blob: ce2427cc4ca97e379e2900a47c8dbde241109577 [file] [log] [blame]
PlotKit SVG
SVG Renderer for PlotKit
Copyright 2005,2006 (c) Alastair Tse <alastair^>
For use under the BSD license. <>
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTES: - If you use XHTML1.1 strict, then you must include each MochiKit
// file individuall.
// - For IE support, you must include the AdobeSVG object hack.
// See tests/svg.html for details.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Check required components
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
try {
if (typeof(PlotKit.Layout) == 'undefined')
throw "";
catch (e) {
throw "PlotKit depends on MochiKit.{Base,Color,DOM,Format} and PlotKit.Layout"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SVG Renderer
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
PlotKit.SVGRenderer = function(element, layout, options) {
if (arguments.length > 0)
this.__init__(element, layout, options);
PlotKit.SVGRenderer.NAME = "PlotKit.SVGRenderer";
PlotKit.SVGRenderer.VERSION = PlotKit.VERSION;
PlotKit.SVGRenderer.__repr__ = function() {
return "[" + this.NAME + " " + this.VERSION + "]";
PlotKit.SVGRenderer.toString = function() {
return this.__repr__();
PlotKit.SVGRenderer.isSupported = function() {
return true;
PlotKit.SVGRenderer.prototype.__init__ = function(element, layout, options) {
var isNil = MochiKit.Base.isUndefinedOrNull;
// default options
this.options = {
"drawBackground": true,
"backgroundColor": Color.whiteColor(),
"padding": {left: 30, right: 30, top: 5, bottom: 10},
"colorScheme": PlotKit.Base.palette(PlotKit.Base.baseColors()[1]),
"strokeColor": Color.whiteColor(),
"strokeColorTransform": "asStrokeColor",
"strokeWidth": 0.5,
"shouldFill": true,
"shouldStroke": true,
"drawXAxis": true,
"drawYAxis": true,
"axisLineColor": Color.blackColor(),
"axisLineWidth": 0.5,
"axisTickSize": 3,
"axisLabelColor": Color.blackColor(),
"axisLabelFont": "Arial",
"axisLabelFontSize": 9,
"axisLabelWidth": 50,
"axisLabelUseDiv": true,
"pieRadius": 0.4,
"enableEvents": true
MochiKit.Base.update(this.options, options ? options : {});
this.layout = layout; =;
this.element = MochiKit.DOM.getElement(element);
this.container = this.element.parentNode;
this.height = parseInt(this.element.getAttribute("height"));
this.width = parseInt(this.element.getAttribute("width"));
this.document = document;
this.root = this.element;
// Adobe SVG Support:
// - if an exception is thrown, then no Adobe SVG Plugin support.
try {
this.document = this.element.getSVGDocument();
this.root = isNil(this.document.documentElement) ? this.element : this.document.documentElement;
catch (e) {
} = 1;
if (isNil(this.element))
throw "SVGRenderer() - passed SVG object is not found";
if (isNil(this.container) || this.container.nodeName.toLowerCase() != "div")
throw "SVGRenderer() - No DIV's around the SVG.";
// internal state
this.xlabels = new Array();
this.ylabels = new Array();
// initialise some meta structures in SVG
this.defs = this.createSVGElement("defs");
this.area = {
x: this.options.padding.left,
w: this.width - this.options.padding.left - this.options.padding.right,
h: this.height - - this.options.padding.bottom
{"style":{ "position": "relative", "width": this.width + "px"}});
PlotKit.SVGRenderer.prototype.render = function() {
if (this.options.drawBackground)
if ( == "bar") {
else if ( == "pie") {
else if ( == "line") {
PlotKit.SVGRenderer.prototype._renderBarOrLine = function(data, plotFunc, startFunc, endFunc) {
