TREE(path, node))
* Assigning a variable name here will ensure that when
* the next vertex is processed, the vertex will be
* included in the join tree.
node->name = get_next_default_alias(cpstate);
expr = transform_cypher_edge(cpstate, rel, &query->targetList,
entity = make_transform_entity(cpstate, ENT_EDGE, (Node *)rel,
* We want to add transformed entity to entities before transforming props
* so that props referencing currently transformed entity can be resolved.
cpstate->entities = lappend(cpstate->entities, entity);
entities = lappend(entities, entity);
if (rel->props)
Node *r = NULL;
Node *prop_var = NULL;
Node *prop_expr = NULL;
* We need to build a transformed properties(prop_var)
* expression IF the properties variable already exists from
* a previous clause. Please note that the "found" prop_var
* was previously transformed.
/* get the prop_var if it was previously resolved */
if (rel->name != NULL)
prop_var = colNameToVar(pstate, rel->name, false,
* If prop_var exists and is an alias, just pass it through by
* assigning the prop_expr the prop_var.
if (prop_var != NULL &&
pg_strncasecmp(rel->name, AGE_DEFAULT_ALIAS_PREFIX,
prop_expr = prop_var;
* Else, if it exists and is not an alias, create the prop_expr
* as a transformed properties(prop_var) function node.
else if (prop_var != NULL)
* Remember that prop_var is already transformed. We need
* to built the transform manually.
FuncCall *fc = NULL;
List *targs = NIL;
List *fname = NIL;
targs = lappend(targs, prop_var);
fname = list_make2(makeString("ag_catalog"),
fc = makeFuncCall(fname, targs, COERCE_SQL_SYNTAX, -1);
* Hand off to ParseFuncOrColumn to create the function
* expression for properties(prop_var)
prop_expr = ParseFuncOrColumn(pstate, fname, targs,
pstate->p_last_srf, fc,
false, -1);
((cypher_map*)rel->props)->keep_null = true;
r = create_property_constraints(cpstate, entity, rel->props,
cpstate->property_constraint_quals =
lappend(cpstate->property_constraint_quals, r);
prev_entity = entity;
/* if we have a VLE edge */
transform_entity *vle_entity = NULL;
* Check to see if the previous node was originally created
* in a preceding clause. If it was, then remove the id field
* from the column ref. Just reference the agtype vertex
* variable that the prev clause created and the vle will handle
* extracting the id.
if (node_declared_in_prev_clause)
FuncCall *func = (FuncCall*)rel->varlen;
ColumnRef *cr = linitial(func->args);
Assert(IsA(cr, ColumnRef));
Assert(list_length(cr->fields) == 2);
cr->fields = list_make1(linitial(cr->fields));
/* make a transform entity for the vle */
vle_entity = transform_VLE_edge_entity(cpstate, rel, query);
/* add the entity in */
cpstate->entities = lappend(cpstate->entities, vle_entity);
entities = lappend(entities, vle_entity);
prev_entity = entity;
node_declared_in_prev_clause = false;
return entities;
* Iterate through the list of entities setup the join conditions. Joins
* are driven through edges. To correctly setup the joins, we must
* acquire information about the previous edge and vertex, and the next
* edge and vertex.
static List *make_path_join_quals(cypher_parsestate *cpstate, List *entities)
transform_entity *prev_node = NULL, *prev_edge = NULL, *edge = NULL,
*next_node = NULL, *next_edge = NULL;
ListCell *lc;
List *quals = NIL;
List *join_quals;
// for vertex only queries, there is no work to do
if (list_length(entities) < 3)
return NIL;
lc = list_head(entities);
for (;;)
* Initial setup, set the initial vertex as the previous vertex
* and get the first edge
if (prev_node == NULL)
prev_node = lfirst(lc);
lc = lnext(entities, lc);
edge = lfirst(lc);
// Retrieve the next node and edge in the pattern.
if (lnext(entities, lc) != NULL)
lc = lnext(entities, lc);
next_node = lfirst(lc);
if (lnext(entities, lc) != NULL)
lc = lnext(entities, lc);
next_edge = lfirst(lc);
// create the join quals for the node
join_quals = make_join_condition_for_edge(cpstate, prev_edge, prev_node,
edge, next_node, next_edge);
quals = list_concat(quals, join_quals);
/* Set the edge as the previous edge and the next edge as
* the current edge. If there is not a new edge, exit the
* for loop.
prev_edge = edge;
prev_node = next_node;
edge = next_edge;
next_node = NULL;
next_edge = NULL;
if (edge == NULL)
return quals;
* Create the path variable. Takes the list of entities, extracts the variable
* and passes as the argument list for the _agtype_build_path function.
static TargetEntry *
transform_match_create_path_variable(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_path *path, List *entities)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
Oid build_path_oid;
FuncExpr *fexpr;
int resno;
List *entity_exprs = NIL;
ListCell *lc;
if (list_length(entities) < 1)
errmsg("paths require at least 1 vertex"),
parser_errposition(pstate, path->location)));
// extract the expr for each entity
foreach (lc, entities)
transform_entity *entity = lfirst(lc);
if (entity->expr != NULL)
entity_exprs = lappend(entity_exprs, entity->expr);
// get the oid for the path creation function
build_path_oid = get_ag_func_oid("_agtype_build_path", 1, ANYOID);
// build the expr node for the function
fexpr = makeFuncExpr(build_path_oid, AGTYPEOID, entity_exprs, InvalidOid,
resno = cpstate->pstate.p_next_resno++;
// create the target entry
return makeTargetEntry((Expr *)fexpr, resno, path->var_name, false);
* Maps a column name to the a function access name. In others word when
* passed the name for the vertex's id column name, return the function name
* for the vertex's agtype id element, etc.
static char *get_accessor_function_name(enum transform_entity_type type,
char *name)
if (type == ENT_VERTEX)
// id
if (!strcmp(AG_VERTEX_COLNAME_ID, name))
// props
else if (!strcmp(AG_VERTEX_COLNAME_PROPERTIES, name))
if (type == ENT_EDGE)
// id
if (!strcmp(AG_EDGE_COLNAME_ID, name))
// start id
else if (!strcmp(AG_EDGE_COLNAME_START_ID, name))
// end id
else if (!strcmp(AG_EDGE_COLNAME_END_ID, name))
// props
else if (!strcmp(AG_VERTEX_COLNAME_PROPERTIES, name))
errmsg("column %s does not have an accessor function", name)));
// keeps compiler silent
return NULL;
* For the given entity and column name, construct an expression that will
* access the column or get the access function if the entity is a variable.
static Node *make_qual(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
transform_entity *entity, char *col_name)
List *qualified_name, *args;
Node *node;
if (IsA(entity->expr, Var))
char *function_name;
function_name = get_accessor_function_name(entity->type, col_name);
qualified_name = list_make2(makeString("ag_catalog"),
args = list_make1(entity->expr);
node = (Node *)makeFuncCall(qualified_name, args, COERCE_EXPLICIT_CALL,
char *entity_name;
ColumnRef *cr = makeNode(ColumnRef);
if (entity->type == ENT_EDGE)
entity_name = entity->entity.node->name;
else if (entity->type == ENT_VERTEX)
entity_name = entity->entity.rel->name;
errmsg("unknown entity type")));
cr->fields = list_make2(makeString(entity_name), makeString(col_name));
node = (Node *)cr;
return node;
static Expr *transform_cypher_edge(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_relationship *rel,
List **target_list,
bool valid_label)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
char *schema_name = NULL;
char *rel_name = NULL;
RangeVar *label_range_var = NULL;
Alias *alias = NULL;
int resno = -1;
TargetEntry *te = NULL;
transform_entity *entity = NULL;
cypher_relationship *cr = NULL;
Node *expr = NULL;
bool refs_var = false;
ParseNamespaceItem *pnsi = NULL;
* If we have an edge name, get any potential variable or column
* references. Additionally, verify that they are for edges.
if (rel->name != NULL)
te = findTarget(*target_list, rel->name);
entity = find_variable(cpstate, rel->name);
expr = colNameToVar(pstate, rel->name, false, rel->location);
* If we have a valid entity and te for this rel name, go ahead and get
* the cypher relationship as we will need this for later and flag that
* we have a variable reference.
if (te != NULL && entity != NULL)
cr = (cypher_relationship *)entity->entity.rel;
refs_var = true;
/* If the variable already exists, verify that it is for an edge */
if (refs_var)
if (entity->type == ENT_VERTEX)
errmsg("variable '%s' is for a vertex", rel->name),
parser_errposition(pstate, rel->location)));
else if (entity->type == ENT_VLE_EDGE)
errmsg("variable '%s' is for a VLE edge", rel->name),
parser_errposition(pstate, rel->location)));
else if (te && !entity)
errmsg("variable '%s' already exists", rel->name),
parser_errposition(pstate, rel->location)));
* If we do not have a label for this edge, we either need to find one
* from a referenced variable or we need to set it to the default label.
if (rel->label == NULL)
/* if there is a variable for this rel name */
if (refs_var)
* If the referenced var has a non NULL label, copy it. This is
* usually the case when it uses a variable that is already defined.
