Update the Python Driver (#1246)

- Updated the README contents of the Python driver for the pypi
- Fixed errors in test_age_py.py that was causing connectivity issues.
diff --git a/drivers/python/README.md b/drivers/python/README.md
index 6143062..cf3e53b 100644
--- a/drivers/python/README.md
+++ b/drivers/python/README.md
@@ -13,6 +13,15 @@
 specific language governing permissions and limitations

 under the License.


+Apache AGE](https://age.apache.org/) is a PostgreSQL extension that provides graph database functionality. The goal of the Apache AGE project is to create single storage that can handle both relational and graph model data so that users can use standard ANSI SQL along with openCypher, the Graph query language. This repository hosts the development of the Python driver for this Apache extension (currently in Incubator status). Thanks for checking it out.


+A graph consists of a set of vertices (also called nodes) and edges, where each individual vertex and edge possesses a map of properties. A vertex is the basic object of a graph, that can exist independently of everything else in the graph. An edge creates a directed connection between two vertices. A graph database is simply composed of vertices and edges. This type of database is useful when the meaning is in the relationships between the data. Relational databases can easily handle direct relationships, but indirect relationships are more difficult to deal with in relational databases. A graph database stores relationship information as a first-class entity. Apache AGE gives you the best of both worlds, simultaneously.


+Apache AGE is:


+- **Powerful** -- AGE adds graph database support to the already popular PostgreSQL database: PostgreSQL is used by organizations including Apple, Spotify, and NASA.

+- **Flexible** -- AGE allows you to perform openCypher queries, which make complex queries much easier to write.

+- **Intelligent** -- AGE allows you to perform graph queries that are the basis for many next level web services such as fraud & intrustion detection, master data management, product recommendations, identity and relationship management, experience personalization, knowledge management and more.


 # AGE AGType parser and driver support for Python

 AGType parser and driver support for [Apache AGE](https://age.apache.org/), graph extension for PostgreSQL.

diff --git a/drivers/python/requirements.txt b/drivers/python/requirements.txt
index 3aff61d..4951053 100644
--- a/drivers/python/requirements.txt
+++ b/drivers/python/requirements.txt
Binary files differ
diff --git a/drivers/python/setup.py b/drivers/python/setup.py
index 0b48b87..6315022 100644
--- a/drivers/python/setup.py
+++ b/drivers/python/setup.py
@@ -20,16 +20,17 @@
     long_description = fh.read()



-    name             = 'age',

-    version          = VERSION.VERSION,

+    name             = 'apache-age-python',

+    version          = '0.0.7',

     description      = 'Python driver support for Apache AGE',



-    author           = 'Apache AGE',

+    author           = 'Ikchan Kwon, Apache AGE',

     author_email     = 'dev-subscribe@age.apache.org',

-    url              = 'https://github.com/apache/age',

+    url              = 'https://github.com/apache/age/tree/master/drivers/python',

+    download_url     = 'https://github.com/apache/age/releases' ,

     license          = 'Apache2.0',

-    install_requires = [ 'psycopg2', 'antlr4-python3-runtime==4.11.1'],

+    install_requires = [ 'psycopg2', 'antlr4_python3_runtime==4.11.1'],

     packages         = ['age', 'age.gen'],

     keywords         = ['Graph Database', 'Apache AGE', 'PostgreSQL'],

     python_requires  = '>=3.9',

diff --git a/drivers/python/test_age_py.py b/drivers/python/test_age_py.py
index 99c8d08..e62aeea 100644
--- a/drivers/python/test_age_py.py
+++ b/drivers/python/test_age_py.py
@@ -1,368 +1,368 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

-# distributed with this work for additional information

-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an


-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

-# specific language governing permissions and limitations

-# under the License.


-from age.models import Vertex

-import unittest

-import decimal

-import age 

-import argparse


-DSN = "host= port=5432 dbname=postgres user=postgres password=agens"


-class TestAgeBasic(unittest.TestCase):

-    ag = None

-    def setUp(self):

-        print("Connecting to Test Graph.....")

