blob: 533cbe38eb0807fc87c379ed0bb68a1a7fe782d8 [file] [log] [blame]
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// AMQ Ajax handler
// This class provides the main API for using the Ajax features of AMQ. It
// allows JMS messages to be sent and received from javascript when used
// with the org.apache.activemq.web.MessageListenerServlet.
// This version of the file provides an adapter interface for the jquery library
// and a namespace for the Javascript file, private/public variables and
// methods, and other scripting niceties. -- jim cook 2007/08/28
var org = org || {};
org.activemq = org.activemq || {};
org.activemq.Amq = function() {
var connectStatusHandler;
// Just a shortcut to eliminate some redundant typing.
var adapter = org.activemq.AmqAdapter;
if (typeof adapter == 'undefined') {
throw 'An org.activemq.AmqAdapter must be declared before the amq.js script file.'
// The URI of the AjaxServlet.
var uri;
// The number of seconds that the long-polling socket will stay connected.
// Best to keep this to a value less than one minute.
var timeout;
// A session should not be considered initialized until the JSESSIONID is returned
// from the initial GET request. Otherwise subscription POSTS may register the
// subscription with the wrong session.
var sessionInitialized = false;
// This callback will be called after the first GET request returns.
var sessionInitializedCallback;
// Poll delay. if set to positive integer, this is the time to wait in ms
// before sending the next poll after the last completes.
var pollDelay;
// Inidicates whether logging is active or not. Not by default.
var logging = false;
// 5 second delay if an error occurs during poll. This could be due to
// server capacity problems or a timeout condition.
var pollErrorDelay = 5000;
// Map of handlers that will respond to message receipts. The id used during
// addListener(id, destination, handler) is used to key the callback
// handler.
var messageHandlers = {};
// Indicates whether an AJAX post call is in progress.
var batchInProgress = false;
// A collection of pending messages that accumulate when an AJAX call is in
// progress. These messages will be delivered as soon as the current call
// completes. The array contains objects in the format { destination,
// message, messageType }.
var messageQueue = [];
// String to distinguish this client from others sharing the same session.
// This can occur when multiple browser windows or tabs using amq.js simultaneously.
// All windows share the same JESSIONID, but need to consume messages independently.
var clientId = null;
* Iterate over the returned XML and for each message in the response,
* invoke the handler with the matching id.
var messageHandler = function(data) {
var response = data.getElementsByTagName("ajax-response");
if (response != null && response.length == 1) {
var responses = response[0].childNodes; // <response>
for (var i = 0; i < responses.length; i++) {
var responseElement = responses[i];
// only process nodes of type element.....
if (responseElement.nodeType != 1) continue;
var id = responseElement.getAttribute('id');
var handler = messageHandlers[id];
if (logging && handler == null) {
adapter.log('No handler found to match message with id = ' + id);
// Loop thru and handle each <message>
for (var j = 0; j < responseElement.childNodes.length; j++) {
var errorHandler = function(xhr, status, ex) {
if (logging) adapter.log('Error occurred in ajax call. HTTP result: ' +
xhr.status + ', status: ' + status);
var pollErrorHandler = function(xhr, status, ex) {
if (status === 'error' && xhr.status === 0) {
if (logging) adapter.log('Server connection dropped.');
setTimeout(function() { sendPoll(); }, pollErrorDelay);
if (logging) adapter.log('Error occurred in poll. HTTP result: ' +
xhr.status + ', status: ' + status);
setTimeout(function() { sendPoll(); }, pollErrorDelay);
var pollHandler = function(data) {
try {
} catch(e) {
if (logging) adapter.log('Exception in the poll handler: ' + data, e);
} finally {
setTimeout(sendPoll, pollDelay);
var initHandler = function(data) {
sessionInitialized = true;
if(sessionInitializedCallback) {
var sendPoll = function() {
// Workaround IE6 bug where it caches the response
// Generate a unique query string with date and random