* Fx -
* MATCH (u:people)-[e:knows]->(v:people), (v)-[e]->(u) RETURN e
* MATCH (u:people)-[]->()-[]->(u) RETURN u
* We copy it so that we know what label it is referencing.
if (cr->parsed_label != NULL)
rel->parsed_label = cr->parsed_label;
rel->label = cr->label;
/* otherwise, just give it the default label */
/* if we do have a label, is it valid */
else if (!valid_label)
* XXX: Need to determine proper rules, for when label does not exist
* or is for an vertex. Maybe labels and edges should share names, like
* in openCypher. But these are stand in errors, to prevent
* segmentation faults, and other errors.
* Update: Nonexistent and mismatched labels now return a NULL value to
* prevent segmentation faults, and other errors. We can also consider
* if an all-purpose label would be useful.
rel->label = NULL;
* Variables for edges are not allowed to be used multiple times within the
* same clause.
if (expr == NULL && refs_var)
errmsg("duplicate edge variable '%s' within a clause",
parser_errposition(pstate, rel->location)));
* If this edge uses a variable that already exists, verify that the label
* names are the same.
if (refs_var &&
(cr->parsed_label != NULL || rel->parsed_label != NULL) &&
(cr->parsed_label == NULL || rel->parsed_label == NULL ||
(strcmp(cr->parsed_label, rel->parsed_label) != 0)))
errmsg("multiple labels for variable '%s' are not supported",
parser_errposition(pstate, rel->location)));
* Now we need to do a few checks and either return the existing var or
* or build a new edge.
if (rel->name != NULL)
* If we are in a WHERE clause transform, we don't want to create new
* variables, we want to use the existing ones. So, error if otherwise.
if (pstate->p_expr_kind == EXPR_KIND_WHERE)
cypher_parsestate *parent_cpstate =
(cypher_parsestate *)pstate->parentParseState->parentParseState;
* If expr_kind is WHERE, the expressions are in the parent's
* parent's parsestate, due to the way we transform sublinks.
transform_entity *tentity = find_variable(parent_cpstate,
if (tentity != NULL)
return get_relative_expr(tentity, 2);
errmsg("variable `%s` does not exist", rel->name),
parser_errposition(pstate, rel->location)));
/* if this vertex is referencing an existing te var, return its expr */
if (refs_var)
return te->expr;
/* if this vertex is referencing an existing col var, return its expr */
if (expr != NULL)
return (Expr *)expr;
/* if we aren't using a variable, build the edge */
if (!rel->name)
rel->name = get_next_default_alias(cpstate);
schema_name = get_graph_namespace_name(cpstate->graph_name);
if (valid_label)
rel_name = get_label_relation_name(rel->label, cpstate->graph_oid);
label_range_var = makeRangeVar(schema_name, rel_name, -1);
alias = makeAlias(rel->name, NIL);
pnsi = addRangeTableEntry(pstate, label_range_var, alias,
label_range_var->inh, true);
Assert(pnsi != NULL);
* relation is visible (r.a in expression works) but attributes in the
* relation are not visible (a in expression doesn't work)
addNSItemToQuery(pstate, pnsi, true, true, false);
resno = pstate->p_next_resno++;
if (valid_label)
expr = make_edge_expr(cpstate, pnsi);
expr = (Node *)makeNullConst(AGTYPEOID, -1, InvalidOid);
if (rel->name)
te = makeTargetEntry((Expr *)expr, resno, rel->name, false);
*target_list = lappend(*target_list, te);
return (Expr *)expr;
static Expr *transform_cypher_node(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_node *node, List **target_list,
bool output_node, bool valid_label)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
char *schema_name = NULL;
char *rel_name = NULL;
RangeVar *label_range_var = NULL;
Alias *alias = NULL;
int resno = -1;
TargetEntry *te = NULL;
Expr *expr = NULL;
transform_entity *entity = NULL;
cypher_node *cn = NULL;
bool refs_var = false;
ParseNamespaceItem *pnsi;
/* if we have a node name, get any potential variable references */
if (node->name != NULL)
te = findTarget(*target_list, node->name);
entity = find_variable(cpstate, node->name);
* If we have a valid entity and te for this rel name, go ahead and get
* the cypher relationship as we will need this for later and flag that
* we have a variable reference.
if (te != NULL && entity != NULL)
cn = (cypher_node *)entity->entity.node;
refs_var = true;
/* If the variable already exists, verify that it is for a vertex */
if (refs_var)
if (entity->type == ENT_EDGE)
errmsg("variable '%s' is for an edge", node->name),
parser_errposition(pstate, node->location)));
else if (entity->type == ENT_VLE_EDGE)
errmsg("variable '%s' is for a VLE edge", node->name),
parser_errposition(pstate, node->location)));
/* If their is a te but no entity, it implies that their is
* some variable that exists but not an edge,vle or a vertex
else if (te && !entity)
errmsg("variable '%s' already exists", node->name),
parser_errposition(pstate, node->location)));
* If we do not have a label for this vertex, we either need to find one
* from a referenced variable or we need to set it to the default label.
if (node->label == NULL)
if (refs_var)
* If the referenced var has a non NULL label, copy it. This is
* usually the case when it uses a variable that is already defined.
* Fx -
* MATCH (u:people)-[e:knows]->(v:people), (v)-[e]->(u) RETURN e
* MATCH (u:people)-[]->()-[]->(u) RETURN u
* We copy it so that we know what label it is referencing.
if (cn->parsed_label != NULL)
node->parsed_label = cn->parsed_label;
node->label = cn->label;
/* otherwise, just give it the default label */
/* if we do have a label, is it valid */
else if (!valid_label)
* XXX: Need to determine proper rules, for when label does not exist
* or is for an edge. Maybe labels and edges should share names, like
* in openCypher. But these are stand in errors, to prevent
* segmentation faults, and other errors.
* Update: Nonexistent and mismatched labels now return a NULL value to
* prevent segmentation faults, and other errors. We can also consider
* if an all-purpose label would be useful.
node->label = NULL;
* If this vertex uses a variable that already exists, verify that the label
* being used is of the same name.
if (refs_var &&
(cn->parsed_label != NULL || node->parsed_label != NULL) &&
(cn->parsed_label == NULL || node->parsed_label == NULL ||
(strcmp(cn->parsed_label, node->parsed_label) != 0)))
errmsg("multiple labels for variable '%s' are not supported",
parser_errposition(pstate, node->location)));
/* if it is not an output node, just return null */
if (!output_node)
return NULL;
* Now we need to do a few checks and either return the existing var or
* or build a new vertex.
if (node->name != NULL)
Node *expr = NULL;
* If we are in a WHERE clause transform, we don't want to create new
* variables, we want to use the existing ones. So, error if otherwise.
if (pstate->p_expr_kind == EXPR_KIND_WHERE)
cypher_parsestate *parent_cpstate =
(cypher_parsestate *)pstate->parentParseState->parentParseState;
* If expr_kind is WHERE, the expressions are in the parent's
* parent's parsestate, due to the way we transform sublinks.