var colorCount = this.options.colorScheme.length;
var colorScheme = this.options.colorScheme;
var setNames = MochiKit.Base.keys(this.layout.datasets);
var setCount = setNames.length;
for (var i = 0; i < setCount; i++) {
var setName = setNames[i];
var attrs = new Array();
var color = colorScheme[i%colorCount];
if (this.options.shouldFill)
attrs["fill"] = color.toRGBString();
attrs["fill"] = "none";
if (this.options.shouldStroke &&
(this.options.strokeColor || this.options.strokeColorTransform)) {
if (this.options.strokeColor)
attrs["stroke"] = this.options.strokeColor.toRGBString();
else if (this.options.strokeColorTransform)
attrs["stroke"] = color[this.options.strokeColorTransform]().toRGBString();
attrs["strokeWidth"] = this.options.strokeWidth;
if (startFunc)
var forEachFunc = function(obj) {
if ( == setName)
plotFunc(attrs, obj);
MochiKit.Iter.forEach(data, bind(forEachFunc, this));
if (endFunc)
PlotKit.SVGRenderer.prototype._renderBarChart = function() {
var bind = MochiKit.Base.bind;
var drawRect = function(attrs, bar) {
var x = this.area.w * bar.x + this.area.x;
var y = this.area.h * bar.y + this.area.y;
var w = this.area.w * bar.w;
var h = this.area.h * bar.h;
this._drawRect(x, y, w, h, attrs);
this._renderBarOrLine(this.layout.bars, bind(drawRect, this));
PlotKit.SVGRenderer.prototype._renderLineChart = function() {
var bind = MochiKit.Base.bind;
var addPoint = function(attrs, point) {
this._tempPointsBuffer += (this.area.w * point.x + this.area.x) + "," +
(this.area.h * point.y + this.area.y) + " ";
var startLine = function(attrs) {
this._tempPointsBuffer = "";
this._tempPointsBuffer += (this.area.x) + "," + (this.area.y+this.area.h) + " ";
var endLine = function(attrs) {
this._tempPointsBuffer += (this.area.w + this.area.x) + "," +(this.area.h + this.area.y);
attrs["points"] = this._tempPointsBuffer;
var elem = this.createSVGElement("polygon", attrs);
bind(addPoint, this),
bind(startLine, this),
bind(endLine, this));
PlotKit.SVGRenderer.prototype._renderPieChart = function() {
var colorCount = this.options.colorScheme.length;
var slices = this.layout.slices;
var centerx = this.area.x + this.area.w * 0.5;
var centery = this.area.y + this.area.h * 0.5;
var radius = Math.min(this.area.w * this.options.pieRadius,
this.area.h * this.options.pieRadius);
// NOTE NOTE!! Canvas Tag draws the circle clockwise from the y = 0, x = 1
// so we have to subtract 90 degrees to make it start at y = 1, x = 0
// workaround if we only have 1 slice of 100%
if (slices.length == 1 && (Math.abs(slices[0].startAngle) - Math.abs(slices[0].endAngle) < 0.1)) {
var attrs = {"cx": centerx , "cy": centery , "r": radius };
var color = this.options.colorScheme[0];
if (this.options.shouldFill)
attrs["fill"] = color.toRGBString();
attrs["fill"] = "none";
if (this.options.shouldStroke &&
(this.options.strokeColor || this.options.strokeColorTransform)) {
if (this.options.strokeColor)
attrs["stroke"] = this.options.strokeColor.toRGBString();
else if (this.options.strokeColorTransform)
attrs["stroke"] = color[this.options.strokeColorTransform]().toRGBString();
attrs["style"] = "stroke-width: " + this.options.strokeWidth;
this.root.appendChild(this.createSVGElement("circle", attrs));
for (var i = 0; i < slices.length; i++) {
var attrs = new Array();
var color = this.options.colorScheme[i%colorCount];
if (this.options.shouldFill)
attrs["fill"] = color.toRGBString();
attrs["fill"] = "none";
if (this.options.shouldStroke &&
(this.options.strokeColor || this.options.strokeColorTransform)) {
if (this.options.strokeColor)
