Update instruction to get into postgres shell from inside docker. (#103)

* Update instruction to get into postgres shell.

* Add alternative command to access postgres shell.

Added an alternative way to access postgres shell without getting into docker shell as suggested by sarthak-19.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 810c239..eefca5a 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -77,8 +77,15 @@
 	|	``-d``|	Run container in background and print container ID|
 - To Get the running log of the docker container created - 
 `` docker logs --follow myPostgresDb``
-- To Get into postgreSQL Shell - 
-`` docker exec -it myPostgresDb bash``
+- To Get into postgreSQL Shell (There are two ways this can be done) -
+	- First get into docker shell using -	`` docker exec -it myPostgresDb bash`` 
+	<br>Then get into postgreSQL shell using - `` psql -U postgresUser postgresDB``
+	OR
+	- Alternatively postgres shell can also be assessed directly (without getting into the docker shell) -
+		`` psql -U postgresUser -d postgresDB -p 5455 -h localhost``
+		and put in ``postgresPW`` when prompted for password.
 - After logging into postgreSQL shell follow the [Post-Installation](https://github.com/apache/age#post-installation) instruction to create a graph in the database.
 ### Connect Apache Age-Viewer to PostgreSQL Database
 **Initial Connection Layout**