transform_entity *tentity = NULL;
tentity = find_variable(parent_cpstate, node->name);
if (tentity != NULL)
return get_relative_expr(tentity, 2);
errmsg("variable `%s` does not exist", node->name),
parser_errposition(pstate, node->location)));
/* if this vertex is referencing an existing te var, return its expr */
if (refs_var)
return te->expr;
/* if this vertex is referencing an existing col var, return its expr */
expr = colNameToVar(pstate, node->name, false, node->location);
if (expr != NULL)
return (Expr*)expr;
node->name = get_next_default_alias(cpstate);
/* now build a new vertex */
schema_name = get_graph_namespace_name(cpstate->graph_name);
if (valid_label)
rel_name = get_label_relation_name(node->label, cpstate->graph_oid);
label_range_var = makeRangeVar(schema_name, rel_name, -1);
alias = makeAlias(node->name, NIL);
pnsi = addRangeTableEntry(pstate, label_range_var, alias,
label_range_var->inh, true);
Assert(pnsi != NULL);
* relation is visible (r.a in expression works) but attributes in the
* relation are not visible (a in expression doesn't work)
addNSItemToQuery(pstate, pnsi, true, true, true);
resno = pstate->p_next_resno++;
if (valid_label)
expr = (Expr *)make_vertex_expr(cpstate, pnsi);
expr = (Expr*)makeNullConst(AGTYPEOID, -1, InvalidOid);
/* make target entry and add it */
te = makeTargetEntry(expr, resno, node->name, false);
*target_list = lappend(*target_list, te);
return expr;
static Node *make_edge_expr(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
ParseNamespaceItem *pnsi)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
Oid label_name_func_oid;
Oid func_oid;
Node *id, *start_id, *end_id;
Const *graph_oid_const;
Node *props;
List *args, *label_name_args;
FuncExpr *func_expr;
FuncExpr *label_name_func_expr;
func_oid = get_ag_func_oid("_agtype_build_edge", 5, GRAPHIDOID, GRAPHIDOID,
id = scanNSItemForColumn(pstate, pnsi, 0, AG_EDGE_COLNAME_ID, -1);
start_id = scanNSItemForColumn(pstate, pnsi, 0, AG_EDGE_COLNAME_START_ID, -1);
end_id = scanNSItemForColumn(pstate, pnsi, 0, AG_EDGE_COLNAME_END_ID, -1);
label_name_func_oid = get_ag_func_oid("_label_name", 2, OIDOID,
graph_oid_const = makeConst(OIDOID, -1, InvalidOid, sizeof(Oid),
ObjectIdGetDatum(cpstate->graph_oid), false,
label_name_args = list_make2(graph_oid_const, id);
label_name_func_expr = makeFuncExpr(label_name_func_oid, CSTRINGOID,
label_name_args, InvalidOid,
label_name_func_expr->location = -1;
props = scanNSItemForColumn(pstate, pnsi, 0, AG_EDGE_COLNAME_PROPERTIES, -1);
args = list_make4(id, start_id, end_id, label_name_func_expr);
args = lappend(args, props);
func_expr = makeFuncExpr(func_oid, AGTYPEOID, args, InvalidOid, InvalidOid,
func_expr->location = -1;
return (Node *)func_expr;
static Node *make_vertex_expr(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
ParseNamespaceItem *pnsi)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
Oid label_name_func_oid;
Oid func_oid;
Node *id;
Const *graph_oid_const;
Node *props;
List *args, *label_name_args;
FuncExpr *func_expr;
FuncExpr *label_name_func_expr;
Assert(pnsi != NULL);
func_oid = get_ag_func_oid("_agtype_build_vertex", 3, GRAPHIDOID,
id = scanNSItemForColumn(pstate, pnsi, 0, AG_VERTEX_COLNAME_ID, -1);
label_name_func_oid = get_ag_func_oid("_label_name", 2, OIDOID,
graph_oid_const = makeConst(OIDOID, -1, InvalidOid, sizeof(Oid),
ObjectIdGetDatum(cpstate->graph_oid), false,
label_name_args = list_make2(graph_oid_const, id);
label_name_func_expr = makeFuncExpr(label_name_func_oid, CSTRINGOID,
label_name_args, InvalidOid,
label_name_func_expr->location = -1;
props = scanNSItemForColumn(pstate, pnsi, 0, AG_VERTEX_COLNAME_PROPERTIES,
args = list_make3(id, label_name_func_expr, props);
func_expr = makeFuncExpr(func_oid, AGTYPEOID, args, InvalidOid, InvalidOid,
func_expr->location = -1;
return (Node *)func_expr;
static Query *transform_cypher_create(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_clause *clause)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
cypher_create *self = (cypher_create *)clause->self;
cypher_create_target_nodes *target_nodes;
Const *null_const;
List *transformed_pattern;
FuncExpr *func_expr;
Query *query;
TargetEntry *tle;
target_nodes = make_ag_node(cypher_create_target_nodes);
target_nodes->flags = CYPHER_CLAUSE_FLAG_NONE;
target_nodes->graph_oid = cpstate->graph_oid;
query = makeNode(Query);
query->commandType = CMD_SELECT;
query->targetList = NIL;
if (clause->prev)
handle_prev_clause(cpstate, query, clause->prev, true);
null_const = makeNullConst(AGTYPEOID, -1, InvalidOid);
tle = makeTargetEntry((Expr *)null_const, pstate->p_next_resno++,
query->targetList = lappend(query->targetList, tle);
* Create the Const Node to hold the pattern. skip the parse node,
* because we would not be able to control how our pointer to the
* internal type is copied.
transformed_pattern = transform_cypher_create_pattern(cpstate, query,
target_nodes->paths = transformed_pattern;
if (!clause->next)
target_nodes->flags |= CYPHER_CLAUSE_FLAG_TERMINAL;
func_expr = make_clause_func_expr(CREATE_CLAUSE_FUNCTION_NAME,
(Node *)target_nodes);
// Create the target entry
tle = makeTargetEntry((Expr *)func_expr, pstate->p_next_resno++,
query->targetList = lappend(query->targetList, tle);
query->rtable = pstate->p_rtable;
query->jointree = makeFromExpr(pstate->p_joinlist, NULL);
return query;
static List *transform_cypher_create_pattern(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
Query *query, List *pattern)
ListCell *lc;
List *transformed_pattern = NIL;
foreach (lc, pattern)
cypher_create_path *transformed_path;
transformed_path = transform_cypher_create_path(cpstate,
transformed_pattern = lappend(transformed_pattern, transformed_path);
return transformed_pattern;
static cypher_create_path *
transform_cypher_create_path(cypher_parsestate *cpstate, List **target_list,
cypher_path *path)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
ListCell *lc;
List *transformed_path = NIL;
cypher_create_path *ccp = make_ag_node(cypher_create_path);
bool in_path = path->var_name != NULL;
ccp->path_attr_num = InvalidAttrNumber;
if (in_path)
if (findTarget(*target_list, path->var_name) != NULL)
errmsg("variable \"%s\" already exists",
parser_errposition(pstate, path->location)));
foreach (lc, path->path)
if (is_ag_node(lfirst(lc), cypher_node))
cypher_node *node = lfirst(lc);
transform_entity *entity;
cypher_target_node *rel =
transform_create_cypher_node(cpstate, target_list, node);
if (in_path)
if (node->name && strcmp(node->name, path->var_name) == 0)
errmsg("variable \"%s\" already exists",
parser_errposition(pstate, path->location)));
transformed_path = lappend(transformed_path, rel);
entity = make_transform_entity(cpstate, ENT_VERTEX, (Node *)node,
cpstate->entities = lappend(cpstate->entities, entity);
else if (is_ag_node(lfirst(lc), cypher_relationship))
cypher_relationship *edge = lfirst(lc);
transform_entity *entity;
cypher_target_node *rel =
transform_create_cypher_edge(cpstate, target_list, edge);
if (in_path)
if (edge->name && strcmp(edge->name, path->var_name) == 0)
errmsg("variable \"%s\" already exists",
parser_errposition(pstate, path->location)));
transformed_path = lappend(transformed_path, rel);
entity = make_transform_entity(cpstate, ENT_EDGE, (Node *)edge,
cpstate->entities = lappend(cpstate->entities, entity);
(errmsg_internal("unrecognized node in create pattern")));
ccp->target_nodes = transformed_path;
* If this path a variable, create a placeholder entry that we can fill
* in with during the execution phase.