attrs["stroke"] = this.options.strokeColor.toRGBString();
else if (this.options.strokeColorTransform)
attrs["stroke"] = color[this.options.strokeColorTransform]().toRGBString();
attrs["style"] = "stroke-width:" + this.options.strokeWidth;
var largearc = 0;
if (Math.abs(slices[i].endAngle - slices[i].startAngle) > Math.PI)
largearc = 1;
var x1 = Math.cos(slices[i].startAngle - Math.PI/2) * radius;
var y1 = Math.sin(slices[i].startAngle - Math.PI/2) * radius;
var x2 = Math.cos(slices[i].endAngle - Math.PI/2) * radius;
var y2 = Math.sin(slices[i].endAngle - Math.PI/2) * radius;
var rx = x2 - x1;
var ry = y2 - y1;
var pathString = "M" + centerx + "," + centery + " ";
pathString += "l" + x1 + "," + y1 + " ";
pathString += "a" + radius + "," + radius + " 0 " + largearc + ",1 " + rx + "," + ry + " z";
attrs["d"] = pathString;
var elem = this.createSVGElement("path", attrs);
PlotKit.SVGRenderer.prototype._renderBarAxis = function() {
PlotKit.SVGRenderer.prototype._renderLineAxis = function() {
PlotKit.SVGRenderer.prototype._renderAxis = function() {
if (!this.options.drawXAxis && !this.options.drawYAxis)
var labelStyle = {"style":
{"position": "absolute",
"textAlign": "center",
"fontSize": this.options.axisLabelFontSize + "px",
"zIndex": 10,
"color": this.options.axisLabelColor.toRGBString(),
"width": this.options.axisLabelWidth + "px",
"overflow": "hidden"
// axis lines
var lineAttrs = {
"stroke": this.options.axisLineColor.toRGBString(),
"strokeWidth": this.options.axisLineWidth
if (this.options.drawYAxis) {
if (this.layout.yticks) {
var drawTick = function(tick) {
var x = this.area.x;
var y = this.area.y + tick[0] * this.area.h;
this._drawLine(x, y, x - 3, y, lineAttrs);
if (this.options.axisLabelUseDiv) {
var label = DIV(labelStyle, tick[1]); = (y - this.options.axisLabelFontSize) + "px"; = (x - this.options.padding.left + this.options.axisTickSize) + "px"; = "left"; = (this.options.padding.left - 3) + "px";
MochiKit.DOM.appendChildNodes(this.container, label);
else {
var attrs = {
y: y + 3,
x: (x - this.options.padding.left + 3),
width: (this.options.padding.left - this.options.axisTickSize) + "px",
height: (this.options.axisLabelFontSize + 3) + "px",
fontFamily: "Arial",
fontSize: this.options.axisLabelFontSize + "px",
fill: this.options.axisLabelColor.toRGBString()
/* we can do clipping just like DIVs */
var mask = this.createSVGElement("mask", {id: "mask" + tick[0]});
var maskShape = this.createSVGElement("rect",
{y: y + 3,
x: (x - this.options.padding.left + 3),
width: (this.options.padding.left - this.options.axisTickSize) + "px",
height: (this.options.axisLabelFontSize + 3) + "px",
style: {"fill": "#ffffff", "stroke": "#000000"}});
attrs["filter"] = "url(#mask" + tick[0] + ")";
var label = this.createSVGElement("text", attrs);
MochiKit.Iter.forEach(this.layout.yticks, bind(drawTick, this));
this._drawLine(this.area.x, this.area.y, this.area.x, this.area.y + this.area.h, lineAttrs);
if (this.options.drawXAxis) {
if (this.layout.xticks) {
var drawTick = function(tick) {
var x = this.area.x + tick[0] * this.area.w;
var y = this.area.y + this.area.h;
this._drawLine(x, y, x, y + this.options.axisTickSize, lineAttrs);
if (this.options.axisLabelUseDiv) {
var label = DIV(labelStyle, tick[1]); = (y + this.options.axisTickSize) + "px"; = (x - this.options.axisLabelWidth/2) + "px"; = "center"; = this.options.axisLabelWidth + "px";
MochiKit.DOM.appendChildNodes(this.container, label);
else {
var attrs = {
y: (y + this.options.axisTickSize + this.options.axisLabelFontSize),