-        TEST_DB = self.args.database

-        TEST_USER = self.args.user

-        TEST_PASSWORD = self.args.password

-        TEST_PORT = self.args.port

-        TEST_HOST = self.args.host

-        TEST_GRAPH_NAME = self.args.graphName

-        self.ag = age.connect(graph=TEST_GRAPH_NAME, host=TEST_HOST, port=TEST_PORT, dbname=TEST_DB, user=TEST_USER, password=TEST_PASSWORD)



-    def tearDown(self):

-        # Clear test data

-        print("Deleting Test Graph.....")

-        age.deleteGraph(self.ag.connection, self.ag.graphName)

-        self.ag.close()


-    def testExec(self):


-        print("\n---------------------------------------------------")

-        print("Test 1: Checking single and multi column Returns.....")

-        print("---------------------------------------------------\n")


-        ag = self.ag

-        # Create and Return single column

-        cursor = ag.execCypher("CREATE (n:Person {name: %s, title: 'Developer'}) RETURN n", params=('Andy',))

-        for row in cursor:

-            print("Vertex: %s , Type: %s " % (Vertex, type(row[0])))



-        # Create and Return multi columns

-        cursor = ag.execCypher("CREATE (n:Person {name: %s, title: %s}) RETURN id(n), n.name", cols=['id','name'], params=('Jack','Manager'))

-        row = cursor.fetchone()

-        print("Id: %s , Name: %s" % (row[0], row[1]))

-        self.assertEqual(int, type(row[0]))

-        ag.commit()

-        print("\nTest 1 Successful....")





-    def testQuery(self):


-        print("\n--------------------------------------------------")

-        print("Test 2: Testing CREATE and query relationships....." )

-        print("--------------------------------------------------\n")


-        ag = self.ag

-        ag.execCypher("CREATE (n:Person {name: %s}) ", params=('Jack',))

-        ag.execCypher("CREATE (n:Person {name: %s}) ", params=('Andy',))

-        ag.execCypher("CREATE (n:Person {name: %s}) ", params=('Smith',))

-        ag.execCypher("MATCH (a:Person), (b:Person) WHERE a.name = 'Andy' AND b.name = 'Jack' CREATE (a)-[r:worksWith {weight: 3}]->(b)")

-        ag.execCypher("""MATCH (a:Person), (b:Person) 

-                    WHERE  a.name = %s AND b.name = %s 

-                    CREATE p=((a)-[r:worksWith]->(b)) """, params=('Jack', 'Smith',))


-        ag.commit()


-        cursor = ag.execCypher("MATCH p=()-[:worksWith]-() RETURN p")

-        for row in cursor:

-            path = row[0]

-            print("START:", path[0])

-            print("EDGE:", path[1])

-            print("END:", path[2])  


-        cursor = ag.execCypher("MATCH p=(a)-[b]-(c) WHERE b.weight>2 RETURN a,label(b), b.weight, c", cols=["a","bl","bw", "c"], params=(2,))

-        for row in cursor:

-            start = row[0]

-            edgel = row[1]

-            edgew = row[2]

-            end = row[3]

-            print("Relationship: %s %s %s. Edge weight: %s" % (start["name"] , edgel,end["name"], edgew)) 

-            #Assert that the weight of the edge is greater than 2

-            self.assertEqual(edgew > 2, True)  

-        print("\nTest 2 Successful...")



-    def testChangeData(self):


-        print("\n-------------------------------------------------------")

-        print("Test 3: Testing changes in data using SET and REMOVE.....")

-        print("-------------------------------------------------------\n")


-        ag = self.ag

-        # Create Vertices

-        # Commit automatically

-        ag.execCypher("CREATE (n:Person {name: 'Joe'})")


-        cursor = ag.execCypher("CREATE (n:Person {name: %s, title: 'Developer'}) RETURN n", params=('Smith',))

-        row = cursor.fetchone()

-        print("CREATED: ", row[0])


-        # You must commit explicitly

-        ag.commit()


-        cursor = ag.execCypher("MATCH (n:Person {name: %s}) SET n.title=%s RETURN n", params=('Smith','Manager',))

-        row = cursor.fetchone()

-        vertex = row[0] 

-        title1 = vertex["title"]

-        print("SET title: ", title1)


-        ag.commit()