if (path->var_name)
TargetEntry *te;
if (list_length(transformed_path) < 1)
errmsg("paths require at least 1 vertex"),
parser_errposition(pstate, path->location)));
te = placeholder_target_entry(cpstate, path->var_name);
ccp->path_attr_num = te->resno;
*target_list = lappend(*target_list, te);
return ccp;
static cypher_target_node *
transform_create_cypher_edge(cypher_parsestate *cpstate, List **target_list,
cypher_relationship *edge)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
cypher_target_node *rel = make_ag_node(cypher_target_node);
Expr *props;
Relation label_relation;
RangeVar *rv;
RangeTblEntry *rte;
TargetEntry *te;
char *alias;
AttrNumber resno;
ParseNamespaceItem *pnsi;
if (edge->label)
if (get_label_kind(edge->label, cpstate->graph_oid) == LABEL_KIND_VERTEX)
errmsg("label %s is for vertices, not edges", edge->label),
parser_errposition(pstate, edge->location)));
rel->type = LABEL_KIND_EDGE;
rel->label_name = edge->label;
rel->resultRelInfo = NULL;
if (edge->name)
* Variables can be declared in a CREATE clause, but not used if
* it already exists.
transform_entity *entity;
entity = find_variable(cpstate, edge->name);
if ((entity && entity->type != ENT_EDGE) || variable_exists(cpstate, edge->name))
errmsg("variable %s already exists", edge->name),
parser_errposition(pstate, edge->location)));
rel->variable_name = edge->name;
te = placeholder_target_entry(cpstate, edge->name);
rel->tuple_position = te->resno;
*target_list = lappend(*target_list, te);
rel->variable_name = NULL;
rel->tuple_position = 0;
if (edge->dir == CYPHER_REL_DIR_NONE)
errmsg("only directed relationships are allowed in CREATE"),
parser_errposition(&cpstate->pstate, edge->location)));
rel->dir = edge->dir;
if (!edge->label)
errmsg("relationships must be specify a label in CREATE."),
parser_errposition(&cpstate->pstate, edge->location)));
// create the label entry if it does not exist
if (!label_exists(edge->label, cpstate->graph_oid))
List *parent;
RangeVar *rv;
rv = get_label_range_var(cpstate->graph_name, cpstate->graph_oid,
parent = list_make1(rv);
create_label(cpstate->graph_name, edge->label, LABEL_TYPE_EDGE,
// lock the relation of the label
rv = makeRangeVar(cpstate->graph_name, edge->label, -1);
label_relation = parserOpenTable(&cpstate->pstate, rv, RowExclusiveLock);
// Store the relid
rel->relid = RelationGetRelid(label_relation);
pnsi = addRangeTableEntryForRelation((ParseState *)cpstate, label_relation,
AccessShareLock, NULL, false, false);
rte = pnsi->p_rte;
rte->requiredPerms = ACL_INSERT;
// Build Id expression, always use the default logic
rel->id_expr = (Expr *)build_column_default(label_relation,
// Build properties expression, if no map is given, use the default logic
alias = get_next_default_alias(cpstate);
resno = pstate->p_next_resno++;
props = cypher_create_properties(cpstate, rel, label_relation, edge->props,
rel->prop_attr_num = resno - 1;
te = makeTargetEntry(props, resno, alias, false);
*target_list = lappend(*target_list, te);
// Keep the lock
table_close(label_relation, NoLock);
return rel;
static bool variable_exists(cypher_parsestate *cpstate, char *name)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
Node *id;
ParseNamespaceItem *pnsi;
if (name == NULL)
return false;
pnsi = find_pnsi(cpstate, PREV_CYPHER_CLAUSE_ALIAS);
if (pnsi)
id = scanNSItemForColumn(pstate, pnsi, 0, name, -1);
return id != NULL;
return false;
// transform nodes, check to see if the variable name already exists.
static cypher_target_node *
transform_create_cypher_node(cypher_parsestate *cpstate, List **target_list,
cypher_node *node)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
if (node->label)
if (get_label_kind(node->label, cpstate->graph_oid) == LABEL_KIND_EDGE)
errmsg("label %s is for edges, not vertices",
parser_errposition(pstate, node->location)));
* Check if the variable already exists, if so find the entity and
* setup the target node
if (node->name)
transform_entity *entity;
TargetEntry *te = findTarget(*target_list, node->name);
entity = find_variable(cpstate, node->name);
* If we find an entity as well as a target Entry with same name,
* that means that the variable is either vertex, edge or vle.
* but if we find a target entry but not an entity that means
* that the variable can be other than vertex, edge or vle e.g path.
if (entity && te)
if (entity->type != ENT_VERTEX)
errmsg("variable %s already exists", node->name),
parser_errposition(pstate, node->location)));
return transform_create_cypher_existing_node(cpstate, target_list,
entity->declared_in_current_clause, node);
else if (te)
* Here we are not sure if the te is a vertex, path or something
* else. So we will let it pass and the execution stage will catch
* the error if variable was not vertex.
return transform_create_cypher_existing_node(cpstate, target_list,
te, node);
// otherwise transform the target node as a new node
return transform_create_cypher_new_node(cpstate, target_list, node);
* Returns the resno for the TargetEntry with the resname equal to the name
* passed. Returns -1 otherwise.
static int get_target_entry_resno(List *target_list, char *name)
ListCell *lc;
foreach (lc, target_list)
TargetEntry *te = (TargetEntry *)lfirst(lc);
if (!strcmp(te->resname, name))
return te->resno;
return -1;
/* adds the volatile wrapper to the specified target entry */
static void add_volatile_wrapper_to_target_entry(List *target_list, int resno)
ListCell *lc;
Assert(target_list != NULL);
Assert(resno >= 0);
/* find the resource */
foreach (lc, target_list)
TargetEntry *te = (TargetEntry *)lfirst(lc);
if (te->resno == resno)
/* wrap it */
te->expr = add_volatile_wrapper(te->expr);
/* if we didn't find anything, there was a problem */
errmsg("add_volatile_wrapper_to_target_entry: resno not found")));
* Transform logic for a previously declared variable in a CREATE clause.
* All we need from the variable node is its id, and whether we can skip
* some tests in the execution phase..
static cypher_target_node *transform_create_cypher_existing_node(
cypher_parsestate *cpstate, List **target_list, bool declared_in_current_clause,
cypher_node *node)
cypher_target_node *rel = make_ag_node(cypher_target_node);
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
rel->type = LABEL_KIND_VERTEX;
rel->resultRelInfo = NULL;
rel->variable_name = node->name;
if (node->props)
errmsg("previously declared nodes in a create clause cannot have properties"),
parser_errposition(pstate, node->location)));
if (node->label)
errmsg("previously declared variables cannot have a label"),
parser_errposition(pstate, node->location)));
* When the variable is declared in the same clause this vertex is a part of
* we can skip some expensive checks in the execution phase.
if (declared_in_current_clause)
* Get the AttrNumber the variable is stored in, so we can extract the id
* later.
rel->tuple_position = get_target_entry_resno(*target_list, node->name);
add_volatile_wrapper_to_target_entry(*target_list, rel->tuple_position);
return rel;
* Transform logic for a node in a create clause that was not previously
* declared.
static cypher_target_node *
transform_create_cypher_new_node(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
List **target_list, cypher_node *node)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
cypher_target_node *rel = make_ag_node(cypher_target_node);
Relation label_relation;
RangeVar *rv;
RangeTblEntry *rte;
TargetEntry *te;
Expr *props;
char *alias;
int resno;
ParseNamespaceItem *pnsi;
rel->type = LABEL_KIND_VERTEX;
rel->tuple_position = InvalidAttrNumber;
rel->variable_name = NULL;
rel->resultRelInfo = NULL;
if (!node->label)
rel->label_name = "";
* If no label is specified, assign the generic label name that
* all labels are descendents of.