x: x - 3,
width: this.options.axisLabelWidth + "px",
height: (this.options.axisLabelFontSize + 3) + "px",
fontFamily: "Arial",
fontSize: this.options.axisLabelFontSize + "px",
fill: this.options.axisLabelColor.toRGBString(),
textAnchor: "middle"
var label = this.createSVGElement("text", attrs);
MochiKit.Iter.forEach(this.layout.xticks, bind(drawTick, this));
this._drawLine(this.area.x, this.area.y + this.area.h, this.area.x + this.area.w, this.area.y + this.area.h, lineAttrs)
PlotKit.SVGRenderer.prototype._renderPieAxis = function() {
if (this.layout.xticks) {
// make a lookup dict for x->slice values
var lookup = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < this.layout.slices.length; i++) {
lookup[this.layout.slices[i].xval] = this.layout.slices[i];
var centerx = this.area.x + this.area.w * 0.5;
var centery = this.area.y + this.area.h * 0.5;
var radius = Math.min(this.area.w * this.options.pieRadius + 10,
this.area.h * this.options.pieRadius + 10);
var labelWidth = this.options.axisLabelWidth;
for (var i = 0; i < this.layout.xticks.length; i++) {
var slice = lookup[this.layout.xticks[i][0]];
if (MochiKit.Base.isUndefinedOrNull(slice))
var angle = (slice.startAngle + slice.endAngle)/2;
// normalize the angle
var normalisedAngle = angle;
if (normalisedAngle > Math.PI * 2)
normalisedAngle = normalisedAngle - Math.PI * 2;
else if (normalisedAngle < 0)
normalisedAngle = normalisedAngle + Math.PI * 2;
var labelx = centerx + Math.sin(normalisedAngle) * (radius + 10);
var labely = centery - Math.cos(normalisedAngle) * (radius + 10);
var attrib = {
"position": "absolute",
"zIndex": 11,
"width": labelWidth + "px",
"fontSize": this.options.axisLabelFontSize + "px",
"overflow": "hidden",
"color": this.options.axisLabelColor.toHexString()
var svgattrib = {
"width": labelWidth + "px",
"fontSize": this.options.axisLabelFontSize + "px",
"height": (this.options.axisLabelFontSize + 3) + "px",
"fill": this.options.axisLabelColor.toRGBString()
if (normalisedAngle <= Math.PI * 0.5) {
// text on top and align left
MochiKit.Base.update(attrib, {
'textAlign': 'left', 'verticalAlign': 'top',
'left': labelx + 'px',
'top': (labely - this.options.axisLabelFontSize) + "px"
MochiKit.Base.update(svgattrib, {
"x": labelx,
"y" :(labely - this.options.axisLabelFontSize),
"textAnchor": "left"
else if ((normalisedAngle > Math.PI * 0.5) && (normalisedAngle <= Math.PI)) {
// text on bottom and align left
MochiKit.Base.update(attrib, {
'textAlign': 'left', 'verticalAlign': 'bottom',
'left': labelx + 'px',
'top': labely + "px"
MochiKit.Base.update(svgattrib, {
'textAnchor': 'left',
'x': labelx,
'y': labely
else if ((normalisedAngle > Math.PI) && (normalisedAngle <= Math.PI*1.5)) {
// text on bottom and align right
MochiKit.Base.update(attrib, {
'textAlign': 'right', 'verticalAlign': 'bottom',
'left': labelx + 'px',
'top': labely + "px"
MochiKit.Base.update(svgattrib, {
'textAnchor': 'right',
'x': labelx - labelWidth,
'y': labely
else {
// text on top and align right
MochiKit.Base.update(attrib, {
'textAlign': 'left', 'verticalAlign': 'bottom',
'left': labelx + 'px',
'top': labely + "px"
MochiKit.Base.update(svgattrib, {
'textAnchor': 'left',
'x': labelx - labelWidth,
'y': labely - this.options.axisLabelFontSize
if (this.options.axisLabelUseDiv) {
var label = DIV({'style': attrib}, this.layout.xticks[i][1]);
MochiKit.DOM.appendChildNodes(this.container, label);
else {
var label = this.createSVGElement("text", svgattrib);
PlotKit.SVGRenderer.prototype._renderBackground = function() {