-        cursor = ag.execCypher("MATCH (p:Person {name: 'Smith'}) RETURN p.title")

-        row = cursor.fetchone()

-        title2 = row[0]


-        self.assertEqual(title1, title2)


-        cursor = ag.execCypher("MATCH (n:Person {name: %s}) SET n.bigNum=-6.45161e+46::numeric RETURN n", params=('Smith',))

-        row = cursor.fetchone()

-        vertex = row[0]

-        for row in cursor:

-            print("SET bigNum: ", vertex['bigNum'])


-        bigNum1 = vertex["bigNum"]


-        self.assertEqual(decimal.Decimal("-6.45161e+46"), bigNum1)

-        ag.commit()



-        cursor = ag.execCypher("MATCH (p:Person {name: 'Smith'}) RETURN p.bigNum")

-        row = cursor.fetchone()

-        bigNum2 = row[0]


-        self.assertEqual(bigNum1, bigNum2)



-        cursor = ag.execCypher("MATCH (n:Person {name: %s}) REMOVE n.title RETURN n", params=('Smith',))

-        for row in cursor:

-            print("REMOVE Prop title: ", row[0])

-            #Assert that the title property is removed

-            self.assertIsNone(row[0].properties.get('title'))

-        print("\nTest 3 Successful....")


-        # You must commit explicitly

-        ag.commit()



-    def testCypher(self):


-        print("\n--------------------------")

-        print("Test 4: Testing Cypher.....")

-        print("--------------------------\n")


-        ag = self.ag


-        with ag.connection.cursor() as cursor:

-            try :

-                ag.cypher(cursor, "CREATE (n:Person {name: %s}) ", params=('Joe',))

-                ag.cypher(cursor, "CREATE (n:Person {name: %s}) ", params=('Jack',))

-                ag.cypher(cursor, "CREATE (n:Person {name: %s}) ", params=('Andy',))

-                ag.cypher(cursor, "CREATE (n:Person {name: %s}) ", params=('Smith',))

-                ag.cypher(cursor, "CREATE (n:Person {name: %s}) ", params=('Tom',))


-                # You must commit explicitly

-                ag.commit()

-            except Exception as ex:

-                print(ex)

-                ag.rollback()


-        with ag.connection.cursor() as cursor:

-            try :# Create Edges

-                ag.cypher(cursor,"MATCH (a:Person), (b:Person) WHERE a.name = 'Joe' AND b.name = 'Smith' CREATE (a)-[r:worksWith {weight: 3}]->(b)")

-                ag.cypher(cursor,"MATCH (a:Person), (b:Person) WHERE  a.name = 'Andy' AND b.name = 'Tom' CREATE (a)-[r:worksWith {weight: 1}]->(b)")

-                ag.cypher(cursor,"MATCH (a:Person {name: 'Jack'}), (b:Person {name: 'Andy'}) CREATE (a)-[r:worksWith {weight: 5}]->(b)")


-                # You must commit explicitly

-                ag.commit()

-            except Exception as ex:

-                print(ex)

-                ag.rollback()



-        # With Params

-        cursor = ag.execCypher("""MATCH (a:Person), (b:Person) 

-                WHERE  a.name = %s AND b.name = %s 

-                CREATE p=((a)-[r:worksWith]->(b)) RETURN p""", 

-                params=('Andy', 'Smith',))


-        for row in cursor:

-            print("CREATED EDGE: %s" % row[0])


-        cursor = ag.execCypher("""MATCH (a:Person {name: 'Joe'}), (b:Person {name: 'Jack'}) 

-                CREATE p=((a)-[r:worksWith {weight: 5}]->(b))

-                RETURN p """)


-        for row in cursor:

-            print("CREATED EDGE WITH PROPERTIES: %s" % row[0])

-            self.assertEqual(row[0][1].properties['weight'], 5)


-        print("\nTest 4 Successful...")




-    def testMultipleEdges(self):


-        print("\n------------------------------------")

-        print("Test 5: Testing Multiple Edges.....")