rel->label_name = node->label;
// create the label entry if it does not exist
if (!label_exists(node->label, cpstate->graph_oid))
List *parent;
RangeVar *rv;
rv = get_label_range_var(cpstate->graph_name, cpstate->graph_oid,
parent = list_make1(rv);
create_label(cpstate->graph_name, node->label, LABEL_TYPE_VERTEX,
rv = makeRangeVar(cpstate->graph_name, node->label, -1);
label_relation = parserOpenTable(&cpstate->pstate, rv, RowExclusiveLock);
// Store the relid
rel->relid = RelationGetRelid(label_relation);
pnsi = addRangeTableEntryForRelation((ParseState *)cpstate, label_relation,
AccessShareLock, NULL, false, false);
rte = pnsi->p_rte;
rte->requiredPerms = ACL_INSERT;
// id
rel->id_expr = (Expr *)build_column_default(label_relation,
// properties
alias = get_next_default_alias(cpstate);
resno = pstate->p_next_resno++;
props = cypher_create_properties(cpstate, rel, label_relation, node->props,
rel->prop_attr_num = resno - 1;
te = makeTargetEntry(props, resno, alias, false);
*target_list = lappend(*target_list, te);
table_close(label_relation, NoLock);
if (node->name)
rel->variable_name = node->name;
te = placeholder_target_entry(cpstate, node->name);
rel->tuple_position = te->resno;
*target_list = lappend(*target_list, te);
node->name = get_next_default_alias(cpstate);
return rel;
* Variable Edges cannot be created until the executor phase, because we
* don't know what their start and end node ids will be. Therefore, path
* variables cannot be created either. Create a placeholder entry that we
* will replace in the execution phase. Do this for nodes too, to be
* consistent.
static TargetEntry *placeholder_target_entry(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
char *name)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
Expr *n;
int resno;
n = (Expr *)makeNullConst(AGTYPEOID, -1, InvalidOid);
n = add_volatile_wrapper(n);
resno = pstate->p_next_resno++;
return makeTargetEntry(n, resno, name, false);
* Build the target list for an entity that is not a previously declared
* variable.
static Expr *cypher_create_properties(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_target_node *rel,
Relation label_relation, Node *props,
enum transform_entity_type type)
Expr *properties;
if (props != NULL && is_ag_node(props, cypher_param))
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *) cpstate;
cypher_param *param = (cypher_param *)props;
errmsg("properties in a CREATE clause as a parameter is not supported"),
parser_errposition(pstate, param->location)));
if (props)
((cypher_map*)props)->keep_null = false;
properties = (Expr *)transform_cypher_expr(cpstate, props,
else if (type == ENT_VERTEX)
properties = (Expr *)build_column_default(
label_relation, Anum_ag_label_vertex_table_properties);
else if (type == ENT_EDGE)
properties = (Expr *)build_column_default(
label_relation, Anum_ag_label_edge_table_properties);
ereport(ERROR, (errmsg_internal("unrecognized entity type")));
// add a volatile wrapper call to prevent the optimizer from removing it
return (Expr *)add_volatile_wrapper(properties);
* This function is similar to transformFromClause() that is called with a
* single RangeSubselect.
static ParseNamespaceItem *
transform_cypher_clause_as_subquery(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
transform_method transform,
cypher_clause *clause,
Alias *alias,
bool add_rte_to_query)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
Query *query;
RangeTblEntry *rte;
ParseExprKind old_expr_kind = pstate->p_expr_kind;
bool lateral = pstate->p_lateral_active;
ParseNamespaceItem *pnsi;
* We allow expression kinds of none, where, and subselect. Others MAY need
* to be added depending. However, at this time, only these are needed.
Assert(pstate->p_expr_kind == EXPR_KIND_NONE ||
pstate->p_expr_kind == EXPR_KIND_OTHER ||
pstate->p_expr_kind == EXPR_KIND_WHERE ||
pstate->p_expr_kind == EXPR_KIND_SELECT_TARGET ||
pstate->p_expr_kind == EXPR_KIND_FROM_SUBSELECT);
* As these are all sub queries, if this is just of type NONE, note it as a
* SUBSELECT. Other types will be dealt with as needed.
if (pstate->p_expr_kind == EXPR_KIND_NONE)
pstate->p_expr_kind = EXPR_KIND_FROM_SUBSELECT;
else if (pstate->p_expr_kind == EXPR_KIND_OTHER)
// this is a lateral subselect for the MERGE
pstate->p_expr_kind = EXPR_KIND_FROM_SUBSELECT;
lateral = true;
* If this is a WHERE, pass it through and set lateral to true because it
* needs to see what comes before it.
query = analyze_cypher_clause(transform, clause, cpstate);
/* set pstate kind back */
pstate->p_expr_kind = old_expr_kind;
if (alias == NULL)
pnsi = addRangeTableEntryForSubquery(pstate, query, alias, lateral, true);
rte = pnsi->p_rte;
* NOTE: skip namespace conflicts check if the rte will be the only
* RangeTblEntry in pstate
if (list_length(pstate->p_rtable) > 1)
List *namespace = NULL;
int rtindex = 0;
/* get the index of the last entry */
rtindex = list_length(pstate->p_rtable);
/* the rte at the end should be the rte just added */
if (rte != rt_fetch(rtindex, pstate->p_rtable))
errmsg("rte must be last entry in p_rtable")));
namespace = list_make1(pnsi);
checkNameSpaceConflicts(pstate, pstate->p_namespace, namespace);
if (add_rte_to_query)
// all variables(attributes) from the previous clause(subquery) are visible
addNSItemToQuery(pstate, pnsi, true, false, true);
return pnsi;
* When we are done transforming a clause, before transforming the next clause
* iterate through the transform entities and mark them as not belonging to
* the clause that is currently being transformed.
static void advance_transform_entities_to_next_clause(List *entities)
ListCell *lc;
foreach (lc, entities)
transform_entity *entity = lfirst(lc);
entity->declared_in_current_clause = false;
static Query *analyze_cypher_clause(transform_method transform,
cypher_clause *clause,
cypher_parsestate *parent_cpstate)
cypher_parsestate *cpstate;
Query *query;
ParseState *parent_pstate = (ParseState*)parent_cpstate;
ParseState *pstate;
cpstate = make_cypher_parsestate(parent_cpstate);
pstate = (ParseState*)cpstate;
/* copy the expr_kind down to the child */
pstate->p_expr_kind = parent_pstate->p_expr_kind;
query = transform(cpstate, clause);
parent_cpstate->entities = list_concat(parent_cpstate->entities,
return query;
static TargetEntry *findTarget(List *targetList, char *resname)
ListCell *lt;
TargetEntry *te = NULL;
if (resname == NULL)
return NULL;
foreach (lt, targetList)
te = lfirst(lt);
if (te->resjunk)
if (strcmp(te->resname, resname) == 0)
return te;
return NULL;
* Wrap the expression with a volatile function, to prevent the optimizer from
* eliminating the expression.
static Expr *add_volatile_wrapper(Expr *node)
Oid oid;
/* if the passed Expr node is NULL it will cause a crash, so notify us */
if (node == NULL)
ereport(ERROR, (errmsg_internal("add_volatile_wrapper: NULL expr")));
oid = get_ag_func_oid("agtype_volatile_wrapper", 1, ANYOID);
/* if the passed Expr node is already wrapped, just return it */
if (IsA(node, FuncExpr) && oid == ((FuncExpr*)node)->funcid)
return node;
return (Expr *)makeFuncExpr(oid, AGTYPEOID, list_make1(node), InvalidOid,
* from postgresql parse_sub_analyze
* Modified entry point for recursively analyzing a sub-statement in union.
Query *cypher_parse_sub_analyze_union(cypher_clause *clause,
cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
CommonTableExpr *parentCTE,
bool locked_from_parent,
bool resolve_unknowns)
cypher_parsestate *state = make_cypher_parsestate(cpstate);
Query *query;
state->pstate.p_parent_cte = parentCTE;
state->pstate.p_locked_from_parent = locked_from_parent;
state->pstate.p_resolve_unknowns = resolve_unknowns;
query = transform_cypher_clause(state, clause);
return query;
* from postgresql parse_sub_analyze
* Entry point for recursively analyzing a sub-statement.