var now = new Date();
var timeoutArg = sessionInitialized ? timeout : 0.001;
var data = 'timeout=' + timeoutArg * 1000
+ '&d=' + now.getTime()
+ '&r=' + Math.random();
var successCallback = sessionInitialized ? pollHandler : initHandler;
var options = { method: 'get',
data: addClientId( data ),
success: successCallback,
error: pollErrorHandler};
adapter.ajax(uri, options);
var sendJmsMessage = function(destination, message, type, headers) {
var message = {
destination: destination,
message: message,
messageType: type
// Add message to outbound queue
if (batchInProgress) {
messageQueue[messageQueue.length] = {message:message, headers:headers};
} else {
adapter.ajax(uri, { method: 'post',
data: addClientId( buildParams( [message] ) ),
error: errorHandler,
headers: headers,
success: org.activemq.Amq.endBatch});
var buildParams = function(msgs) {
var s = [];
for (var i = 0, c = msgs.length; i < c; i++) {
if (i != 0) s[s.length] = '&';
s[s.length] = ((i == 0) ? 'destination' : 'd' + i);
s[s.length] = '=';
s[s.length] = msgs[i].destination;
s[s.length] = ((i == 0) ? '&message' : '&m' + i);
s[s.length] = '=';
s[s.length] = msgs[i].message;
s[s.length] = ((i == 0) ? '&type' : '&t' + i);
s[s.length] = '=';
s[s.length] = msgs[i].messageType;
return s.join('');
// add clientId to data if it exists, before passing data to ajax connection adapter.
var addClientId = function( data ) {
var output = data || '';
if( clientId ) {
if( output.length > 0 ) {
output += '&';
output += 'clientId='+clientId;
return output;
return {
// optional clientId can be supplied to allow multiple clients (browser windows) within the same session.
init : function(options) {
connectStatusHandler = options.connectStatusHandler || function(connected){};
uri = options.uri || '/amq';
pollDelay = typeof options.pollDelay == 'number' ? options.pollDelay : 0;
timeout = typeof options.timeout == 'number' ? options.timeout : 25;
logging = options.logging;
sessionInitializedCallback = options.sessionInitializedCallback
clientId = options.clientId;
startBatch : function() {
batchInProgress = true;
endBatch : function() {
if (messageQueue.length > 0) {
var messagesToSend = [];
var messagesToQueue = [];
var outgoingHeaders = null;
// we need to ensure that messages which set headers are sent by themselves.
// if 2 'listen' messages were sent together, and a 'selector' header were added to one of them,
// AMQ would add the selector to both 'listen' commands.
for(i=0;i<messageQueue.length;i++) {
// a message with headers should always be sent by itself. if other messages have been added, send this one later.
if ( messageQueue[ i ].headers && messagesToSend.length == 0 ) {
messagesToSend[ messagesToSend.length ] = messageQueue[ i ].message;
outgoingHeaders = messageQueue[ i ].headers;
} else if ( ! messageQueue[ i ].headers && ! outgoingHeaders ) {
messagesToSend[ messagesToSend.length ] = messageQueue[ i ].message;
} else {
messagesToQueue[ messagesToQueue.length ] = messageQueue[ i ];
var body = buildParams(messagesToSend);
messageQueue = messagesToQueue;
adapter.ajax(uri, {
method: 'post',
headers: outgoingHeaders,
data: addClientId( body ),
success: org.activemq.Amq.endBatch,
error: errorHandler});
} else {
batchInProgress = false;
// Send a JMS message to a destination (eg topic://MY.TOPIC). Message
// should be xml or encoded xml content.
sendMessage : function(destination, message) {
sendJmsMessage(destination, message, 'send');
// Listen on a channel or topic.
// handler must be a function taking a message argument
// Supported options:
// selector: If supplied, it should be a SQL92 string like "property-name='value'"
// Example: addListener( 'handler', 'topic://test-topic', function(msg) { return msg; }, { selector: "property-name='property-value'" } )
addListener : function(id, destination, handler, options) {
messageHandlers[id] = handler;
var headers = options && options.selector ? {selector:options.selector} : null;
sendJmsMessage(destination, id, 'listen', headers);
// remove Listener from channel or topic.
removeListener : function(id, destination) {
messageHandlers[id] = null;
sendJmsMessage(destination, id, 'unlisten');
// for unit testing
getMessageQueue: function() {
return messageQueue;
testPollHandler: function( data ) {
return pollHandler( data );