-        print("------------------------------------\n")


-        ag = self.ag

-        with ag.connection.cursor() as cursor:

-            try :

-                ag.cypher(cursor, "CREATE (n:Country {name: %s}) ", params=('USA',))

-                ag.cypher(cursor, "CREATE (n:Country {name: %s}) ", params=('France',))

-                ag.cypher(cursor, "CREATE (n:Country {name: %s}) ", params=('Korea',))

-                ag.cypher(cursor, "CREATE (n:Country {name: %s}) ", params=('Russia',))


-                # You must commit explicitly after all executions.

-                ag.connection.commit()

-            except Exception as ex:

-                ag.rollback()

-                raise ex


-        with ag.connection.cursor() as cursor:

-            try :# Create Edges

-                ag.cypher(cursor,"MATCH (a:Country), (b:Country) WHERE a.name = 'USA' AND b.name = 'France' CREATE (a)-[r:distance {unit:'miles', value: 4760}]->(b)")

-                ag.cypher(cursor,"MATCH (a:Country), (b:Country) WHERE  a.name = 'France' AND b.name = 'Korea' CREATE (a)-[r:distance {unit: 'km', value: 9228}]->(b)")

-                ag.cypher(cursor,"MATCH (a:Country {name: 'Korea'}), (b:Country {name: 'Russia'}) CREATE (a)-[r:distance {unit:'km', value: 3078}]->(b)")


-                # You must commit explicitly

-                ag.connection.commit()

-            except Exception as ex:

-                ag.rollback()

-                raise ex



-        cursor = ag.execCypher("""MATCH p=(:Country {name:"USA"})-[:distance]-(:Country)-[:distance]-(:Country) 

-                RETURN p""")


-        count = 0

-        output = []

-        for row in cursor:

-            path = row[0]

-            for e in path:

-                if e.gtype == age.TP_VERTEX:

-                    output.append(e.label + " " + e["name"])

-                elif e.gtype == age.TP_EDGE:

-                    output.append("---- (distance " + str(e["value"]) + " " + e["unit"] + ") --->")

-                else:

-                    output.append("Unknown element. " + str(e))


-                count += 1


-        formatted_output = " ".join(output)

-        print("PATH WITH MULTIPLE EDGES: %s" % formatted_output)

-        self.assertEqual(5,count)


-        print("\nTest 5 Successful...")




-    def testCollect(self):


-        print("\n--------------------------")

-        print("Test 6: Testing COLLECT.....")

-        print("--------------------------\n")


-        ag = self.ag


-        with ag.connection.cursor() as cursor:

-            try :

-                ag.cypher(cursor, "CREATE (n:Person {name: %s}) ", params=('Joe',))

-                ag.cypher(cursor, "CREATE (n:Person {name: %s}) ", params=('Jack',))

-                ag.cypher(cursor, "CREATE (n:Person {name: %s}) ", params=('Andy',))

-                ag.cypher(cursor, "CREATE (n:Person {name: %s}) ", params=('Smith',))

-                ag.cypher(cursor, "CREATE (n:Person {name: %s}) ", params=('Tom',))


-                # You must commit explicitly

-                ag.commit()

-            except Exception as ex:

-                print(ex)

-                ag.rollback()


-        with ag.connection.cursor() as cursor:

-            try :# Create Edges

-                ag.cypher(cursor,"MATCH (a:Person), (b:Person) WHERE a.name = 'Joe' AND b.name = 'Smith' CREATE (a)-[r:worksWith {weight: 3}]->(b)")

-                ag.cypher(cursor,"MATCH (a:Person), (b:Person) WHERE  a.name = 'Joe' AND b.name = 'Tom' CREATE (a)-[r:worksWith {weight: 1}]->(b)")

-                ag.cypher(cursor,"MATCH (a:Person {name: 'Joe'}), (b:Person {name: 'Andy'}) CREATE (a)-[r:worksWith {weight: 5}]->(b)")


-                # You must commit explicitly

-                ag.commit()

-            except Exception as ex:

-                print(ex)

-                ag.rollback()


-        print(" -------- TESTING COLLECT #1 --------")

-        with ag.connection.cursor() as cursor:

-            ag.cypher(cursor, "MATCH (a)-[:worksWith]->(c) WITH a as V, COLLECT(c) as CV RETURN V.name, CV", cols=["V","CV"])