Query *cypher_parse_sub_analyze(Node *parseTree,
cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
CommonTableExpr *parentCTE,
bool locked_from_parent,
bool resolve_unknowns)
ParseState *pstate = make_parsestate((ParseState*)cpstate);
cypher_clause *clause;
Query *query;
pstate->p_parent_cte = parentCTE;
pstate->p_locked_from_parent = locked_from_parent;
pstate->p_resolve_unknowns = resolve_unknowns;
clause = palloc0(sizeof(cypher_clause));
clause->self = parseTree;
query = transform_cypher_clause(cpstate, clause);
return query;
* Function for transforming MERGE.
* There are two cases for the form Query that is returned from here will
* take:
* 1. If there is no previous clause, the query will have a subquery that
* represents the path as a select statement, similar to match with a targetList
* that is all declared variables and the FuncExpr that represents the MERGE
* clause with its needed metadata information, that will be caught in the
* planner phase and converted into a path.
* 2. If there is a previous clause then the query will have two subqueries.
* The first query will be for the previous clause that we recursively handle.
* The second query will be for the path that this MERGE clause defines. The
* two subqueries will be joined together using a LATERAL LEFT JOIN with the
* previous query on the left and the MERGE path subquery on the right. Like
* case 1 the targetList will have all the declared variables and a FuncExpr
* that represents the MERGE clause with its needed metadata information, that
* will be caught in the planner phase and converted into a path.
* This will allow us to be capable of handling the 2 cases that exist with a
* MERGE clause correctly.
* Case 1: the path already exists. In this case we do not need to create
* the path and MERGE will simply pass the tuple information up the execution
* tree.
* Case 2: the path does not exist. In this case the LEFT part of the join
* will not prevent the tuples from the previous clause from being emitted. We
* can catch when this happens in the execution phase and create the missing
* data, before passing up the execution tree.
* It should be noted that both cases can happen in the same query. If the
* MERGE clause references a variable from a previous clause, it could be that
* for one tuple the path exists (or there is multiple paths that exist and all
* paths must be emitted) and for another the path does not exist. This is
* similar to OPTIONAL MATCH, however with the added feature of creating the
* path if not there, rather than just emitting NULL.
static Query *transform_cypher_merge(cypher_parsestate *cpstate,
cypher_clause *clause)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *) cpstate;
cypher_clause *merge_clause_as_match;
cypher_create_path *merge_path;
cypher_merge *self = (cypher_merge *)clause->self;
cypher_merge_information *merge_information;
Query *query;
FuncExpr *func_expr;
TargetEntry *tle;
Assert(is_ag_node(self->path, cypher_path));
merge_information = make_ag_node(cypher_merge_information);
query = makeNode(Query);
query->commandType = CMD_SELECT;
query->targetList = NIL;
merge_information->flags = CYPHER_CLAUSE_FLAG_NONE;
// make the merge node into a match node
merge_clause_as_match = convert_merge_to_match(self);
* If there is a previous clause we need to turn this query into a lateral
* join. See the function transform_merge_make_lateral_join for details.
if (clause->prev != NULL)
merge_path = transform_merge_make_lateral_join(cpstate, query, clause,
merge_information->flags |= CYPHER_CLAUSE_FLAG_PREVIOUS_CLAUSE;
// make the merge node into a match node
// TODO this is called above and appears redundant but needs to be
// looked into
//cypher_clause *merge_clause_as_match = convert_merge_to_match(self);
* Create the metadata needed for creating missing paths.
merge_path = transform_cypher_merge_path(cpstate, &query->targetList,
(cypher_path *)self->path);
* If there is not a previous clause, then treat the MERGE's path
* itself as the previous clause. We need to do this because if the
* pattern exists, then we need to path all paths that match the
* query patterns in the execution phase. WE way to do that by
* converting the merge to a match and have the match logic create the
* query. the merge execution phase will just pass the results up the
* execution tree if the path exists.
handle_prev_clause(cpstate, query, merge_clause_as_match, false);
* For the metadata need to create paths, find the tuple position that
* will represent the entity in the execution phase.
merge_information->graph_oid = cpstate->graph_oid;
merge_information->path = merge_path;
if (!clause->next)
merge_information->flags |= CYPHER_CLAUSE_FLAG_TERMINAL;
* Creates the function expression that the planner will find and
* convert to a MERGE path.
func_expr = make_clause_func_expr(MERGE_CLAUSE_FUNCTION_NAME,
(Node *)merge_information);
// Create the target entry
tle = makeTargetEntry((Expr *)func_expr, pstate->p_next_resno++,
merge_information->merge_function_attr = tle->resno;
query->targetList = lappend(query->targetList, tle);
markTargetListOrigins(pstate, query->targetList);
query->rtable = pstate->p_rtable;
query->jointree = makeFromExpr(pstate->p_joinlist, NULL);
query->hasSubLinks = pstate->p_hasSubLinks;
assign_query_collations(pstate, query);
return query;
* This function does the heavy lifting of transforming a MERGE clause that has
* a clause before it in the query of turning that into a lateral left join.
* The previous clause will still be able to emit tuples if the path defined in
* MERGE clause is not found. In that case variable assigned in the MERGE
* clause will be emitted as NULL (same as OPTIONAL MATCH).
static cypher_create_path *
transform_merge_make_lateral_join(cypher_parsestate *cpstate, Query *query,
cypher_clause *clause,
cypher_clause *isolated_merge_clause)
cypher_create_path *merge_path;
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *) cpstate;
int i;
Alias *l_alias;
Alias *r_alias;
RangeTblEntry *l_rte, *r_rte;
ParseNamespaceItem *l_nsitem, *r_nsitem;
JoinExpr *j = makeNode(JoinExpr);
List *res_colnames = NIL, *res_colvars = NIL;
ParseNamespaceItem *jnsitem;
ParseExprKind tmp;
cypher_merge *self = (cypher_merge *)clause->self;
cypher_path *path;
Assert(is_ag_node(self->path, cypher_path));
path = (cypher_path *)self->path;
r_alias = makeAlias(CYPHER_OPT_RIGHT_ALIAS, NIL);
l_alias = makeAlias(PREV_CYPHER_CLAUSE_ALIAS, NIL);
j->jointype = JOIN_LEFT;
* transform the previous clause
j->larg = transform_clause_for_join(cpstate, clause->prev, &l_rte,
&l_nsitem, l_alias);
pstate->p_namespace = lappend(pstate->p_namespace, l_nsitem);
* Get the merge path now. This is the only moment where it is simple
* to know if a variable was declared in the MERGE clause or a previous
* clause. Unlike create, we do not add these missing variables to the
* targetList, we just create all the metadata necessary to make the
* potentially missing parts of the path.
merge_path = transform_cypher_merge_path(cpstate, &query->targetList,
* Transform this MERGE clause as a match clause, mark the parsestate
* with the flag that a lateral join is active
pstate->p_lateral_active = true;
tmp = pstate->p_expr_kind;
pstate->p_expr_kind = EXPR_KIND_OTHER;
// transform MERGE
j->rarg = transform_clause_for_join(cpstate, isolated_merge_clause, &r_rte,
&r_nsitem, r_alias);
// deactivate the lateral flag
pstate->p_lateral_active = false;
pstate->p_namespace = NIL;
* Resolve the column names and variables between the two subqueries,
* in most cases, we can expect there to be overlap
get_res_cols(pstate, l_nsitem, r_nsitem, &res_colnames, &res_colvars);
// make the RTE for the join
jnsitem = addRangeTableEntryForJoin(pstate, res_colnames, NULL, j->jointype,
0, res_colvars, NIL, NIL, j->alias,
NULL, true);
j->rtindex = jnsitem->p_rtindex;
* The index of a node in the p_joinexpr list is expected to match the
* rtindex the join expression is for. Add NULLs for all the previous
* rtindexes and add the JoinExpr.