var opts = {"stroke": "none",
"fill": this.options.backgroundColor.toRGBString()
this._drawRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height, opts);
PlotKit.SVGRenderer.prototype._drawRect = function(x, y, w, h, moreattrs) {
var attrs = {x: x + "px", y: y + "px", width: w + "px", height: h + "px"};
if (moreattrs)
MochiKit.Base.update(attrs, moreattrs);
var elem = this.createSVGElement("rect", attrs);
PlotKit.SVGRenderer.prototype._drawLine = function(x1, y1, x2, y2, moreattrs) {
var attrs = {x1: x1 + "px", y1: y1 + "px", x2: x2 + "px", y2: y2 + "px"};
if (moreattrs)
MochiKit.Base.update(attrs, moreattrs);
var elem = this.createSVGElement("line", attrs);
PlotKit.SVGRenderer.prototype.clear = function() {
while(this.element.firstChild) {
if (this.options.axisLabelUseDiv) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.xlabels.length; i++) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.ylabels.length; i++) {
this.xlabels = new Array();
this.ylabels = new Array();
PlotKit.SVGRenderer.prototype.createSVGElement = function(name, attrs) {
var isNil = MochiKit.Base.isUndefinedOrNull;
var elem;
var doc = isNil(this.document) ? document : this.document;
try {
elem = doc.createElementNS("", name);
catch (e) {
elem = doc.createElement(name);
elem.setAttribute("xmlns", "");
if (attrs)
MochiKit.DOM.updateNodeAttributes(elem, attrs);
// TODO: we don't completely emulate the MochiKit.DOM.createElement
// as we don't care about nodes contained. We really should though.
return elem;
PlotKit.SVGRenderer.SVGNS = '';
PlotKit.SVGRenderer.SVG = function(attrs) {
// we have to do things differently for IE+AdobeSVG.
// My guess this works (via trial and error) is that we need to
// have an SVG object in order to use SVGDocument.createElementNS
// but IE doesn't allow us to that.
var ie = navigator.appVersion.match(/MSIE (\d\.\d)/);
var opera = (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("opera") != -1);
if (ie && (ie[1] >= 6) && (!opera)) {
var width = attrs["width"] ? attrs["width"] : "100";
var height = attrs["height"] ? attrs["height"] : "100";
var eid = attrs["id"] ? attrs["id"] : "notunique";
var html = '<svg:svg width="' + width + '" height="' + height + '" ';
html += 'id="' + eid + '" version="1.1" baseProfile="full">';
var canvas = document.createElement(html);
// create embedded SVG inside SVG.
var group = canvas.getSVGDocument().createElementNS(PlotKit.SVGRenderer.SVGNS, "svg");
group.setAttribute("width", width);
group.setAttribute("height", height);
return canvas;
else {
return PlotKit.SVGRenderer.prototype.createSVGElement("svg", attrs);
PlotKit.SVGRenderer.isSupported = function() {
var isOpera = (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("opera") != -1);
var ieVersion = navigator.appVersion.match(/MSIE (\d\.\d)/);
var safariVersion = navigator.userAgent.match(/AppleWebKit\/(\d+)/);
var operaVersion = navigator.userAgent.match(/Opera\/(\d*\.\d*)/);
var mozillaVersion = navigator.userAgent.match(/rv:(\d*\.\d*).*Gecko/);
if (ieVersion && (ieVersion[1] >= 6) && !isOpera) {
var dummysvg = document.createElement('<svg:svg width="1" height="1" baseProfile="full" version="1.1" id="dummy">');
try {
dummysvg = null;
return true;
catch (e) {
return false;
/* support not really there yet. no text and paths are buggy
if (safariVersion && (safariVersion[1] > 419))
return true;
if (operaVersion && (operaVersion[1] > 8.9))
return true
if (mozillaVersion && (mozillaVersion > 1.7))
return true;
return false;