-            for row in cursor:

-                nm = row[0]

-                collected = row[1]

-                print(nm, "worksWith", [i["name"] for i in collected])

-                self.assertEqual(3,len(collected))



-        print(" -------- TESTING COLLECT #2 --------")

-        for row in ag.execCypher("MATCH (a)-[:worksWith]->(c) WITH a as V, COLLECT(c) as CV RETURN V.name, CV", cols=["V1","CV"]):

-            nm = row[0]

-            collected = row[1]

-            print(nm, "worksWith", [i["name"] for i in collected])

-            self.assertEqual(3,len(collected))

-        print("\nTest 6 Successful...")


-if __name__ == '__main__':

-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()


-    parser.add_argument('-host', 

-                        '--host', 

-                        help='Optional Host Name. Default Host is "" ', 

-                        default="")

-    parser.add_argument('-port', 

-                        '--port', 

-                        help='Optional Port Number. Default port no is 5432', 

-                        default=5432)

-    parser.add_argument('-db', 

-                        '--database', 

-                        help='Required Database Name', 

-                        required=True)

-    parser.add_argument('-u', 

-                        '--user', 

-                        help='Required Username Name', 

-                        required=True)

-    parser.add_argument('-pass', 

-                        '--password', 

-                        help='Required Password for authentication', 

-                        required=True)

-    parser.add_argument('-gn', 

-                        '--graphName', 

-                        help='Optional Graph Name to be created. Default graphName is "test_graph"', 

-                        default="test_graph")


-    args = parser.parse_args()

-    suite = unittest.TestSuite()

-    suite.addTest(TestAgeBasic('testExec'))

-    suite.addTest(TestAgeBasic('testQuery'))

-    suite.addTest(TestAgeBasic('testChangeData'))

-    suite.addTest(TestAgeBasic('testCypher'))

-    suite.addTest(TestAgeBasic('testMultipleEdges'))

-    suite.addTest(TestAgeBasic('testCollect'))