for (i = list_length(pstate->p_joinexprs) + 1; i < j->rtindex; i++)
pstate->p_joinexprs = lappend(pstate->p_joinexprs, NULL);
pstate->p_joinexprs = lappend(pstate->p_joinexprs, j);
Assert(list_length(pstate->p_joinexprs) == j->rtindex);
pstate->p_joinlist = lappend(pstate->p_joinlist, j);
pstate->p_expr_kind = tmp;
/* add jnsitem to column namespace only */
addNSItemToQuery(pstate, jnsitem, false, true, true);
* Create the targetList from the joined subqueries, add everything.
query->targetList = list_concat(query->targetList,
make_target_list_from_join(pstate, jnsitem->p_rte));
* For the metadata need to create paths, find the tuple position that
* will represent the entity in the execution phase.
return merge_path;
* Iterate through the path and find the TargetEntry in the target_list
* that each cypher_target_node is referencing. Add the volatile wrapper
* function to keep the optimizer from removing the TargetEntry.
static void
transform_cypher_merge_mark_tuple_position(List *target_list,
cypher_create_path *path)
ListCell *lc = NULL;
if (path->var_name)
TargetEntry *te = findTarget(target_list, path->var_name);
* Add the volatile wrapper function around the expression, this
* ensures the optimizer will not remove the expression, if nothing
* other than a private data structure needs it.
te->expr = add_volatile_wrapper(te->expr);
// Mark the tuple position the target_node is for.
path->path_attr_num = te->resno;
foreach (lc, path->target_nodes)
cypher_target_node *node = lfirst(lc);
TargetEntry *te = findTarget(target_list, node->variable_name);
* Add the volatile wrapper function around the expression, this
* ensures the optimizer will not remove the expression, if nothing
* other than a private data structure needs it.
te->expr = add_volatile_wrapper(te->expr);
// Mark the tuple position the target_node is for.
node->tuple_position = te->resno;
* Helper function to return a shallow copy of an existing, already transformed,
* matching variable. The copy returned will be flagged as such. If none are
* found, it will return NULL. If it finds a mismatched type, it will error
* stating that.
static cypher_target_node *get_referenced_variable(ParseState *pstate,
Node *node,
List *transformed_path)
ListCell *lc = NULL;
char *node_name = NULL;
char *node_label = NULL;
char node_type = 0;
int node_loc = -1;
/* passed node should only be a vertex or an edge */
Assert(is_ag_node(node, cypher_node) ||
is_ag_node(node, cypher_relationship));
/* set up our search based on our input type */
if (is_ag_node(node, cypher_node))
node_name = ((cypher_node *)node)->name;
node_label = ((cypher_node *)node)->label;
node_loc = ((cypher_node *)node)->location;
node_type = 'v';
node_name = ((cypher_relationship *)node)->name;
node_label = ((cypher_relationship *)node)->label;
node_loc = ((cypher_relationship *)node)->location;
node_type = 'e';
/* look through the list of previously transformed nodes and edges */
foreach (lc, transformed_path)
cypher_target_node *ctn = NULL;
bool is_name = false;
bool is_label = false;
/* list items should be of type cypher_target_node */
Assert(is_ag_node(lfirst(lc), cypher_target_node));
ctn = lfirst(lc);
/* do they have names? if so, do they match? */
is_name = (node_name == NULL || ctn->variable_name == NULL) ?
false : strcmp(node_name, ctn->variable_name) == 0;
/* do they have labels? if so, do they match? */
is_label = (ctn->label_name != NULL) ?
((node_label == NULL) ? true : strcmp(ctn->label_name, node_label) == 0)
: false;
/* if the types don't match, error or skip */
if (node_type != ctn->type)
/* is the name a match, generate an error. otherwise, skip it. */
if (is_name)
if (node_type == 'v')
errmsg("variable \"%s\" is for a edge",
parser_errposition(pstate, node_loc)));
errmsg("variable \"%s\" is for an vertex",
parser_errposition(pstate, node_loc)));
if (is_name && !is_label)
errmsg("multiple labels for variable '%s' are not supported",
parser_errposition(pstate, node_loc)));
* If this is a match, make a shallow copy of it, modify the copy to be
* flagged as a previously declared variable, and then return it.
if (is_name && is_label)
cypher_target_node *_cpy = make_ag_node(cypher_target_node);
/* make a shallow copy */
_cpy->type = ctn->type;
_cpy->flags = ctn->flags;
_cpy->dir = ctn->dir;
_cpy->id_expr = ctn->id_expr;
_cpy->id_expr_state = ctn->id_expr_state;
_cpy->prop_expr = ctn->prop_expr;
_cpy->prop_expr_state = ctn->prop_expr_state;
_cpy->prop_attr_num = ctn->prop_attr_num;
_cpy->resultRelInfo = ctn->resultRelInfo;
_cpy->elemTupleSlot = ctn->elemTupleSlot;
_cpy->relid = ctn->relid;
_cpy->label_name = ctn->label_name;
_cpy->variable_name = ctn->variable_name;
_cpy->tuple_position = ctn->tuple_position;
/* set it to a declared variable */
_cpy->flags &= 0xfffffffe;
return _cpy;
return NULL;
* Creates the target nodes for a merge path. If MERGE has a path that doesn't
* exist then in the MERGE clause we act like a CREATE clause. This function
* sets up the metadata needed for that process.
static cypher_create_path *
transform_cypher_merge_path(cypher_parsestate *cpstate, List **target_list,
cypher_path *path)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
ListCell *lc;
List *transformed_path = NIL;
cypher_create_path *ccp = make_ag_node(cypher_create_path);
bool in_path = path->var_name != NULL;
ccp->path_attr_num = InvalidAttrNumber;
foreach (lc, path->path)
if (is_ag_node(lfirst(lc), cypher_node))
cypher_node *node = lfirst(lc);
cypher_target_node *rel = NULL;
if (path->var_name != NULL && node->name != NULL &&
strcmp(path->var_name, node->name) == 0)
errmsg("variable \"%s\" is for a path", node->name),
parser_errposition(pstate, node->location)));
* If the variable was already transformed, get a referenced copy of
* it. This copy will make sure the executor phase doesn't create a
* new node from it.
rel = get_referenced_variable(pstate, (Node *)node,
/* if there wasn't a transformed variable, transform the node */
if (rel == NULL)
rel = transform_merge_cypher_node(cpstate, target_list, node);
if (in_path)
transformed_path = lappend(transformed_path, rel);
else if (is_ag_node(lfirst(lc), cypher_relationship))
cypher_relationship *edge = NULL;
cypher_target_node *rel = NULL;
edge = lfirst(lc);
if (path->var_name != NULL && edge->name != NULL &&
strcmp(path->var_name, edge->name) == 0)
errmsg("variable \"%s\" is for a path", edge->name),
parser_errposition(pstate, edge->location)));
* Get a referenced edge variable. This should not happen as edges
* can not be duplicated within a path.
rel = get_referenced_variable(pstate, (Node *)edge,
if (rel != NULL)
errmsg("a duplicate edge variable \"%s\" is not permitted within a path",
parser_errposition(pstate, edge->location)));
/* transform the edge */
rel = transform_merge_cypher_edge(cpstate, target_list, edge);
if (in_path)
transformed_path = lappend(transformed_path, rel);
(errmsg_internal("unrecognized node in create pattern")));
// store the path's variable name
if (path->var_name)
ccp->var_name = path->var_name;
ccp->target_nodes = transformed_path;
return ccp;
* Transforms the parse cypher_relationship to a target_entry for merge.