-    TestAgeBasic.args = args

+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from age.models import Vertex
+import unittest
+import decimal
+import age
+import argparse
+DSN = "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=postgres user=dehowefeng password=agens"
+TEST_HOST = "localhost"
+TEST_PORT = 5432
+TEST_DB = "postgres"
+TEST_USER = "postgres"
+TEST_PASSWORD = "agens"
+TEST_GRAPH_NAME = "test_graph"
+class TestAgeBasic(unittest.TestCase):
+    ag = None
+    def setUp(self):
+        print("Connecting to Test Graph.....")
+        self.ag = age.connect(graph=TEST_GRAPH_NAME, host=TEST_HOST, port=TEST_PORT, dbname=TEST_DB, user=TEST_USER, password=TEST_PASSWORD)
+    def tearDown(self):
+        # Clear test data
+        print("Deleting Test Graph.....")
+        age.deleteGraph(self.ag.connection, self.ag.graphName)
+        self.ag.close()
+    def testExec(self):
+        print("\n---------------------------------------------------")
+        print("Test 1: Checking single and multi column Returns.....")
+        print("---------------------------------------------------\n")
+        ag = self.ag
+        # Create and Return single column
+        cursor = ag.execCypher("CREATE (n:Person {name: %s, title: 'Developer'}) RETURN n", params=('Andy',))
+        for row in cursor:
+            print("Vertex: %s , Type: %s " % (Vertex, type(row[0])))
+        # Create and Return multi columns
+        cursor = ag.execCypher("CREATE (n:Person {name: %s, title: %s}) RETURN id(n), n.name", cols=['id','name'], params=('Jack','Manager'))
+        row = cursor.fetchone()
+        print("Id: %s , Name: %s" % (row[0], row[1]))
+        self.assertEqual(int, type(row[0]))
+        ag.commit()
+        print("\nTest 1 Successful....")
+    def testQuery(self):
+        print("\n--------------------------------------------------")
+        print("Test 2: Testing CREATE and query relationships....." )
+        print("--------------------------------------------------\n")
+        ag = self.ag
+        ag.execCypher("CREATE (n:Person {name: %s}) ", params=('Jack',))
+        ag.execCypher("CREATE (n:Person {name: %s}) ", params=('Andy',))
+        ag.execCypher("CREATE (n:Person {name: %s}) ", params=('Smith',))
+        ag.execCypher("MATCH (a:Person), (b:Person) WHERE a.name = 'Andy' AND b.name = 'Jack' CREATE (a)-[r:worksWith {weight: 3}]->(b)")
+        ag.execCypher("""MATCH (a:Person), (b:Person)
+                    WHERE  a.name = %s AND b.name = %s
+                    CREATE p=((a)-[r:worksWith]->(b)) """, params=('Jack', 'Smith',))
+        ag.commit()
+        cursor = ag.execCypher("MATCH p=()-[:worksWith]-() RETURN p")
+        for row in cursor:
+            path = row[0]
+            print("START:", path[0])
+            print("EDGE:", path[1])
+            print("END:", path[2])
+        cursor = ag.execCypher("MATCH p=(a)-[b]-(c) WHERE b.weight>2 RETURN a,label(b), b.weight, c", cols=["a","bl","bw", "c"], params=(2,))
+        for row in cursor:
+            start = row[0]
+            edgel = row[1]
+            edgew = row[2]
+            end = row[3]
+            print("Relationship: %s %s %s. Edge weight: %s" % (start["name"] , edgel,end["name"], edgew))
+            #Assert that the weight of the edge is greater than 2
+            self.assertEqual(edgew > 2, True)
+        print("\nTest 2 Successful...")
+    def testChangeData(self):
+        print("\n-------------------------------------------------------")
+        print("Test 3: Testing changes in data using SET and REMOVE.....")
+        print("-------------------------------------------------------\n")
+        ag = self.ag
+        # Create Vertices
+        # Commit automatically
+        ag.execCypher("CREATE (n:Person {name: 'Joe'})")
+        cursor = ag.execCypher("CREATE (n:Person {name: %s, title: 'Developer'}) RETURN n", params=('Smith',))
+        row = cursor.fetchone()
+        print("CREATED: ", row[0])
+        # You must commit explicitly
+        ag.commit()
+        cursor = ag.execCypher("MATCH (n:Person {name: %s}) SET n.title=%s RETURN n", params=('Smith','Manager',))
+        row = cursor.fetchone()
+        vertex = row[0]
+        title1 = vertex["title"]
+        print("SET title: ", title1)
+        ag.commit()
+        cursor = ag.execCypher("MATCH (p:Person {name: 'Smith'}) RETURN p.title")
+        row = cursor.fetchone()
+        title2 = row[0]
+        self.assertEqual(title1, title2)
+        cursor = ag.execCypher("MATCH (n:Person {name: %s}) SET n.bigNum=-6.45161e+46::numeric RETURN n", params=('Smith',))
+        row = cursor.fetchone()
+        vertex = row[0]