* All edges that have variables assigned in a merge must be declared in
* the merge. Throw an error otherwise.
static cypher_target_node *
transform_merge_cypher_edge(cypher_parsestate *cpstate, List **target_list,
cypher_relationship *edge)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *)cpstate;
cypher_target_node *rel = make_ag_node(cypher_target_node);
Relation label_relation;
RangeVar *rv;
RangeTblEntry *rte;
ParseNamespaceItem *pnsi;
if (edge->name != NULL)
transform_entity *entity = find_transform_entity(cpstate, edge->name,
// We found a variable with this variable name, throw an error.
if (entity != NULL)
errmsg("variable %s already exists", edge->name),
parser_errposition(pstate, edge->location)));
// assign a default variable name.
edge->name = get_next_default_alias(cpstate);
rel->type = LABEL_KIND_EDGE;
// all edges are marked with insert
rel->label_name = edge->label;
rel->variable_name = edge->name;
rel->resultRelInfo = NULL;
rel->dir = edge->dir;
if (!edge->label)
errmsg("edges declared in a MERGE clause must have a label"),
parser_errposition(&cpstate->pstate, edge->location)));
// check to see if the label exists, create the label entry if it does not.
if (edge->label && !label_exists(edge->label, cpstate->graph_oid))
List *parent;
RangeVar *rv;
* setup the default edge table as the parent table, that we
* will inherit from.
rv = get_label_range_var(cpstate->graph_name, cpstate->graph_oid,
parent = list_make1(rv);
// create the label
create_label(cpstate->graph_name, edge->label, LABEL_TYPE_EDGE,
// lock the relation of the label
rv = makeRangeVar(cpstate->graph_name, edge->label, -1);
label_relation = parserOpenTable(&cpstate->pstate, rv, RowExclusiveLock);
* It is possible for a vertex label to be retrieved, instead of an edge,
* due to the above logic. So, we need to check if it is a vertex label.
* This whole section needs to be fixed because it could be a relation that
* isn't either and has the correct number of columns. However, for now,
* we just check the number of columns.
if (label_relation->rd_att->natts == 2) // TODO temporarily hardcoded
errmsg("Expecting edge label, found existing vertex label"),
parser_errposition(&cpstate->pstate, edge->location)));
// Store the relid
rel->relid = RelationGetRelid(label_relation);
pnsi = addRangeTableEntryForRelation((ParseState *)cpstate, label_relation,
AccessShareLock, NULL, false, false);
rte = pnsi->p_rte;
rte->requiredPerms = ACL_INSERT;
// Build Id expression, always use the default logic
rel->id_expr = (Expr *)build_column_default(label_relation,
rel->prop_expr = cypher_create_properties(cpstate, rel, label_relation,
edge->props, ENT_EDGE);
// Keep the lock
table_close(label_relation, NoLock);
return rel;
* Function for creating the metadata MERGE will need if MERGE does not find
* a path to exist
static cypher_target_node *
transform_merge_cypher_node(cypher_parsestate *cpstate, List **target_list,
cypher_node *node)
cypher_target_node *rel = make_ag_node(cypher_target_node);
Relation label_relation;
RangeVar *rv;
RangeTblEntry *rte;
ParseNamespaceItem *pnsi;
if (node->name != NULL)
transform_entity *entity = find_transform_entity(cpstate, node->name,
* the vertex was previously declared, we do not need to do any setup
* to create the node.
if (entity != NULL)
rel->type = LABEL_KIND_VERTEX;
rel->tuple_position = InvalidAttrNumber;
rel->variable_name = node->name;
rel->resultRelInfo = NULL;
return rel;
// assign a default variable name.
node->name = get_next_default_alias(cpstate);
rel->type = LABEL_KIND_VERTEX;
rel->tuple_position = InvalidAttrNumber;
rel->variable_name = node->name;
rel->resultRelInfo = NULL;
if (!node->label)
rel->label_name = "";
* If no label is specified, assign the generic label name that
* all labels are descendents of.
rel->label_name = node->label;
// check to see if the label exists, create the label entry if it does not.
if (node->label && !label_exists(node->label, cpstate->graph_oid))
List *parent;
RangeVar *rv;
* setup the default vertex table as the parent table, that we
* will inherit from.
rv = get_label_range_var(cpstate->graph_name, cpstate->graph_oid,
parent = list_make1(rv);
// create the label
create_label(cpstate->graph_name, node->label, LABEL_TYPE_VERTEX,
rv = makeRangeVar(cpstate->graph_name, node->label, -1);
label_relation = parserOpenTable(&cpstate->pstate, rv, RowExclusiveLock);
* It is possible for an edge label to be retrieved, instead of a vertex,
* due to the above logic. So, we need to check if it is an edge label.
* This whole section needs to be fixed because it could be a relation that
* isn't either and has the correct number of columns. However, for now,
* we just check the number of columns.
if (label_relation->rd_att->natts == 4) // TODO temporarily hardcoded
errmsg("Expecting vertex label, found existing edge label"),
parser_errposition(&cpstate->pstate, node->location)));
// Store the relid
rel->relid = RelationGetRelid(label_relation);
pnsi = addRangeTableEntryForRelation((ParseState *)cpstate, label_relation,
AccessShareLock, NULL, false, false);
rte = pnsi->p_rte;
rte->requiredPerms = ACL_INSERT;
// id
rel->id_expr = (Expr *)build_column_default(label_relation,
rel->prop_expr = cypher_create_properties(cpstate, rel, label_relation,
node->props, ENT_VERTEX);
table_close(label_relation, NoLock);
return rel;
* Takes a MERGE parse node and converts it to a MATCH parse node
static cypher_clause *convert_merge_to_match(cypher_merge *merge)
cypher_match *match = make_ag_node(cypher_match);
cypher_clause *clause = palloc(sizeof(cypher_clause));
// match supports multiple paths, whereas merge only supports one.
match->pattern = list_make1(merge->path);
// MERGE does not support where
match->where = NULL;
* We do not want the transform logic to transform the previous clauses
* with this, just handle this one clause.
clause->prev = NULL;
clause->self = (Node *)match;
clause->next = NULL;
return clause;
* Creates a namespace item for the given rte. boolean arguments will
* let the rest of the ParseState know if the relation and/or columns are
* visible, whether the rte is only usable in lateral joins, and if the rte
* is accessible in lateral joins.
static ParseNamespaceItem *get_namespace_item(ParseState *pstate,
RangeTblEntry *rte)
ParseNamespaceItem *nsitem = NULL;
ListCell *l;
foreach(l, pstate->p_namespace)
nsitem = lfirst(l);
if (rte == nsitem->p_rte)
return nsitem;
Assert(nsitem != NULL);
return NULL;
* Creates the function expression that represents the clause. Adds the
* extensible node that represents the metadata that the clause needs to
* handle the clause in the execution phase.
static FuncExpr *make_clause_func_expr(char *function_name,
Node *clause_information)
Const *clause_information_const;
Oid func_oid;
FuncExpr *func_expr;
StringInfo str = makeStringInfo();
* Serialize the clause_information data structure. In certain
* cases (Prepared Statements and PL/pgsql), the MemoryContext that
* it is stored in will be destroyed. We need to get it into a format
* that Postgres' can copy between MemoryContexts. Just making it into
* an ExtensibleNode does not work, because there are certain parts of
* Postgres that cannot handle an ExtensibleNode in a function call.
* So we serialize the data structure and place it into a Const node
* that can handle these situations AND be copied correctly.
outNode(str, clause_information);
clause_information_const = makeConst(INTERNALOID, -1, InvalidOid, str->len,
PointerGetDatum(str->data), false, false);
func_oid = get_ag_func_oid(function_name, 1, INTERNALOID);
func_expr = makeFuncExpr(func_oid, AGTYPEOID,
list_make1(clause_information_const), InvalidOid,
return func_expr;
* Utility function that helps a clause add the information needed to
* the query from the previous clause.
static void handle_prev_clause(cypher_parsestate *cpstate, Query *query,
cypher_clause *clause, bool first_rte)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *) cpstate;
int rtindex;
ParseNamespaceItem *pnsi;
pnsi = transform_prev_cypher_clause(cpstate, clause, true);
rtindex = list_length(pstate->p_rtable);
// rte is the first RangeTblEntry in pstate
if (first_rte)
Assert(rtindex == 1);
if (rtindex != 1)
errmsg("invalid value for rtindex")));
// add all the rte's attributes to the current queries targetlist
query->targetList = expandNSItemAttrs(pstate, pnsi, 0, true, -1);
ParseNamespaceItem *find_pnsi(cypher_parsestate *cpstate, char *varname)
ParseState *pstate = (ParseState *) cpstate;
ListCell *lc;
foreach (lc, pstate->p_namespace)
ParseNamespaceItem *pnsi = (ParseNamespaceItem *)lfirst(lc);
Alias *alias = pnsi->p_rte->alias;
if (!alias)
if (!strcmp(alias->aliasname, varname))
return pnsi;
return NULL;