+        for row in cursor:
+            print("SET bigNum: ", vertex['bigNum'])
+        bigNum1 = vertex["bigNum"]
+        self.assertEqual(decimal.Decimal("-6.45161e+46"), bigNum1)
+        ag.commit()
+        cursor = ag.execCypher("MATCH (p:Person {name: 'Smith'}) RETURN p.bigNum")
+        row = cursor.fetchone()
+        bigNum2 = row[0]
+        self.assertEqual(bigNum1, bigNum2)
+        cursor = ag.execCypher("MATCH (n:Person {name: %s}) REMOVE n.title RETURN n", params=('Smith',))
+        for row in cursor:
+            print("REMOVE Prop title: ", row[0])
+            #Assert that the title property is removed
+            self.assertIsNone(row[0].properties.get('title'))
+        print("\nTest 3 Successful....")
+        # You must commit explicitly
+        ag.commit()
+    def testCypher(self):
+        print("\n--------------------------")
+        print("Test 4: Testing Cypher.....")
+        print("--------------------------\n")
+        ag = self.ag
+        with ag.connection.cursor() as cursor:
+            try :
+                ag.cypher(cursor, "CREATE (n:Person {name: %s}) ", params=('Joe',))
+                ag.cypher(cursor, "CREATE (n:Person {name: %s}) ", params=('Jack',))
+                ag.cypher(cursor, "CREATE (n:Person {name: %s}) ", params=('Andy',))
+                ag.cypher(cursor, "CREATE (n:Person {name: %s}) ", params=('Smith',))
+                ag.cypher(cursor, "CREATE (n:Person {name: %s}) ", params=('Tom',))
+                # You must commit explicitly
+                ag.commit()
+            except Exception as ex:
+                print(ex)
+                ag.rollback()
+        with ag.connection.cursor() as cursor:
+            try :# Create Edges
+                ag.cypher(cursor,"MATCH (a:Person), (b:Person) WHERE a.name = 'Joe' AND b.name = 'Smith' CREATE (a)-[r:worksWith {weight: 3}]->(b)")
+                ag.cypher(cursor,"MATCH (a:Person), (b:Person) WHERE  a.name = 'Andy' AND b.name = 'Tom' CREATE (a)-[r:worksWith {weight: 1}]->(b)")
+                ag.cypher(cursor,"MATCH (a:Person {name: 'Jack'}), (b:Person {name: 'Andy'}) CREATE (a)-[r:worksWith {weight: 5}]->(b)")
+                # You must commit explicitly
+                ag.commit()
+            except Exception as ex:
+                print(ex)
+                ag.rollback()
+        # With Params
+        cursor = ag.execCypher("""MATCH (a:Person), (b:Person)
+                WHERE  a.name = %s AND b.name = %s
+                CREATE p=((a)-[r:worksWith]->(b)) RETURN p""",
+                params=('Andy', 'Smith',))
+        for row in cursor:
+            print("CREATED EDGE: %s" % row[0])
+        cursor = ag.execCypher("""MATCH (a:Person {name: 'Joe'}), (b:Person {name: 'Jack'})
+                CREATE p=((a)-[r:worksWith {weight: 5}]->(b))
+                RETURN p """)
+        for row in cursor:
+            print("CREATED EDGE WITH PROPERTIES: %s" % row[0])
+            self.assertEqual(row[0][1].properties['weight'], 5)
+        print("\nTest 4 Successful...")
+    def testMultipleEdges(self):
+        print("\n------------------------------------")
+        print("Test 5: Testing Multiple Edges.....")
+        print("------------------------------------\n")
+        ag = self.ag
+        with ag.connection.cursor() as cursor:
+            try :
+                ag.cypher(cursor, "CREATE (n:Country {name: %s}) ", params=('USA',))
+                ag.cypher(cursor, "CREATE (n:Country {name: %s}) ", params=('France',))
+                ag.cypher(cursor, "CREATE (n:Country {name: %s}) ", params=('Korea',))
+                ag.cypher(cursor, "CREATE (n:Country {name: %s}) ", params=('Russia',))
+                # You must commit explicitly after all executions.
+                ag.connection.commit()
+            except Exception as ex:
+                ag.rollback()
+                raise ex
+        with ag.connection.cursor() as cursor:
+            try :# Create Edges
+                ag.cypher(cursor,"MATCH (a:Country), (b:Country) WHERE a.name = 'USA' AND b.name = 'France' CREATE (a)-[r:distance {unit:'miles', value: 4760}]->(b)")
+                ag.cypher(cursor,"MATCH (a:Country), (b:Country) WHERE  a.name = 'France' AND b.name = 'Korea' CREATE (a)-[r:distance {unit: 'km', value: 9228}]->(b)")
+                ag.cypher(cursor,"MATCH (a:Country {name: 'Korea'}), (b:Country {name: 'Russia'}) CREATE (a)-[r:distance {unit:'km', value: 3078}]->(b)")
+                # You must commit explicitly
+                ag.connection.commit()
+            except Exception as ex:
+                ag.rollback()
+                raise ex
+        cursor = ag.execCypher("""MATCH p=(:Country {name:"USA"})-[:distance]-(:Country)-[:distance]-(:Country)
+                RETURN p""")
+        count = 0
+        output = []
+        for row in cursor:
+            path = row[0]
+            for e in path:
+                if e.gtype == age.TP_VERTEX:
+                    output.append(e.label + " " + e["name"])
+                elif e.gtype == age.TP_EDGE:
+                    output.append("---- (distance " + str(e["value"]) + " " + e["unit"] + ") --->")
+                else:
+                    output.append("Unknown element. " + str(e))
+                count += 1
+        formatted_output = " ".join(output)
+        print("PATH WITH MULTIPLE EDGES: %s" % formatted_output)
+        self.assertEqual(5,count)
+        print("\nTest 5 Successful...")
+    def testCollect(self):
+        print("\n--------------------------")
+        print("Test 6: Testing COLLECT.....")
+        print("--------------------------\n")
+        ag = self.ag
+        with ag.connection.cursor() as cursor:
+            try :
+                ag.cypher(cursor, "CREATE (n:Person {name: %s}) ", params=('Joe',))
+                ag.cypher(cursor, "CREATE (n:Person {name: %s}) ", params=('Jack',))
+                ag.cypher(cursor, "CREATE (n:Person {name: %s}) ", params=('Andy',))
+                ag.cypher(cursor, "CREATE (n:Person {name: %s}) ", params=('Smith',))
+                ag.cypher(cursor, "CREATE (n:Person {name: %s}) ", params=('Tom',))
+                # You must commit explicitly
+                ag.commit()
+            except Exception as ex:
+                print(ex)
+                ag.rollback()
+        with ag.connection.cursor() as cursor:
+            try :# Create Edges
+                ag.cypher(cursor,"MATCH (a:Person), (b:Person) WHERE a.name = 'Joe' AND b.name = 'Smith' CREATE (a)-[r:worksWith {weight: 3}]->(b)")
+                ag.cypher(cursor,"MATCH (a:Person), (b:Person) WHERE  a.name = 'Joe' AND b.name = 'Tom' CREATE (a)-[r:worksWith {weight: 1}]->(b)")
+                ag.cypher(cursor,"MATCH (a:Person {name: 'Joe'}), (b:Person {name: 'Andy'}) CREATE (a)-[r:worksWith {weight: 5}]->(b)")
+                # You must commit explicitly
+                ag.commit()
+            except Exception as ex:
+                print(ex)
+                ag.rollback()
+        print(" -------- TESTING COLLECT #1 --------")
+        with ag.connection.cursor() as cursor:
+            ag.cypher(cursor, "MATCH (a)-[:worksWith]->(c) WITH a as V, COLLECT(c) as CV RETURN V.name, CV", cols=["V","CV"])
+            for row in cursor:
+                nm = row[0]
+                collected = row[1]
+                print(nm, "worksWith", [i["name"] for i in collected])
+                self.assertEqual(3,len(collected))
+        print(" -------- TESTING COLLECT #2 --------")
+        for row in ag.execCypher("MATCH (a)-[:worksWith]->(c) WITH a as V, COLLECT(c) as CV RETURN V.name, CV", cols=["V1","CV"]):
+            nm = row[0]
+            collected = row[1]
+            print(nm, "worksWith", [i["name"] for i in collected])
+            self.assertEqual(3,len(collected))
+        print("\nTest 6 Successful...")
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument('-host',
+                        '--host',
+                        help='Optional Host Name. Default Host is "" ',
+                        default="")
+    parser.add_argument('-port',
+                        '--port',
+                        help='Optional Port Number. Default port no is 5432',
+                        default=5432)
+    parser.add_argument('-db',
+                        '--database',
+                        help='Required Database Name',
+                        required=True)
+    parser.add_argument('-u',
+                        '--user',
+                        help='Required Username Name',
+                        required=True)
+    parser.add_argument('-pass',
+                        '--password',
+                        help='Required Password for authentication',
+                        required=True)
+    parser.add_argument('-gn',
+                        '--graphName',
+                        help='Optional Graph Name to be created. Default graphName is "test_graph"',
+                        default="test_graph")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+    suite.addTest(TestAgeBasic('testExec'))
+    suite.addTest(TestAgeBasic('testQuery'))
+    suite.addTest(TestAgeBasic('testChangeData'))
+    suite.addTest(TestAgeBasic('testCypher'))
+    suite.addTest(TestAgeBasic('testMultipleEdges'))
+    suite.addTest(TestAgeBasic('testCollect'))
+    TestAgeBasic.args = args